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Susan Wilson's Kickstarter discussion (split topic)

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why on earth would ANYONE donate to this?  i so confused....

I'll let P.T. Barnum explain: "There's a sucker born every minute."

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I think concepts like Kickstarter are going to be prone to growing pains as they figure out whether rules they have work or don't work and how/when they wish to enforce them. I believe they have, in the past, been fairly harsh/closed down on some projects that broke rules, here and there but it wouldn't surprise me if they let some borderline ones slide all the time. I guess it still doesn't bother me in terms of the company itself and whether I want to fund interesting, legitimate projects. They'd have to do more over a longer period of time for me to think they're actually morally bankrupt or something.


But anyway, to close/not close now is likely more about embarrassment ... someone at KS thought it was cute/adorable and promoted it, then other well knowns promoted it, etc. To turn around and then cancel it admits they were taken in, or maybe they think it'd make them look callous to youth, or whatever. So it'd likely take a bit more than email complaints to shut it down at this point. National broadcast investigative news story might work. :p


I do think it's a valid point, now, that if the mom is now going to pay for the camp herself and donate the funds to some other organization (to which she's whining that she's not sure which place to donate to that doesn't break the KS rules), why not just close the project. The kid's point was made, mom's now going to pay for the camp, so there's no point in the KS at all.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I wish I hadn't read the Kotaku article. The comments, to be precise.

Yes clearly, the Internet Hate Machine is trying to hold down a 9 y/o wannabe gamemaker girl. That what the scamming accusations are about. Of course.


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The Cape Kickstarter seemed legit, who doesn't want a superhero cape?  No one, that's who.  Plus, $199 seems like such a bargain for a plush velvet cape. 


🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I believe she is getting around the Kickstarter TOS by releasing the game that her daughter creates.  Technically that isn't too far from what we do when we pay a small developer to make a game.  



There is also the issue of Twitter spam as well.  The whole KS just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and as the Anita thread shows I'm the pinko white knight feminist advocate! ;)

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why on earth would ANYONE donate to this?  i so confused....

I'll let P.T. Barnum explain: "There's a sucker born every minute."

"Hello, I am the honourable George Ndongo. I am the former minister of Games Devlopment in the Nigerian Govenment/ Please help me obtain funs to release best game ever! from IMF World Bank illegal holdings! Only $40,000US required! for bets game ever.


Reward tier $100 (limited 419 of 419 remaining)"



Though I'd bet George's Fulfillment page would be up quicker than, uh, some, er, other kickstarters


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i cant wait for someone to release a kickstarter campaign for a pyramid investment company...

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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So what do people think about things like this one?  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030276638/911-cross-country-road-trip

...does that qualify as "fund my car/vacation?" and not "fund my documentary?" Or this one (image) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3sdrv4jhE1rugltbo1_1280.png


I see stuff like that on KS all the time. The difference is, usually they're ignored or not noticed by backers.


Your Kickstarter Sucks  - all kinds wonky, weird, silly, and sometimes borderline projects from the past year.

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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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There is now this:


Apparently someone tried starting up a new social network called Boy Code 2.0. The only backers are the Wilson's, and nobody else is known to exist. Even the site's creator. Perhaps that's just a facebook conspiracy though. They made their potential competition "disappear". Also there is some "Yosmite" Hostel that was having a hard time getting going because of the city counsel. The proprietors might have been the Wilsons, but with beards on.


Perhaps this is a simple case of they lost a boat load of money when the economy went down, and the parents went bat-s#!% insane. Assuming any of that stuff in the article is true.


Hypothetically speaking: If one got/remained rich off of what seems like just a collection agency and hoarding domain names, stupid scams might seem easier than doing actual work.


This kickstarter was probably what the daughter was going to do anyways, and the mom got the bright idea of how to make money off of it.


It's now dead to me. EDIT: This whole story. This is NOT, I repeat NOT a death threat.


EDIT EDIT: And I don't mean that as a double negative.

Edited by babaganoosh13
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You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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This is pathetic. Someone on youtube posted her private information on pastebin. Home address, phone number, the works. As if it wasn't easy enough for her to play the victim card. All the valid criticisms and concerns people have against this project will be long buried and forgotten. It only takes one savy guy who knows a thing or two about tech to ruin everything. Amazing.


You can't help but hate the internet sometimes...

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I see stuff like that on KS all the time. The difference is, usually they're ignored or not noticed by backers.


This is part of the irony.  The extreme reaction only helped give it visibility and exposure.

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This is pathetic. Someone on youtube posted her private information on pastebin. Home address, phone number, the works. As if it wasn't easy enough for her to play the victim card. All the valid criticisms and concerns people have against this project will be long buried and forgotten. It only takes one savy guy who knows a thing or two about tech to ruin everything. Amazing.


You can't help but hate the internet sometimes...

Don't have to be very tech savvy for that, since she has a ton of domains and registrar info is public legal domain. I remember when I got my first domain and realized that registrar info was visible, I immediately paid the bit extra for the proxxy listing services. But yes, that's a pretty douche thing to do.

This is part of the irony.  The extreme reaction only helped give it visibility and exposure.

I have the feeling that's one reason she doesn't close it/take it down. Exposure.
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Wow.  This lady is in for a surprise.  She's now threatening the internets.  :)



Susan Wilson

about 7 hours ago

I LOVE Truth & Transparency. Remember, THERE IS NO MORE ANONYMITY on the internet. Privacy is in fact dead. I'm good with that - despite the twisting some people have tried to do. And I hope all of you are too because even the people that pledged $1 with the intention of commenting and removing their pledge will be fully outed as the larger story of attacking a 9 year old's campaign is covered.


Just as it was easy to identify the 17 year old in CA that threatened to break into my house and rape my daughter, it's equally easy to identify any screen name. This story is just unfolding and as many have pointed out, I have been successful and I have a solid reputation so reputable journalists and companies have reached out to me to support this campaign as well as my reputation and that of my 9 year old
daughters. I haven't issued a single press release or done anything proactive yet. It's happened fast and I've been reacting but that's OVER!


Those hypocrites that are so eager to stone me and a little 9 year old girl should be ashamed but maybe you have no shame. Imagine WIRED or FAST COMPANY posting a WALL OF SHAME & WALL OF FAME listing people that tried to destroy the community spirit of what KS stands for - regular people voting with their dollars. I imagine they'll include screen names and real names but I wonder if they'll also include the person's city, state and zip? The press loves a great good vs. evil story, especially when it involves a little girl and 1200 or so great supporters who happen to have made history!

Did we plan this? NO. And while I'm so grateful to the supporters, it's great to know that the haters are what propelled this story into something MUCH BIGGER. Backers stand by their pledges. The only thing
going up and down are the people that just pledge, comment negatively and unpledge. THAT'S PUBLIC RECORD TOO. Imagine that infographic. I wonder if Huffington Post will report it or would it be better if TMZ covered it?

I can't wait to see how it all unfolds because I KNOW THE TRUTH about my background and experience as a mother, a business woman and this campaign. So make sure you're proud of what you post and everything you've done in your past, even anonymously, because anonymity and privacy are dead so you get to forever live with your actions and comments.

And when I say you, I mean you're real identity because it's in the public domain so it's fair game and can be reported that way. Perhaps if a movie gets made, you'll be included. Don't you wonder who will
play you and how your friends and family will respond to the actual words you wrote and the actions you took. No fiction here. You'll get to own your actual behavior FOREVER!

This has gotten so crazy. Honestly you couldn't make this up it's so ridiculous. But people love that! So don't think this is over. This is JUST BEGINNING! There's still so much potential. I love Kickstarter,
the Internet, truth, transparency and the amazing supporters and backers who were inspired by the intention of this campaign and continue believing in what a 9 year old girl and her family intended and are now doing thanks to them!


Susan Wilson



Withdraw your pledge and she'll out you.  Make a negative comment and she'll out you. Name, address, any dirt she and the collection agency she owns can find on you.  I really have no faith left in Kickstarter.  The original goal isn't even in play any more.  The summer camp this was to pay for is now being paid for by the family.  The game is no longer being made by the 9 year old.  She's going to "be the lead" as the game is made by a group of industry volunteers.  Now Susan is virtually attempting to bully everyone into silence or she'll use her collection agency to break you.


Kickstarter have failed misserably.

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Why blame kickstarter for what a con-artist does?

If you weigh kickstarter's successes against its failures, it's got a much much better rate of success than most venture capital businesses do.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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I see stuff like that on KS all the time. The difference is, usually they're ignored or not noticed by backers.


This is part of the irony.  The extreme reaction only helped give it visibility and exposure.

I have to disagree there. Unlike the Tropes vs Women thing, pledges haven't skyrocketed and Wilson is doing a poor job at playing victim imo.

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Pledges haven't skyrocketed because I think there's a counterpoint that the entire request is a lot more bogus than Anita's was.


Still, I doubt this gets to $20k without some of the angst that went around, while at the same time Ms. Wilson is now something of a celebrity (for now).



I'd love to see her follow up on her threat, however.  I'll bring the popcorn.

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I blame Kickstarter for ignoring their own rules in not taking down reported violations.  I don't expect them to thoroughly investigate each and every project that is submitted, but when a project is reported and clearly violates their rules, it should be taken down.  If they are willing to bend the rules in this case, how long before Kickstarter is swamped with "fund my life' projects?  What other rules are they willing to bend or waive? In what circumstances?


There is a reason why rules are necessary for something like Kickstarter.  It provides a framework of, if not certainty, at least confidence that projects are legitimate and your money is going where you think it is.  When the rules are no longer rules, but simply good intentions that can be overlooked for indeterminate reasons, the framework of Kickstarter is invalidated.


The simply solution for this was to have the project taken down and create a new project with the new goals.  The money raised here is no longer going to summer camp for the little girl.  It's to start a .com that will assist young kids to learn about game making, staffed with industry volunteers.  It is to be used to try and start up an annual event where young people can show their work.  Susan is now looking for corporate sponsorship to back this idea.  She now has a new brand name that she will own (pinkiesqare.com) due to the funds raised in this campaign.  That is not what people pledged money for.  Kickstarter have stood back for too long now and I have no faith in them.  If you do, great.  I don't.

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The money raised here is no longer going to summer camp for the little girl.  It's to start a .com that will assist young kids to learn about game making, staffed with industry volunteers.


Hahaha I haven't really been following this.  Really?  HAHAHA.

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The money raised here is no longer going to summer camp for the little girl.  It's to start a .com that will assist young kids to learn about game making, staffed with industry volunteers.


Hahaha I haven't really been following this.  Really?  HAHAHA.


http://i49.tinypic.com/2e4hp48.jpg  The backer only update.  pinkiesquare.com is now up and running.

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Why blame kickstarter for what a con-artist does?

If you weigh kickstarter's successes against its failures, it's got a much much better rate of success than most venture capital businesses do.


Kickstarter should be the frontline defense against con-artists.  Considering how many reports they've probably had against this one, there is no excuse as to why it is still running.

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Wow, this is all kinds of funny.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Well it'll be interesting to see how KS respond if at all - it's these kinds of challenges that really show you what a website's policies are made of. Hard to say whether they should be taking it down, actually, since it's not so clean cut that they're violating rules. 


Similarly, it's tough to say that Susan Wilson is being unethical, and indeed difficult to tell whether she's genuine or manipulative. The only thing I can tell for certain is that she's pretty dislikable, and is handling it in a way that is embarrassing. Nothing that can be said for or against the daughter, since she's completely invisible here. You can't even presume that her childlike innocence and passion for games is being tainted, since we don't even know whether either of those exist.

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Actually, Susan Wilson put up a youtube video of her daughter talking about the project....well, attempting to get her to talk about it.  She spent the entirety of the 10 minute video talking about her love of Naruto, and she showed no interest in the game what so ever, despite constant prompting from Susan.  She took the video down very quickly, but it has been re-uploaded by others.  Just as an observation, her daughter looks much older than 9.

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Anyone who can't spot this as a scam deserves to have their money taken.

That being said, KS should really remove this project. It does violate their rules after all.

BTW, if there are any supporters of this project on here I could use some money for alcohol  school.

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