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Had some tailwind and did a whooping 102 km/h / 61mph on my bicycle on my favorite downhill section, sadly I had to slow down as I suddenly experienced some strange high frequency wobble in my handle bar / front wheel assembly.  :getlost:

I did not hit any bumps so there must be a mechanical problem, maybe the tire nut is loose or something.   



I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I'm still feeling variously good and terrible, it's a week since I've rolled a cigarette and I'm having a rough break in period with the e-cig, apparently sore throat, sinus, tongue and brain is normal for some people, eventually it all clears up...unless you're really unlucky  :getlost: My lungs do feel better when I'm riding up hills and my blood pressure seems to have edged back from the hypertension zone a bit so there do seem to be clear benefits.

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That's called a speed wobble.


I know what its called, I'm just wondering what caused it, never had speed wobble before. 



Since you felt it was a mechanical problem I assumed you weren't aware of the phenomenon. Simply clicking those two underlined words will provide you with various causes.

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Please bear with me and allow me to regale you with the tale of how my day was.

My usual commute to school takes about 2 hours via public transportation, assuming that there is a minimal wait time. So to get there at 7 I must wake at 5 (which after the bout of insomnia I had yesterday it wasn't pleasant) Regardless I was feeling chipper since I had managed to finish my 3 week long midterm project a little early so It meant that I could leave early and make the long trip back; Oh how wrong I was.

I left school at 10:00 to pick the first bus in my commute, which promptly arrived an hour later. I managed to pick my second bus with no trouble at all and get to the Tri Rail (Its a train) at 12:00. It is at this point that I make phone calls to close relatives to see if one of them could do me the favor of picking me up at the station and spare me the last 2 buses, sadly today they were otherwise engaged. It is at this point when the announcer speaks the message " The tri rail service will experience delays of  30 to 60 minutes due to being involved in an accident" and true to its word it is at around 1:00 it arrives at the station. Yet due to the accident all trains were sharing a single line so we stopped a few times to let other trains pass by.
At 2:00 I arrived at the metro rail station, which travels around the Miami area. It is at this point when I can finally sate my hunger  since I hadn't consumed anything since a glass of coffee milk that I had at 5:00 in the morning. I would had eaten something at school but at that time I was experiencing stomach aches due to having both constipation and soft stool (how that happened I don't know) I figured I could just pick up something from the machines at the Tri Rail, except the machines at the Tri rail would not take my money. So I figured I could just brave it for a while until I got to the Metro rail station. When I get to the Metro I was beyond starving I get to the machine and quickly spot a glazed cinnamon bun with chocolate filling. I put in the coin, enter the number annnnnddd... the bun gets stuck on the machine.  :getlost: After trying to fruitlessly shake the machine; as it is caged to prevent exactly that kind of thing, I finally decided to just put in another coin and get another cinnamon bun. 
So I am waiting for the first of my final 2 transports, eating one of the buns, great day outside, just fresh from rain not too sunny or too cloudy when I get on the metro. The first station that I travel to it starts to look much cloudier, like rain clouds and as it makes its way to my stop it gradually starts raining turning into what could be aptly be called a deluge.
Waiting at the station for the rain to subside, as I have to make my way at least 4 blocks to my final bus station until finally since it seems it would not stop I start walking. 
I'm walking under the rain until as soon I as I get out of the station parking lot it stops raining. I managed to catch my last bus and get home at exactly 3:00 making my commute an approximate 5 hours. 

It was a Murphy kind of day, at its final moments I was just smiling. I just needed to vent that.
Silver lining was that I didn't get shot, so that's something :)

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Please bear with me and allow me to regale you with the tale of how my day was.


My usual commute to school takes about 2 hours via public transportation, assuming that there is a minimal wait time. So to get there at 7 I must wake at 5 (which after the bout of insomnia I had yesterday it wasn't pleasant) Regardless I was feeling chipper since I had managed to finish my 3 week long midterm project a little early so It meant that I could leave early and make the long trip back; Oh how wrong I was.


I left school at 10:00 to pick the first bus in my commute, which promptly arrived an hour later. I managed to pick my second bus with no trouble at all and get to the Tri Rail (Its a train) at 12:00. It is at this point that I make phone calls to close relatives to see if one of them could do me the favor of picking me up at the station and spare me the last 2 buses, sadly today they were otherwise engaged. It is at this point when the announcer speaks the message " The tri rail service will experience delays of  30 to 60 minutes due to being involved in an accident" and true to its word it is at around 1:00 it arrives at the station. Yet due to the accident all trains were sharing a single line so we stopped a few times to let other trains pass by.

At 2:00 I arrived at the metro rail station, which travels around the Miami area. It is at this point when I can finally sate my hunger  since I hadn't consumed anything since a glass of coffee milk that I had at 5:00 in the morning. I would had eaten something at school but at that time I was experiencing stomach aches due to having both constipation and soft stool (how that happened I don't know) I figured I could just pick up something from the machines at the Tri Rail, except the machines at the Tri rail would not take my money. So I figured I could just brave it for a while until I got to the Metro rail station. When I get to the Metro I was beyond starving I get to the machine and quickly spot a glazed cinnamon bun with chocolate filling. I put in the coin, enter the number annnnnddd... the bun gets stuck on the machine.  :getlost: After trying to fruitlessly shake the machine; as it is caged to prevent exactly that kind of thing, I finally decided to just put in another coin and get another cinnamon bun. 

So I am waiting for the first of my final 2 transports, eating one of the buns, great day outside, just fresh from rain not too sunny or too cloudy when I get on the metro. The first station that I travel to it starts to look much cloudier, like rain clouds and as it makes its way to my stop it gradually starts raining turning into what could be aptly be called a deluge.

Waiting at the station for the rain to subside, as I have to make my way at least 4 blocks to my final bus station until finally since it seems it would not stop I start walking. 

I'm walking under the rain until as soon I as I get out of the station parking lot it stops raining. I managed to catch my last bus and get home at exactly 3:00 making my commute an approximate 5 hours. 


It was a Murphy kind of day, at its final moments I was just smiling. I just needed to vent that.

Silver lining was that I didn't get shot, so that's something :)


Wow that's a hectic story but does it take you 2 hours one way to get to school? In other words you spend 4 hours just travelling? :unsure:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I'm still feeling variously good and terrible, it's a week since I've rolled a cigarette and I'm having a rough break in period with the e-cig, apparently sore throat, sinus, tongue and brain is normal for some people, eventually it all clears up...unless you're really unlucky  :getlost: My lungs do feel better when I'm riding up hills and my blood pressure seems to have edged back from the hypertension zone a bit so there do seem to be clear benefits.


Keep up the effort, I know its hard work but I'm confidant the health benefits will be worth it :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Please bear with me and allow me to regale you with the tale of how my day was.


My usual commute to school takes about 2 hours via public transportation, assuming that there is a minimal wait time. So to get there at 7 I must wake at 5 (which after the bout of insomnia I had yesterday it wasn't pleasant) Regardless I was feeling chipper since I had managed to finish my 3 week long midterm project a little early so It meant that I could leave early and make the long trip back; Oh how wrong I was.


I left school at 10:00 to pick the first bus in my commute, which promptly arrived an hour later. I managed to pick my second bus with no trouble at all and get to the Tri Rail (Its a train) at 12:00. It is at this point that I make phone calls to close relatives to see if one of them could do me the favor of picking me up at the station and spare me the last 2 buses, sadly today they were otherwise engaged. It is at this point when the announcer speaks the message " The tri rail service will experience delays of  30 to 60 minutes due to being involved in an accident" and true to its word it is at around 1:00 it arrives at the station. Yet due to the accident all trains were sharing a single line so we stopped a few times to let other trains pass by.

At 2:00 I arrived at the metro rail station, which travels around the Miami area. It is at this point when I can finally sate my hunger  since I hadn't consumed anything since a glass of coffee milk that I had at 5:00 in the morning. I would had eaten something at school but at that time I was experiencing stomach aches due to having both constipation and soft stool (how that happened I don't know) I figured I could just pick up something from the machines at the Tri Rail, except the machines at the Tri rail would not take my money. So I figured I could just brave it for a while until I got to the Metro rail station. When I get to the Metro I was beyond starving I get to the machine and quickly spot a glazed cinnamon bun with chocolate filling. I put in the coin, enter the number annnnnddd... the bun gets stuck on the machine.  :getlost: After trying to fruitlessly shake the machine; as it is caged to prevent exactly that kind of thing, I finally decided to just put in another coin and get another cinnamon bun. 

So I am waiting for the first of my final 2 transports, eating one of the buns, great day outside, just fresh from rain not too sunny or too cloudy when I get on the metro. The first station that I travel to it starts to look much cloudier, like rain clouds and as it makes its way to my stop it gradually starts raining turning into what could be aptly be called a deluge.

Waiting at the station for the rain to subside, as I have to make my way at least 4 blocks to my final bus station until finally since it seems it would not stop I start walking. 

I'm walking under the rain until as soon I as I get out of the station parking lot it stops raining. I managed to catch my last bus and get home at exactly 3:00 making my commute an approximate 5 hours. 


It was a Murphy kind of day, at its final moments I was just smiling. I just needed to vent that.

Silver lining was that I didn't get shot, so that's something :)


Thank God I had a five minute walk to my work.

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Please bear with me and allow me to regale you with the tale of how my day was.


My usual commute to school takes about 2 hours via public transportation, assuming that there is a minimal wait time. So to get there at 7 I must wake at 5 (which after the bout of insomnia I had yesterday it wasn't pleasant) Regardless I was feeling chipper since I had managed to finish my 3 week long midterm project a little early so It meant that I could leave early and make the long trip back; Oh how wrong I was.


I left school at 10:00 to pick the first bus in my commute, which promptly arrived an hour later. I managed to pick my second bus with no trouble at all and get to the Tri Rail (Its a train) at 12:00. It is at this point that I make phone calls to close relatives to see if one of them could do me the favor of picking me up at the station and spare me the last 2 buses, sadly today they were otherwise engaged. It is at this point when the announcer speaks the message " The tri rail service will experience delays of  30 to 60 minutes due to being involved in an accident" and true to its word it is at around 1:00 it arrives at the station. Yet due to the accident all trains were sharing a single line so we stopped a few times to let other trains pass by.

At 2:00 I arrived at the metro rail station, which travels around the Miami area. It is at this point when I can finally sate my hunger  since I hadn't consumed anything since a glass of coffee milk that I had at 5:00 in the morning. I would had eaten something at school but at that time I was experiencing stomach aches due to having both constipation and soft stool (how that happened I don't know) I figured I could just pick up something from the machines at the Tri Rail, except the machines at the Tri rail would not take my money. So I figured I could just brave it for a while until I got to the Metro rail station. When I get to the Metro I was beyond starving I get to the machine and quickly spot a glazed cinnamon bun with chocolate filling. I put in the coin, enter the number annnnnddd... the bun gets stuck on the machine.  :getlost: After trying to fruitlessly shake the machine; as it is caged to prevent exactly that kind of thing, I finally decided to just put in another coin and get another cinnamon bun. 

So I am waiting for the first of my final 2 transports, eating one of the buns, great day outside, just fresh from rain not too sunny or too cloudy when I get on the metro. The first station that I travel to it starts to look much cloudier, like rain clouds and as it makes its way to my stop it gradually starts raining turning into what could be aptly be called a deluge.

Waiting at the station for the rain to subside, as I have to make my way at least 4 blocks to my final bus station until finally since it seems it would not stop I start walking. 

I'm walking under the rain until as soon I as I get out of the station parking lot it stops raining. I managed to catch my last bus and get home at exactly 3:00 making my commute an approximate 5 hours. 


It was a Murphy kind of day, at its final moments I was just smiling. I just needed to vent that.

Silver lining was that I didn't get shot, so that's something :)

So you are taking Tri-Rail to Metro-Rail? Then a bus? So you are coming from somewhere in either Broward or Palm Beach to Dade and since you have two bus hookups you must be going somewhere out west. FIU maybe? MDCC seems less likely. Not UM you are not snooty enough. Am I close?


You Sir must enjoy pain though. That is a hell of a commute using public transportation. But traffic is SFL is so bad that it's misery either way. 2/3 of Florida's 18 million people crammed into four counties of which 50% of the land is everglades. Nice place to visit but you don't want to live there!


By the way folks, he wasn't kidding about being happy he wasn't shot. Miami is like Chicago south in that respect.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I'm still feeling variously good and terrible, it's a week since I've rolled a cigarette and I'm having a rough break in period with the e-cig, apparently sore throat, sinus, tongue and brain is normal for some people, eventually it all clears up...unless you're really unlucky  :getlost: My lungs do feel better when I'm riding up hills and my blood pressure seems to have edged back from the hypertension zone a bit so there do seem to be clear benefits.


Keep up the effort, I know its hard work but I'm confidant the health benefits will be worth it :)



Thanks mate, feeling a bit better for the moment, I'm determined to stick it out to the bloody end.

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So you are taking Tri-Rail to Metro-Rail? Then a bus? So you are coming from somewhere in either Broward or Palm Beach to Dade and since you have two bus hookups you must be going somewhere out west. FIU maybe? MDCC seems less likely. Not UM you are not snooty enough. Am I close?


You Sir must enjoy pain though. That is a hell of a commute using public transportation. But traffic is SFL is so bad that it's misery either way. 2/3 of Florida's 18 million people crammed into four counties of which 50% of the land is everglades. Nice place to visit but you don't want to live there!


By the way folks, he wasn't kidding about being happy he wasn't shot. Miami is like Chicago south in that respect.


I go to AIFL in Broward county from Dade, i go past FIU (some really hot chicks there) The only reason I go there its that its the only school within the area that carried a major related to my field of interest. The commute isn't that bad though, it has gotten better since I started 3 years ago and i'm months away from finishing my degree so I won't have to put up with any longer.

The only thing that stills bothers me is night classes, now that commute is a horror movie waiting to happen.


I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Just planned an extended mountain trip.

I'm going to camp on the highest mountains in my country, this way I can escape the heat and do something useful with my free holiday time. Temperatures here have reached the 100F or 40 Celsius mark, at 3500 meters above sea level the temperature drops down to a mere 15 Celsius (!) and stays barely above freezing at night. 



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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Just planned an extended mountain trip.

I'm going to camp on the highest mountains in my country, this way I can escape the heat and do something useful with my free holiday time. Temperatures here have reached the 100F or 40 Celsius mark, at 3500 meters above sea level the temperature drops down to a mere 15 Celsius (!) and stays barely above freezing at night. 




Are you not worried about running into something similar to the Abominable Snowman?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Just planned an extended mountain trip.

I'm going to camp on the highest mountains in my country, this way I can escape the heat and do something useful with my free holiday time. Temperatures here have reached the 100F or 40 Celsius mark, at 3500 meters above sea level the temperature drops down to a mere 15 Celsius (!) and stays barely above freezing at night. 





Are you not worried about running into something similar to the Abominable Snowman?

I have it on good authority the snowman is terrified of running into Woldan.
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You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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So far, my week has been going something like this: blarghdyblarghityblah. :)


Hubs has some new Samsung smartphone that his client wanted him to check out. It's big, screensize wise - bigger than my small hands would want to idly carry around as a phone. And apparently it's default-plugged into the Amber Alert system, whereby hubs was all frantically trying to figure out how to turn it off when it wouldn't stop klaxon-horn sounding last night. Amber Alert in the middle of a VoD movie we were watching, too. I think that's the first time I've been doing something to see/have seen one of those the moment they send it out.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I've been sunbathing for almost 4 days straight.. somehow I'm still very pale.. But I must've sweated out all toxins in my body by now - there's no way that any of the liquid in my body is more than 24 hours old. :)

Fortune favors the bald.

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Our team making fun of our corp's hiring practices openly in the office is probably a bad sign to some people, but still was the highlight of the day. Working to the SRR soundtrack, so going swimmingly (if the actual work didn't suck so much).

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Are you not worried about running into something similar to the Abominable Snowman?

I wouldn't mind finishing my mountain trip with a dangerous game hunt.

But I must've sweated out all toxins in my body by now - there's no way that any of the liquid in my body is more than 24 hours old. :)

I don't think you can replace your cerebrospinal fluid in a matter of 24 hours.

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Ihave turned of everything except my phone and kitchen stuff.


Rainy, windy and noisy as hell. I had my earphones on and the first one that struck still took me completely by surprise.



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I've been sunbathing for almost 4 days straight.. somehow I'm still very pale..

When hubs is out in the sun a lot, he turn red (not sunburned). His forearms can get dark and almost brownish, but yeah...mostly either lily-white or bright red. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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