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List necessities you think would fix the game in broad strokes

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It's funny, since I turn on the game and then end up leaving my computer, I'm sure my account makes it look like I've played hours and hours of the beta, but I've probably only logged about ten max.  I've finally gotten into juggling my inventory and I have some things I think they should fix.  First of all, I want to say that I *don't* hate the stash, but I think it is flawed.


1  If we're in a non-stash area, put up a boilerplate box warning us that anything we put in the stash will stay there because we're in a non-stash access area.


2  For the love of God, let us decide where things go in the stash.  Some things I put in there to dump, some things I put in there to hold.  I want to know where stuff is at a glance because of the slots I use.  This won't be as big an issue when we have something other than spaceholder icons, but it will stay an issue for me nonetheless.


3  In terms of our inventory sheet, give us the numbers behind the stats we see.  I'm sure there's a reason my BB Wizard has more DT than my PC Wizard although both are wearing the same armor (exactly the same, including the ex in exceptional scale).  However, I don't want to have to hunt down the specific reason when a tool-tip or right click would work nicely.


4  the stash should be accessible in *any* non combat area.  It's idiotic that I should have to rent a room to access my stash.  I look at the stash as the stuff I stick in my backpack.  It makes sense that I don't have time to root around in my saddle bag during combat.  It makes less sense that I can't root around in my backpack while I'm sitting at the bar.  I'm sure the tenth level barmaid will be patient enough to withhold her attacks to give me time to dig up some coin.

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Well, it's less in that you could also use potions, scrolls and items to augment (or do without) the cleric's (or druid's or paladin's or BG PC's etc.) healing spells. The health/stamina mechanic removes the need for a cleric, but doesn't give the other options to lengthen your adventuring day. Balancing it will help, but there are still no other ways to augment health.


Healing potions/items were, for me at least, always a supplementing feature. The only game I used them regularly was IWD2 where I knew enemies would drop them regularly so there was no point to hoard them. In all the others they were emergency-use only, i.e. when I screwed up somehow, or in rare instances I wanted to push through further than my cleric's healing would allow.



 Sure, I agree with this - potions aren't something I would use all of the time, but they were an option in difficult circumstances. (I also used potions for solo runs, something that won't be necessary for P:E.).





The purpose of stam/health is still the same: you have a tactical health resource (stamina in P:E, hit points in DnD), and a strategic health resource (health in P:E, cleric heals+potions in DnD). The former is relevan in an individual fight, the latter determines how far you can go before resting.


 Sure, but going into a fight at full health with 25% of your healing spells (plus some potions) feels different than going into a fight with full stamina and 25% of your health. Less ... err ... suicidal.

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Also, I think the quicksave confirmation should not only be floating text but also in the game log.

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Sure, but going into a fight at full health with 25% of your healing spells (plus some potions) feels different than going into a fight with full stamina and 25% of your health. Less ... err ... suicidal.


There's no reason 25% health has to be the functional equivalent of 25% healing spells. It can't be, plainly, because healing spells can be applied where needed whereas health is what it is, even allowing for tactical adjustments like rotating your badly beat-up tank to the back while a less beat-up character equips heavy armor and goes on temporary tanking duty.


To work, however, the mechanic has to provide 'adventuring days' of comparable length. I.e. that, on average, you'd get about as far with the health/stamina system as you would with one cleric on medic duty. This is currently not the case and it is plainly a problem. But that is a numbers issue, not an issue with the fundamental mechanic.

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I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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FIX about everything considering how THE COMBAT works (maybe take some advice from the guys that made Divinity Original Sin).

I'm bitterly disappointed right now - The next thing I'll tryout will be the final release, the worst that can happen is that I'll learn something about crowdfunding & entrusting others with my money... ...See you much much later.


Oh & feel free to flame me - I'm neither fanboy nor troll, just a guy who wanted a nice old-school (albeit accessible) SPRPG.

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For me the key focus is aesthetics right now.- A lot more portraits and 2D art assets . This includes character screen models and item descriptions.


Arts assets all the way; guaranteed this will make people happier.


This is what I'd focus on if I could choose one thing.


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So my question is (and this also relates to a comment made by Sawyer about armor) - Once the AI turns on to backliners, or ignores front liners, how do we make it so that the enemies turn back on our front liners?


Do we have to give them more damage and less armor to make them more attractive?


Doesn't this all turn into one heavy armor is ****, circle jerk?


Nope. That's when things get interesting. If their ranged units target your back row, then you should try to take them out of the fight first. If their melee units target your back row, you should interpose your melee units so they don't reach them. Tactics, y'know.

I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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For me the key focus is aesthetics right now.- A lot more portraits and 2D art assets . This includes character screen models and item descriptions.


Arts assets all the way; guaranteed this will make people happier.


This is what I'd focus on if I could choose one thing.


Seriously? You'd be happy with wonky broken un-fun combat, if you get more portraits?


Don't know about "people," but that would certainly not make me happy.

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I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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For me the key focus is aesthetics right now.- A lot more portraits and 2D art assets . This includes character screen models and item descriptions.


Arts assets all the way; guaranteed this will make people happier.


This is what I'd focus on if I could choose one thing.


Seriously? You'd be happy with wonky broken un-fun combat, if you get more portraits?


Don't know about "people," but that would certainly not make me happy.



Maybe he assumes that balancing and bug fixing will actually take place during the balancing and bug fixing part of the development schedule, and isn't too keen on yelling "the sky is falling" from a position of ignorance, like most people on this forum are?

Edited by Tartantyco
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"You're a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence. Step aside and you and your lackeys will be unhurt."



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[slap Aloth]

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For me the key focus is aesthetics right now.- A lot more portraits and 2D art assets . This includes character screen models and item descriptions.


Arts assets all the way; guaranteed this will make people happier.


This is what I'd focus on if I could choose one thing.

I envy you, Kronos, immensely! This is your broad stroke necessity, and just one thing. This game's already, like, made for you. You wouldn't be Josh Sawyer's mum, by any chance?


I keed, I keed... :dancing:

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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90% of this are not even possible to change anymore, you know that? It's too late to change things like stamina/health. Focus your feedback on things that can actually change.


Uhh no? If this game sells and they get a new designer who actually enjoyed BG1 / BG 2.. would be nice to plan for PoE 2.





For me the key focus is aesthetics right now.- A lot more portraits and 2D art assets . This includes character screen models and item descriptions.


Arts assets all the way; guaranteed this will make people happier.


This is what I'd focus on if I could choose one thing.


Seriously? You'd be happy with wonky broken un-fun combat, if you get more portraits?


Don't know about "people," but that would certainly not make me happy.



Maybe he assumes that balancing and bug fixing will actually take place during the balancing and bug fixing part of the development schedule, and isn't too keen on yelling "the sky is falling" from a position of ignorance, like most people on this forum are?



As opposed to the snarky trolls who only post anything of quality when they don't like something.. Your best posts are when you hear something about the game you don't like and start arguing about it.

Edited by Immortalis
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From George Ziets @ http://new.spring.me/#!/user/GZiets/timeline/responses

Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat. While this does put more emphasis on solving quests, the lack of rewards for killing creatures makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game) as much as I can.

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90% of this are not even possible to change anymore, you know that? It's too late to change things like stamina/health. Focus your feedback on things that can actually change.


Uhh no? If this game sells and they get a new designer who actually enjoyed BG1 / BG 2.. would be nice to plan for PoE 2.




Pff, the only reason PoE even exist is because Sawyer wanted to make an IE inspired game. You know what a Project Director and Lead Designer is? Who should be the one that actually replace the main head behind the game? xD

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Sure, but going into a fight at full health with 25% of your healing spells (plus some potions) feels different than going into a fight with full stamina and 25% of your health. Less ... err ... suicidal.


There's no reason 25% health has to be the functional equivalent of 25% healing spells. It can't be, plainly, because healing spells can be applied where needed whereas health is what it is, even allowing for tactical adjustments like rotating your badly beat-up tank to the back while a less beat-up character equips heavy armor and goes on temporary tanking duty.



 Yes, this was exactly the point of the example. Healing spells are like having a savings account - health is like living paycheck to paycheck. (and potions are like having extra cash hidden in the cookie jar).



To work, however, the mechanic has to provide 'adventuring days' of comparable length. I.e. that, on average, you'd get about as far with the health/stamina system as you would with one cleric on medic duty. This is currently not the case and it is plainly a problem. But that is a numbers issue, not an issue with the fundamental mechanic.


 I agree but, even then, it's not the average that bites you, it's the standard deviation (wow, got critted 3 times (or, crap that spider drains health directly) - welp, off to the adventurer's hall).


 Without a way to recharge health during combat, you will always have a riskier system. 

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Maybe he assumes that balancing and bug fixing will actually take place during the balancing and bug fixing part of the development schedule, and isn't too keen on yelling "the sky is falling" from a position of ignorance, like most people on this forum are?


Why do I have the feeling that you wrote this without the "like most people on this forum are" and then edited it, so you wouldn't be called upon your passive aggression again. You get a :thumbsup: for making progress. If you didn't, then even better. :lol:

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The Cipher needs a good nerfing, imho.


A combination of one or more of:


-Removing the starting focus, so that Ciphers have to land hits to use their powerful spells

-Reducing the amount of focus gained per hit.

-Removing the spell "Whispers of Treason" entirely.


Oh, and at the moment I haven't been able to find a "Dismiss Party Member" button, so that would be nice.

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The Cipher needs a good nerfing, imho.


A combination of one or more of:


-Removing the starting focus, so that Ciphers have to land hits to use their powerful spells

-Reducing the amount of focus gained per hit.

-Removing the spell "Whispers of Treason" entirely.


Oh, and at the moment I haven't been able to find a "Dismiss Party Member" button, so that would be nice.

I actually think the Cipher could use some beefing up in terms of HP and deflection. IMO it doesn't work well as a gish, which IIRC it is supposed to be. I don't disagree about the charm power, that seems like it should be level 3 or 4.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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The charm power should be a level 3-5 wizard spell. As a reusable Cipher talent it makes mincemeat out of almost any encounter that comes your way.


I agree that in terms of Githing, the Cipher doesn't really live up to purpose, given that its two best spells are Charm and a DoT.

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EDIT:  Sorry, I posted in the wrong thread.  :Cant's embarrassed icon:

Edited by Cantousent

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The charm power should be a level 3-5 wizard spell. As a reusable Cipher talent it makes mincemeat out of almost any encounter that comes your way.


I agree that in terms of Githing, the Cipher doesn't really live up to purpose, given that its two best spells are Charm and a DoT.

Yeah I agree. IMO, Ciphers should get quick Powers that complement gishing, like boosts to combat abilitiy and quick debuffs. The Charm is way too OP for a first level power that can be used a lot in one day.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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If you've completely cleared a dungeon, doors and whatnot should stay as you left them.  If there isn't anyone to close it, the secret doors you open should stay open unless it's clear there is a mechanism that closes it automatically.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Are you still posting in the wrong thread, Cantousent? Sounds more like a "General Suggestions Thread" post to me.

"You're a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence. Step aside and you and your lackeys will be unhurt."



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[slap Aloth]

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Are you still posting in the wrong thread, Cantousent? Sounds more like a "General Suggestions Thread" post to me.

I guess I might be, but this time it would mistaken judgment rather than being wrong about the actual thread.  :D  I guess that is a general suggestion, but I'll leave it here and post other such things in the other thread in the future.

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-Rethink the constant damaging going on in combat, this no matter of how well you play, you'll be sanded down in health by 40%, slowly but surely. Yuk! I want to see a system where landing a hit is a thing in itself. No more grazes. Either you hit or you miss. Keep crits if you wish, but vary damage in a way that is exciting enough - a little RNG in this very respect would help strengthening replayability and general RPG-fun.



This one. I think the "almost always land hits" system (assuming you dont have a big disadvantage in accuracy) just doesnt feel good. In combat, you are overwhelmed by 1 dmg hits that are completely useless, just distracting. I dont think that grazes have to be left out, but they have to be altered somehow, made much less frequent, and misses on the other hand should be made much more frequent - lets say maybe 0-30 on the 0-100 scale, not sure about the actual number, but something like that. The point is that when you manage to hit the enemy, it matters.


Other than that, obviously, make the attributes matter.

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