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Just a few weeks from two major PS4 game releases I've been looking forward to for about a decade and my PS4 starts ejecting discs randomly. I am not looking forward to this...


I guess if it's still doing it tomorrow and I send it in, I'll probably have it back before they release. Or shortly thereafter.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Final Fantasy XV (10 years) and The Last Guardian (7 years).

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Final Fantasy XV (10 years) and The Last Guardian (7 years).


It hasn't been 10 years since the last Final Fantasy, has it?  Or is XV the continuation of the story that began in the game released 10 years ago?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Final Fantasy XV began life as Final Fantasy XIII: Versus, a game unrelated to XIII but I believe slated to release simultaneously with it. Somewhere down the line that plan fell through and went dark before being re-branded as XV.


As for the Last Guardian, I found it at least a little funny how Team Ico managed to not make a game for the console generation that was the longest by a country mile.

“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Final Fantasy XV (10 years) and The Last Guardian (7 years).


It hasn't been 10 years since the last Final Fantasy, has it?  Or is XV the continuation of the story that began in the game released 10 years ago?


It was announced pretty much at the same time as Final Fantasy XIII. Which went on to have two of its own sequels, then there was another Final Fantasy MMO. So it was announced about 4 games ago.


When it was announced, as Final Fantasy versus XIII, it garnered a lot of attention for being developed mostly by Kingdom Hearts and FF VII team members, as well as having a darker tone, action combat, and heavy inspiration from real world locations and the Japanese mafia. This, of course, appealed to the mid-20s me. The game's changed a lot since then, though, especially in the transition from versus XIII to XV, seeming to lose some of the dark and edgy aspect in particular. But I still like what I've seen.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Time to finish up Mad Max so that nothing stands between me and Tyranny tomorrow (except work).  Too bad I don't get Veteran's Day off.  I guess my company hates the brave men and women that risked and gave their lives for our country.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I've done it everytime I've done ME1 on console, which was quite a few.


Then again, I'm one of those guys who tried to completely mow the fog of war in the IE games, and the copy-pasting content in DA2 didn't bother me, so I may just have a high tolerance level for the flaws in the MAKO implementation.

Wait...are you me?  I don't think I've ever seen anyone else who didn't mind the copy-paste in DA2.


Anyway, I'm playing DA:I, and I think the game is better than I expected given what I'd heard about it.  The combat isn't exactly great (and the camera sucks) but it's unobjectionable for the most part.  The quests aren't as bad as I expected (most of the "MMO" ones that people complain about are completely optional, and I usually end up completing just doing other stuff) and the characters are a lot more likeable than I thought they would be.  There's even been moments that had me chuckling.  My biggest complaint about the game is that it's kind of overstaying it's welcome.  I think I'm about 2/3rds through the game, and I'm already at 100 hours.  I still want to try at least two more playthroughs, but the length is kind of making me rethink it.

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Ran through the tutorial of Dishonored 2, it's looking fairly pretty and keeping to the atmospheric slice of the first game. Trying to decide if I reaaaaly want to start playing the game proper at 1am....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Huh. I was about to jump back into a bit of arsing around on ME3. I hadn't realised that they have to validate all DLC with the servers every single time you run the game, I'd assumed it was like the previous games where it validated the first time you switched it on. So with the ME server apparently being down, it won't validate anything and therefore won't let me load my save game.  >_<

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I'm wrapping up with the sidequest from White March, particularly that one overpowered boss fight they threw in  there to remind me what I hate about old CRPGs.


How come they have the notion to include gimmicks like colorblind mode for what is likely a minority of player but don't have the forethought to add an autosave before combat so I don't have to listen to the same dialogue options every time I attempt to survive a broken boss fight? I guess the rest of us should just wait until seething rage is declared a disability. 


Catering to a pretty common handicap (at least for males from Northern European descent) is hardly a "gimmick", especially given how fond game devs are about using colours in places were not being able to discern them can be a serious disadvantage. I also think that there's tools available nowadays for game developers to make catering to this easy (I base this assumption on how common colour blind modes are nowadays compared to the "bad old days")


I remember "fun times" in Warframe where I had to hug every damn locker because I could not differentiate based on colour whether it was open or locked. I remember having similar problems in some RPGs where I couldn't discern whether an NPC was friendly or hostile (until the hostile ones attacked me, of course) by the circles under their feet (that might even have been PoE, might also have been the Beamdog IE reboots)


On that note, modern World of Warcraft has the most extensive colour blind options I've ever seen. Props to Blizzard for that.


That aside I do agree that not having the autosave sucks.



Sticking to Pillars of Eternity is ... Difficult. I was so enthralled by the game first time around that I managed to finish it, but when I was replaying it with WM, I started noticing just how much pointless filler there is. Just a trash encounter after trash encounter. That game really needed proverbial editor to ask "What is this encounter for? And this one? How is this location relevant to the plot or lore? So, are you absolutely, positively certain you need to undermine quality of your megadungeon by having 15 floors just because backers?" and cut and chop to make the game half its length.


 Story mode difficulty for the win, for me. It makes most trash negligable. It also makes the real fights negligable, but since I've never been someone to really get deep into the strategy of CRPGs and am mostly there for the story, it makes the sacrifice worth it.


Plodding my way through Draenor in WoW, if nothing else it's nice for the nostalgia factor of seeing Draenor before it got turned into the hell-hole that was Outland.


Quests are uninspired as ever though: go free this guy. Oh, and in case you were considering trying something smart that didn't involve murdering your way through the enemy: here's a quest to kill 15 of the enemy's guys. I feel like these areas mostly coast on the nostalgia wave, at least for me.


Anyway, *hate* what they did to the class balance. My mage is as tanky as your average paladin for some reason, and hits like one too. Glass cannon? Yeah no. "Concrete peashooter" more like.

The lack of skill trees totally killed the variety in skills you had as well (after they already murdered utility skills earlier; in Cataclysm or WotLK or so), no more access to Arcane Explosion if you aren't arcane specced. Huzzah and stuff. In general it seems they've continued pushing the Fire mage spec in the wrong direction. I kinda enjoyed how positioning and aggro management were key to getting good DPS out of a Fire mage, now with all these mobility  crutchestools it's just too...streamlined? Honestly, it feels more like playing an Arcane mage in WotLK (which I didn' t quite enjoy as much, so yeah)...


Anyway, will probably work my way through Draenor at least (curious to see Shattrath) after that is up in the air.


Ironically, the cloth wearing mages and warlocks are much tankier than my mail wearing Shaman. Enhancement Shaman has never been more fun. Anyway, don't expect much of Shattrath. You never get to go in.



Well crap, that just killed my motivation to soldier on... Combat is completely broken nowadays so I'm just taking in the sights really, and if those end up sucking, yeah well...


Also I figured out that I need a group to find out what happened to Hellscream (and for some reason Saurfang is in his place and Mr. Troll Chief is also gone). Honestly WoW does a beyond terrible job of keeping people in the loop about what happened if you're not constantly playing. Would it have been so hard to get Saurfang to give you an explanation or something? Thankfully there's still the Wiki (such as it is, seems to be well past its glory days) so I now know that Sylvanas is Warchief (that's gonna be interesting) and that Troll Boss apparently got killed in the most lame way imaginable.

Edited by marelooke
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If it makes you feel any better, Auchindoun and Karabor are pretty gorgeous.


Anyway, Hellscream was kinda the end boss of Pandaria. It was a pretty big deal. As for Troll Boss, the only reason people let his killed-by-random-demon death slide is because he's got connections in the afterlife and it's obvious this is not the end for him.


I'm more bothered by the Legion content that tells me I need to atone for killing Illidan who is apparently a saviour. You know, despite the fact that Illidan created the Fel Orcs, enslaved the Broken and took complete control over all the water in Outland and he seriously needed to be put down no matter how good the intentions of his master plan are. This storyline better end with the revelation that the Naaru are lying to us.

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In other words, pirates are getting the superior version again. Aren't you glad EA has this whole auth service to check whether you have actually purchased their DLC after purchasing their DLC?

And they get cool keygen music too.


Grinding away in ME3. Mordin dead, Samara dead, but Kaidan still lives which is a shame. Miranda will live too, but that's ok.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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If it makes you feel any better, Auchindoun and Karabor are pretty gorgeous.


Anyway, Hellscream was kinda the end boss of Pandaria. It was a pretty big deal. As for Troll Boss, the only reason people let his killed-by-random-demon death slide is because he's got connections in the afterlife and it's obvious this is not the end for him.


I'm more bothered by the Legion content that tells me I need to atone for killing Illidan who is apparently a saviour. You know, despite the fact that Illidan created the Fel Orcs, enslaved the Broken and took complete control over all the water in Outland and he seriously needed to be put down no matter how good the intentions of his master plan are. This storyline better end with the revelation that the Naaru are lying to us.

Illidan what is necessary. So says all his edgy fans that have just learned what exitus acta probat means and now feel they know the real world, anyway. But then again he is an emo stalker type so a lot can identify with him :lol:


I find the idea he's making sacrifices especially irritating as mostly it seems to be others' blood and pain. Hopefully we avoid SC2's ending..

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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If it makes you feel any better, Auchindoun and Karabor are pretty gorgeous.


Anyway, Hellscream was kinda the end boss of Pandaria. It was a pretty big deal. As for Troll Boss, the only reason people let his killed-by-random-demon death slide is because he's got connections in the afterlife and it's obvious this is not the end for him.


I'm more bothered by the Legion content that tells me I need to atone for killing Illidan who is apparently a saviour. You know, despite the fact that Illidan created the Fel Orcs, enslaved the Broken and took complete control over all the water in Outland and he seriously needed to be put down no matter how good the intentions of his master plan are. This storyline better end with the revelation that the Naaru are lying to us.


That's what confused me since I had all the Quest achievements for MoP (bought Draenor and never really started playing that expansion), so I was wondering what I missed... Guess I stopped playing just before that final raid and those scenarios. Of course now there is the same problem they introduced Raid Finder for anyway: people missing out on content due to not being able to raid (or playing at the time), guess next up is a single player version of each and every raid </sarcasm>.


I mean not even a single mention to people that join or return after the fact is kinda...lame? Suddenly everything's changed and apparently nobody still talks about it. For something that was apparently a big deal that's kinda weird. Seriously some quest connecting things (just dialogues filling people in would be good enough) would have been nice. Then again WoW has always been pretty half-assed in this respect, compared to say, EverQuest 2 (where NPCS were still talking about the destruction (and rebuilding) of Freeport so even people that weren't around at the time, like me, still got the gist of what happened).


Also given the fond memories most raiders have of M'uru I don't see the Naaru suddenly being the bad guys ending well, though players did manage to kill A'dal on my realm (Wildhammer-EU) during the Scourge Invasion, which was kind of hilarious ;-) Also, don't they dare devalue the awesomeness of my "Hand of A'dal" title!



Oh yeah, and aside from WoW I'm still mostly playing Forza Horizon 3. Next major patch (expansion) to Warframe should be arriving this week too, looking forward to that since it'll be a lore patch!


EDIT: typos, so many typos!

Edited by marelooke
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If it makes you feel any better, Auchindoun and Karabor are pretty gorgeous.


Anyway, Hellscream was kinda the end boss of Pandaria. It was a pretty big deal. As for Troll Boss, the only reason people let his killed-by-random-demon death slide is because he's got connections in the afterlife and it's obvious this is not the end for him.


I'm more bothered by the Legion content that tells me I need to atone for killing Illidan who is apparently a saviour. You know, despite the fact that Illidan created the Fel Orcs, enslaved the Broken and took complete control over all the water in Outland and he seriously needed to be put down no matter how good the intentions of his master plan are. This storyline better end with the revelation that the Naaru are lying to us.


That's what confused me since I had all the Quest achievements for MoP (bought Draenor and never really started playing that expansion), so I was wondering what I missed... Guess I stopped playing just before that final raid and those scenarios. Of course now there is the same problem they introduced Raid Finder for anyway: people missing out on content due to not being able to raid (or playing at the time), guess next up is a single player version of each and every raid .


I mean not even a single mention to people that join or return after the fact is kinda...lame? Suddenly everything's changed and apparently nobody still talks about it. For something that was apparently a big deal that's kinda weird. Seriously some quest connecting things (just dialogues filling people in would be good enough) would have been nice. Then again WoW has always been pretty half-assed in this respect, compared to say, EverQuest 2 (where NPCS were still talking about the destruction (and rebuilding) of Freeport so even people that weren't around at the time, like me, still got the gist of what happened).


Also given the fond memories most raiders have of M'uru I don't see the Naaru suddenly being the bad guys ending well, though players did manage to kill A'dal on my realm (Wildhammer-EU) during the Scourge Invasion, which was kind of hilarious ;-) Also, don't they dare devalue the awesomeness of my "Hand of A'dal" title!



Oh yeah, and aside from WoW I'm still mostly playing Forza Horizon 3. Next major patch (expansion) to Warframe should be arriving this week too, looking forward to that since it'll be a lore patch!


EDIT: typos, so many typos!



Well, it is "heart" of a specific Naaru. Not the Naaru in general. And this heart was supposed to only be accessible to another Naaru, but that got killed and we somehow still got it to talk to us. Things seem fishy. That coupled with the fact that before Legion, Anduin was said (by Velen, the Prophet) to be what they're now saying Illidan is. And right before we accessed it, Velen just happened to have been traumatised into giving up the light, so the only one who could disagree now won't. Seems fishy to me, especially combined with some of the whispers of a current old-God related raid boss.


And yeah, persistent world isn't WoW's forte even when they're not putting most of the significant lore in books rather than the game. I mean, when you're a new player you still fight Deathwing, then go back in time to deal with Illidan and the Lich King, then fight Deathwing again, then fight Garrosh and going back in time to fight his dad while the current time Legion invades old-time Draenor to get into current time Azeroth. I recently rolled a Panda monk to try it out because I skipped Pandaland and was surprised to find Garrosh talking to me while Vol'Jin sat on the throne next to him. I heard the same thing happens with the late Varian talking to alliance Pandas while Anduin sits on the throne surrounded by Demon Hunters.

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The one thing I don't like, as a completionist, is seeing "mission failed" for a quest even if it works better for what I wanted overall.


I wanted to let Keira Metz leave on her own with the Catriona plague research, and let her try her luck with Radovid.  But in doing so, I'd "fail" the quest "Brothers in Arms: Velen".

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"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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My newfound friends in Swtor decided yesterday should be one of easy stuff and relaxation, so we just did the first 3 bosses of HM Ravagers to get a number of lockouts on Master & Blaster for the weekend. HM Torque sure is a challenge to maintain an overview of the encounter on a small laptop screen.


Which reminds me, time to go shopping for a monitor and a decent mouse.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Almost done my failure of an ME3 playthrough. Had to laugh at Cortez's death when it was Liara and Garrus in my party, he dies and the camera lingers on the three of us so long waiting for someone to say something. Once that's done, back to WoW, will level either my DK, priest or shaman.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I am decimating everyone in The Iron Banner with my level 362 Titan. I am liking Destiny's PvP more than ever, it's fun to mess around with different weapons and find the one that is suitable to your play style. Cryptic Dragon is my weapon of choice at the moment but I also got The Clever Dragon which is being dropped like candy as a reward at the end of each Iron Banner crucible match currently. You can even hear the weapon constantly firing during matches right now. :D


Sticking to Cryptic Dragon for now.

Edited by Katphood

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Still on Nuka World.


I've decided the Disciples simply must go. Nisha almost deceives you into thinking she's a fine person, but just looking around their base you can see that they're basically the worst.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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