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Yeah game prices drop like a rock after only a couple of months. And as a late buyer you get the patches too.


Unless you're Blizzard or something. They keep their prices up for much longer.


I think these days it only pays to be the first to the party for predominantly multiplayer games so you don't get stuck with l33t jerkoffs a year later when no one else is playing.




On a totally unrelated note, GoG allowed me to redeem a copy of Witcher EE for my old serial no. No more fiddling around with the discs and patches on reinstall, yay.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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How is that an RPG? It looks like a stealth action game

Story + character inspired emotional decision making?

Either that, or the term RPG has become something that's rather loosely defined in the past years. :-


The term RPG has become as inane as the word "epic" in this era. If any game design mechanics or statistics are visible to the player it's immediately branded a (genre)-RPG, regardless of the legitimacy of the RPG suffix.


There's a reasonable chance that either Mass Effect 3 or Borderlands 2 will be declared "RPG of the year" for 2012.

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How is that an RPG? It looks like a stealth action game


From what the review said, I would guess that it is an action-rpg in the same vein as Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Both are first-person and have a loose upgrade system as well as several different branches in the story.

Edited by Deadly_Nightshade

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Regardless, the game will be brilliant, like any Arkane game.


word. love the crap out of their games too. can't wait.

Edited by Astiaks

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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How is that an RPG? It looks like a stealth action game

Story + character inspired emotional decision making?

Either that, or the term RPG has become something that's rather loosely defined in the past years. :-


The term RPG has become as inane as the word "epic" in this era. If any game design mechanics or statistics are visible to the player it's immediately branded a (genre)-RPG, regardless of the legitimacy of the RPG suffix.


There's a reasonable chance that either Mass Effect 3 or Borderlands 2 will be declared "RPG of the year" for 2012.

While we all know that to be accepted as an rpg, the game must feature simulated dice-rolling. Amiright?

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Dishonered looks nice, like a mix of several different games. I just hope there's more to the bulk of the game other than assassinating rambling people, albeit in stylish ways.


You don't have to kill a single person if you can find other solutions.

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The term RPG has become as inane as the word "epic" in this era. If any game design mechanics or statistics are visible to the player it's immediately branded a (genre)-RPG, regardless of the legitimacy of the RPG suffix.


There's a reasonable chance that either Mass Effect 3 or Borderlands 2 will be declared "RPG of the year" for 2012.

While we all know that to be accepted as an rpg, the game must feature simulated dice-rolling. Amiright?


The sarcasm is strong in this one.

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From the RPS review:



Human Revolution took place in a future where improbably vents were very much in fashion, while Dishonored approaches the problem of presenting alternate routes in a much more satisfactory way. In fact, it doesn’t present routes; at its strongest (which is most of what is at least twenty hours if savoured rather than scoffed), it presents places and leaves the player to make routes rather than finding them.




That the tour is ending at all feels mournful and I immediately, greedily wanted more. At first I almost stupidly determined that Arkane hadn’t provided enough but that’s unfair. Dishonored is so dense, with both possibility and meaning, that I’ve already played most of it twice. Same places, different experiences, and that’s not just because I changed my approach. The city reacts to the amount of corpses Corvo leaves in its tenements and slums, with the plague and the guards both strengthening in response to the chaos his actions cause.


Kill more people and more rat swarms and weepers will creep into each district as the infrastructure collapses. At the same time, the false regent, afraid and angry, will deploy more troops and more technology in a bid to win back the streets. The tallboys, so iconic in the promotional material, aren’t as significant as I expected, but they stalk later levels in squads if the chaos level is high and can be punishing.




That’s why Dishonored is important right now. It feels like a game from another timeline, one where Thief and System Shock set the bar for what first-person games could be, leading to designs that were built around intelligent use of space and world-building. I still wish Dishonored were longer but I also recognise that it takes a great deal of skill, hard work and time to create something of this quality; to ask for more in terms of content would be to ask for less in so many other ways. What we really should be asking is for other developers to learn the lessons that Arkane can teach them. Of course, it’s not as simple as that, because for all that there are flaws – there are always flaws – Dishonored is a work of rare imagination and skill, the sort of thing that can’t simply be copied and repeated. I hope I’m wrong, but we may not see its like again for a good while.

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Every time RPS hypes something I remember Bioshock and take it with a dessicated Atlantic sized grain of salt. Not that Bioshock was a bad game, in parts it was very good, but they grossly misrepresented it and we got months of pontification on how it was epoch making and everyone had to buy it and it would herald a bold new world of Awesomeness in gaming and how people who were disappointed in it Just Didn't Understand. Their coverage of xcom (especially) and dishonored has more puff than an obese asthmatic chasing Usain Bolt.

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Every time RPS hypes something I remember Bioshock and take it with a dessicated Atlantic sized grain of salt. Not that Bioshock was a bad game, in parts it was very good, but they grossly misrepresented it and we got months of pontification on how it was epoch making and everyone had to buy it and it would herald a bold new world of Awesomeness in gaming and how people who were disappointed in it Just Didn't Understand. Their coverage of xcom (especially) and dishonored has more puff than an obese asthmatic chasing Usain Bolt.


It's my impression that, generally speaking, that's a fairly huge problem with RPS. They like to play the part of the smart-oriented, PC-catering "new game journalists" (which most of the time they do decently), but they also tend to be very susceptible to hype and get caught up in industry/publisher memes such as "you can't innovate while working on an old-school style game!". They also tend to be fairly enamored with the "immersive sim genre" (whatever that means) which, by default, means they tend to think highly of titles that fit that category.


They once posted a long retrospective article on Vampire: Bloodlines that essentially lambasted the game for not being immersive sim-like enough (also because it was rushed near the end, YOU DON'T SAY).


It's a good site, but, yeah, has its problems.

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I find that these days I know more about the games the reviewers are talking about than they do - especially the older titles. With retro reviews its particularly easy to see who has actually been in this hobby for a while and who is talking out of his bum.


Maybe its time for retirement.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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Easy solution is to not read such reviews anymore. I stopped to read game reviews seriously since a few years and it doesn't hurt me or my experience with new games.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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As WUE says, RPS is usually pretty good and well worth a read, which makes the times when any sort of objectivity flies out the window all the more obvious. In general they're rather better at not obviously buying into hype than most others. But they have a tendency to aim for the low hanging fruit (oh wow, another article on how some people don't like EA/ Ubisoft/ MS, or on another fantastic initiative from the other Seattleites; ta muchly) and a strong belief that somehow watered down versions of old genres will magically result in a panacea of great, deep, new titles. Which isn't how things work, if a reimagining doesn't work then management says it's because people just don't like TBS/ Stealth game/ fpsrpg hybrids of course; and if it does do well it's because of the changes/ streamlining/ action oreintation or whatever, not because of the elements of the old game. Hence Bioshock 2 actually being less SS2 like rather than more.


Kieron Gillen's Bioshock Defence article (albeit done for Eurogamer rather than RPS, iirc) still has probably the most special pleading I've ever seen in a written article. And that's despite me actually thinking Bioshock is a pretty good game, overall.

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This 'Dishonored' thing is starting to intrigue me. May have to keep a closer eye on it :)


Regarding reviews, I stopped taking them seriously when C64 game reviews were still printed on paper. Usenet (and later forums) turned out to give me a better overview of games.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Kieron Gillen's Bioshock Defence article (albeit done for Eurogamer rather than RPS, iirc) still has probably the most special pleading I've ever seen in a written article. And that's despite me actually thinking Bioshock is a pretty good game, overall.


What a no-lifer.


Arguing with imaginary people over the virtual status of a virtual product that no one is going to remember in a few years.


Now that I've seen what that looks like, I think I'll never argue over Infinity engine and Bioware games ever again.

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Kieron Gillen's Bioshock Defence article (albeit done for Eurogamer rather than RPS, iirc) still has probably the most special pleading I've ever seen in a written article. And that's despite me actually thinking Bioshock is a pretty good game, overall.


What a no-lifer.


Arguing with imaginary people over the virtual status of a virtual product that no one is going to remember in a few years.

Reeling from the irony, here.

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You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Kieron Gillen's Bioshock Defence article (albeit done for Eurogamer rather than RPS, iirc) still has probably the most special pleading I've ever seen in a written article. And that's despite me actually thinking Bioshock is a pretty good game, overall.


What a no-lifer.


Arguing with imaginary people over the virtual status of a virtual product that no one is going to remember in a few years.

Reeling from the irony, here.


It was intentional. :*

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