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So DA:I will have stronghold and crafting too

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I just saw the news,Dragon Age:Inquisition will have the stronghold(or something like that)and crafting system(extremely interesting,they said).

So, You guys may have more pressures now,genius in Obidian. :devil: Who will win, Obsidian or Bioware? :devil: Who will design the most talented systems.


Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, She got the Mercedes Benz

She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

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"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

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"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

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From the information now, we know in DA:I there will be several non-combat companions in the stronghold, who will build deeply relationship with PC. They will manage with the diplomacy and finance issues, even will lead an espionage apparatus, to perform some spy or assassinate missions for PC.

And in the crafting system, PC can design different parts of weapon,choice the shape and name the equipments they builded.Sound interesting.


But consider that we have Tim's super brain, I think those stuffs in PoE will be better~ 

Edited by bronzepoem

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, She got the Mercedes Benz

She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

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Eh, I wouldn't be surprised if DA3 did have a more extensive stronghold with more features.  DA3 will probably have more characters than PE, and some of them probably have some good lines of dialogue.  They'll probably have a ton of features this game won't like destructible terrain, full 3D, interaction with past saves, spell combos and the like.  I'm certain EA is aware of how precarious Bioware's reputation is, and are throwing piles upon piles of money at this game.


That said, I'll be shocked if they can deliver anything approaching PE's gameplay, and that's even if their game is bugfree and Obsidian's is riddled with them.  Their vehemence in promoting and defending the second game places them in a trap where they can't completely forget about it, but virtually every single feature in it was worse than the original.  Their need to push it on consoles means that you'll be limited to four party members who mostly use bad AI.  The universe has yet to show any brilliant flares of originality.  They've been institutionally damaged by completely discarding the simulationist aspect of gameplay (Obsidian doesn't hold a strong attachment to this, but still consider it).  Similarly, they separate narrative from gameplay to such a high degree that it damages both.  And high praise for previous efforts lead them to be resistant and confrontational to criticism.  


In essence, they've created an institutional trap for themselves that they'll have a hard time escaping no matter how many features they add.

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Personally I was unaware that it was a competition, if it is Poe has won as i've allready bought the game. I'd have to be a fool to pre-order DA3 after the second game, and from what i've seen of the idiotic characters, their moronic quotes and horrible artistic design, I doubt i'll purchase it. From what i'm seeing of Poe it is more than living up to its promise.

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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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They're going to be very different games. Just because they have a few of the same features doesn't mean they're directly competing.


DA:I is much larger budget and aimed at a wider audience. PoEt is lower budget but with the bonus of more dev freedom due to crowd funding, and aimed at a narrower demographic.


DA:I will be more toward the action side than turn based tactical - something along the lines of Mass Effect. It will be flashier, with more impressive fully 3D graphics. PoE will have slower paced combat with more hand-crafted feeling aesthetic - ideally of quality equal to, or better than, what made some of the old IE games age so well.


I'm sure DA's budget will make a big difference, however there's EA looming over it so some distasteful but typical AAA nonsense is likely to mar the experience as well.


The main thing for me though, is I don't like the Dragon Age setting all that much. PoE is something new, and while I could guess I can't be sure I'll like it, but at least it's a setting I haven't seen in multiple games already like with so many other releases anymore.

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Strongholds and crafting do not a great RPG make. :p


I don't think it's a matter of "winning". For a start, they're not really in competition with each other. It's not as if everybody who buys one will not buy the other; with as much disposable income as we have today, most people can afford to buy many games, and its highly likely a good proportion of the RPG community will buy both games.


Besides, you have to define "win" - win what, exactly?


Most sales? That's not a fair contest. Bioware have all of EA's corporate assets at their disposal, including their marketing department. EA carefully design their games with the purpose of appealing to the widest possible audience, in order to make as much money as possible, and as such, spend a crap-ton on advertising. Obsidian are a small team making works of art, for a niche audience. They simply do not compare.


Popularity amongst fans of old school RPGs? Well, sure, Obsidian will win that, but then, Bioware aren't even trying to work that market anymore, so again, it's not a fair contest.


Which one will make the better game? Well, that's down to the individual. We might think it's better, but we are a minority. We can't declare that our opinions are representative of the whole world, because in many cases, they aren't. I mean, I know this is hard to believe, but there are people who actually think D&D4e is good!! :devil:  It's like saying "who makes the best cars, Jaguar or Vauxhall?" Neither. They make different cars for different people. Jaguar's cars appeal to rich, high-status types who want a flashy looking car that goes fast, but for a cheap, fuel efficient car that can carry entire families plus luggage, they're not too good at that, so Vauxhall's cars are probably more popular overall. But then, Jaguar don't really target that demographic.


Who will make the most money? Again, this is down to EA's marketing team, who will make sure the world and its dog knows all about DA:I. This game is made for a niche market, and can't hope to generate as much revenue as EA. Corporate owners aren't idiots (okay, most of them aren't!), they know what they're doing. They know full well that if they make an old school RPG, it won't sell anything like as much as they would want it to (if they thought it would then they would make one). They make the games the way they do because they know what sells, and what will give the best return on the least investment.


To summarise for the TL;DR crowd: define "win". :p

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Ludacris fools!

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It's not like they're in direct competition (if they were, then Bioware is a damn nice competitor with the help they've given Obsidian), but comparisons are natural.  Obsidian and Bioware are the two heirs to Black Isle, and it's natural to judge them according to the other.  Hell, some people have been comparing this to Divinity: Original Sin for a while, and they have two very different designs and goals.

Edited by anameforobsidian
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The last three Obsidian games I played (SoT, AP, F:NV) all outperformed my expectations.  The last three Biwoare games I played (SWTOR, ME3, DA2) were deeply disappointing and had marketing campaigns that I felt were borderline deceitful.  Between DA:I and PoE I know which game I'd recommend, based solely on the reputations of their respectful developers.

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 I'm certain EA is aware of how precarious Bioware's reputation is, and are throwing piles upon piles of money at this game.


They may be throwing piles of money at the game, but that doesn't mean they aren't completely clueless as to how to translate those piles of money into an actual good game. They threw piles of money at The Old Republic as well, remember?

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I'd say that the real way that most people win is if both games -- and, ideally, many more games as well -- are excellent in their own ways and contain many elements that people like. Strongholds, in some form, are not terribly uncommon. It remains to be seen exactly what form they will take in Inquisition (I tend to take their marketing with a rather large grain of salt). PoE's version sounds more interesting to me from what I've heard of both, but I have mostly not noticed anything BioWare has released about Inquisition, because it mostly doesn't seem to be ending up in the places I go to look for it.


That said, I've no doubt whatsoever that PoE will be the better game, or at the least the game more to my taste ("better", after all, is largely a matter of opinion in such cases). I may purchase Inquisition as well, but that is by no means a definite thing at this point. Neither strongholds nor crafting systems are what I base my decision to play or not play a game on, and from my point of view, BioWare shot themselves in the foot with Inquisition the moment they announced they were going to keep the voiced PC and dialogue wheel and there is nothing they can do to fully dig themselves out of that hole save allow those things to be disabled -- which is not happening. I have my doubts about how much the combat will be improved from DA II as well, and combat in that game was an annoyance. They seem to have at least realised that people do want to play their own character rather than a variation on the defualt (although they don't seem to realise how crippling the voice/wheel mechanic is for that), so that could be a good sign.


As far as crafting systems go, I've yet to play a game that actually has a crafting system I enjoy rather than tolerate to one degree or another, so I'm not laying any bets on whether either game will have one I actually care for. I've heard nothing at all of what Inquisition's system will be like aside from that they say it'll be cool -- but of course they're going to say that, because why would they ever say it wouldn't be? As far as I know, no details have been released on that at all, whereas what I've seen so far of PoE's crafting system seems promising.

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Ha ha ha. Bioware has the Vorpal Hype Cannon +5.


Take everything they say with a big old pinch of salt.

Ubisoft, on the other hand, has of late (in 2014) surprised me in the other direction: They do actually deliver on their PR-selltalk quite a bit. M&M X, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts, etc.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I just saw the news,Dragon Age:Inquisition will have the stronghold(or something like that)and crafting system(extremely interesting,they said).


The news in china seem to cover a lot more stuff than the ones in germany, they mostly cover politics here. :shifty:

Edited by Doppelschwert
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Ha ha ha. Bioware has the Vorpal Hype Cannon +5.


Take everything they say with a big old pinch of salt.


Ubisoft, on the other hand, has of late (in 2014) surprised me in the other direction: They do actually deliver on their PR-selltalk quite a bit. M&M X, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts, etc.
I think they realized (aside from Assassins Creed) that they just have to make fun games. With Far Cry 3 and especially Blood Dragon, they finally seemed to grasp the basic elements of a fun shooter... Don't take it all so serious. Which is really Bio's biggest flaw imho, they take themselves waaaaay too serious.
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Fortune favors the bald.

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