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i think you're confusing a trailer for a movie, which includes footage of the movie, with a cg promo for a game, which includes no footage of the game.


I give a cross-genre example and you manage to misunderstand it completely. Sorry, no, I'm not confused: there are ways of showing "footage of the movie" to convey this idea or that idea. For example, you can use footage of Predator to make it look like it's a musical comedy in the trailer. Same thing with game trailers. But the bottom line is, nobody does that. Trailers present their product fairly well most of the time. To sum it up... Teasers show "ACTUAL FOOTAGE" from films and games. Trailers show ideas behind the final product.


This was sort of obvious, but you kept hypothesizing impossible scenarios and misinterpreting simple words.

Edited by Delfosse
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whenever i see short little movie things advertising games, they rarely represent what you'll find the gameplay to be like.


anyone remember the dragon age or deus ex HR or star wars TOR movie advertisements?


yeah soooo much gameplay within a pre-rendered cg trailer made by an outside company for the pr department of a game publishing house

TOR showed of classes and their abilities, DX:HR showed some augmentations (WALL PAUNCH), DA showed you abiltiies (Morrigan spider, Leliana praying nonsense).
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Say Hi to the new Mr. Negative! Say Hi to Delfosse!


So now we have another **** like you ? Fantastic!

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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They are pretty much. Either you get the meshback mother****ers or hipster douchebags. Looks like that Diablo 3 "open" beta was a mistake of some sorts. Netheara posted - "the Diablo III beta is currently unavailable while we work to resolve an issue.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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when will the starter edition be available though? Immediately after they finish with the servers, or after the game release?


No intentions on buying the game, but if they have a trial or starter I may be tempted to give it a shot, not that I'm expecting to be impressed or anything.

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when will the starter edition be available though? Immediately after they finish with the servers, or after the game release?

AFAIK beta and retail versions are kept separate so it would be odd to have starter-edition in beta.

Besides isn't the beta ending in a week or so?

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Prey 2 not dead; postponed beyond 2012


Development of Prey 2 has not been cancelled but the game will not be released in 2012 as planned. The delay is due to the fact that game development has not progressed satisfactorily this past year, and the game does not currently meet our quality standards. Prey 2 has shown great promise and we regret disappointing our fans. We have made a substantial investment in game development to deliver the experience fans want. We are determined only to release the AAA game that fans rightfully expect, and are unwilling to compromise our quality standards to meet a release schedule.
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"This book is terrible; its not worth the time it takes to read, and i will rage if it delays the AC3 release"ahahaha, stay classy, Internet
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Atlus has taken over publishing duties for Vanillaware's DRAGON'S CROWN n the US...


...which means the game isn't coming out until next year. It was originally slated for an early 2012 release but had slipped past that to a generic 2012 release last I heard. So glad its not being cancelled.




EDIT: Looking at Atlus' version of the Dragon's Crown site, it looks like they haven't moved over the movies or the full character art for the Valkyrie or Sorceress (both over-the-top in being "sexy") and all the character pictures are cropped. Wonder if it means that they'll be altering these characters for the NA market?


Japan Site - http://dragons-crown.com/jp/


Atlus Site - http://www.atlus.com/dragonscrown/

Edited by Amentep

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Atlus has taken over publishing duties for Vanillaware's DRAGON'S CROWN n the US...


...which means the game isn't coming out until next year. It was originally slated for an early 2012 release but had slipped past that to a generic 2012 release last I heard. So glad its not being cancelled.




EDIT: Looking at Atlus' version of the Dragon's Crown site, it looks like they haven't moved over the movies or the full character art for the Valkyrie or Sorceress (both over-the-top in being "sexy") and all the character pictures are cropped. Wonder if it means that they'll be altering these characters for the NA market?


Japan Site - http://dragons-crown.com/jp/


Atlus Site - http://www.atlus.com/dragonscrown/


I was going to play as the Amazon. :( Anyway, this being is Atlus' had is good. Otherwise it would most probably have been cancelled. This is the game that will make go out and buy a Vita, despite it being available on PS3 too.

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Yeah I was worried when it seemed to drop off the radar it was going to be cancelled. Atlus being involved is good, IMO.


That said, my only worry about changing the art (if that is indeed what they do, as opposed to just toning it down in previews or cover art like they've done in some titles) is only really if it has a detrimental effect on the animations; the movies I'd seen looked really good for the sprite animations and I'd hate to think that might get sacrificed because the character designs were too over-the-top for the US market.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I too hope they don't change too much. I bet the Sorceress and Valkyrie will be redesigned, but i think VW will still have a lot of creative freedom. The game was also supposed to have some Demon's Souls inspired things, and now that Atlus owns the IP as a whole, they can help with that.

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Hadn't heard about Demon's Souls inspired elements; had heard it described as a cross between Golden Axe and a modern RPG with a branching story. That and the movies I'd seen of the game really piqued my interest. So that we're getting it at all seems like a major achievement at this point since it seems to have had some trouble!


The press release said "The transfer of licensing rights from UTV Ignition Entertainment to Index Digital Media, Inc. only affects the title's publishing and distribution; Dragon's Crown is still being developed by Vanillaware." but also lists Atlus now as a producer on the title, so I'm not sure how much input they're going to have in the game really.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Hadn't heard about Demon's Souls inspired elements; had heard it described as a cross between Golden Axe and a modern RPG with a branching story. That and the movies I'd seen of the game really piqued my interest. So that we're getting it at all seems like a major achievement at this point since it seems to have had some trouble!


The press release said "The transfer of licensing rights from UTV Ignition Entertainment to Index Digital Media, Inc. only affects the title's publishing and distribution; Dragon's Crown is still being developed by Vanillaware." but also lists Atlus now as a producer on the title, so I'm not sure how much input they're going to have in the game really.


The stuff inspired by Demon's Souls is probably not something that will affect the gameplay that much. I think it allowed you to write messages that other players could see online.

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