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Okay so Here is What Actually happened with Obsidian Writer that "Resigned"

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I hope Obsidian recognize the fact that these people are not their customers, fans and/or people who respect them. Heck, SJWs take pride in the fact they don't support the "dirty gaming industry".(not including candy crush)


At this time there's been no indication in any of the links that Obsidian ever got involved, that I can see.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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At this time there's been no indication in any of the links that Obsidian ever got involved, that I can see.


Indeed. At the moment there's an awful lot of jumping to conclusions. That's all really.



And with that said, please lock this thread, dearest moderators.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Ian Miles Cheong, lol.


Anyhow, I've read the comments, and no, they were not just 'conservative opinions'. Many of the 'opinions' expressed were scathingly racist, sexist, xenophobic and slanderous. Moreover, they were expressed on a public forum. If Obsidian did encourage the writer to resign because they didn't want to deal with having those comments linked to their company and their employees, that is entirely within their rights and not the injustice you lot wish to spin it as. It's his fault for not being more careful of the things he expressed in a public medium.


Secondly, the whole idea that this would lead to a game sanitized of controversial themes is frankly a misunderstanding of how any narrative artform works. Characters and even narrators in a narrative medium *do not* usually speak for the author. An author is perfectly capable of creating a racist, sexist, xenophobic, zealous character without sympathizing with those opinions. Do you think that the writers that scripted the possibility for the player to embrace Woedica are zealots? As Sawyer has said in a recent interview, racism against orlans will not magically go away and it is bound to be included *even as a trait for one of your companions*, namely Edér. There is no slippery slope here (and mind that the "slippery slope" isn't called a fallacy for no reason).


Thirdly, this thread was already closed once, why is it even allowed to be open again? Were I a mod I would have closed it immediately as this would go against moderator action. Lock this backwards nonsense, please.


For the record I do think the whole limerick business was blown way out of proportion, I think the joke was widely misunderstood but it was certainly more open to personal interpretation and so on. Less so this case, which is pretty straightforward and in which the context has also been provided to make for the tone and intention.


So According to you Ghazi did nothing wrong ? What  opinions were "scathingly racist, sexist, xenophobic and slanderous".

Tell me.

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At this time there's been no indication in any of the links that Obsidian ever got involved, that I can see.


Indeed. At the moment there's an awful lot of jumping to conclusions. That's all really.



And with that said, please lock this thread, dearest moderators.



You know  this makes you look bit desperate to avoid backslash.   I think it be better for there to be one thread  than let it spill out. which would honestly  happen if it were percieved people were censoring discusion.

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Please discuss the issues, not each other.  Sniping at one another will lead to the closure of this thread.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Ian Miles Cheong, lol.


Anyhow, I've read the comments, and no, they were not just 'conservative opinions'. Many of the 'opinions' expressed were scathingly racist, sexist, xenophobic and slanderous. Moreover, they were expressed on a public forum. If Obsidian did encourage the writer to resign because they didn't want to deal with having those comments linked to their company and their employees, that is entirely within their rights and not the injustice you lot wish to spin it as. It's his fault for not being more careful of the things he expressed in a public medium.


Secondly, the whole idea that this would lead to a game sanitized of controversial themes is frankly a misunderstanding of how any narrative artform works. Characters and even narrators in a narrative medium *do not* usually speak for the author. An author is perfectly capable of creating a racist, sexist, xenophobic, zealous character without sympathizing with those opinions. Do you think that the writers that scripted the possibility for the player to embrace Woedica are zealots? As Sawyer has said in a recent interview, racism against orlans will not magically go away and it is bound to be included *even as a trait for one of your companions*, namely Edér. There is no slippery slope here (and mind that the "slippery slope" isn't called a fallacy for no reason).


Thirdly, this thread was already closed once, why is it even allowed to be open again? Were I a mod I would have closed it immediately as this would go against moderator action. Lock this backwards nonsense, please.


For the record I do think the whole limerick business was blown way out of proportion, I think the joke was widely misunderstood but it was certainly more open to personal interpretation and so on. Less so this case, which is pretty straightforward and in which the context has also been provided to make for the tone and intention.


So According to you Ghazi did nothing wrong ? What  opinions were "scathingly racist, sexist, xenophobic and slanderous".

Tell me.



"I will continue to 'mix' it up until one of their boyfriends jacks me with a pipe." (re: black women)


I don't see how this is not slanderous, racist and sexist, for one. The assumption that black women are inherently adulterous aside, the attention given to interracial sexual relations here or in other comments like the proposition to ban unmarried Muslim men from entering the EU really speak for themselves. The fear of the loss of Western ideals before the exposure to other cultures, as well as the implied notion of keeping a 'pure white race' alive was already old-hat by the time Lovecraft was basing horror stories around it a century ago.


Also I never spoke of Ghazi. Do I think they did nothing wrong? Of course not, they're trash. But I won't assume that the comments made were any less derogatory and as has been addressed by me and several others before me, you are jumping to far-fetched and unfounded conclusions because of it.

Edited by algroth
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My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/alephg

Currently playing: Roadwarden

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So at least this time you got the person resigning right. I don't think Obsidian will be scratching everything he wrote for the game and at this point of development, is there even much they will add to the game? it's nearing alpha/beta stage, so I don't think they will be doing massive amounts of writing for the game.

Couldn't care less about SJW's or the equally retarded people who are strictly opposed to them and see them as the end of the world. The very idiotic fight about a limerick was enough and got blown out of proportion by both parties.


It's not the 1950's when you could just talk **** about everyone and only your neighbour would know what an ***hat you are. When you post stuff online in a public forum for everyone to see and read, you will risk your livelyhood if you want to work in certain careers. Is it completely fair? Probably not, but then again most companies care about their public image enough to react if they find you posting rasistic, homophobic or otherwise hateful material online.







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Hate the living, love the dead.

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So at least this time you got the person resigning right. I don't think Obsidian will be scratching everything he wrote for the game and at this point of development, is there even much they will add to the game? it's nearing alpha/beta stage, so I don't think they will be doing massive amounts of writing for the game.


Couldn't care less about SJW's or the equally retarded people who are strictly opposed to them and see them as the end of the world. The very idiotic fight about a limerick was enough and got blown out of proportion by both parties.


It's not the 1950's when you could just talk **** about everyone and only your neighbour would know what an ***hat you are. When you post stuff online in a public forum for everyone to see and read, you will risk your livelyhood if you want to work in certain careers. Is it completely fair? Probably not, but then again most companies care about their public image enough to react if they find you posting rasistic, homophobic or otherwise hateful material online.







^This, exactly.

My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/alephg

Currently playing: Roadwarden

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I hope Obsidian recognize the fact that these people are not their customers, fans and/or people who respect them. Heck, SJWs take pride in the fact they don't support the "dirty gaming industry".(not including candy crush)


So like I'm sure you'd call me an SJW (with all the misunderstanding applying that label entails) and I've been around since Black Isle. I'm not unique.


Not that there's any indication that anyone pressured Obsidian to fire the guy, or that Obsidian pressured the guy to quit.

Edited by Belle Sorciere
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"I will continue to 'mix' it up until one of their boyfriends jacks me with a pipe." (re: black women)


I don't see how this is not slanderous, racist and sexist, for one. The assumption that black women are inherently adulterous aside, the attention given to interracial sexual relations here or in other comments like the proposition to ban unmarried Muslim men from entering the EU really speak for themselves. The fear of the loss of Western ideals before the exposure to other cultures, as well as the implied notion of keeping a 'pure white race' alive was already old-hat by the time Lovecraft was basing horror stories around it a century ago.


Also I never spoke of Ghazi. Do I think they did nothing wrong? Of course not, they're trash. But I won't assume that the comments made were any less derogatory and as has been addressed by me and several others before me, you are jumping to far-fetched and unfounded conclusions because of it.



One of my favorite Lovecraft facts is that toward the end of his life he stated that the opinions of his younger self were incredibly foolish, misguided, and obnoxious. Aka, the biggest racist of fiction in the last century thought he was being an idiot when espousing those views.

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Reddit should be nuked and clickbait along with it.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Wait, what was controversial about Raedric's Hold?


His comments were bad, but not that bad. Annoying but not worth trying to out him. Have you ever been fired? It sucks hard. You never really get over it. At least he was only freelance.


But if Obsidian ousted him it's because they don't want it going viral and toxic, not because they want a bland, safe story.

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1. A writer wrote some stuff on the Internet <- Fact
2. A part of the Internet gets angry and offended <- Fact
3. *
4. Writer resigns <- Fact

*[speculation/Questions]Did he feel pressured/sweaty because of Obsidian or did he feel pressured/sweaty because of the mob?[/speculation/questions]

That's all I get out of this article and thread.

So the OP is wondering if the quality of the writing is going to go down because of this? Who knows. Will it go up? Who knows. Would it have been better with the man in question still at Obsidian? Who knows. Will it be better because he resigned? Who knows.

Who knows!

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Ian Miles Cheong, lol.


Anyhow, I've read the comments, and no, they were not just 'conservative opinions'. Many of the 'opinions' expressed were scathingly racist, sexist, xenophobic and slanderous. Moreover, they were expressed on a public forum. If Obsidian did encourage the writer to resign because they didn't want to deal with having those comments linked to their company and their employees, that is entirely within their rights and not the injustice you lot wish to spin it as. It's his fault for not being more careful of the things he expressed in a public medium.


Secondly, the whole idea that this would lead to a game sanitized of controversial themes is frankly a misunderstanding of how any narrative artform works. Characters and even narrators in a narrative medium *do not* usually speak for the author. An author is perfectly capable of creating a racist, sexist, xenophobic, zealous character without sympathizing with those opinions. Do you think that the writers that scripted the possibility for the player to embrace Woedica are zealots? As Sawyer has said in a recent interview, racism against orlans will not magically go away and it is bound to be included *even as a trait for one of your companions*, namely Edér. There is no slippery slope here (and mind that the "slippery slope" isn't called a fallacy for no reason).


Thirdly, this thread was already closed once, why is it even allowed to be open again? Were I a mod I would have closed it immediately as this would go against moderator action. Lock this backwards nonsense, please.


For the record I do think the whole limerick business was blown way out of proportion, I think the joke was widely misunderstood but it was certainly more open to personal interpretation and so on. Less so this case, which is pretty straightforward and in which the context has also been provided to make for the tone and intention.


So According to you Ghazi did nothing wrong ? What  opinions were "scathingly racist, sexist, xenophobic and slanderous".

Tell me.



"I will continue to 'mix' it up until one of their boyfriends jacks me with a pipe." (re: black women)


I don't see how this is not slanderous, racist and sexist, for one. The assumption that black women are inherently adulterous aside, the attention given to interracial sexual relations here or in other comments like the proposition to ban unmarried Muslim men from entering the EU really speak for themselves. The fear of the loss of Western ideals before the exposure to other cultures, as well as the implied notion of keeping a 'pure white race' alive was already old-hat by the time Lovecraft was basing horror stories around it a century ago.


Also I never spoke of Ghazi. Do I think they did nothing wrong? Of course not, they're trash. But I won't assume that the comments made were any less derogatory and as has been addressed by me and several others before me, you are jumping to far-fetched and unfounded conclusions because of it.



You are not fan of interracial sexual relations ?  As for the Unmarried Muslim men thing, I dont see what is racist about Suggesting EU should adopt Canada Refugee policy. And the black woman things can be simply two fetishes. one for married women. I seen such people and i dont apreciate your kink shaming.

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"I will continue to 'mix' it up until one of their boyfriends jacks me with a pipe." (re: black women)


I don't see how this is not slanderous, racist and sexist, for one. The assumption that black women are inherently adulterous aside, the attention given to interracial sexual relations here or in other comments like the proposition to ban unmarried Muslim men from entering the EU really speak for themselves. The fear of the loss of Western ideals before the exposure to other cultures, as well as the implied notion of keeping a 'pure white race' alive was already old-hat by the time Lovecraft was basing horror stories around it a century ago.


Also I never spoke of Ghazi. Do I think they did nothing wrong? Of course not, they're trash. But I won't assume that the comments made were any less derogatory and as has been addressed by me and several others before me, you are jumping to far-fetched and unfounded conclusions because of it.



One of my favorite Lovecraft facts is that toward the end of his life he stated that the opinions of his younger self were incredibly foolish, misguided, and obnoxious. Aka, the biggest racist of fiction in the last century thought he was being an idiot when espousing those views.



I dont know how Is Lovecraft relevant to this discusion. This to me seems to me like what would be called virtue signaling. Furthermore are you really comparing Opinions of the Writer to Lovecrafts ? Im i understanding it right ?

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I hope Obsidian recognize the fact that these people are not their customers, fans and/or people who respect them. Heck, SJWs take pride in the fact they don't support the "dirty gaming industry".(not including candy crush)


So like I'm sure you'd call me an SJW (with all the misunderstanding applying that label entails) and I've been around since Black Isle. I'm not unique.


Not that there's any indication that anyone pressured Obsidian to fire the guy, or that Obsidian pressured the guy to quit.



So you think guy should have been fired for his opinions ?

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Wait, what was controversial about Raedric's Hold?


His comments were bad, but not that bad. Annoying but not worth trying to out him. Have you ever been fired? It sucks hard. You never really get over it. At least he was only freelance.


But if Obsidian ousted him it's because they don't want it going viral and toxic, not because they want a bland, safe story.

Raedric hold jeez I meant the Village under it. Sorry for confusion its some time since i played it. I meant The tree.


Yeah sadly Obsidian was put into **** position not helped by the fact that part of gaming media is symphatetic to ghazi types.  And I doubt obsidian wants to piss them off What with them remembering the whole Fallout new Vegas Thing.

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1. A writer wrote some stuff on the Internet <- Fact

2. A part of the Internet gets angry and offended <- Fact

3. *

4. Writer resigns <- Fact


*[speculation/Questions]Did he feel pressured/sweaty because of Obsidian or did he feel pressured/sweaty because of the mob?[/speculation/questions]


That's all I get out of this article and thread.


So the OP is wondering if the quality of the writing is going to go down because of this? Who knows. Will it go up? Who knows. Would it have been better with the man in question still at Obsidian? Who knows. Will it be better because he resigned? Who knows.


Who knows!


Who knows indeed. Im afraid that this might be just first step on slope. Afterall Hitler didnt suddenly come to power in germany and proceeded to invade russia minute  later. if you get what i mean. 

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Ian Miles Cheong, lol.


Good grief. Exitium/Rex wrote that garbage? Figures he's writing for the Daily Caller. Even his level of insufferability got him booted from the Codex.

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"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Wait, what was controversial about Raedric's Hold?


His comments were bad, but not that bad. Annoying but not worth trying to out him. Have you ever been fired? It sucks hard. You never really get over it. At least he was only freelance.


But if Obsidian ousted him it's because they don't want it going viral and toxic, not because they want a bland, safe story.

Raedric hold jeez I meant the Village under it. Sorry for confusion its some time since i played it. I meant The tree.


What is so special about the village that people would get upset over it? It's not like they are hanging muslims, black women or people who made bad limerics. There's nothing to be upset about, or well at least not in SJW way.

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Hate the living, love the dead.

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