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How is the performance on people's machines?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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IF i recall correctly these troops should be considered MIA/Captured and that can trigger a rescue type of operation for some of them. Skyranger bolts to not get shot down as that would mean GG. Soldiers on the ground have no chance of escaping the Advent Hub place... hence the timer.


You have plenty of time to deal with it and even if failed you can potentially rescue someone. Same as in case of running away and leaving behind a soldier under a mind control etc.

Yeah, I just can't help feeling short changed. So we are counting down to something dangerous. Show me the danger. Spawn an extremely hard enemy squad that you would rarely escape from without casualties and a new extraction point. That would have been so easy to do. They could have used that in the story as well to build up an enemy boss that you would have to face sooner or later for instance.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Gameplay is superb, but performance needs additional optimizing. Game defaulted to highest graphical settings on initial boot, which was odd.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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How is the performance on people's machines?

I was quite worried looking over the steam forums, however I have a i7 4790, 8 GB, and a Nvidia 750 ti, and with high textures even, I still get a steady 30 fps easy which is good enough for me on a game like this.  I wish it would let you zoom in more though:)


I will agree it does need some optimizing, but it's quite playable so far with my system at least.

Edited by SadExchange
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IF i recall correctly these troops should be considered MIA/Captured and that can trigger a rescue type of operation for some of them. Skyranger bolts to not get shot down as that would mean GG. Soldiers on the ground have no chance of escaping the Advent Hub place... hence the timer.


You have plenty of time to deal with it and even if failed you can potentially rescue someone. Same as in case of running away and leaving behind a soldier under a mind control etc.

Yeah, I just can't help feeling short changed. So we are counting down to something dangerous. Show me the danger. Spawn an extremely hard enemy squad that you would rarely escape from without casualties and a new extraction point. That would have been so easy to do. They could have used that in the story as well to build up an enemy boss that you would have to face sooner or later for instance.



what's the point of spawning 10 troop pods on top of you every turn with no extraction point from the map? youhave no extraction, window closed. you are in alien territory with no escape route and a city full of alien troops coming for you... that would be a waste of time and resources, unless you would like to just lose them guns blazing.


the outcome is the same.

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You go to ground somewhere ?. The cities are still populated by humans. It's the principle of cutting away the apex of the curve that bothers me. A counter reaching zero is pretty anti climatic once it's done. 


you are dropped into the city near the VIP you go retrieve them from their home/prison/convoy and you go out to the nearest safe place where firebrand is hovering. that mission literally is insert, retrieve, get out before the reinforcements come to the zone. there is no ground connection, no wandering around bravely etc. imagine a group of 4 terrorists showing up in your city to break someone from a local prison.. what do you think would happen, if they would somehow manage to come in with a stealth copter?

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The Avenger just got shot down.

I blame Gorgon. A mission to his liking.

Killed 15/18 ADVENT.

One officer with half his goons from the last wave survived.  But I was running low on ammo, and cover was falling apart. So I made a run for it when I could.

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How is the performance on people's machines?

Load times are a little long, but other than that, it's been fine. Granted, I'm playing on a machine that I'm not sure meets minimum specs (I can't recall if the video card is a 5770 or 5750) with everything turned down to minimum.
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Scanning stopped working. Or rather the timer for an event just goes to 0 and then -1 and so on and nothing happens. Anyone else get this ?


Nope :)

But hey the game gets over 90% on all sites. Surely it is absolute perfection? :p

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I think I'm going to lose. Not because of bad tactical play (I've only lost 1 soldier, and that was mainly because a muton charged her and stabbed her, which I didn't realize was possible) but because the Avatar project is one pip from finished and I'm two regions from the nearest facility. I haven't been expanding much (got all of Asia) because I didn't have supplies to build the uplink thing, and I've been so busy scanning stuff I haven't had time to make contact with more regions since I built it. I think I'm going to start skipping anything that's not supplies or engineers. I'm geared up pretty nicely, all tier 2 weapons and armor (well, 1 E.X.O. suit as well), as well as a 5 man squad, but if I wasn't I'd be getting crushed by the enemies, as it would be nearly impossible for me to 1-shot anything (it's already hard to 1-shot anything but the weakest enemies because of armor, large hp pools, and seeming crit resistance/immunity for at least some enemies.)


My last retaliation mission it was impossible to get just 1 pod at a time, so it was pretty brutal. Thankfully people seem to heal pretty fast.


Despite my not thinking I'd have a lot of use for rangers, my MVP so far is a ranger, though I sword a lot less now as opposed to earlier in the game. That's mostly because I missed 2 sword attacks in a row on one guy, whereas point blank shotgun is 100% to hit, and seems to do better damage. Specialists and grenadiers are awesome, but I'm a bit disappointed with my sharpshooter. He doesn't seem as accurate as a sniper from EU (yes, I'm aware of the Squadsight range penalty) but part of that might be the fact that I haven't gotten anything better than a basic scope. I've got a superior repeater, though. Not quite sure what to attach it to, though. Maybe a cannon so it can hopefully proc on that cone of death thing grenadiers get later.


Also, the advanced warfare center is pretty cool. I got a specialist with chain shot and another specialist with holo targeting. A ranger or sniper with chain shot would probably be awesome. Hoping I get some more neat combos, but they seem pretty rare so far.


Anyway, if you couldn't tell, I'm loving the game. It's made hours of my life vanish without a trace, and I don't know if I have any complaints beyond the loading times. Nothing springs to mind. I even like the timers, as they force me to play more agressively, which feels much more rewarding than playing turtle-style. Only had one that got down to the last turn, and that was just because the thing I needed to hack was in the back of a van and I had to kill everything before I could get LOS on it without leaving someone exposed.


Edit: I thought of a complaint. There's no way to automatically unequip modded weapons from non-mission soldiers, and when you upgrade tiers, it keeps the mods but removes the name you've given the weapon, so you have to go in, figure out which ones are modded, and rename them. Not a huge deal, but something that bothered me.

Edited by Vaeliorin
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And once Mutons start counter-attacking your sword attacks, swords become even less appealing. Charge Muton, sword attack misses, Muton gets free counterblow, Ranger dead.


Advanced warfare so far has given me a Specialist with Aim and a Sniper with Hail of Bullets. It's on my overwatch, death from above sniper. So I guess she can get a guaranteed hit anywhere on the map now if she empties her magazine, then reload for free if it's a kill.

Edited by melkathi

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Blade rangers are decent early on to finish off higher HP enemies and then they are godly at max level with all their perks. I prefer scout rangers with shotty though


I seem to be lagging on the map, but even if you get to the last red box, then it starts the doom counter of 20days, you can stop the avatar in that extra time. some people fought like this for 4 months on legendary...


the radio facility seems like a must fairly early not sure how to balance it in to the pool of AWC, PG, GT and extra power... excavation on legendary is brutally long...

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Ekhmm... so guys.... any tactical insight for this type of a scenario?





Fall back in the opposite direction. If all ADVENT are there, there must be civilians completely safe.

But mostly: ragequit.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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I started a new game once I realized the proper placement of facilities in the ship and what can and can't be staffed by gremlins


This time around I've invested heavily in getting my Psi Ops going as soon as possible and it's really paying off

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I have also learned a lot about what to invest in early, right now I feel a couple steps behind on armor and weapons and think I wasted too much time and resources on some stuff.


But I am hanging in there at normal difficulty. Hardest part will be keeping the avatar from completing.

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Keeping Avatar at bay is now working out. Build a relay and staffed it with Gremlins. That let me contact two regions with ADVENT Facilities. Blew one of them up. Heading for the second one.

I still haven't build a Psi Ops though :(

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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