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Inventory Mod [16 Slots]


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We have already changed the base inventory to 16 slots a few days ago on our end. We agree that it feels better.


Also please don't report any bugs if you are going to use modded DLLs. Changing the DLL can introduce new bugs, which can cause confusion on our side and potentially slow us down.

If you don't mind me asking. Why did you decide to try out 8 slots in the first place? Did 16 seem a bit too much previously?

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Like I wrote in my thread about things that would fix the PoE beta as it stands, I have changed my mind quite a bit concerning the inventory UI. Like Sensuki and Stun, I'd prefer something in the vein of BG2. Furthermore, I've lost the excitement I had over the stash, and now I really don't like it. As much as I love to ransack places and take everything with me, including fixtures, it's a pretty bizarre and cumbersome addition to this kind of CRPG. Also, I'm pretty alone in this, but I'd like to see a return of limited ammo, and might-based carrying capacity limits for party members - I actually like the so called "invo game", I realize this now when re-playing BG. It adds an interesting, although not always "fun" ( :lol: TM).

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I wish they went more IE like including different types of ammo. You could put a couple of arrows of detonation in your first slot and then arrows of biting in your second slot. Your character could shoot fireballs and then shoot arrows that did poison damage. Or acid and fire arrows to kill trolls. Your character could change to different types of arrows if you wanted them to. So much good and various types of ammo that was fun and provided a good tactical challenge.

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Hiro: I've begun my little D:OS journey right now, and that's exactly how it works there too - just that the arrows have a much larger impact, literally. It will be a shame if PoE misses that kind of opportunity. And it actually is fun.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Mucho me gusta. :thumbsup:


Another vote for bumping the inventory to 16 slots, if a more thorough rework is off the cards.


(Edit: although I would prefer an unlimited self-sorting party inventory. Playing BG1 and not enjoying the inventory rhumba.)

Edited by PrimeJunta
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 although I would prefer an unlimited self-sorting party inventory. Playing BG1 and not enjoying the inventory rhumba.)


I have honestly no idea why I like the invo shuffle so much, but I do. It's like meditating - it's a perfect mellow cop-out thing to do in-between combat and travelling, so it helps with the pacing. This is slow food, remember, not some ARPG a la D3 (which actually has a lot of invo rumba as well).

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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PJ: That's another rumba I like!


One secret aspect of making the invo shuffling not just ho-hum okay, but great, in PoE, will be the sound effects of each and every item moved and dropped into slots. In BG, all heavy weapons, armours, gems, keys, scrolls, arrows, bows, etc, etc, etc, have different sound handles and most of them sound good (I even think BG:EE has added in a few extra sounds - if not, I'm blown away of the sound array - perhaps it's added stuff from BG2).

The in-combat sounds in the BB build as been extremely limited, almost placeholder all of it. The same goes for the invo stuff. We really should make a thread about those important little sounds - OE would do well not to miss that kind of polish. I mean, we are supposed to play this game for hours on end - so the sounds need to be not only sufferable, but great and varying - like three effects on a gem moved, four effects of an arrow shot, well, you get the idea. :)

Edited by IndiraLightfoot
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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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@Indira I agree, the sounds are pretty thing ATM. Perhaps to be expected, though.


It would be good to get an update on the sound design from the horse's mouth in fact. We don't know what state it is currently in, nor what's planned which makes it a little difficult to make suggestions.

I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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I think it would be a definite overstatement to suggest that this mod will noticeably affect the balance of the game, but I worry that it sets a precedent for other mods that are popular concepts that serve to unbalance the core system.

Nobody forces you to install any mods that you think affect balance.


Truth to be told, I wouldn't care so much. But D:OS certainly put inventory management on my radar and I refuse to play another game where it's such a chore. Unless mods are available that make things tolerable.

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Nobody forces you to install any mods that you think affect balance.


Truth to be told, I wouldn't care so much. But D:OS certainly put inventory management on my radar and I refuse to play another game where it's such a chore. Unless mods are available that make things tolerable.


Oh, well spotted. I had hithero imagined that Sensuki was going to fly over to my house and force me to install his creation at gunpoint. Thanks for the heads-up.


I reiterate that this is not something that will greatly affect balance in and of itself and has since been implemented in the game anyway. That said, mods at beta stage strike me as a very bad idea. One that threatens the game balance far more is the mod for infinite camping supplies. What happens to balance when half the beta testers are playing with infinite health (whilst also vehemently denying this)? This is an aside from all the other issues that modding or editing a game can bring up.


There's already been a quick chortle in this thread saying "Who would be so stupid?", but a quick look around these forums - mentioning no names whatsoever, not necessarily in this thread and with the greatest respect possible - tells me that there are a substantial number of people who are stupid enough to do just that.


This isn't a go at Sensuki, 95% of whose proposals I agree with, I'm just trying to express my concern both primarily for modding at this stage and also secondarily for requesting the transplanting of mechanics from other games people like rather than letting this game build itself well.


And it's pretty unrelated, but for the record, D:OS had some of the worst inventory management I think I have ever had the misfortune to use.


EDIT: Also, polite apology to Sensuki for the first post following his update being a go at mods generally, which seems a bit of a ****ty reward for hard work.

Edited by Kjaamor
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EDIT: Also, polite apology to Sensuki for the first post following his update being a go at mods generally, which seems a bit of a ****ty reward for hard work.

It's okay I understood what you meant. They next patch will have 16 slots anyway so it's a non-issue in that sense.


I won't be focusing on making mods, I just wanted to learn how to do it so that when the game comes out I'll have a head start. One other advantage is now that when I see a bug, I can go into the game code and possibly find the reason for it happening as well - which will make my suggestions and bug reports stronger.


I don't actually know C#, but I'm okay at Java, and they're both OOP languages. A lot of the code is written in structures I am familiar with as well, particularly the inventory and MVC stuff.

Edited by Sensuki
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I think its fine to have mods for an in-beta-testing game sor the purposes of testing theories and design concepts. Its one thing to show graphs and images of how an inventory would be better with more slots per character, and a completely different thing to test it out for yourself in-game.


People should remove the mod after they are done fiddling with it though as its very detrimental and counterproductive to test a game and report errors, bugs, and mechanics while you have a mod on, as others have said.


Id suggest that unless its for the purpose of demonstrating ideas for the purposes of discussion we refrain from making mods at this stage of development. You will have plenty of time to change everything you may not like about the game once its released.

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The mod is the same as the next patch, and if I want to inspire change, I will do it.


What is bad is reporting bugs when using a modified dll, people should always revert back to default when doing normal testing.

Edited by Sensuki
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