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Patch Notes: 1.04

Darren Monahan


These are the patch notes for 1.04, which is now available on Steam. It may be a bit before it's available on GOG and Origin, as they manually put it up.


We are now working on patch 1.05 and will launch the beta for it during the week of April 20th. We're continuing to read through support threads and e-mails. Thank you, everyone!


Update for GOG Linux Users: 1.04 is available on GOG, but not as a patch - unfortunately you have to download the full version of the game. GOG doesn't support patching for Linux for Pillars of Eternity unfortunately. They have the file version listed as

Items, Spells, and Abilities

  • AoE indicators should now properly resize if the caster has a sub 10 Intellect score.
  • Fixed an issue with over-time aura spells not applying the correct value on the final tick.
  • Knock Down will now correctly be applied for the full duration of the effect.
  • Mantle of The Dying Boar will now trigger at 33% Endurance with the effect of 5 Endurance a tick.
  • Talisman of the Unconquerable will now give a 1.25 Focus multiplier instead of .25.
  • Blooded should trigger properly in all cases now.
  • Boar Animal Companion bonus damage should now work as intended.
  • Prone Reduction mod should now work correctly.

Quests and Companions

  • Fixed Aloth and Kana speaking when they weren't in the party in one of the last levels.
  • Sagani's fox-specific banters now require the appropriate items in the player inventory.
  • Falanroed's dialogue no longer displays a script node.
  • Durance will now properly discuss your dream with you if you've already discussed his staff.
  • Relaxed some constraints on Durance's quest conversation. This allows all characters, regardless of background or stats, to finish his quest.
  • Players can now loot the nest in Oldsong.
  • Fixed an invalid conditional check in one of Pallegina's conversations.
  • Heritage Hill tower will be fully revealed when exploring the map.
  • Fixed spawn issue in a scripted interaction near the end of the game.
  • Fixed an invalid creature spawn in the Ogre Lair in Od Nua.
  • Sagani no longer references the antagonist by name before you know it.
  • A container in the Catacombs of Od Nua will now remember if it was looted.
  • The "Master's Tools" quest will now work if you have the required items before starting the quest.
  • The "A Two Story Job" scripted interaction will not require a second grappling hook to climb down from the window if one was already used to climb up.

General Fixes

  • Fix for camera movement problems when the game is paused or in a cutscene.
  • Fix to retroactively restore party movement in saves that display movement speed problems.
  • Made some fixes to movement speed problems that were being reported (e.g. Boots of Speed).
  • Fixed stacking health problems with the gul's "Vomit Blood" ability. This fix should retroactively fix your saved games.
  • Optimized Save/Load game system for better performance.
  • Optimized how scene transitions are handled for better memory usage on 32-bit machines. This may allow players to transition to new areas without running out of memory.
  • Sound Sets from hired companions will now be properly restored when adding them to the party from the stronghold.
  • "All Stronghold Upgrades" achievement now checks 25 upgrades instead of 26. This will properly reward the achievement if you already have fully upgraded your stronghold.
  • The "Kill All Dragons" achievement will now properly fire if they are killed indirectly (like by a trap). This is a retroactive fix and will be rewarded if the dragons are already dead.
  • Fixed issue where store prices were getting exceptionally large after receiving a discount.
  • Fixed issues with gaining infinite XP from bad Stronghold data.
  • World time will not get very large in some cases after Save/Load.
  • Modelling offset with Durance's head has been adjusted.
  • Icon scale is now correct on Hearth Harvest and Reghar Konnek.
  • All shaders will now compile properly under DirectX 11.
  • Restored all the missing effects in the intro cutscene.
  • Removed Blunderbuss item from an early game loot table.
  • Changed the cursor type on the blood pool in the Temple of Skaen to conversation.
  • Fixed a few save game issues with dead summoned creatures.
  • Fixed issue where occasionally a crash would occur when initializing the Steam API.
  • Draggable windows are now handled properly when running at very high resolutions.
  • Swamp Lurker's animation won't spaz anymore when the game is paused.
  • Fixed an issue to prevent binding mouse buttons to window controls.
  • Game will now pause if you Alt-Tab during a cutscene in full screen mode.
  • Audio will now resume properly if the game loses focus.
  • Fixed an issue with infinite load screen if you transition while hovering over a container.
  • Characters will now wait for their idle animation before trying to reload which fixes an animation sync issue.
  • Damaged characters performing AoE attacks will not overload their AI state stacks anymore.
  • Like 50


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Just so everyone knows, I am going to start a special beta branch in Steam tomorrow so people can start playing the beta build if they would like.


I will post more info about it tomorrow, then link it to this post.


EDIT: You can find info about the patch beta here.

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Aha, so that's why Durance isn't talking to me despite the quest log. I thought maybe it was all the ogre blood in my armor. Smelly stuff, hard to wash out.


Sounds like a great list.

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Great job, although I'm a bit disappointed that a fix for "Weapon ineffective" and "Spell cast" autopause options inverse behaviour is not on the list.
Maybe on 1.05, I'm actually wating for those fixes to start playing the game, since I make heavy use of autopause.

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Still waiting for a fix if you quicksaved after Maerwald and did not receive the ability and the choice due to that!

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Great job, although I'm a bit disappointed that a fix for "Weapon ineffective" and "Spell cast" autopause options inverse behaviour is not on the list.

Maybe on 1.05, I'm actually wating for those fixes to start playing the game, since I make heavy use of autopause.


The only auto-pause that's really useful is pause when enemy spotted.  


I wouldn't let waiting for any other autopause option fix keep you from enjoying the game.  You'll need to smack the space bar about 3 times per second anyways. ;)

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I said again and gona say it again. Stronghold event history tap should show recent event first. Its very hard to track what happened and when.

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<sigh> I can't play the game until the frame rate issue has been fixed. I am happy if the fps maintains a stable 20 (so I am not asking much, even on a machine that is only a little above specs), but now I get 8-10 when there are more than 3 characters present..

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I appreciate the general optimization stuff, thanks. I hope the next patch will be able to focus more on broken abilities and unintended mechanics like the wolf companion, interrupting blows or the monks single-weapon-in-off-hand problems.

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While we're at Sagani spoiling things, in 1.00, when I approached the Lighthouse, she said something along the lines:  "Why would the woman want to live in a place like that", referring to the quest and the plans to build an inn there. The problem is, I haven't talked to the NPC yet ! I suppose you could reproduce it like this:


1. Approach the Lighthouse with Sagani in party.

2. Hear her commenting on the Lighthouse

3. Approach the woman (Naia?) and talk to her for the first time.

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Nothing on the pretty common crashes in OSX while saving / entering new areas? It's been widely reported on the forums.

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Great job, although I'm a bit disappointed that a fix for "Weapon ineffective" and "Spell cast" autopause options inverse behaviour is not on the list.

Maybe on 1.05, I'm actually wating for those fixes to start playing the game, since I make heavy use of autopause.


The only auto-pause that's really useful is pause when enemy spotted.  


I wouldn't let waiting for any other autopause option fix keep you from enjoying the game.  You'll need to smack the space bar about 3 times per second anyways. ;)


Not if you also activate the 2 second autopause. Anyway, the problem is that the bug also causes the feedback in the combat log to be wrong, and that's important to me.

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"Raedric"-quest bug where Kolsc did not appear after Raedrics death still not fixed? When can we expect it? Or will this never ever happen? Just curious because this quest hangs in my questlog since the early beginning of the game, i sent savegames to Obsidian support and nothing seems to happen in this case :(

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- no fix for abilities getting stuck as "already activated"

- no fix for (randomly) varying movement speed among characters

- no fix for perma health increase after fighting guls

- no Sanitarium hostility fix


Yeah, this is the last time I pre-order anything.

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What's with the randomly varying movement speed?


I don't think I've ever experienced it.


That said, kudos to Obsidian for putting out two patches and two hot fixes so short after release :)

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What's with the randomly varying movement speed?

Some characters start moving really slow, while others move really fast.


EDIT: Apparently, YT links don't work properly - xxxx://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xXFFSFNh9g (replace xxxx with http)

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Never had any of those problems.  Have you tried troubleshooting hardware issues in the bugs subforum?

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Nice! Thanks for that kind of fast update delevering. I really appreciate your doing.


But I have one question: Won't the items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable get fixed? Or are they already save to use right now and I just missed something? Thought their fixes were announced for the next patch.


Keep up the good work!

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Just so everyone knows, I am going to start a special beta branch in Steam tomorrow so people can start playing the beta build if they would like.


I will post more info about it tomorrow, then link it to this post.


Know what is notable about Obsidian Dev's? You completely fail to be d-bags. Seriously, always so nice and helpful. I'm not accustomed to this kind of behavior in dev to customer relations.   wink.png

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When can we expect to see imperfections in reactivity corrected? My Priest of Eothas can still go around talking to people like he's never heard of Eothas before :p

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The bug which increases Health after fighting Guls really really really needs to be fixed, and fixed retroactively. My tanky characters will see a permanent boost of 100+ health every time they fight Guls. It's getting silly.

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