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Mother finally passed away today, after battling cancer for nearly 5 years. I just can't feel sad even though she was the most valuble thing to me in this world. It's because she was suffering every second of every minute in the past few months while we were by her side. She is finally at peace now.


My heartfelt condolences. I lost my grandmother past sunday but I can't even imagine what losing your mother is like - let alone dealing with such a long battle. I'm willing good thoughts to you.


So I'm a bit of a message board junkie (member of about twenty) and decided to cut out most of my message board accounts because it's cutting far into my productivity and honestly, a bit into my sanity. I decided to keep three in total - two for practical reasons like kickstarter backer access, secret illegal concert bootleg access (so secret you guys didn't even read this) and this place, because you guys are awesome. This is one of the smartest communities I've come across and the only one that makes me feel like a better person for being a part of it. So, uh, keep up the good work. :)

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Sorry to hear that, Astiaks. My mother isn't specifically ill but she's getting up there, with more frequent emergency trips and such. I have/had a much better relationship with her than with my father so when she passes it'll be rough.



My knees hurt when I bike but it's not so bad if I stand up. Turns out you wear off cartillage and it doesn't always come back. Just wonderful.

Yeah, they're ok for me if straight so general walking isn't a problem but bending even a little is aggravating. It's not second to second sharply painful, more like a vague ache (like arthritis) as well as the unstable balance feeling. If lying on my side I can't do a full fetal knee bend and at the moment I have a table under my desk to keep legs straight while in the chair. :)


That virus I had = super high fever, strange rash that started at the feet and moved slowly to the upper torso, making feet/leg joints swell up like balloons. Who knows what that did to the joints, heh. Just takes more strength-specific exercise every year to keep up with it I guess.

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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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That sounds terrifying. What was the diagnosis?

"It's a virus." :p

I felt poorly for a couple days but didn't realize I had a fever for a while. When I said my fever was 105+ and I noticed the rash on my legs, hubby dragged me to the emergency room where they seemed very interested in my symptoms, took pictures of my legs, ran off to show the pictures/consult with other docs or something, and came back saying "sometimes you just pick up random viruses, you're not dying, don't worry about it." I went home. The (non-itchy) rash ultimately got a few dots up on my arms but by then fever was dying down and then went away. But I was weak/tired for a few weeks after.


Just to gross people out ... my feet/ankles are definitely not that fat/swollen normally. ;)




“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Get well soon, LadyCrimson.


Disappointed no one at work knew what SSDD means.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Kinda looks like chicken pox. Glad it wasn't serious. :thumbsup:

I had chicken pox when I was 17, so that wasn't it. Plus it didn't itch/blister/scab. But yeah...strange but non-threatening maladies tend to plague me from time to time. Research doctors/interns always like me. :biggrin:


Off to make some dinner, than watch the feedzombiesbrains-tube.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Finished my week long blood pressure chart and I can clearly see that it's a bit on the high side for my age, feeling kind of depressed about it but I'll crawl out of the pit in a day or two.



Mother finally passed away today, after battling cancer for nearly 5 years. I just can't feel sad even though she was the most valuble thing to me in this world. It's because she was suffering every second of every minute in the past few months while we were by her side. She is finally at peace now.


I kind of know how you feel, my dad was facing a long slow death from cancer and I could tell he was losing hope, it's a twisted kind of luck that he died from a burst aortic aneurysm, I'm sorry for your loss :(

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My condolences Astiaks.


My daughter really scared me a few months ago when her temperature hit 103.7 F.  But the doctors said it was fine, as long as it went down after a couple days.  Definitely a stressful time as a parent.

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Condolences Astiaks.


Yeah, I'm still dragging along with all the fun icks at the moment. Trying to do a focused moment to catch up on news and stuff fromt he past day or two. I might be laid up but I haven't been able to read a single book or even catch up on tv viewing. Just got those aches, icks, that rather annoying sensation that when I turn my head it takes a few seconds for my brain to follow, and the shivvery chills while still sweatsoaking the bedsheets.


Although someone did decide to take the mobility buggy up to the village rather then get me up to run errands, and someone else ran through a bunch of laundry, so ah well.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I found out that I'm slowly losing my sense of taste, and I have no idea why, everything I eat tastes like cardboard, hot cardboard, cold cardboard, squishy cardboard and I get sick and tired every time I eat something. This started half a year ago, but now I finally have to admit that there is something wrong with me. Dinner I cooked today was beef with baked potatoes and zucchini slices, and there was hardly any flavor at all, I could eat a pile of dog poo and it would taste the same. 



Guess I need to see a doctor.... :getlost:  

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Now that you mention it, my sense of smell is pretty dull too. I hope its just a minor stress related problem or something like that, not a symptom of something bigger, nastier.

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Sometimes I think it might be better for me if I didn't think chocolate/all that food tasted so awesome. ;) But it'd suck, for sure. Hopefully a doc might have some clues for you. Maybe the upper sinus cavities have become swollen/blocked or developed sinus polyps, even if the nasal passages themselves aren't clogged (eg you're not noticeably sniffling/don't feel "stuffed up").


And today I'm alternating between stretching/toning the legs and sitting around with a heating pad on my knees, whist catching up on bad TV series. It's getting pretty boring tho, and I'm not sure it's helping much. Think I'll find a flat park to take a slow stroll around in.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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My nose is free, and it has been that way since the problem started last year during early winter. But I'm sure the doc can help. 


And today I'm alternating between stretching/toning the legs and sitting around with a heating pad on my knees, whist catching up on bad TV series. It's getting pretty boring tho, and I'm not sure it's helping much. Think I'll find a flat park to take a slow stroll around in.


Today is leg day, and I'm doing barbell lunges, I can highly recommend them to those who have sensitive joints because they can be done with very little weight without losing too much training effect. Its all about the stretching! I squat with 330+ lbs but I only need 120 lbs for barbell lunges, and boy, they're exhausting!  :w00t:


Its also one of the few exercises that train your musculus biceps femoris. 



Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I do something vaguely similar (without weights) but it's more of a stretching thing...to hit the calf muscles, which used to get tight a lot when I danced a lot.


It's funny because at the moment I can do high leg kicks in all directions or a side to side dance sway motion, say, but I can barely slowly squat to clean the litter box. So I'm sitting around thinking maybe I could create a dance routine based on The Ministry of Silly Walks.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Woldan I'd see a doctor as soon as you can.  It could be a simple zinc-deficiency, but better to be safe and get checked out now.

Hmm, I just read that zinc is one of the components that the body needs to create testosterone, since I'm lifting weights 1.5 hours / day 7 days a week which increases production of testosterone quite significantly there might indeed be a zinc deficit.

I don't know if it works that way, but I'm definitely going to ask for a blood screen.

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I'm in Lincoln Nebraska tonight. I love this town.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Well, today I put in the application for that promotion possibility I mentioned a few pages back. 


And tomorrow, a dumpster is getting delivered to my driveway so that the demolition phase of our kitchen relocation project can take place next week. 


I'm tired. And now I'll be spending the weekend carrying the entire contents of that part of the house into the basement. 

Edited by Enoch
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I found out that I'm slowly losing my sense of taste, and I have no idea why, everything I eat tastes like cardboard, hot cardboard, cold cardboard, squishy cardboard and I get sick and tired every time I eat something. This started half a year ago, but now I finally have to admit that there is something wrong with me. Dinner I cooked today was beef with baked potatoes and zucchini slices, and there was hardly any flavor at all, I could eat a pile of dog poo and it would taste the same. 



Guess I need to see a doctor.... :getlost:

It's called "growing up" ;)


Only half joking, your taste buds actually gets reduced in numbers and sensitivity as you get older. I recommend Green Curry Chicken and Vindaloo :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Woldan I'd see a doctor as soon as you can.  It could be a simple zinc-deficiency, but better to be safe and get checked out now.

Hmm, I just read that zinc is one of the components that the body needs to create testosterone, since I'm lifting weights 1.5 hours / day 7 days a week which increases production of testosterone quite significantly there might indeed be a zinc deficit.

I don't know if it works that way, but I'm definitely going to ask for a blood screen.



I'm not a fitness expert, but aren't you supposed to have a rest day worked in there somewhere?

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I'm not a fitness expert, but aren't you supposed to have a rest day worked in there somewhere?

I think it largely depends on what your goal is. I'm currently trying to lose about 20 pounds of winter weight, so my rest day involves light jogging.


BTW, I've always preferred dumbbell lunges to barbell lunges. Then again, I typically prefer dumbells to barbells for everything except tricep workouts. YMMV.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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I'm not a fitness expert, but aren't you supposed to have a rest day worked in there somewhere?

I used to have a rest day, but I left it out a couple of times and realized that I don't really need it. After a couple of years of regular exercising your body gets so used to the hard work that your need to rest fades away.

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I asked my wife, who was a personal trainer and has a kinesiology degree, and she said that the fatigue factor that you subject your muscles to can increase the risk of tears and strains.  But if you are careful about using different muscle groups on different days, it shouldn't be a problem.  


Cardio is different, you should be able to do that every day no problem.

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