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  2. Dunno, France had more direct blood trying to hold onto its empire as in Algeria or Vietnam, Britain had more indirect blood from incompetent? malevolent? map making and the like. Wouldn't exonerate them just because it wasn't British troops doing the slaughter and religious cleansing in India or Biafra.
  3. God I have such high hopes, but I probably shouldn't.
  4. Finished Agency, it was a weird book. Stuff just happens, the people from the future just solve every issue. Apparently the original plot was some alternate history where Trump won, and the future was trying to save that. Flynn is barely in this, is mostly Netherton in quantum Skype calls.
  5. I know this is just a gag thread, but having done some cyber security courses for my job, the vendor had a video covering a study that says goatse, 'rickrolling' and other famous meme link gags - has not improved cybersecurity awareness across the world's population. Surprised me.
  6. France - lots more blood - and UK are more recent, their empires falling apart after those two, slightly.
  7. read 40 chapter of manga before remember anime adaptation will come out next year variety of funny face characters would make in manga are very impressive art is amazing so worth reading hope adaptation can live up to expectation
  8. LOAD"*",8,1 SEARCHING FOR * LOADING READY. RUN What actually sealed the deal for me wasn't merely the Ultima/Goldbox aesthetics. But rather: This is a horror-themed RPG, in a sense? When did the last major one come out, really? Bloodlines some five football Eureopean Championships ago? You've gotta be sh*tting me!!!!1 Light sources can be switched out for improved stealth chance (that, is outside of the sun). Combat and character mechanics seem straight-forward enough. But then, a lot of oldies used to be pretty straight forward in that. And I needn't even gather my party before venturing forth.
  9. You are correct about the healthy dose of skepticism, that should be applied to both sides. The reason, that I have shared the last video of Russian soldier claiming big losses, is that I have seen in the last week more than a few confirmed Russian milbloggers, that have been complaining about serious loses at the Kharkiv direction, which have used words, that have been last used by Prigozhin. Can we say with 100% sure, if he was really Russian soldier? Most likely not, but in context to the articles/blogs/tweets which I went through, and the UA side being able to reclaim some previously occupied areas, I have considered the video plausible enough to describe what’s going on in Kharkiv direction.
  10. No conclusion shopping, simply inaccurate relaying on my part, apologies. So, instead of "the two most recent examples", it should have read "two recent examples" being Germany and Japan.
  11. That would be a completely rubbish definition of imperialism and definitely would support the claim of conclusion shopping. If you do imperialism tied to a specific leader Rome wasn't an imperial power, and they literally gave us the term. Funnily enough I read that almost immediately after making the comment. Russia embiggening the videos, yeah. It's in their interest to. And there is certainly reasonable questions to be asked about whether someone claiming to be Ukrainian actually is when the source is (mostly) telegram. Same skepticism has to be applied both ways though, including, say, a video of a purported Russian claiming his unit has been almost entirely wiped out. Mostly though the problem with the Ukrainian claims about the TCC's conduct is how many are able to be geolocated. If Russia is able to shoot propaganda videos of people getting beaten up and chucked in vans by recruiters actually and identifiably in Odessa/ Kiev/ Lviv etc... well they wouldn't be using infiltration like that to shoot shakey cam videos of women swearing at them.
  12. I assume he is talking about imperialism tied to a particular leader and not the hundreds of years of European Colonialism or Imperialism Which is why he used WW2 Germany and Japan as an example And Russians imperialism is inextricably tied to Putins aspirations to recreate the old Soviet borders and Russian empire and under Putin specifically Russia has become more undemocratic and authoritarian Would it be the same if Putin died tomorrow, we dont know because there are other Russian nationalists but Russia now is definitely a reality of Putins political and geopolitical views He is huge factor in the political direction Russia is taking
  13. According to Ukrainian officials many of these videos has been “crafted” by Russia as a PSYOPS to undermine the UA efforts to defends itself which is pretty much plausible, taking into account their history of involvement in Ukraine https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/2/7458820/
  14. That one has been confirmed as a first hit by HIMARS in Russia.
  15. Yesterday
  16. Não consigo realizar um salvamento manual no meu jogo que está no NG4, aparece um erro dizendo que não tem espaço no armazenamento ( mesmo tendo espaço de sobra ) ... Criei um jogo do 0 e os salvamentos funcionam normalmente. Inclusive só meu mundo que está com problema o salve aparece como Desconhecido (onde seria o local que eu estou no mapa ex: matagal aparece desconhecido) . Não sei o que fazer pois o erro aparece como se não tivesse espaço mas relembrando tenho muito espaço livre de armazenamento!!
  17. Not the USSR? Or the UK? Or any of the pan Arabists? Or France (ok, maybe they haven't quite given up their imperial ambitions) Some selective choices and almost certain conclusion shopping going on if the author thought the last two were Germany and Japan. Ironically the Ukrainian TCC (ie recruiters) are probably the closest. Kind of telling that despite all the media blackout laws in Ukraine we get vastly more videos of their citizens getting obviously press ganged than Russians.
  18. It's 6/03/2024 I downloaded the the game outerworlds. I read up on the game and like you, I can't assign the points to get to level 2. Has anyone fixed this problem?
  19. Easy to sum up what was actually wrong with JA3 in one phrase: it just has no Buzz.
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