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Anti-Dragon Age 2?


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I would agree with you if it wasn't for all the travesties that happened recently in Bioware since 2009, which resulted from them *not listening to their fans.


Gaider antagonizing his fan base gets no meaning at this point, it's just sad on his part. He also has a big ego, I was there during the forum wars during DA2's release, he did not take kindly to criticism.


Also, with some exceptions, the Obsidian fan base here seems just fine. Though they can get testy at a few things (LOL COOLDOWNS), so no "ALL" fanbases are crazy.

Edited by NKKKK
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"Also, with some exceptions, the Obsidian fan base here seems just fine. Though they can get testy at a few things (LOL COOLDOWNS), so no "ALL" fanbases are crazy. "


Nope. Don't buy it. Obsidian's fanbase is no different than any other. Just take a gander at the PE forum for evidence.



btw, Any and all weakneses and BIO's games are 100% because they listed to the 'fans' too much. Game develoeprs would be better off if they ignored internet geeks more not less.

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I find it so funny Gaider is intimidated by the Cullen worshipers.


What stopped them from turning Tali into a stock photo? Nothing.


Are they seriously afraid the Cullen fan base could do worse if the equivalent thing happening to Cullen? This guy needs to get a grip. Gaider should include Cullen just because he's so popular. Is he uncomfortable because Cullen is male? I mean, he's clearly exploited the power of the female sex image in the past, do the same with Cullen. Make him into a sex, stud machine. DA3 will print money. Look at Twilight.

Edited by anubite

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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"I mean, he's clearly exploited the power of the female sex image in the past, do the same with Cullen. Make him into a sex, stud machine. DA3 will print money. Look at Twilight. "


Oh, please. BIO/Gaider have not shied away from using males as 'sex objects' or as a 'male sex image' or a 'sex stud machine'. DA1 had a certain elf that fit thatd escription to a tee.



You need a grip with the whole silly because a dev won't bow to sucmbags on the internet that makes the dev evil or something. Then you try to push forth some lame BIO is sexist or anti gay or some stupid thing.


Yeah, Gaider is so anti including Cullen because he has an anti gay or anti male as sex object aganed. Give me a break.


Again, BIO's biggest weakness is they listen to stupid fan suggestions way too much.

Edited by Volourn


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Gaider antagonizing his fan base gets no meaning at this point, it's just sad on his part. He also has a big ego, I was there during the forum wars during DA2's release, he did not take kindly to criticism.



Was it much worse than his pre-awakening posts?

I left that forum when I realized I was about to add a dev to my ignore list ;)

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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TRhese type of complaints about Gaider have been going on since tehe arly days. What posters don't like is that he's a dev who is ready and willing to wade in the muck with us punks and they're intimidated by that fact that he doesn't play the PC bull**** game like other devs too. It's also why I think Mr. Sayer and Mr. Avellone are cool dude. Theya re willing to trash talk scumbag posters (including me). L0LZ


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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!



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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!




He has a small, dedicated following.

Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as fear (because as you mentioned, they scare you), surprise (who would have expected Cullen to have fanatic fans) and a near fanatical devotion to Cullen (though we may have to scratch the word "near") and nice templar uniforms.

I don't know about ruthless efficiency though.


Apparently Cullen is the Figwit of DA:O

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!



He has a somewhat bigger role in DA2, which was probably missed by a lot of people who'd promptly forgotten about him.


So, yeah. Agree.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!




He's an important NPC now in DA2...he also...grew up. anubite is right, this guy is estrogen bait, exploit him just like you did Merril and Isabela.



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Let me start by saying that I do like DA2 - a lot in fact. It is nice to see Bioware breaking away from their formula - saving the world, joining a secret organisation, slaying the big bad thing at the end of the game. Yes, there were certainly some very (essential) things that could have been better: the wave combat, the enemies appering out of thin air, and the way the story was told. Especially since the story didn't give the player much choice - or made player agency important. As for choice and consequence that mattered, this has never been among Bioware's strength when making games. Nearly every choice in the dialogue in BG1 and BG2 etc. leads to the same outcome. Way back in 1998 and 2000 one of the biggest complaint on the old bioware forums was that each dialogue choice had the same outcome, or nearly the same. In DA:O, Bioware did something to rectify this by making quests with more than one outcome e.g. the verewolfe quest.


As for the re-used areas, try playing Neverwinter Nights and watch, see and learn just how many re-used areas there are in that game. The OC in NWN is the weakest part of this game, the second expansion HotU shows me that Bioware learned how to work with the Aurora engine, i.e. how to create a good and compelling story etc. As for the combat it is better in HotU than in the NWN OC. However, the combat in NWN etc. is still very bad, imo. I do not feel I have any influence on what my characters are doing - I click: my character moves until her move is finished, and then I click on her again etc. etc.



PS: As for who the Maker is ---- try playing Hordes of the Underdark, the second expansion to the Neverwinter Night game. You'll learn that the Maker is a sorcerer who is now af demi-lich. And who has abandoned his creations, the golems. And the golems try do something that gets the maker back to them. As for Witch Hunt and the use of the Eluvian Mirror in that expansion to DA:O, Bioware has used mirrors before, they're all over the place in Neverwinter Nights and its expansions.

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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!




Gamers seem to get obsessed over the strangest characters.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!




Gamers seem to get obsessed over the strangest characters.


21st century Bioware fans. That is all I have to say.

Edited by AGX-17
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The whiny templar stuck in the circle tower in DA:O??


Now people really start to scare me!!!




Gamers seem to get obsessed over the strangest characters.


21st century Bioware fans. That is all I have to say.



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DA2 does not significantly break the mold in any way. I'll have to note this in my video. The only thing it tries to do is "tell a more personal story" which it utterly fails to do.


Also, in DA:O, some quests have different outcomes, but I can't think of a single one in DA2. I mean, yes, Feynriel becomes a demon, a tranquil or a "dream mage" depending upon your choices during his last quest, but the results of that quest are all superficial. If Feynriel becomes a demon, you fight 3 guards at the end of the game who were possessed by him. If Feynriel becomes tranquil his mother kills herself. If Fynriel becomes a dream mage, there are no more scenes with him, he doesn't say goodbye to anyone, he just runs off to Tevinter. You do have one end-game quest where an NPC mentions his presence in their dreams, but that's it. The outcome of the quest is always:


Nobody sees Feynriel again

Nobody talks to Feynriel again

Nobody sees Feynriel's mother again (whether she dies or not)

Feynriel is mentioned in passing by a small group of NPCs (<4) toward the end of the game



And none of that has any bearing on any other quest or anything, even if he is mentioned.


And Feynriel's quest is probably the only one where something remotely like this even happens. Thrask? I blackmailed him early on in the game and he still insisted I help him with apostage mages running away. Why the hell would he trust me? He shouldn't, but the game always gives you the option of taking his quest. Furthermore, no matter your choices, Thrask lives towards the end of the game when your sister is Kidnapped. No matter what choices you make there whether you've helped him all game or spurned him all game, he dies. The same goes for Grace, the bloodmage, not only can she not be reformed, but you cannot even kill her in Act 1 knowing that she cannot be reformed with meta-knowledge. It's bull****, Dragon Age 2 is entirely deterministic, the biggest slap in the face being that you always obliterate the mages or the templars at the end of the game, regardless of how pro-templar or pro-mage you've been, you will always kill Meridith and you will always kill the Archmage-Abomination.


And yes, NWN1's campaign was bad. I don't think anybody uses it as a standard to defend DA2 by.


And there is nothing inherently wrong with reusing assets or areas or backtracking. Many games have done this. But I cannot name a single game that has done it to the extent DA2 has. Video games have to reuse assets to be efficient, but DA2 goes about it in all the wrong way. Instead of making us visit the same exact cave 12 times, they should have just written an easy randomizer program so that you're literally not going through the same literal cave all game (these caves are usually not even sharing the same logistical location on a map, it's as though you enter a worm hole and enter to the same coordinates in space every time you encounter a cave or a house or a beach).

Edited by anubite

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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"Also, in DA:O, some quests have different outcomes, but I can't think of a single one in DA2."


Kiddin' right? This is why you can't be takens eriously. There are tons of quests in DA2 ithat have different outcomes.


Also, bashing NWN OC is silly. It's an average campaign but that still makes it better than the overrated BG and KOTOR espicially since KOTOR is nothing but a NWN OC rip off.


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Nobody sees Feynriel again

Nobody talks to Feynriel again

Nobody sees Feynriel's mother again (whether she dies or not)

Feynriel is mentioned in passing by a small group of NPCs (<4) toward the end of the game


That's because they're preparing a big role for him.



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I figured they were - but if he's going to Tevinter, isn't the third game going to take place in... Orlais? I dunno the geography well, but I would assume that puts Feynriel as a possible antagonist or party member in DA4, not DA3.

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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I figured they were - but if he's going to Tevinter, isn't the third game going to take place in... Orlais? I dunno the geography well, but I would assume that puts Feynriel as a possible antagonist or party member in DA4, not DA3.


Who knows.


All I know, no matter what, he survives, even if he's been lobotomized. Cause in Gaider's last novel, they found a cure for that, being possessed. It's a cop out in order to give feynriel a role, since he has VERY unique and kind of extreme powers in the lore.

Edited by NKKKK



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What? A way to cure possession? Sounds kind of lame.


At this point, I'd rather the writers of Shut Up and Jam Gaiden write the script for DA3.


Post apocalyptic, medieval fantasy bball sounds fun.

Edited by anubite

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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I figured they were - but if he's going to Tevinter, isn't the third game going to take place in... Orlais? I dunno the geography well, but I would assume that puts Feynriel as a possible antagonist or party member in DA4, not DA3.


Who knows.


All I know, no matter what, he survives, even if he's been lobotomized. Cause in Gaider's last novel, they found a cure for that, being possessed. It's a cop out in order to give feynriel a role, since he has VERY unique and kind of extreme powers in the lore.


You'll probably run into him in a tower in Val Royaux (sp?), where he'll offer you to control magic, destroy magic or synthesis... to become magic :p

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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