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A huge if, since so far the only things women I know have liked from superhero movies is Loki, Thor's abs and Captain America's butt.


Saw Gravity. Gave me motion sickness for some reason. Good flick, though it starts out stronger than it ends. In fact, it kindof slowly collapses like a flan in a cupboard, but by that point I was on board enough not to care.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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A huge if, since so far the only things women I know have liked from superhero movies is Loki, Thor's abs and Captain America's butt.

You forgot Hawkeye's sexah arms when he's drawing that bow. :dancing:


And I liked Gravity quite a bit, but I agree that it started off stronger than it ended.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The Thin Red Line. I do not belong to that crowd that loves WWII war movies but this was simply a beautiful not-your-average-WW2-movie film. The mix of a masterful Hans Zimmer score and extremely beautiful landscapes combined with an usual philosophic view onto the events that happened in the film made it very enjoyable to watch.
The acting was also excellent, especially Nick Nolte as ruthless LT. Col.

And the lack of major cheesiness usually found in US movies made it so much more watchable than films like saving Private Ryan, which was IMO a rather mediocre film compared to TRL.

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Assuming I get the jist of your post ... yes, that's usually why I emphasize I haven't read the book. Because I know a lot of people who did read the book who were so disappointed with the movie. Sometimes in the past if I didn't mention I haven't read the book, I'll often be regaled with how I should read the book, because the book explains everything so much better or whatever  - and I really don't care, since I'm talking about the movie. Heheh.


Although sometimes, I do things the other way around too - I'll say I have read the book because I'm also saying I liked the movie better than the book. :p

Yeah pretty much. I know it is silly of me to expect that 12+ hours book can be compressed into 1.5 hour + special effects, or that their version will look like or live up to my imagination(memory lane version is always better ;) ). Still I always keep my hopes up.


Usually the first clue that I am going to be sorely disappointed is when people feel they have to state up front that they have NOT read the book, I immediately brace myself for some bad news...(like in the movies when cops come to your house and ask you to sit down)


Anyway, I finally seen the movie, knowing what I know it felt rushed/confusing/shallow, like a bullet points summary, missing all the details which made this story alive for me. So yeah, I didn't liked it. I guess you are lucky that you didn't read the book first.

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Captain Phillips - y'know, at the least, one thing these types of movies do is make me want to Google the event/person that inspired the film. :lol: Can't even imagine going through something like that.


The movie was ok. The guy playing Muse was pretty good, I wouldn't mind seeing him do something else. Hanks was Hanks, with a little more action. And that was a cool lifeboat. I bet the Titanic would have liked to have some of those.

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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Enders Game. Cutting out the Peter/Valentine stuff and most of Battle School was a mistake. There was no character development at all. If they had struggled to fit it in and just didn't have time I might have been ok with it, but the movie wasn't even 2 hours, they didn't even try.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Especially since the Human/formic conflict only lasts till the end of the first book, and the geopolitical stuff spans 5

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Read an article where the director of Enders Game explains why he cut so much. He cut most of battle school because he didn't want to give the supportig cast time to connect with the audience, and he cut the political stuff because he thought kids typing was boring.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Peter Weller will always be Robocop to me. And PG-13 reboots makes me eyeroll. That said, I'll still be interested to see it when it comes to cable. At the least, the general effects will be cooler/better. :)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The general consensus seems to be that the new Robocop is surprisingly good, but takes itself too seriously. I'm glad it didn't suck.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Read an article where the director of Enders Game explains why he cut so much. He cut most of battle school because he didn't want to give the supportig cast time to connect with the audience, and he cut the political stuff because he thought kids typing was boring.

Links please. I have a hard time believing someone would actually admit they think the audience is composed of amoebas.

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I can understand his motives, but still..



Yeah, I get what he was thinking, but he went the complete wrong direction, you're afraid the audience can't connect with Ender, so you cut all the stuff that humanizes

him? The kids typing will be boring, so cut it completely instead of getting the same info across without just showing kids typing? I mean after X-Men Origins: Wolverine, we shouldn't expect a lot from the guy, but come on.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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If the new Wonder Woman in the MOS sequel is a hit with viewers, they'll likely do a movie with her. That's a big if though.

Reportedly, the actress signed for three films, the theory being they are Batman/Superman (aka MoS2), Justice League, then a solo WW film.


I watched THE FALCON'S ADVENTURE (1946) the last of the Tom Conway Falcon films. Not really a "who-dunnit?" so much as a "how is the Falcon going to catch them?" after the first 20 minutes or so. Not the best in the series but not the worst.


Also watched Hammer's THE GORGON (1964) somewhat of an odd film - the basic idea has interest, but the truth is they never pan out the idea very well seeming to be unable to figure out what they want the film to be. And they try to make things mysterious when there's exactly one character in the movie who could be the possessed monster. And who thought Christopher Lee needed a droopy mustache to play a professor?

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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RoboCop was okayish but not as fun as I remember the original being


It's a decent movie that completely misses the mark on what made Verhoeven's classic such an enjoyable experience.


Much like with the Total Recall reboot, which also completely missed the mark, but unlike RoboCop, was not a decent movie, trying to remake Verhoeven's classics is folly.  Defenders of the reboots will undoubtedly use the "don't compare them to the originals, treat them as separate entities" argument.  There's not a director around today that can do what Verhoeven did, and remaking his movies immediately, and rightfully, warrants a comparison.  If you don't want the movie to be compared to the original and stand on its own, make an original movie and not a reboot.  

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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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All I know is they better not reboot Die Hard. I'd rather see "Die Hard: Retires Harder part2" with Bruce Willis than a reboot with new actors. At the least, wait until Willis dies first.


In fact, I think I'll pop Die Hard into my other pc right now, to play as I'm busy doing some other stuff on this one.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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