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I just learned Iron Wheel for my monk, and i have to test it.




+1 Damage reduction for each wound is crazy. I mean, my monk for example has :


13 DR + 4 DR (if under 50% hp, and that means if i'm under 137 hp ) + 10 DR ( Iron wound, because i don't use ability too often and so i max the wounds pretty easily).


13 + 4 + 10 = 27 DR , and i am starting now the WM, where i've heard i can find better armours.


So, with Iron Wheel i could go to 30-40 DR ?



Isn't this a bit game breaking, even for my Path of the Damned gameplay ? I fear that my monk will become too strong.

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With the Lady of Pain I got to 40 Slash/Pierce DR and she's a Fighter, so it's not just the Monk. If you start piling up DR bonuses, you can get pretty darn high.


The key here is that DR can never reduce inbound damage to 0. Minimum damage (equal to, if I'm not mistaken, 20% of the total) will always go through. Maximizing your DR only ensures that the vast majority of incoming blows deals minimum damage—which is great, but won't save your life if you're taking a prolonged beating. I'd rather Torment-Reach everyone within sight or Flagellant-Path the entire battle field if I had 10 wounds to spend.


Or, you know, summon a pair of kick-ass twins ;)

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

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— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Not really... In fact Iron Wheel is pretty bad in my book because you can't keep your wounds maxed. Once you reach 10 wounds you'll keep the stack for a few seconds and then they'll disappear if you don't use them and you have to build them again...

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It's great for un- or light armored monks. It doesn't mean you have +10 DR all the time of course - but at times you get CC'd and take a beating that you didn't plan for it can save your live - good if combined with Rooting Pain & Turning Wheel & Resonant Touch. I like it. It's not so great if you like to spend your wounds all the time with Torment's Reach and stuff.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Well, usually i stack wounds point so Iron Wheel is ideal for my medium armored monk. ( I'm using Eder's default armour. I like the " if dead --> reanimate " ability even if she gains only 30 hp. It's useful to breack the enemyes attacks. They kill you , start attacking others but then you reanimate and start fighting again.)


Now as now my monk has 283 hp, she gains more or less 20 hp per level, so at level 16 she will have more or less 383 hp.


With 383 hp and bare-handed damage of 20-25 (will increase, i'm only at level 11) , and 87 precision, my build works. All i need is spending 1 wound to make her do fast attacks. And then i will stack more or less 10 wounds.


383 hp + high DR + fast attack should make her what i want. A build made for long battles.


Also, my monk has Binding rope on her. Binding rope + talents and racial ability = when a eenemy hit her he takes damage + chance to get bind for 3.5 sec

Edited by Masterteo89
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Look out for the Sandals of the Forgotten Friar (WM I) and Blood Testament Gloves (Act III). They totally fit your playstyle. Did you take Turning Wheel?


I will, even if i don't know where to find them. I'm starting now my first run of WM 1 and 2, i've never done it before. I suppose i will pay soon or later, because " never done it before " + " Path of the Damned " = i'm in for a lot of surprises i bet.


Not that i have much else to do. My monk build revealed to be effective : i have cleared at level 11 all the quests of the game (save for Adra dragon). All i have to do is kill Thalos.


Now i can say that, by clearing all the main game on PotD, i earned the right to play WM and be overpowered when i will face Thalos at level 16. 

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If you don't upscale WM I & II everything will be a cakewalk with a level 11 party. :)


So we can't have both main game and WM challenging? If you do one of them, the other won't be challenging anymore... a pity. That's why expansions should be unlocked only after ending the main game.


Well, nonetheless i'm satisfied. Better having a main game challenging and a WM cakewalk than the opposite, i guess. Mainly because in main game items and equipments are not so powerful and you have to earn them. Most of the best items belongs to some kind of mobs.

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When will the game ask me to upscale ?


Because to tell the truth i would like to enjoy my first run of WM. And i won't do it if all i have to do in order to win a battle is sit and wait.


It's PotD, i already struggled from the start to the end, now i am used to hard fight. I don't think i will enjoy a easyer PoE experience. ;(


I'm far from being good in this kind of games ( BG2 max on normal) , but here PoE is more easy and i really enjoy the PotD challenge. Hard, but not impossible. :no:

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Threshold is level 12 for PX2. For PX1, I think it's level 10—I don't recall being asked to upscale and I usually start it at level 9, if memory serves.


You can always use the console to enable scaling before entering expansion areas, though.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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True, i entered Stalwart and the game asked me to increase difficulty, that which i did.


But... now as now my monk is solo-ing the ogres in Stalwart... not a good sign. I'm too overpowered. I hope that things will get more interesting soon. Else, i will simply enjoy the plot of WM.

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  • 4 weeks later...

also... blights. also... flesh constructs.

better weaponize your monk if you plan to solo WM; there are several areas with blunt resistant, or even completely immune, foes.  blunt immunes are even more common on POTD.


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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think upscale affects all mobs? I tried the ogres first without upscale then I reloaded and scaled it but I didn't notice any difference whatsoever?

Edited by Dorftek
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