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Beat Here Comes the Flood, Can't Continue



I beat Here Comes the Flood and got the victory screen and rewards, but I can't continue on to the next scenario. It is as if I did not complete Here Comes the Flood (can't even select a higher difficulty).

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I beat Here Comes the Flood and got the victory screen and rewards, but I can't continue on to the next scenario. It is as if I did not complete Here Comes the Flood (can't even select a higher difficulty).

I had the same issue. If it matters for bug hunting, it was with Kyra and Miserel and I tied the number needed at 6.

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Unless I don't understand it, I didn't beat it but it let me continue anyway. The first time I played I lost like 28-5 or something. I got the victory screen and received 100 gold but wasn't allowed to play the next scenario. I played again and lost I think 33-6. Again I got the victory screen. I didn't get the gold that time but I was allowed to move onto the next scenario.


I don't understand the concept of that scenario at all.

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Same here. First two times, I got should, but third time I got mine allies and what I assumed was the winning cutscene. That took me to the inventory screen, where I had all nine new allies. Then, it would not letme advance to the next scenario.


Playing on a Pixel C.

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Posted (edited)

Unless I don't understand it, I didn't beat it but it let me continue anyway. The first time I played I lost like 28-5 or something. I got the victory screen and received 100 gold but wasn't allowed to play the next scenario. I played again and lost I think 33-6. Again I got the victory screen. I didn't get the gold that time but I was allowed to move onto the next scenario.


I don't understand the concept of that scenario at all.


The first number is the number of cards Black Magga has eaten; the second number is the number of allies you've saved. You need to save more allies than Black Magga eats, but the scoring isn't intuitive, because even at the end you only see the total number of cards Black Magga has eaten, not the specific number of allies.


It makes sense that Black Magga's actual score is hidden during the scenario to keep up the suspense, but it'd be nice to see an actual comparison at the end of the game, not just an immediate victory or loss screen.


That said, I've beaten the scenario on normal with Merisiel and been allowed to proceed to the next one, but I didn't get the allies I'd saved.


When I beat HCtF again with another character, the game locked up at the victory screen and wouldn't let me tap on them (much like before the patch). I quit and restart, and it let me through.


When I beat HCtF yet again on heroic, the game failed to unlock legendary mode, meaning I can't earn the reward for the completing the entire adventure on legendary mode.


Along with the unswipeable card/Collapsed Ceiling bug, HCtF is a pretty unpolished scenario all round.

Edited by Feywood
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Posted (edited)

Feywood described it perfectly, the numbers are just not intuitive.


HctF has always been polarizing, and I found it to be more frustrating than entertaining, but surely hard to code.


Played through the whole adventure early today, it's not one of the best, tbh.


Skinsaw Murders still shines.

Edited by CA_Obsidian
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I have the same problem here.

1st time: Victory, got reward and 100 Gold, can't continue next scenario.

2nd time: Victory, no reward and no 100 Gold, can't continue next scenario.

3rd time fail, no reward and no 100 Gold, can't continue next scenario.


Restart program, useless.


4th time:  Victory, no reward and no 100 Gold, can't continue next scenario.

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Same problem. I won Here Comes the Flood, but the game wants me to play again on the same difficulty. The game doesn't seem to understand I won the scenario -- even though in at least one place it does register this.


Screen shot after hitting Continue after winning Here Comes the Flood.




It was nice of Obsidian to release this for the weekend, but it's a bummer no one is going to look at this till Tuesday. Hard to understand how this made it out of testing.

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The not winning isn't the only thing bugged for me. If I fail to beat one of the henchmen snakes, I can't explore the area anymore - which makes an already frustrating scenario even more so. Also, I found a Wicked Trident +1, but it seems like everytime I try to use it, it locks up the game and I can't roll with it.


They should have waited before putting this one out, it's just a mess right now - virtually unwinnable, no feedback, frustrating, etc...

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Note for devs: There a a couple different ways for the Here Comes The Flood scenario to end: if you run out the blessing deck, it ends; if all the cards are gone from all the locations, it ends.


I've won the scenarios with both ending situations, and in each case the game won't let me progress to the next scenario.

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I've also completed Here Comes the Flood by all cards being gone from all locations.  The Scenario is (as near as I can tell under the "Most Recently Attempted Scenario" marker) marked completed, but I can't move forward.

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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Same.  I tied her.


BTW for those who aren't sure if you won or lost, expand the scenario effects and it tells you your score (X out of Y, so for me, 9/18).  It's really easy to know how many you need, just take the total available and chop it in half, which the devs have done for you.


Has anybody checked if there's a pattern that winning without tying lets you keep going, or have people not been keeping track of their end scores?

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Also, for those who say the scenario is very difficult, I've never found it so, but I tend to focus on extra explores on pretty much all characters (I generally average 3-4 explores per turn with each character).


As a general strategy, go deep, not wide, and focus your characters on a single location.  Try to count the number of allies in each location (since you lose the in-game count when she eats, you have to remember/be familiar with the scenario).  Clear out location decks, or at least clear out all the allies in the location deck.  Magga eats from open locations (and has a hilarious animation when she does so, I laughed my butt off the first time I saw it) so you want to empty locations as fast as possible.  Every location you empty is a reduction in her eating speed.

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Posted (edited)

I beat the scenario on normal and heroic but on legendary after victory the box wasn't ticked for some reason. Has anyone experienced this.


Edit :Nevermind. Weird, got the legendary check after several wins after all.

Edited by Rhygar
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Same.  I tied her.


BTW for those who aren't sure if you won or lost, expand the scenario effects and it tells you your score (X out of Y, so for me, 9/18).  It's really easy to know how many you need, just take the total available and chop it in half, which the devs have done for you.


It's not that simple, though, because the winning condition isn't simply "acquire half or more of the allies", it's "rescue as many or more allies than Black Magga eats", and they're not the same thing. An ally you fail to acquire is still one Black Magga doesn't get, and you can win with fewer than half of the allies in your possession. If you were to lose track of your progress and go solely by the number of allies you've rescued, you could potentially end up thinking you'd already lost when you hadn't, and possibly even forfeit a game you were actually going to win.


I won the scenario on heroic with 10 of 24 allies, for example, where simply halving the total would have lead me to believe that I needed at least two more to win.


Also, for those who say the scenario is very difficult, I've never found it so, but I tend to focus on extra explores on pretty much all characters (I generally average 3-4 explores per turn with each character).


It's different on heroic, where Black Magga can eat an entire location in two turns (1d6 vs 1d4), and in my experience almost always rolls high. On legendary, where you can only move to adjacent locations and have two wildcards to contend with as well, it gets worse still.


As for the bug, I won the scenario on heroic with a full 6-person party after having progression issues in the wake of wins with solo and two-character parties, and the game finally unlocked legendary mode for me.

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Posted (edited)

The scenario is far too easy for a solo character even on legendary though, because there are only three locations, and the Village House on its own has almost all of the allies you need to win the scenario (4 of the 9 total). All you have to do is power through that (and hope Black Magga doesn't choose it), then you basically can't lose the scenario.


Even small parties are in the same boat; I'd actually suggest changing the scenario setup so that the Village House only appears for parties of 5 or 6 characters.

Edited by Feywood
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Feywood is right. Beaten with 6 char team (11/24 rescued). Victory screen ok. Allies rewarded. All Ok. Mamma is well. Regards fro the uncle Benny. Opel Corsa for Sale...

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I beat here comes the flood fine on normal and on my second try heroic, but I'm not getting credit for beating the heroic version. Got my victory screen and 150 gold and filtered out the cards I got from the scenario but on the overmap it says I haven't done heroic.

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There is definitively a bug in that you *always* get a screen saying "Victory", even if you lose or forfeit. That false victory also always rewards you 100 gold. But you don't get the allies collected. Winning on a second try I didn't get the allies either, but I did get to advance.


About strategy: Somewhat counter-intuitively the key to strategy in this scenario is to *not* close locations. That way Black Magga ends up going to open locations with no cards left; also with 4 characters there are 3 locations which need you to banish a card to close, and as you don't need closed locations to win, you can save those cards. If you have the Village House location, try to do that one early, because the "recharge to gain ally" ability is a winner. 

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There is definitively a bug in that you *always* get a screen saying "Victory", even if you lose or forfeit. That false victory also always rewards you 100 gold. But you don't get the allies collected. Winning on a second try I didn't get the allies either, but I did get to advance.


About strategy: Somewhat counter-intuitively the key to strategy in this scenario is to *not* close locations. That way Black Magga ends up going to open locations with no cards left; also with 4 characters there are 3 locations which need you to banish a card to close, and as you don't need closed locations to win, you can save those cards. If you have the Village House location, try to do that one early, because the "recharge to gain ally" ability is a winner.


There is not always the victory. I lost it yesterday, relieved clear message that Magga ate more allies than I saved and have' recieve do any money.

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Interesting... I did it my first time today and did win and did get all those allies and Also did get to the next scenario. So there has to be something different in these cases. Because it sometimes seems to work and sometimes don't. I will try next with harder difficulty levels, if that makes any difference.

But normal difficulty, iPad air2.

Lini, Seelah, Sajan, Seon, no problems during whole adventure Path 3. Except only basic blessing when missing one blessing after one scenario.

Next heroic run and let see what happens... Then legendary... That may be rough, but Lets see.

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I just ran Heroic HCtF with two chars (Val and Lini), got 8 allies and despite that it doesn't show that I won, can't start Legendary

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About strategy: Somewhat counter-intuitively the key to strategy in this scenario is to *not* close locations. That way Black Magga ends up going to open locations with no cards left;

Has no one had the Magga go to a closed location? Because the way the scenario power is worded, closed locations should be a valid pick for the Magga power (it's "random location", not "random open location")

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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Posted (edited)

Ok. Now update.

Heroic difficulty, iPad Air2

Lini, Sajan, Seelah, Seon.


I was able to reproduce the not getting reward not getting advancement bug.

First I tried to reproduce the stuck in general store bug.

I tried to close it and the screen went blank and only going vault caused small Remedy that allowed to use forfeit scenario button.


It was wictory newer the less. The wictory screen was Also blank and there was not ally reward. It was Also not possible to go legendary level, even though the scenario was marked as done.


I replayed the scenario and did not try to close any locations and I did get rewards this time as well as an advance to the legendary mode.


The next problem was with the last scenario where scenario power is that if you defeat villain every character gets D4 damage. That was ok, but heroic difficulty modifier caused me to bury a card if I get blessing or item or similar. That bury a card caused the scenario power to have D4 damage to activate so It was really painfull to go trough! I managed but avoided to get any items or blessings.



Now questions, did anyone else try to close general store before getting stuck in Here comes the Flood scenario? Maybe these problems Are related? Did anyone try to close any other location? If not, then these two bugs Are not related and we have to keep on trying out why this happens, what trickers it...

But at this moment the only difference that I did was that I did try to close the general store, in my second, and not succesfull run.

Edited by Hannibal_PJV

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