Pidesco Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 In the previous thread: We fight while dreaming of a glorious future, a future world of opportunity for everyone. We devote our lives to adventure and endeavor to bring peace to all souls. We fight as one and united we stand, we are the Knights of the Obsidian Order! Hello everybody, among the fine folks in the kickstarter comments we discussed a possibility to help Obsidian increase the funding of the game a little bit. We actually talked about an idea that showed up earlier on Kickstarter during the funding of the adventure game Leisure Suite Larry and became a tradition for adventure kickstarters (Want the whole story? Check this). We think this a great idea and we know, Obsidian fans are some of the most passionate gamers in the world. So we decided to start THE OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY. How do I become a member? Actually, it's quite simple: Upgrade your pledge by 8 $ and you're in. Yes, it's really that simple. You don't have to pass a test, you don't have to choose a specific tier. The Obsidian Order is open to everyone as long as s/he adds this small fee of 8 $. If you've done so simply expand your Kickstarter-Username with "- Obsidian Order" and start commenting on Kickstarter. Proudly demonstrate your membership to this very special order of the most devoted Obsidian fans and help spreading the word about our movement among all backers of Project Eternity! Why exactly 8 $? Because 8 stands for Eternity. What do you get in return? The feeling of being a special fan amongst some already extraordinary people. Yes, it's a matter of fandom, passion and love. There is no physical or digital reward in it. Don't feel impelled to do so, this is just our way to demonstrate our love for that kind of CRPGs. Some additional words Backers of the 10.000 $ tier who are technically inable to increase their pledge are honorary members from the beginning, because they've already beaten the system. You guys really got it. So, no reason to feel sad, Notch. So now, who stands with us? Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order http://northharbour....der-of-eternity Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: 00_Happy, Smile Bearer of the Obsidian Order 28south, Swamp Dragon of the Obsidian Order Abicion, Rabbit Lord of the Obsidian Order actionjezus6, Ghost Lord of Obsidian Order adamdaniell, Soulscriber of the Obsidian Order adamsorkin, Mad Alchemist of the Obsidian Order Adauli, Red Wizard of the Obisidian Order Adlantis, Lost Tome of the Obsidian Order Adunakhor, Storm Gatherer of the Obsidian Order Agelico, Veiled Cipher of the Obsidian Order Alabaster Crowe, Ruined King of the Obsidian Order Alarn Vilrath, Judicator of the Obsidian Order Alcarin Kitsune, Captive God of the Obsidian Order Alejandro, Pirate King of the Obsidian Order Alper, Sage of the Obsidian Order Alvin Nelson, Deep Gnome of the Obsidian Order Amyrantha, Bloody Hands of the Obsidian Order Anaeme, Eminence of the Obsidian Order Ancoron, Spellslinger of the Obsidian Order Anders, Seneschal of the Obsidian Order Andron, Robot of the Obsidian Order Angus S, General of the Obsidian Order Anorak, Kensai Magus of the Obsidian Order Apatia, Lurker of the Obsidian Order Appollyon, Inquisitor Apollyon of the Obsidian Order aran665, Chevalier of the Obsidan Order Archmage Silver, Grey Eminence of the Obsidian Order Archon Stormraven, The Obsidian Order's Fallen Archon Archon360, Illusive Man of the Obsidian Order Arcoss, Legionnaire of the Obsidian Order Ardent, Spice Merchant of the Obsidian Order Argeciy, Captain-Healer of the Obsidian Order Armand, Meistersinger of the Obsidian Order arrowhead, Archer of the Obsidian Order Aser, Obsidian Order Cultist Ashram, Black Knight of the Obsidian Order AstroCat, AstroCat of the Obsidian Order Audron, Research Specialist of the Obsidian Order Auron89, Nimrod of the Obsidian Order AuroraDragonKaya, Exalted of the Obsidian Order Ausir, Encyclopedist of the Obsidian Order Avantre, Irritable Art Critic of the Obsidian Order AW8, Shadow Assassin of the Obsidian Order awsomeness, ironic clown of the Obsidian Order axan22, Obsidian Order's High Druid Ayonnis, Entropic Dust of the Obsidian Order AzureWatcher, Watcher of the Obsidian Order Bake Mia Pie, The Wandering Minstrel of the Obsidian Order Bashtor, Swordsman of the Obsidian Order BatNat, Jester of the Obsidian Order baylox, Nitpicker of the Obsidian Order BBBD, Official Cooper of the Obsidian Order Beanscad, Chief Scientist of the Obsidian Order behippo, Hippomaster of the Obsidian Order Berenzen, Grand Marshal of the Obsidian Order Bethan, Joat of the Obsidian Order Betongborr, Barbarian of the Obsidian Order Bjenn, Raven Master of the Obsidian Order Blackstream, Wanderer of the Obsidian Order Bland_Boy, Poet of the Obsidian Order Blazing Hero, Eternal Flame of the Obsidian Order Bloody Hypocrite, Blasphemer of the Obsidian Order Bluemage, Agent of the Obsidian Order Bootsy81, High-Priest of Funk of the Obsidian Order Brendaron, Obsidian Order's Dark Sword Brishingr, The Harbinger of the Obsidian Order bronzepoem, Kung Fu Master of the Obsidian Order BruceP, Sheriff of the Obsidian Order Buzzn Frogg, Psychopomp of the Obsidian Order C2B, Lazy Assistant of the Obsidian Order Caerdon, Black Sheep of the Obsidian Order Calmtob, Patron Saint of the Obsidian Order cania, Evil Pie of the Obsidian Order Caranir, Heartseeker of the Obsidian Order Cardo, Obsidian Order Risk Assessor Carella, Artificer of the Obsidian Order cdx, Timekeeper of the Obsidian Order cealicu_ca, Draco of the Obsidian Order CheeseGraterSuicide, Mangina Coordinator of the Obsidian Order Chessbrain, Black & White King of the Obsidian Order Chigs, Sarcasmancer of the Obsidian Order Clammo, Coffin Dodger of the Obsidian Order clunkycheme, Archaeologist of the Obsidian Order Coffeeminx, Tea Lady to the Obsidian Order Colossus86, Ars Electrica of the Obsidian Order CommonOddity, Kwisatz Haderach of the Obsidian Order Conconhead, Chantress of the Obsidian Order Coonster, Deep Space Nine Emissary of the Obsidian Order CorruptBiggins, Courier of the Obsidian Order Corwyn, Machinator of the Obsidian Order Crabby_Bastard, Harlot of the Obsidian Order cranch, Amphibian of the Obsidian Order Crassus, Consul of the Obsidian Order Cribbian, Voyager of the Obsidian Order Critical, Obsidian Order's Master of Ordnance Crooked Bee, Bee of the Obsidian Order Cthulchulain, Lesser Evil of the Obsidian Order Cthulhu0316, Captain Barbosa of The Obsidian Order cuteLittleRabbit, Cute Rabbit of the Obsidian Order cyberarmy, Mass Destruction Weapon of The Obsidian Order Cynical Felidae, Psi-Judge of the Obsidian Order Dablue, Guarddog of the Obsidian Order daela, Obsidian Order Ale Master Damkyan, Grey Monk of the Obsidian Order dancash1808, Slightly Amusing Moniker of the Obsidian Order Daracon, Beastmaster of the Obsidian Order Darkwatersong, Eleven Bard of the Order Darth Trethon, Dark Lord of the Obsidian Order Darthturk, Executor of the Obsidian Order Daz23, Daydreamer of the Obsidian Order ddillon, Hellion of the Obsidian Order DeadOfKnight, Incorrigible Smartass of the Obsidian Order deamon451, Lap Cat of the Obsidian Order Death Machine Miyagi, Obsidian Order's Devourer of Souls Death, Destroyer of Worlds of the Obsidian Order deathhawk, Shadow Knight of the Obsidian Order DeDawg65, Obsidan Order Crate Slayer Demi_Person, Dragoon of the Obsidian Order Detrimental2, Troll Cook of the Obsidian Order diablo169, Vorpal Bunny of the Obsidian Order DiabolicallyRandom, Aleax of the Obsidian Order Direlda, Kitsune of the Obsidian Order DjAvren, Cheese Grater of the Obsidian Order dlux, Dark Knight of the Obsidian Order dlux, Righteous Paladin of the Obsidian Order DocDoomII, Archvillain of the Obsidian Order Dominativus, Blood Reaver of the Obsidian Order Don-Esteban, High Priest of the Obsidian Order dracuella, Warden of the Obsidian Order Dragoonlordz, Exorcist of the Obsidian Order DreamingVoid, Dwarven Defender of the Obsidian Order Droogle, Red Ranger of the Obsidian Order Dueps, Back Alley Physician of the Obsidian Order dukeofyork, Obsidian Order's Master Librarian Duskblade, Master Fixer of the Obsidian Order Dux Omnia, Duke Commander of the Obsidian Order Echopeus, Fisher of the Obsidian Order edrst10, Death Dealer of The Obsidian Order EidolonsFury, Vengeance of the Obsidian Order eimatshya, The Obsidian Order's Assigner of Ergativity El Duderino, Abider of the Obsidian Order el pinko grande, Void-Touched Master of the Obsidian Order eldilibra, First Omnimagic Magistrate of the Obsidian Order Elerond, One of the Obsidian Order Elfwyn, First Ranger of the Obsidian Order Elidar, The Guardian of the Obsidian Order Eljei, Blademaster of the Obsidian Order Elthosian, Recruit of the Obsidian Order Eryn Shades, Tempest´s Envoy of the Obsidian Order Eryss, Grey Rogue of the Obsidian Order e-Touch, Old Dreamer of the Obsidian Order EventHorizon, Drunken Mage of the Obsidian Order Eyferann, Fatespinner of the Obsidian Order Fade Lee, Eldritch Knight of the Obsidian Order Faelen, Assassin of the Obsidian Order faeriehunter, Purple Demon of the Obsidian Order Falelorn, Scarred One of the Obsidian Order Fandil, Dawnbringer of the Obsidian Order Fangs, Shapeshifter of the Obsidian Order Fantaisie, Composer of the Obsidian Order Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order Fenrir, Lord Protector of the Obsidian Order Fionavar, The Ol' Green Dragon of the Obsidian Order FlintlockJazz, White Rabbit of the Obsidian Order Flouride, Chew Toy of the Obsidian Order Floyd, Knightshark of the Obsidian Order Fluffle, Fluffy Marshmallow of the Obsidian Order Forlorn Hope, Soldier of the Obsidian Order Fredrik, Drunk of the Obsidian Order Frisk, Deranged Toolsmith of the Obsidian Order fuzie, Shadow Secretary of the Obsidian Order Fyremaster, Lord High Mucky Muck of the Obsidian Order gakmen, Low End of the Obsidian Order gandalf.nho, Huntress of the Obsidian Order Garak, Gastronotary of the Obsidian Order Gecimen, Bartender of the Obsidian Order Geikichi, Dwarven Paladin of the Obsidian Order Geldridge, Standard-Bearer of the Obsidian Order General_Disarray, Whippersnapper of the Obsidian Order generic.hybridity, Time Lord of the Obsidian Order Gensou, Grand Illusionist of the Obsidian Order GeorgetheGreat42, Obsidian Order's Politico Priest gholam, Sorcerer Supreme of the Obsidian Order Giantenemycrab, Giant Enemy Crab of the Obsidian Order Gino, Obsidian Order Planeswalker Golgepapaz, The Shadow Priest of the Obsidian Order Gorth, Grinning Skull of the Obsidian Order Grand Einherjar, Royal Vanguard of the Obsidian Order Grand_Commander13, Curator of the Obsidian Order Grandnatics, Grenadier of the Obsidian Order Gryzor, Red Dwarf of the Obsidian Order Gundahad, Old Toby Farmer of the Obsidian Order Gurkog, Tactical Response Unit of the Obsidian Order Gyges, Pit Dweller of the Obsidian Order Gyrotica, Greek Sandwich Pirate of the Obsidian Order Hammer_0f_God, KnightMare of the Obsidian Order HansKrSG, True Dreamer of the Obsidian Order Hassat Hunter, Royal Rodent Catcher of the Obsidian Order Hatta, Master Psycher of the Obsidian Order headrush, Speed Demon of the Obsidian Order HeedlessHorseman, Malaprop of the Obsidian Order Hertzila, Infiltrator of the Obsidian Order hiker, Procrastinator of the Obsidian Order Hiro Protagonist II, Nub of the Obsidian Order Holy Cheese, The Holy Hand Grenade of the Obsidian Order Hormalakh, Lone Locust of the Obsidian Order HTrig, Bowman of the Obsidian Order Huinehtar, Technothaumaturgist of the Obsidian Order HumanFlesh+5, Landsknecht of the Obsidian Order Hurlshot, Obsidian Order Hockey Puck Ian, Ardently Denies the Existence of the Obsidian Order IchigoRXC, Zerth of the Obsidian Order Ieo, White Gazebo of the Obsidian Order Inannachan, Kitten Cipher of the Obsidian Order Indiphilo, 1st Cleaning Lady of the Obsidian Order IndiraLightfoot, Apex of the Obsidian Order Industrial Scribe, Cheesecake of the Obsidian Order Infinitum Omega, Paradox of the Obsidian Order Ink Blot, Incorrigible Mountebank of the Obsidian Order Intendant S, Knight Templar of the Obsidian Order Inyourprime, Coach of the Obsidian Order Ivelin, Proud Knight of the Obsidian Order J3lackJ3ird, Spy of the Obsidian Order Jaesun, Fabulous Paladin of the Obsidian Order Jaffe, Omnipresent Authority Figure of the Obsidian Order Jalister, Eternal Champion of the Obsidian Order japol, Dungeon Dweller of the Obsidian Order JayDGee, Juggernaut of the Obsidian Order jdownes, Anarchist of the Obsidian Order jellydonut, Pencil Sharpener of the Obsidian Order Jesse Jacobs, The Doctor of the Obsidian Order Jesugandalf, Grey Wizard of the Obsidian Order Jhander, Obsidian Order's Giant Miniature Space Hamster Joe Maron, Mystic Mirror of the Obsidian Order JOG, Knave of the Obsidian Order Jon of the Wired, Grognard of the Obsidian Order JonoRig, Commander Sir "Stoneface" Vimes of the Obsidian Order joshck94, Youngster of the Obsidian Order jsc, Lone Ranger of the Obsidian Order Julien, Knight-errant of the Obsidian Order Jumble Murdersense, Apprentice Candle Dribbler of the Obsidian Order Justinian, Judicious Dropbear of the Obsidian Order JWestfall, Beer Taster of the Obsidian Order Kabraxis, Companion Cube of the Obsidian Order Kad'Ir Koan, Hm-nTr tpi of the Obsidian Order Kage Tempest, Stormblade of the Obsidian Order Kaldurenik, Demilich of the Obsidian Order Kallisar, Necromancer of the Obsidian Order Karma_Police, Maritime Explorer of the Obsidian Order Karonimus, Achiever of the Obsidian Order Karranthain, Hussar of the Obsidian Order Kennethmk, Ranger of the Obsidian Order Kennyrules, Obsidian Order Understudy Kenup, Combat Illusionist of The Obsidian Order Keyrock, Obsidian Order Rodent Tamer KhaineGB, Demon Lord of the Obsidian Order Khanach, Obsidian Order Swashbuckler Kibosh, Vagabond of the Obsidian Order KickAssKanuck, Keeper of the Stones of the Obsidian Order Kide, Keeper of Light and Darkness of the Obsidian Order Killroy, Spy of the Obsidian Order kinemitor, Howitzer of Obsidian Order Kionter, Pollo Loco of the Obsidian Order Kitan, Black Wizard of the Obsidian Order kjrubberducky, Bath Toy of the Obsidian Order Knott, Viking of the Obsidian Order Kodiak Whitemane, Avatar of the Obsidian Order Korven, Sausage of the Obsidian Order Krios, Blessed of the Obsidian Order Krownor, Tortoise Knight of the Obsidian Order KurzVor12, Philologist of the Obisidian Order Kuyric, Nihilist of the Obsidian Order Laakeririkko, Engineer of the Obsidian Order Lactose, Obisidian Order Hunter ladykella, Storyteller of the Obsidian Order LadyMuck, Sentinel of the Obsidian Order Larash, Bowmaster of the Obsidian Order Lars-Erik, Mutant Ambassador to the Obsidian Order Leewelo, Lorekeeper of the Obsidian Order Leshy, Red Mage of the Obsidian Order Lexx, Adventurer of the Obsidian Order light487, Parrot Keeper of the Obsidian Order L'invité, Trainer of the Obsidian Order LLNephilim, Chief Crash Test Dummy of the Obsidian Order Loar, Gryphonheart of the Obsidian Order LokiHades, Knight Drei of the Obsidian Order Loranc, Lowly Serf of the Obsidian Order Lord Kelric, Ivory Mystic of the Obsidian Order LordCrash, Grand Master of the Obsidian Order Lorfean, Shadow Thief of the Obsidian Order Lostbrain, Dark Goddess of the Obsidian Order lumiapina, Monkey of the Obisidian Order Luridis, Nightfall of the Obsidian Order Luuke, Interrogator of the Obsidian Order lychee26, Shadow of the Obsidian Order MacArthur, Blackstaff The Unknown Obsidian Order Macbeth, Chronicler of the Obsidian Order Madbunny, Fluffy Fiend of the Obsidian Order Madzookeeper, Master Wetboy of the Obsidian Order Maf, Fragment of the Obsidian Order Majek, Obsidian Order's Whatchamacallit Majogu, The Above Average of the Obsidian Order Makura, Mascot of the Obsidian Order Malavinious, Icewind Warrior of the Obsidian Order Malcador, Sigilite of the Obsidian Order Malkaven, Lunatic of the Obsidian Order manaf, Chicken Wrangler of the Obsidian Order markness05, The Final Word of the Obsidian Order Marshal45, Peacekeeper of the Obsidian Order MasonX, Analyst of the Obsidian Order Mattku, Grumpy Gardener of the Obsidian Order mayfaire, Purseliberator of the Obsidian Order Melhelix, Obstinate Scribe of the Obsidian Order melkathi, Teddy Bear Adventurer of the Obsidian Order Merin, Grey Storyteller of the Obsidian Order metzner, Master of the Anvil of the Obsidian Order Miasma, Darkness of the Obsidian Order mibbles, Ne'er-do-well of the Obsidian Order MiCkO, Wild Mage of the Obsidian Order Mieu, Lich Battlemage of the Obsidian Order Minttunator, Inquisitor of the Obsidian Order Mloren, Guttersnipe of the Obsidian Order Moah, Platypus Herder of the Obsidian Order Mohaan, Cavy Clibanarii of the Obsidian Order Moirnelithe, Mascot of the Obsidian Order Monkcrab, Sword Sharpener of the Obsidian Order Monte Carlo, Vorpal Panzerfaust of the Obsidian Order Moonknight, Moonknight of the Obsidian Order Moonlight Butterfly, Crazy Cat Lady of the Obsidian Order morhilane, Chanter and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order Mrakvampire, Miniature Giant Cosmic Hamster of Obsidian Order Mrrally, Head Bodyguard of the Obsidian Order MrsNHP, Humble Cupbearer of the Obsidian Order mstark, Oblivious of the Obsidian Order Mustis, Phantom of the Obsidian Order Muzrub333, Brewmaster of the Obsidian Order Nakia, Rogue of the Obsidian Order nakupenda, Foreigner of the Obsidian Order NateOwns, Pyromancer of the Obsidian Order Natter, Black Sorcerer Pug of the Obsidian Order Nedzzo, Paladin of the Obsidian Order Night, Winter of the Obsidian Order nikolokolus, Bridge Troll of the Obsidian Order Nimo, Librarian of the Obsidian Order Noel Leon, Negentropy of the Obsidian Order Nqvgz, Burning Supplicant of the Obsidian Order O.DOGG, Obsidian Order Outcast oberjaeger, Captain of the Obsidian Order Ohad, Village Shaman of the Obisidian Order Olauron Mor-Galad, Arcane Wellspring of the Obsidian Order OldRPG'sAreGood, Svef Addict of the Obsidian Order OmniscientOne, Obsidian Order's Know-It-All Oner, Loner of the Obsidian Order Oridan, Guardian of the Obsidian Order origami.paper, Spellsword of the Obsidian Order OuterCrow, Occult Operative of the Obsidian Order Pajoncek, Iron Fist of the Obsidian Order Palmtuna, Quartermaster of the Obsidian Order Pandamaniac, Panda Fanatic of the Obsidian Order Pangur, White Cat of the Obsidian Order ParaMundus, The Silent Unseen of the Obsidian Order Parhelion13, Ascendant of the Obsidian Order Pathos, Tormented Soul of the Obsidian Order Paul D, Obsidian Order Seeker of Balance Paulicus, Chief Beer Drinker of the Obsidian Order Pegasus Organs, Kidney of the Obsidian Order Pendu, Prozen Knight of the Obsidian Order PeterD, Obsidian Order's Keeper of the Toilet Brush Phellan, Oathkeeper of the Obsidian Order PKCrusader, Crusader of the Obsidian Order Plaguesin, Chief Strategist of the Obsidian Order Plasma Jesus, Emperor's Champion of the Obsidian Order PLD_Danny1989, Fledgling Paladin of the Obsidian Order Pofski, Phoenix of the Obsidian Order PolloDiablo, Obisidian Order's Devil Hen Protey, Shapeshifter of the Obsidian Order PsychoBlonde, Grand Rhetorist of the Obsidian Order PsychoWedge, Psychotic Addendum to the Obsidian Order's Sanity Ptolemy, Aeromancer of the Obsidian Order quicktooth, Angel of the Obsidian Order R3venant, Undead Commander of the Obsidian Order Rabain, Knight Hospitaller of the Obsidian Order Rabidlamb, Berk Cutter of the Obsidian Order Racod, Marksman of the Obsidian Order Radwulf, Obsidian Order's Solipsist Ken Raedwulf, Grave Robber of the Obsidian Order Raelon, Explorer of the Obsidian Order raklun, Blesser of the Obsidian Order Ran2Chaos, Wandering Ronin of the Obsidian Order Ranath, Master of Bats of the Obsidian Order Ravnos Malkavian, Hermit of the Obsidian Order redneckdevil, Psycho Hillbilly of the Obsidian Order Redwulf, The Obsidian Orders Royal Pain Regenshire, Knight Bailli of the Obsidian Order Remmirath, Obsidian Order's Knight of Chaos Renraven, Shaman of the Obsidian Order rf5111918, Time Lord of the Obsidian Order RiceMunk, Sentient Mop of the Obsidian Order Riggo, Pickled Liver of the Obsidian Order Rijkaard, Lord of Justice of the Obsidian Order Robsidious, Haphazard Philosopher of the Obsidian Order Roghn, Renegade Inquisitor of the Obsidian Order Romiras, Super Mutant of the Obsidian Order Rosveen, Obsidian Order's Prophet of Woe Rovion, Ice Knight of the Obsidian Order Roxane, Cutitutude of the Obsidian Order rrc2soft, Scholar of the Obsidian Order rsgeiger, Scribe Extrodinare of the Order RTWAP, 5th Junior Assistant Stable Mucker of the Obsidian Order Rubicon, Guided Justice of the Obsidian Order s_d, Necronaut of the Obsidian Order Saeragon, Ticket Inspector of the Obsidian Order Saerain, Scholar Apotheosist of the Obsidian Order saige, The Wise of the Obsidian Order Sang de Poulpe, Mindflayer of the Obsidian Order santanzchild, Lil Devil of the Obsidian Order SarahEarth, Angelic Catgirl of the Obsidian Order Sarevok, Bhaalspawn of the Obsidian Order Sarog, Cataphract of the Obsidian Order Sashaa, Zen Master of the Obsidian Order Scarletguard, Main Archon of the Obsidian Order Schroedinger, Feline Encaser of the Obsidian Order Scurrilous, Event Horizon of the Obsidian Order Seez, Snarkmaster of the Obsidian Order seiya, Violet Lady of the Obsidian Order Sempavor, Bandit of the Obsidian Order Sensuki, Subway Apathist of the Obsidian Order Severai, Infiltratrix of the Obsidian Order Shadeheart, Centurion of the Obsidian Order Shadow501, Skald of the Obsidian Order ShadowHawk, Templar of the Obsidian Order Shadowthewanderer, Diplomat of the Obsidian Order ShadySands, The Guy on the Couch of the Obsidian Order Shardbearer, Herald of the Obsidian Order Shardwinter, Windwalker of the Obsidian Order Shaz, Comtessa of the Obsidian Order Shin-Anubis, Blood Magus of the Obsidian Order Shoeless Joe Jackson, Barefoot Fanatic of the Obsidian Order Sick, Apothecary of the Obsidian Order Sight Unseen, The Lone Wolf of the Obsidian Order SilentZohr, Silent Watcher of the Obsidian Order Sinistas, Dreaded Silencer of the Obsidian Order Sistergoldring, Marshmallow Priestess of the Obsidian Order Slumpy, Vacillator of the Obsidian Order smithereen, Chief Consulting Oracle of the Obsidian Order SnideCipher, Dwarven Brewmaster of the Obsidian Order Solivagant, Dragonblade of the Obsidian Order Sollips, Smiling Tiger of the Obsidian Order Solus Bellator, Lone Warrior of the Obsidian Order Soranor, Cavalier of the Obsidian Order Sordel, Exultant Pragmatist of the Obsidian Order Sosseres, Grunt of the Obsidian Order Soulsource, Crystalmancer of the Obsidian Order Space_hamster, The Obsidian Order Space Hamster Starglider, Master of Golems of the Obsidian Order Staticblast, Elder Sage of the Obsidian Order Steel Forged Games, Forgemaster of the Obsidian Order StrepsilS06, Dragon Rider of the Obsidian Order StromIV, Shadow Walker of the Obsidian Order Sugarjaye, Petite Death of the Obsidian Order SunBroSolaire, Custodian of The Obsidian Order SuperD, Seattle Sonic of the Obsidian Order svartelric, Soul-Shaper of the Obsidian Order Swells, Outlaw of the Obsidian Order syn2083, Venom Vanguard of the Obsidian Order Syraxis, Arrow Fodder of the Obsidian Order tajerio, Sabertooth Cat of the Obsidian Order Tanglebones, Less Than Grand Wizard of the Obsidian Order tanistass, Chosen One of the Obsidian Order Tanred, Stick of the Obsidian Order Tarthus, Item Acquisition Specialist of the Obsidian Order Technatorium, First Cipher of the Obsidian Order TedFaster, Ninja of the Obsidian Order Telefax, Bardbarian of the Obsidian Order Terrh, Dread Necromancer Terrhwulf of the Obsidian Order Terror K, Plain, Simple Tailor of the Obsidian Order The Flying Gribble, Terrier of the Obsidian Order The Mist Devil, Janus's Red Priest of the Obsidian Order The_Chosen_One, Unicorn Lover of the Obsidian Order theFool, Dragon of the Obsidian Order TheLurkingWriter, The Obsidian Order's Lurking Writer Theobeau, A Madman with a Box of the Obsidian Order TheOptimist, Warlock of the Obsidian Order TheSlow, The Slow One of the Obsidian Order Thulean, Warmaster of the Obsidian Order Tilly, Scout of the Obsidian Order Tirion13, Hedge Mage & Haberdasher of the Obsidian Order Tobi, Apprentice of the Obsidian Order Tocath, Sous Chef of the Obsidian Order Torgo, Innkeeper of the Obsidian Order Torolf, Curious Canine Alchemist of the Obsidian Order Totally Awesome, Adjective Noun of the Obsidian Order toto314, Runenkrieger of the Obsidian Order Totottoro, Vanguard of the Obsidian Order tox1c5lug, Evil Banker of the Obsidian Order TrashMan, Holy Avenger of the Obsidian Order TristanD, Enforcer of the Obsidian Order trit, Raven Keeper of the Obsidian Order TT1, Transcendent Spirit of the Obsidian Order twincast, Blue Automaton of the Obsidian Order Tychoxi, Sciscitator of the Obsidian Order UberHen, Propagandist of the Obsidian Order Umbersona, Knight Crusader of the Obsidian Order Uncle Tickles, Babysitter of the Obsidian Order UnendingEcho, Unfunny Jester of the Obsidian Order Uomoz, Dirge of the Obsidian Order Valinthor, Spymaster of the Obsidian Order Vargr, Cursed and Slightly Mad Berserker of The Obsidian Order Vervain, Warlord Prince of the Order Vesahgo, Nullifier of the Obsidian Order VIGIL_AU, Huscarl of the Obsidian Order Virsalus, Sorcerer of the Obsidian Order Virtual Maestro, Maestro of the Obsidian Order VixRaine, Wandering Mercenary of the Obsidian Order Voiddrifter13, Absence of the Obsidian Order volcatius, Teutonic Knight of The Obsidian Order Voror, Judge of the Obsidian Order walkir, Goat Knight Commander of the Obsidian Order wanderon, Nomadic Wayfarer of the Obsidian Order Ward, Paladin of Justice and Humility of the Obsidian Order Warmonger, Warlord of the Obsidian Order Warrior1986, General Counsel of the Obsidian Order WDeranged, Ordinator of The Obsidian Order Webslinger, Slinger of the Obsidian Order Whinis, Water Whisperer of The Obsidian Order Whiskeyjack73, Wolf King of the Obsidian Order Whosdriving, The Insane Coachman of the Order williamwall, Red Shirt of the Obsidian Order WINKWINK, The 7th Psychopath of the Obsidian Order Wintersong, Tempest of the Obsidian Order Wintervale, Dishonourable Temptress of the Obsidian Order Wirbowsky, The Endless Paths guide of the Obsidian Order Wolar, Rittmeister of the Obsidian Order Wombat, Obsidian Order's Mysterious Stranger Xelios, Gatekeeper of the Obsidian Order Xen, Terror Knight of the Obsidian Order XenoReaperm, Vault Dweller of the Obsidian Order Yaskaleh, Eternal Watcher of the Obsidian Order yinbar, Giantfriend of the Obsidian Order Yozorama, Gravedigger of the Obisidian Order Yrcrazypa, The Obsidian Order Village Idiot yuq, Insanity Swarm of the Obsidian Order Zaigo, Archivist of the Obsidian Order zdsdead, Gimp of the Obsidian Order Zeyelth, Mythological Critter of the Obsidian Order Zu Long, Master Shugenja of the Obsidian Order New members must post in this thread. I will add you to the list and you will receive your personal forum title. Don't forget to pledge your $8 membership fee! If you find a typo in your title or if I forgot to add you, then send me a private message. It will be fixed by Fionavar (Master Moderator) on the next update! -dlux, Righteous Paladin of the Obsidian Order 1 "My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist I am Dan Quayle of the Romans. I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands. Heja Sverige!! Everyone should cuffawkle more. The wrench is your friend.
IndiraLightfoot Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Wow, a part 4! Welcome all new members! Let our Order define what Eternity holds in store for those who wait! 1 *** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***
Mokkun Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Now to figure out how to add the "- Obsidian Order" to Kickstarter . actually added the 8$ at the time i also added expansion, but forgot to post here.. (and add "- Obsidian Order" on kickstarter)
Branthog Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Okay. I'm in on this. I got caught up in the excitement and tripled my initial pledge, today.
IndiraLightfoot Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Then just post the title you want for yourself in our order. See the link above in this post for what titles are already taken. In due time you will receive your title (like tomorrow)! *** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***
Loranc Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Make sure you guys post the title you want here, but check to make sure another member doesn't have it first. Obsidian @Obsidian Current PayPal status: $140,000. 2,200 backers "Hmm so last Paypal information was 140,000 putting us at 4,126,929. We did well over and beyond 4 million, and still have an old backer number from Paypal. 76,186 backers. It's very possible that we have over 75,000 backers if I had new Paypal information. Which means we may have 15 Mega dungeon levels, and we already are going to have an amazing game + cats (I swear I will go stir crazy if Adam doesn't own up to the cats thing )." Switching to Paypal means that more of your money will go towards Project Eternity. (The more you know.) Paypal charges .30 cents per transaction and 2.2% for anything over 100,000 per month for U.S currency. Other currency is different, ranging from anywhere between 2.2-4.9%. Kick Starter is a fixed 5% charge at the end.
General_Disarray Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 So, what if you upped your pledge by more than 8?
kenup Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 So, what if you upped your pledge by more than 8? As long as you are $8 or more above your reward tier, you are welcome!
General_Disarray Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 So, what if you upped your pledge by more than 8? As long as you are $8 or more above your reward tier, you are welcome! Awesome. Can I be the Whippersnapper of the Obsidian Order?
yinbar Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 My pledge has been updated for this. I'd like to be Giantfriend of the Obsidian Order Good effort with this so far!
Krios Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 I can hardly believe it to see us at thread #4 so close to the end of the Kickstarter
Argeciy Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Good, I'm in! Many are thanks to those who keep the Order's wheels turning. ...Hmm. Guess, will go look for some unfortunate mistreated Order's members, or just generally kick some slacking minor healers around (when we are getting those). Will be around.
Zaigo Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Okay, so I posted on the last thread that I wanted to be courier, but it is apparently taken. So since the list hasn't been updated yet I'd like to be called as... Zaigo, Archivist of Obsidian Order.
VixRaine Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 This seems like a pretty awesome way to encourage a little bit of funding. I'm in. Vix Raine, Wandering Mercenary of the Obsidian Order of Eternity. (Phew, long-winded title is long-winded.)
CommonOddity Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 (edited) I really bloody well hate to do this, but I have lost a bet and I need to man up... Could I please have my title changed to Kwisatz Haderach of the Obsidian Order, please? Hate being a pain in the ass. Increased the pledge amount as well, to make up for this nonsense. Edit: Oh, and welcome new members of the Obsidian Order Edited October 15, 2012 by CommonOddity
Lord Kelric Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 OK...missed the list of current names and the first one I choose was already taken. How about the Ivory Mystic of the Obsidian Order?
Kodiak Whitemane Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Please add me to the order Kodiak Whitemane - Avatar of the Obsidian Order
Krios Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 *starts counting fingers on one hand, then the other hand ... ran out of toes to count* We are legion :D 2
Sordel Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Quake, puny mortals, beneath the lash of: Sordel, Exultant Pragmatist of the Obsidian Order
HeedlessHorseman Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 (edited) I just updated my pledge. I want to be the Malaprop of the Obsidian Order Edited October 15, 2012 by HeedlessHorseman
Warrior1986 Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 Great to see all the new members. I'm very happy with my new title. Does the site get updated based on the list in the first post?
TristanD Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 So, how many are we? 440 as of the last update yesterday. Enforcer of the Obsidian Order
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