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Dallas Sniper Shootings


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Why can't u be both? The movement at ground level is imho something needed and something that needs to be, but at the same time u can be annoyed of how some people who are behind it use it as a platform to justify their racist ideals and not be shot down and have the public behind them under the disguise of "elevated power" of truth.

Like religions, at ground level most religions have very important lessons that everyone can go by and knowledge on how to be a good or better person, and then people take the religion to push their own agenda.

As a white person who tries to debate what they see wrong with some messages that are pushed under the banner of BLM are automatically either ignored outright because of the color of their skin, labeled honky, cracker, white supremist, slaver, etc and pushed down their throat that THEY are the ONLY victims (both present and past) all the while spouting racist remarks defending themselves that they can't be racist because only white people can be racist because white people are in charge.

The message at ground level is something most people can get behind but when u start dealing with the some public who use the group to have their voice heard so they can voice their rage of the white man while calling anyone who disagrees with them a white supremist and racist......well.

Like I said, it's both.

You raise some good points, to be honest its better to be one or the other because certain fundamental views are necessary to believe one or the other and these things are mutually exclusive


But of course there are some similarities

Then if I had to chose then I'd be against then.

I can stand behind someone calling out injustice and wrong done because of the color of ones skin, but I can't be for a group that isn't treated equally as anyone else (meaning they can do, say, act things that most would lose our lively hood over while no one is batting an eye because of mob screaming racist) and believe and acts like THEY have and had the WORSE outta anyone and everybody. They act and believe they are special snowflakes that it's more important and EVIL and wrong if it happens to them but if it happens to someone else, they are outraged because it's stealing their thunder.

Why we let them act and do what they do? Because at the foundation, the BLM is like I said something we can all get behind IF it was just that. When they start demanding and screaming that they have more right and have been wronged more than anyone else in history and it doesn't count if ur history coincides with theirs with slavery and racism, it doesn't matter because it's black power over anything and everything else.


Now, I will say this, in light of the Dallas shootings paired with the cop murdering those fellows, the overall mood seems to have changed. The mood feels like they finally accept they are not the only ones who have been wronged and that others have as well and acknowledging that and simply want to be heard as well, if they keep this mood and ideal and atmosphere up, then I can get behind it. Now there seems an air of equality that was massively missing. If they drop this atmosphere and continue like they have been, then no. Burn that banner in fire and start again because all it's doing is causing dividing and more destruction.

Tbh it seemed the movement went to wanting special privileges and to be above equal than actually be raised to equality.

What you guys are going through now with rationalizing this whole thing and creating opinions I went through about 6 years in SA where only then did I have an epiphany about the history of my country and the true nature of Apartheid


It changed me forever but in a good way as I now feel more liberated about my commitment to the new South Africa but I had to learn certain things


Anyway I could share them but it gets complicated, so I guess if you looking for a different perspective on BLM but in a more constructive and positive way ask me anytime in the future :)

I've already had my realization. I grew up in a time when ud get ur ass kicked and disowned for being gay, that was very open about their disapproval and agreeing with disowning if u were in a mixed relationship, and that black people were not to be trusted, they were lazy, brought nothing but problems and the only good "*****" was really a dead "*****". I grew up believing the hate and the lies.

I know first hand what these people are pissed about because I was the enemy. I may have not murdered or harmed any black person, but I was one of the many these people are angry against.

Just to put it out there, I no longer believe those lies or am the "enemy".


So I've been on the "giving" end before and now they are using the same tactics that we did to them. Was it right when we did it to them? Hell ****ing no.

But here's a question for u Bruce, is it okay for what they are doing the same that we did to them? I'm not talking about burning on crosses, I'm talking about the political environment.

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Why can't u be both? The movement at ground level is imho something needed and something that needs to be, but at the same time u can be annoyed of how some people who are behind it use it as a platform to justify their racist ideals and not be shot down and have the public behind them under the disguise of "elevated power" of truth.

Like religions, at ground level most religions have very important lessons that everyone can go by and knowledge on how to be a good or better person, and then people take the religion to push their own agenda.

As a white person who tries to debate what they see wrong with some messages that are pushed under the banner of BLM are automatically either ignored outright because of the color of their skin, labeled honky, cracker, white supremist, slaver, etc and pushed down their throat that THEY are the ONLY victims (both present and past) all the while spouting racist remarks defending themselves that they can't be racist because only white people can be racist because white people are in charge.

The message at ground level is something most people can get behind but when u start dealing with the some public who use the group to have their voice heard so they can voice their rage of the white man while calling anyone who disagrees with them a white supremist and racist......well.

Like I said, it's both.

You raise some good points, to be honest its better to be one or the other because certain fundamental views are necessary to believe one or the other and these things are mutually exclusive


But of course there are some similarities

Then if I had to chose then I'd be against then.

I can stand behind someone calling out injustice and wrong done because of the color of ones skin, but I can't be for a group that isn't treated equally as anyone else (meaning they can do, say, act things that most would lose our lively hood over while no one is batting an eye because of mob screaming racist) and believe and acts like THEY have and had the WORSE outta anyone and everybody. They act and believe they are special snowflakes that it's more important and EVIL and wrong if it happens to them but if it happens to someone else, they are outraged because it's stealing their thunder.

Why we let them act and do what they do? Because at the foundation, the BLM is like I said something we can all get behind IF it was just that. When they start demanding and screaming that they have more right and have been wronged more than anyone else in history and it doesn't count if ur history coincides with theirs with slavery and racism, it doesn't matter because it's black power over anything and everything else.


Now, I will say this, in light of the Dallas shootings paired with the cop murdering those fellows, the overall mood seems to have changed. The mood feels like they finally accept they are not the only ones who have been wronged and that others have as well and acknowledging that and simply want to be heard as well, if they keep this mood and ideal and atmosphere up, then I can get behind it. Now there seems an air of equality that was massively missing. If they drop this atmosphere and continue like they have been, then no. Burn that banner in fire and start again because all it's doing is causing dividing and more destruction.

Tbh it seemed the movement went to wanting special privileges and to be above equal than actually be raised to equality.

What you guys are going through now with rationalizing this whole thing and creating opinions I went through about 6 years in SA where only then did I have an epiphany about the history of my country and the true nature of Apartheid


It changed me forever but in a good way as I now feel more liberated about my commitment to the new South Africa but I had to learn certain things


Anyway I could share them but it gets complicated, so I guess if you looking for a different perspective on BLM but in a more constructive and positive way ask me anytime in the future :)

I've already had my realization. I grew up in a time when ud get ur ass kicked and disowned for being gay, that was very open about their disapproval and agreeing with disowning if u were in a mixed relationship, and that black people were not to be trusted, they were lazy, brought nothing but problems and the only good "*****" was really a dead "*****". I grew up believing the hate and the lies.

I know first hand what these people are pissed about because I was the enemy. I may have not murdered or harmed any black person, but I was one of the many these people are angry against.

Just to put it out there, I no longer believe those lies or am the "enemy".


So I've been on the "giving" end before and now they are using the same tactics that we did to them. Was it right when we did it to them? Hell ****ing no.

But here's a question for u Bruce, is it okay for what they are doing the same that we did to them? I'm not talking about burning on crosses, I'm talking about the political environment.







Why can't u be both? The movement at ground level is imho something needed and something that needs to be, but at the same time u can be annoyed of how some people who are behind it use it as a platform to justify their racist ideals and not be shot down and have the public behind them under the disguise of "elevated power" of truth.

Like religions, at ground level most religions have very important lessons that everyone can go by and knowledge on how to be a good or better person, and then people take the religion to push their own agenda.

As a white person who tries to debate what they see wrong with some messages that are pushed under the banner of BLM are automatically either ignored outright because of the color of their skin, labeled honky, cracker, white supremist, slaver, etc and pushed down their throat that THEY are the ONLY victims (both present and past) all the while spouting racist remarks defending themselves that they can't be racist because only white people can be racist because white people are in charge.

The message at ground level is something most people can get behind but when u start dealing with the some public who use the group to have their voice heard so they can voice their rage of the white man while calling anyone who disagrees with them a white supremist and racist......well.

Like I said, it's both.

You raise some good points, to be honest its better to be one or the other because certain fundamental views are necessary to believe one or the other and these things are mutually exclusive


But of course there are some similarities

Then if I had to chose then I'd be against then.

I can stand behind someone calling out injustice and wrong done because of the color of ones skin, but I can't be for a group that isn't treated equally as anyone else (meaning they can do, say, act things that most would lose our lively hood over while no one is batting an eye because of mob screaming racist) and believe and acts like THEY have and had the WORSE outta anyone and everybody. They act and believe they are special snowflakes that it's more important and EVIL and wrong if it happens to them but if it happens to someone else, they are outraged because it's stealing their thunder.

Why we let them act and do what they do? Because at the foundation, the BLM is like I said something we can all get behind IF it was just that. When they start demanding and screaming that they have more right and have been wronged more than anyone else in history and it doesn't count if ur history coincides with theirs with slavery and racism, it doesn't matter because it's black power over anything and everything else.


Now, I will say this, in light of the Dallas shootings paired with the cop murdering those fellows, the overall mood seems to have changed. The mood feels like they finally accept they are not the only ones who have been wronged and that others have as well and acknowledging that and simply want to be heard as well, if they keep this mood and ideal and atmosphere up, then I can get behind it. Now there seems an air of equality that was massively missing. If they drop this atmosphere and continue like they have been, then no. Burn that banner in fire and start again because all it's doing is causing dividing and more destruction.

Tbh it seemed the movement went to wanting special privileges and to be above equal than actually be raised to equality.

What you guys are going through now with rationalizing this whole thing and creating opinions I went through about 6 years in SA where only then did I have an epiphany about the history of my country and the true nature of Apartheid


It changed me forever but in a good way as I now feel more liberated about my commitment to the new South Africa but I had to learn certain things


Anyway I could share them but it gets complicated, so I guess if you looking for a different perspective on BLM but in a more constructive and positive way ask me anytime in the future :)

I've already had my realization. I grew up in a time when ud get ur ass kicked and disowned for being gay, that was very open about their disapproval and agreeing with disowning if u were in a mixed relationship, and that black people were not to be trusted, they were lazy, brought nothing but problems and the only good "*****" was really a dead "*****". I grew up believing the hate and the lies.

I know first hand what these people are pissed about because I was the enemy. I may have not murdered or harmed any black person, but I was one of the many these people are angry against.

Just to put it out there, I no longer believe those lies or am the "enemy".


So I've been on the "giving" end before and now they are using the same tactics that we did to them. Was it right when we did it to them? Hell ****ing no.

But here's a question for u Bruce, is it okay for what they are doing the same that we did to them? I'm not talking about burning on crosses, I'm talking about the political environment.


Firstly I didnt realize you had personal experience with bigotry, it does make a difference in this type of debate because you would have  more of an understanding on certain issues. Of course that doesnt mean I discount other Americans who had no experience but  I generally find most white people have had normal lives ...and there is nothing wrong with  that 


But if you dont mind going into more detail as your personal life story is interesting and I appreciate you sharing. What do you mean "you grew up believing the lies " ....were you a white supremacist? And trust me I doubt there is anything you could have done that is worse than my past and my families history due to Apartheid so no judgement at all 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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No, why would it?


If they said be careful in interactions with ShadySands then still probbably no but that would at least have a chance

Because now people are saying "as a black person  I am scared to go on hoilday to the USA  because the Police will kill me " 


I heard this last night, so people have an inaccurate negative view of the USA

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I find it hard to be embarrassed for something like this that I have no control over and doesn't involve me in any way


Is it sad? Sure, and I'm sorry they feel that way but I'm not worried about it and nor have I given it another thought after I posted it


I do get embarrassed for other people in awkward situations and even in movies sometimes so there's that 

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I find it hard to be embarrassed for something like this that I have no control over and doesn't involve me in any way


Is it sad? Sure, and I'm sorry they feel that way but I'm not worried about it and nor have I given it another thought after I posted it


I do get embarrassed for other people in awkward situations and even in movies sometimes so there's that 

I hear you, if its  any consolation I did refute that point last night


I dont like unreasonable or untrue criticism of the West because its then used as an excuse for then not improving our own reality ...so someone may say  " well we have corruption but look at the USA  and all the racism  " 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Likely just retaliation for the State Department's standing cautionary travel advisory in regards to the rampant crime in the Bahamas. Or, it could just be pure stupidity. Either way, it's safe to say that the vast vast vast majority of Americans won't miss the oodles and oodles of tourism dollars that don't come in from the Bahamas.


In other words, this is like a 500 lb man telling Planet Fitness he's not going to frequent their establishment anymore. The joke is on him.


Edit: Bahrain and the UAE have also joined the Bahamas in issuing a travel warning in regards to the U.S.....


'nuff said.

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Now now Bruce, people in glass houses...


Oh no the difference is SA  is facing real economic and social challenges not some exaggerated police violence perception....I wish that was our only issue  



I can tell you  things that you wont believe but end of the day I see real positive changes in SA  so I'm optimistic 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Comical. We're to believe this has nothing to do with political showboating? Nevermind the risk of getting capped by an unruly civilian is far greater.  


More so statistically black on black crime is a greater cause of black men's deaths. 


This whole BLM is just manufactured chaos by a power elite that have decided that sowing discord is the best way to keep the more politically minded away from the realization of what the actual problems are and divide them into conflicting groups. The problem becomes race and gender instead of class and influence.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Comical. We're to believe this has nothing to do with political showboating? Nevermind the risk of getting capped by an unruly civilian is far greater.  


More so statistically black on black crime is a greater cause of black men's deaths. 


This whole BLM is just manufactured chaos by a power elite that have decided that sowing discord is the best way to keep the more politically minded away from the realization of what the actual problems are and divide them into conflicting groups. The problem becomes race and gender instead of class and influence.


No guys come on, lets give BLM  a little more respect than that ....they have some valid objectives 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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No. They are evil racist pieces of craps. Just like all GGers are sexists. Even female GGers are sexist. Know  your own group's rule SJW Nazi.


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No. They are evil racist pieces of craps. Just like all GGers are sexists. Even female GGers are sexist. Know  your own group's rule SJW Nazi.

 Volo you do realize you are adding another group to your large, varied and unfairly targeted hate/dislike list of people you have issues with...my advice is learn to accept BLM, they will refine there tactics and become more reasonable 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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No. They are evil racist pieces of craps. Just like all GGers are sexists. Even female GGers are sexist. Know  your own group's rule SJW Nazi.


Nazis were many things but they weren't 'social justice warriors'. You really should stop insulting the Nazis by continuously lobbing them in with SJWs.

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"my advice is learn to accept BLM, they will refine there tactics and become more reasonable"


Yeah, like the KKK right? They tend not to go around lynching blacks anymore... doesn't make them an less racist and scummery. Just like BLM will always be a racist piece of crap group even if they aren't  murdering and celebrating whitey en masse over an ASIAN killing a black person.


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"my advice is learn to accept BLM, they will refine there tactics and become more reasonable"


Yeah, like the KKK right? They tend not to go around lynching blacks anymore... doesn't make them an less racist and scummery. Just like BLM will always be a racist piece of crap group even if they aren't  murdering and celebrating whitey en masse over an ASIAN killing a black person.

But Volo you are comparing a modern movement for greater recognition and fairness  from how the police treats them  to a fundamentally  racist white supremacist movement founded after the civil war...its  terrible comparison and completely unfair 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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 "comparing a modern movement for greater recognition and fairness  from how the police treats them "


That isn't BLM's main goal. Their main goal is to spread racism and hatred to everyone and everywhere. If you listen to many KKK toolbags their spin is that they ar eheroes protecting their own race - just like BLM claims to be. But, no, both groups are about spreading hatred, lies, evil, and violence. PERIOD.


Did you check that link? It has the opinion of a black officer. Now, go aherad, and call him Uncle Tom. He's been called worse by fellow blacks. :(

Edited by Volourn


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 "comparing a modern movement for greater recognition and fairness  from how the police treats them "


That isn't BLM's main goal. Their main goal is to spread racism and hatred to everyone and everywhere. If you listen to many KKK toolbags their spin is that they ar eheroes protecting their own race - just like BLM claims to be. But, no, both groups are about spreading hatred, lies, evil, and violence. PERIOD.


Did you check that link? It has the opinion of a black officer. Now, go aherad, and call him Uncle Tom. He's been called worse by fellow blacks. :(

I cant view the video?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I would hope you can't view the video because it's not a video. It's those dang words again. A  bunch of dang words.


Officer Jay Stalien writes the following:


"I have come to realize something that is still hard for me to understand to this day. The following may be a shock to some coming from an African American, but the mere fact that it may be shocking to some is prima facie evidence of the sad state of affairs that we are in as Humans.

I used to be so torn inside growing up. Here I am, a young African-American born and raised in Brooklyn, NY wanting to be a cop. I watched and lived through the crime that took place in the hood. My own black people killing others over nothing. Crack heads and heroin addicts lined the lobby of my building as I shuffled around them to make my way to our 1 bedroom apartment with 6 of us living inside. I used to be woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of gun fire, only to look outside and see that it was 2 African Americans shooting at each other.

It never sat right with me. I wanted to help my community and stop watching the blood of African Americans spilled on the street at the hands of a fellow black man. I became a cop because black lives in my community, along with ALL lives, mattered to me, and wanted to help stop the bloodshed.

As time went by in my law enforcement career, I quickly began to realize something. I remember the countless times I stood 2 inches from a young black man, around my age, laying on his back, gasping for air as blood filled his lungs. I remember them bleeding profusely with the unforgettable smell of deoxygenated dark red blood in the air, as it leaked from the bullet holes in his body on to the hot sidewalk on a summer day. I remember the countless family members who attacked me, spit on me, cursed me out, as I put up crime scene tape to cordon off the crime scene, yelling and screaming out of pain and anger at the sight of their loved ones taking their last breath. I never took it personally, I knew they were hurting. I remember the countless times I had to order new uniforms, because the ones I had on, were bloody from the blood of another black victim…of black on black crime. I remember the countless times I got back in my patrol car, distraught after having watched another black male die in front me, having to start my preliminary report something like this:

Suspect- Black/ Male, Victim-Black /Male.

I remember the countless times I canvassed the area afterwards, and asked everyone “did you see who did it”, and the popular response from the very same family members was always, “**** the Police, I aint no snitch, Im gonna take care of this myself. This happened every single time, every single homicide, black on black, and then my realization became clearer.

I woke up every morning, put my freshly pressed uniform on, shined my badge, functioned checked my weapon, kissed my wife and kid, and waited for my wife to say the same thing she always does before I leave, “Make sure you come back home to us”. I always replied, “I will”, but the truth was I was never sure if I would. I almost lost my life on this job, and every call, every stop, every moment that I had this uniform on, was another possibility for me to almost lose my life again. I was a target in the very community I swore to protect, the very community I wanted to help. As a matter of fact, they hated my very presence. They called me “Uncle Tom”, and “wanna be white boy”, and I couldn’t understand why. My own fellow black men and women attacking me, wishing for my death, wishing for the death of my family. I was so confused, so torn, I couldn’t understand why my own black people would turn against me, when every time they called …I was there. Every time someone died….I was there. Every time they were going through one of the worst moments in their lives…I was there. So why was I the enemy? I dove deep into that question…Why was I the enemy? Then my realization became clearer.

I spoke to members of the community and listened to some of the complaints as to why they hated cops. I then did research on the facts. I also presented facts to these members of the community, and listened to their complaints in response. This is what I learned:

Complaint: Police always targeting us, they always messing with the black man.

Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. It’s called Demographics

Complaint: More black people get arrested than white boys.

Fact: Black People commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime. Data from the FBI shows that Nationwide, Blacks committed 5,173 homicides in 2014, whites committed 4,367. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

Complaint: Blacks are the only ones getting killed by police, or they are killed more.

Fact: As of July 2016, the breakdown of the number of US Citizens killed by Police this year is, 238 White people killed, 123 Black people killed, 79 Hispanics, 69 other/or unknown race.

Fact: Black people kill more other blacks than Police do, and there are only protest and outrage when a cop kills a black man. University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012. Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period.

Complaint: Well we already doing a good job of killing ourselves, we don’t need the Police to do it. Besides they should know better.

The more I listened, the more I realized. The more I researched, the more I realized. I would ask questions, and would only get emotional responses & inferences based on no facts at all. The more killing I saw, the more tragedy, the more savagery, the more violence, the more loss of life of a black man at the hands of another black man….the more I realized.

I haven’t slept well in the past few nights. Heartbreak weighs me down, rage flows through my veins, and tears fills my eyes. I watched my fellow officers assassinated on live television, and the images of them laying on the ground are seared into my brain forever. I couldn’t help but wonder if it had been me, a black man, a black cop, on TV, assassinated, laying on the ground dead,..would my friends and family still think black lives mattered? Would my life have mattered? Would they make t-shirts in remembrance of me? Would they go on tv and protest violence? Would they even make a Facebook post, or share a post in reference to my death?

All of my realizations came to this conclusion. Black Lives do not matter to most black people. Only the lives that make the national news matter to them. Only the lives that are taken at the hands of cops or white people, matter. The other thousands of lives lost, the other black souls that I along with every cop, have seen taken at the hands of other blacks, do not matter. Their deaths are unnoticed, accepted as the “norm”, and swept underneath the rug by the very people who claim and post “black lives matter”. I realized that this country is full of ignorance, where an educated individual will watch the ratings-driven news media, and watch a couple YouTube video clips, and then come to the conclusion that they have all the knowledge they need to have in order to know what it feels like to have a bullet proof vest as part of your office equipment, “Stay Alive” as part of your daily to do list, and having insurance for your health insurance because of the high rate of death in your profession. They watch a couple videos and then they magically know in 2 minutes 35 seconds, how you are supposed to handle a violent encounter, which took you 6 months of Academy training, 2 – 3 months of field training, and countless years of blood, sweat, tears and broken bones experiencing violent encounters and fine tuning your execution of the Use of Force Continuum. I realized that there are even cops, COPS, duly sworn law enforcement officers, who are supposed to be decent investigators, who will publicly go on the media and call other white cops racist and KKK, based on a video clip that they watched thousands of miles away, which was filmed after the fact, based on a case where the details aren’t even known yet and the investigation hasn’t even begun. I realized that most in the African American community refuse to look at solving the bigger problem that I see and deal with every day, which is black on black crime taking hundreds of innocent black lives each year, and instead focus on the 9 questionable deaths of black men, where some were in the act of committing crimes. I realized that they value the life of a Sex Offender and Convicted Felon, [who was in the act of committing multiple felonies: felon in possession of a firearm-FELONY, brandishing and threatening a homeless man with a gun-Aggravated Assault in Florida: FELONY, who resisted officers who first tried to taze him, and WAS NOT RESTRAINED, who can be clearly seen in one of the videos raising his right shoulder, then shooting it down towards the right side of his body exactly where the firearm was located and recovered] more than the lives of the innocent cops who were assassinated in Dallas protecting the very people that hated them the most. I realized that they refuse to believe that most cops acknowledge that there are Bad cops who should have never been given a badge & gun, who are chicken **** and will shoot a ****roach if it crawls at them too fast, who never worked in the hood and may be intimidated. That most cops dread the thought of having to shoot someone, and never see the turmoil and mental anguish that a cop goes through after having to kill someone to save his own life. Instead they believe that we are all blood thirsty killers, because the media says so, even though the numbers prove otherwise. I realize that they truly feel as if the death of cops will help people realize the false narrative that Black Lives Matter, when all it will do is take their movement two steps backwards and label them domestic terrorist. I realized that some of these people, who say Black Lives Matter, are full of hate and racism. Hate for cops, because of the false narrative that more black people are targeted and killed. Racism against white people, for a tragedy that began 100’s of years ago, when most of the white people today weren’t even born yet. I realized that some in the African American community’s idea of “Justice” is the prosecution of ANY and EVERY cop or white man that kills or is believed to have killed a black man, no matter what the circumstances are. I realized the African American community refuses to look within to solve its major issues, and instead makes excuses and looks outside for solutions. I realized that a lot of people in the African American community lead with hate, instead of love. Division instead of Unity. Turmoil and rioting, instead of Peace. I realized that they have become the very entity that they claim they are fighting against.

I realized that the very reasons I became a cop, are the very reasons my own people hate me, and now in this toxic hateful racially charged political climate, I am now more likely to die,... and it is still hard for me to understand…. to this day."

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"my advice is learn to accept BLM, they will refine there tactics and become more reasonable"


Yeah, like the KKK right? They tend not to go around lynching blacks anymore... doesn't make them an less racist and scummery. Just like BLM will always be a racist piece of crap group even if they aren't  murdering and celebrating whitey en masse over an ASIAN killing a black person.

But Volo you are comparing a modern movement for greater recognition and fairness  from how the police treats them  to a fundamentally  racist white supremacist movement founded after the civil war...its  terrible comparison and completely unfair 



They aren't for greater recognition and fairness. They are an organization based on lies. Black criminals are killed by police at the same rate they are arrested for crimes. White criminals are killed by police at the same rate they are arrested for crimes. There is a disproportionate amount of blacks in prison because they commit a disproportionate amount of crime. There is no big conspiracy by the government or white people to oppress and kill blacks, they have been taught that there is though, so they act accordingly. They also have a culture that glorifies criminals. They also seem to be in denial about what kind of people these guys are too. You can hardly describe a guy with multiple domestic abuse convictions, multiple prison sentences, a warrant for his arrest for failing to register as a sex offender who is carrying an illegal weapon while owing 25,000 in child support as a "good man"


As for earlier, if they reform their methods, and actually take their name seriously and start tackling the real problems of violence in the black community, then maybe I will respect them as an organization. Right now they are a hate group with 5 deaths under their belt.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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