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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens


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You count Darth Maul's saber as a staff weapon when it is clearly not a staff weapon at all. It's a double bladed sword. Staff weapons have advantages such as where you can hold them, giving them a mobility advantage. A double bladed sword does not and is impractical.


There is not much holographic records is because the movie is made in 70s...but we can disregard that, in the world where there is a huge space station that can blow up a planet, a spacecraft with gravity on it, and can travel in lightspeed...naaaah, technology lost is not an excuse. How long the hologram recoding device could be lost? Palpatine take over the galaxy, Luke was a baby, Luke must be about 20 when he meet Han Solo...

Except it's still the core of the backstory of A New Hope that this is all from a more civilized age that was lost. You can "disregard that" because it doesn't fit your argument but that doesn't make it any less true. original.gif Which really brings us to the problem with the prequels - there is no way twenty years ago was the golden age of the universe given the state of it in the original movies. Timeline wise, the prequels make no sense. If there's anything that should be disregarded, it's those.

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You count Darth Maul's saber as a staff weapon when it is clearly not a staff weapon at all. It's a double bladed sword. Staff weapons have advantages such as where you can hold them, giving them a mobility advantage. A double bladed sword does not and is impractical.



It is still a staff weapon, the attack arc and length is the same, and it have a very unique advantage than staff and staff-blade itself, because the blade can cut in any drections not like normal blades. By means the effective angle to strike is unlimited.


In that scene, Darth Maul don't actually have to block the attack but move inside effective

Edited by Qistina
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is still a staff weapon

Nope. I repeat.


it is clearly not a staff weapon at all. It's a double bladed sword.

Go ahead and use a double-bladed lightsaber like a staff. Use the same "attack arcs and swings". I dare you. I double dare you. Staff advantage comes from where you can hold them and how you can lever your strength through that. This does not have it.




Maul's lightsaber blades are the same length and a regular lightsaber, and he holds it in the middle. There is no arc size advantage. It is the same distance and size, except there is an impractical second sword sticking out of the bottom of his sword. It doesn't work. It's so impractical that it becomes stupid.


End conversation.

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A naginata can be held almost all over it's length and levered, which is where the advantage comes from.




Seriously, use the double bladed saber like a naginata. Again, I dare you. At least with your fingers cut off you won't be able to type this nonsense.


The double bladed sword does not have that. At all. They CANNOT be compared without being flat out lying. Maul's weapon is not a staff, it is not a naginta. It is this bull:




Seriously, I give up. What is even the point of arguing with you when you just make **** up all the time?

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That is not the same, it is funny, first LASER is not the same with STEEL blade, secondly that guy only attach two swords, i already watched that guy video LOOOOONG ago


Do you even watch the video i sent? The naginata movement is double-blade saber movement.

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Oh for god's sake. I did watch it and he clearly holds the staff at two opposite ends to lever his strength. Take a look at how far apart he's holding it. Take a look at the surface area a double bladed lightsaber has for holding it.


Gosh, it's almost like he's only got a sword hilt area to hold it, not an entire staff's length to level strength and create distance and can't use it in the same way as a staff or a naginata. Wow! :facepalm:

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Do you even watch?

You don't even need to watch, just looking at the thumbnail image of that video, his arm would be cut off if that were a double-edged lightsabre :-P And that's the issue, isn't it? Lightsabres need to be short and easy to follow at all times to even begin to pretend that they work like a real weapon. The moment there's one end of the weapon which will burn your skin off by even touching you unexpectedly when parrying the weapon is pretty much useless. Darth Maul lost because he needed to concentrate on his own weapon not killing him along with the weapons of his opponents :-P

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yes, and that actor ASKED to make it longer, and that's as far as Lucas designers can make it. It was shorther than that.


Even so, it carry NO WEIGHT other than the handle, if it heavy anyway, and he don't need to use energy to swing, don't even need to swing at all, just place it on flesh and the flesh witll cut burned


This is original version, the actor can't do anythng with it




This is final version, after asked to be made longer




It could be longer but they have the idea that it is two lightsaber attached.

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Okay, before this jumps back into the "no it can't / yes it can" argument with no-one wanting to give.. let's distract by other star wars stuff...







"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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No matter it is like it's final version, or longer than final version, it still hold advantage over single blade lightsaber in which similar to katana except can cut in any directions


Oh yes, dual wield also superior than single wield, but Anakin is an ass

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So now you're arguing based on how you think it should have been rather as how it is? You just keep making stuff up. :w00t:  The simple fact is that the double bladed lightsaber is not advantageous. Even if the hilt was longer, that hilt would not stop another lightsaber from cutting it in half, which is literally what Obi-Wan does. Even in your video, the naginata guy constantly blocks the kendo guy's attacks with the middle of his staff. Bye bye weapon.


EDIT: Raithe is right though, I clearly will make no progress against delusion so I'm not responding any more.

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I would say that double edged lasersaber could be used in similar fashion as quarterstaff(short staff in half-staff grip. And it could have some advantages over regular lightsaber like ability block and bind opponent's saber with one edge and attack with another. But I would say also that it don't have similar reach advantage as staff does as you can't move to grip to quarter of staff grip to give you longer reach and jabs have much shorter distance and don't have similar reach and speed advantage as they have in regular staff fighting. Of course laser edges bring some of their own advantages (and disadvantages) that regular staffs (even edged staffs) don't have.


But really there is no logic in lasersabres as if star wars universe would have even close similar physics than our universe lasersaber would be mostly weaker choice than regular sword. But we know that it isn't true and Star Wars universe have its own physics that differ from ones that we are familiar with. And overall lasersaber is very unpractical choice of weaponry especially in context where it is used, but do people really care of that fact? Probably not :).

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So now you're arguing based on how you think it should have been rather as how it is? You just keep making stuff up. :w00t:  The simple fact is that the double bladed lightsaber is not advantageous. Even if the hilt was longer, that hilt would not stop another lightsaber from cutting it in half, which is literally what Obi-Wan does. Even in your video, the naginata guy constantly blocks the kendo guy's attacks with the middle of his staff. Bye bye weapon.


EDIT: Raithe is right though, I clearly will make no progress against delusion so I'm not responding any more.


Naaah, you just nitpicking whle obviously after that the naginata wielder only place his hands at the middle, and see how the katana wielder can't even get in

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Single saber is boring...of course lightsaber is unique on it's own, but still boring, because it is still a sword, we see that with any movies, 70s samurai movies have extraordinary sword movements, so it is not a suprise anymore, for me...double blade lightsaber is refresing, dual wield fight also refreshing, but the careographer messed it up in favor of single blade. That's my only complain.

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EDIT: Raithe is right though, I clearly will make no progress against delusion so I'm not responding any more.


Putting this person on my ignore list after seeing only their very few first posts in this section (not this topic, but this section in another topic) is seeming very prodigious right about now. :)


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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If it were up to me I would keep the classic single light saber and stop all the goofy experimentation.

Things need to be Cool though. Is why we ended up with the ballet of TPM's saber fight.


One of them should just come up with a light shield. I am curious as to what that stormtrooper is wielding against Finn, in one of the tv spots, is some sort of maul that can parry a lightsaber.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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One of them should just come up with a light shield.



Ulysses 31 used to have one, great cartoon, have to introduce the kids to that as a cheap segway to Homer.



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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Things need to be Cool though. Is why we ended up with the ballet of TPM's saber fight.

TPM's fight is the closest to a good fight in the entire prequels. But that's because of Ray Park, not his weapon. Lots of flourish, power, and emotion from the actor, even without lines.


And the weapon itself sort of highlights a dichotomy between Sith/Jedi, perhaps unintentionally. Jedi have a simple weapon primarily for defense, but with the Sith, fighting and attacking are all they're about, so they get more elaborate.


Of course, Attack of the Clones throws part of that idea out with Obi-Wan telling Anakin the lightsaber is his life.


One of them should just come up with a light shield.

Seems kind of redundant. The lightsaber was conceived by Lucas for its defensive properties. The first thing Luke was trained to do was defend.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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