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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VIII (May RNG Be With You)


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I'm not saying it took this long for me to decide between light side sorcerer and grey sage, but yeah... grey sage it is. I found out the little toddle at bottom right of the screen to be quite convenient. At least compared to what I did previously which was lots of dark side diplomacy missions to balance the choices I made during questing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Logged in and picked up Darth Hexid and the new pet. Opened a bunch of command crates and got a few new 248 pieces and enough unassembled components to upgrade my belt to 248. All I'm missing now is my lightsaber and my pants and boots then I'll be at full 248s. Haven't ran the new flashpoint yet either.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Some of the gifts are currently super cheap on the fleets. 960 credits for rank 5 purple cultural artifacts, imperial memorabilia, and the mostly useless courting gifts.


BioWare has announced that they are okay with people taking advantage of it until they fix it so no worries about getting banned

Free games updated 3/4/21

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got some more BIS gear so now I just need my lightsaber, my bracers, and my pants. The thing is I have 2 extra sets of the 248 gold chest armor so I could technically just rip the mods out and put them in the leg shells I'm already wearing. Also, I could take the mods out of the second set and upgrade everything in my saber except the hilt.


I also want to get started on KOTFE and KOTET but I was trying to finish the seeker droid and macrobinocular quest chains first for some reason.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Got some more BIS gear so now I just need my lightsaber, my bracers, and my pants. The thing is I have 2 extra sets of the 248 gold chest armor so I could technically just rip the mods out and put them in the leg shells I'm already wearing. Also, I could take the mods out of the second set and upgrade everything in my saber except the hilt.


I also want to get started on KOTFE and KOTET but I was trying to finish the seeker droid and macrobinocular quest chains first for some reason.


Did you actually find players to complete the group missions with or are they soloable by now? I finished them when they launched and everyone was doing them, but getting a group together must be hell these days.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Got some more BIS gear so now I just need my lightsaber, my bracers, and my pants. The thing is I have 2 extra sets of the 248 gold chest armor so I could technically just rip the mods out and put them in the leg shells I'm already wearing. Also, I could take the mods out of the second set and upgrade everything in my saber except the hilt.


I also want to get started on KOTFE and KOTET but I was trying to finish the seeker droid and macrobinocular quest chains first for some reason.


Did you actually find players to complete the group missions with or are they soloable by now? I finished them when they launched and everyone was doing them, but getting a group together must be hell these days.



When I was leveling, the heroic missions were soloable, but I stopped doing them after awhile since I was constantly over leveled for the content. I don't know if they are soloable when their level cap is close to your characters level cap.

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Got some more BIS gear so now I just need my lightsaber, my bracers, and my pants. The thing is I have 2 extra sets of the 248 gold chest armor so I could technically just rip the mods out and put them in the leg shells I'm already wearing. Also, I could take the mods out of the second set and upgrade everything in my saber except the hilt.


I also want to get started on KOTFE and KOTET but I was trying to finish the seeker droid and macrobinocular quest chains first for some reason.


Did you actually find players to complete the group missions with or are they soloable by now? I finished them when they launched and everyone was doing them, but getting a group together must be hell these days.



When I was leveling, the heroic missions were soloable, but I stopped doing them after awhile since I was constantly over leveled for the content. I don't know if they are soloable when their level cap is close to your characters level cap.


All the planetary heroics are super easy to solo and now that everything has level synch you'll never be more than a couple levels higher than the planet

Free games updated 3/4/21

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  • 5 months later...

Anyone still play this?


I guess they are done with 5.X excepting fixes and whatnot. I've only played the first Traitor story FP and haven't kept up with much beyond that. I guess I did play the Chiss one too but not as part of the story just the standalone FP with most of the story elements stripped out and only once.


Still can't beat the Eternal Championship with my Sorc but can faceroll it with my Sin. I guess I just suck at Sorcing.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I haven't played since 3.0 came out and it doesn't look like I'm going to. I keep my game up to date because I "intend" to at least play through the story once at some point (and finished the ones I haven't completed yet, like the consular) but I keep not doing it. Yeah.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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I sometimes log in on Star Forge and Darth Malgus just for the nostalgia bits. Running a flashpoint or uprising if I can find anyone up for the more challenging ones. It can be days/weeks between logins though.


I should probably practise a bit on starparse, I'm seriously losing my touch on my shadows/assassins. Barely getting close to 10k dps these days and that with mostly 246/248 gear. Used to do 10.5k regularly with those toons. Maybe they nerfed them. Bleh, who cares. Borderlands 2 is more fun anyway ;)


Edit: If anyone wants to do something some day on one of those two servers, just message me.


Star Forge: 'Unfulfilled Destiny' pub side, 'Malevolent' imp side

Darth Malgus: 'Blind Justice' pub side, 'Opal' imp side


I mostly login pub side though.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally mustered the strength to power through on my assassin since he was the closest one to being done with everything. How does one get a job writing this crap? Seriously? Anyways,  we are now on the path to Imp vs Pub again which I don't mind but I do wish they could have gotten there in a better way. I would have hope for 6.0 but I doubt they'll get the budget to do anything halfway decent.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I still play..(PVE Player here though)..mostly..when I miss the stories , and Lana Smoochie . 


But since the Stronghold (killed mah guild) , then the 'Knight of boredom' ...


And Level sync , and game is so easy...and..Urgh..


So yeah , I just make new alt..play story and go back when I get the itch mostly . 

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I'll bet ye've got all sorts o' barmy questions! (She mimics your heroic stance) Greetin's, I have some questions... can ye tell me about this place? Who's the Lady o' Pain? I'm lookin' fer the magic Girdle of Swank Iron, have ye seen it? Do ye know where a portal ta the 2,817th Plane o' the Abyss might be? Do ye know where the Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum is?


Elderly Hive Dweller

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  • 3 months later...

Eh, I dunno. Never was into that stupid "Blue glowstick gud red glowstick baaaaad now lets fight forevah!!!!" false conflict. I'll still click on someone's referral for a sub week, although I still have some unused code from years ago I never bothered to redeem because there is nothing to do.

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I'm not excited for blue v red but rather the effort that seems to be put into this update. I don't know if they're getting resources back from Anthem or other projects but it seems more ambitious than their usual dot increments. 


Took a look at Dulfy's. You mean the thing with the crafting or are they doing something worthwhile story-wise, or...?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I'm not excited for blue v red but rather the effort that seems to be put into this update. I don't know if they're getting resources back from Anthem or other projects but it seems more ambitious than their usual dot increments. 

Go check out Elder Scrolls Online if you want to see an MMO where the developers actually put some effort and constantly add new content. I love SW like my own unborn son but the only half-decent online game with frequent updates is Galaxy of Heroes nowadays.

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I'm not excited for blue v red but rather the effort that seems to be put into this update. I don't know if they're getting resources back from Anthem or other projects but it seems more ambitious than their usual dot increments. 


Took a look at Dulfy's. You mean the thing with the crafting or are they doing something worthwhile story-wise, or...?


I'm probably just caught up in the hype but there are two separate stories, though I don't care that much about sith vs jedi, the fact that it's not just one unified story anymore is somewhat exciting to me. It's also supposed to be more open than the hallway planets we've been getting. 


Also, a favorite character of mine is coming back

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I'm probably just caught up in the hype but there are two separate stories, though I don't care that much about sith vs jedi, the fact that it's not just one unified story anymore is somewhat exciting to me. It's also supposed to be more open than the hallway planets we've been getting.

Yeah, that's at least a step in the right direction. Now all they need to do is have those stories not suck so much ass as the Zakuul arc.


I doubt I'll ever resub myself, the whole Command Rank thing just makes me want to shut down the computer and go outside every time I read about it, but I just found who that fave character of yours is that's coming back, so maybe there's hope for this game yet.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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