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Everything posted by PugPug

  1. So for Illusionists, the benefit from the +2 power level... You get +10% duration and +2 accuracy. But also another +1 accuracy bonus from ability level scaling?
  2. I'm playing with my son. We can't find bugs to hunt or any dewdrops, either. Mushrooms never regrow. There is nothing to do but venture farther out into more dangerous areas and hope you find enough meat to offset the sickness from drinking dirty water. We've reached a point where it's basically game over. I googled "grounded bug respawn rates," and I guess there are problems with other insects filling up the population cap? We found a tunnel with a couple of mites outside. Maybe the inside is full of them, and that's why we're starving? I'm just surprised that as far along as this game is, even in early access, it's so fast and easy to reach a point where it is unplayable unless you search the internet for solutions. It would never occur to me to seek an underground cavern and stab everything in sight to free up the mob cap, if indeed that would even work. Bugs should just... respawn.
  3. I think "stop on engagement" is actually optional, it's just enabled by default. You'd still get the attack of opportunity disengagement attack, of course.
  4. Is anyone discounted? Like, say, NPCs whom you recruit in quests and should be loyal to you?
  5. I have it set to By List Order: "The character will use the first behavior set selected to determine their action. If no ability or spell is available from that first set, they will use the second behavior set." I have been assuming that this also means if none of the conditions of the first set are met, it will check the second set.
  6. It's not that great as a single class? I was thinking that depending on the focus gen, it might actually be a better Beguiler than the Beguiler. The Deception range buff doesn't help with your beguiling very much, but not having to rely on Str/Dex to generate focus would enable you to pump Per/Int and have really accurate, large, long-lasting debuffs.
  7. When you summon Ondra's Whip and give it a command to move, it remains fixed in its location and says text string -1 is missing.
  8. "Best current threat" is an ambiguous description to begin with. I assume it means the strongest enemy on the battlefield, but even then, how it determines that would be a total mystery. I'm not sure, but I've been setting "Most Damage Done" as the target priority and that's how I've been identifying The Big Bad. I would think that would target the one who's done the most damage thus far in combat, not necessarily the highest damage dealer. But maybe that's close enough after a few rounds.
  9. I assume there is a technical reason. Like for example, maybe there are really three of each companion, and when you pick a class/multiclass, you get one of them. Switching would mean deleting your companion and giving you a "different" one. As I recall, how companions would be classed/multiclassed was confirmed to us pretty late in development. Maybe they had to make the decision not to retrofit the reroll tool to accommodate it. This is all my theory not based on any tweets or anything whatsoever.
  10. Could you post screen shots of both your companion roster and ship? Hah I just noticed I don't have Tekehu! What's wrong with the ship? I need to fill in the resting spots? https://i.imgur.com/PnjjX6j.jpg
  11. Are you quite sure? No one cared in POE1 if you picked locks or disarmed trapped chests so long as you didn't take anything, but I picked a lock in POE2 and lost reputation. PugPug no I'm not sure. I thought I picked one and didn't get in trouble, but that might have just been a buggy NPC/container or maybe field of vision plays into it. I'll try to test more tonight and see if I can reproduce. It's subtle. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been keeping an eye on the dialogue/combat log window to check. It was the chest in the Port Maje mayor-type-guy's office.
  12. Are you quite sure? No one cared in POE1 if you picked locks or disarmed trapped chests so long as you didn't take anything, but I picked a lock in POE2 and lost reputation.
  13. Hm for some reason two achievements are not unlocking for me tonight. Recruit all the companions and put a crew member in all ship slots. Do I need to do something special, or is it being weird for some reason?
  14. They do count as dual wielding, but for a barbarian it is probably not worth keeping the gun due to full attacks. I suggest that you read this https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98647-is-there-any-point-to-dual-wielding-meleeranged-swordgun/ Thanks. But what does full attacks have to do with anything?
  15. "Best current threat" is an ambiguous description to begin with. I assume it means the strongest enemy on the battlefield, but even then, how it determines that would be a total mystery. I tried to make that work with -always true>prayer for the body>ally>highest will- so that Xoti buffs my watcher every fight but it seems to not be working. Are you using another conditional than always true ?? What is it doing instead? Not casting at all or casting on someone else?
  16. I really like her. I wish she narrated all the narrator text, rather than only parts of the critical path.
  17. They had a survey focused on DLC. How many, what size, how often, what type, “season pass.” I am guessing they did not do the survey just to ignore it, and this is what many fans want.
  18. I also wish there was a condition for spell casts for that spell level remaining, just like there are for other resources. I assume the problem is it would have to be a condition for each spell level for each class. Which wouldn’t be a problem if they streamlined the UI and gave us collapsible categories.
  19. This is the thing that excited me most about POE2. Call me a weirdo if you want. Allies and enemies seem to be relative to the target. To target an enemy grouped with other enemies, you want to start with the condition allies in melee range. You can set AI commands for usable items, too. Give Gaun's Pledge to Xoti as a backup! Multiple conditions can be leveraged to cancel an ability if one condition stops being met. For example, if you want an ability to be used on an an enemy that is engaging you and not near death, you can do that. If the enemy turns away or is damaged to near death, the casting will be canceled. I set up Holy Radiance to only fire automatically if the priest is hurt and at least one ally is in melee range. I'm trying to figure out a way to attack an enemy that is attacking a squishy party member. I'll have to mess with it later, but I am not sure it's possible.
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