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That would be really stupid because of the % of people who they sold the game to who are not online.Knowingly shipping a game with a false ending with no ability to redress that, it's not going to go down well.


Their number would be insignificant to Bio/EA. I mean they made it so you couldn't get the best ending without playing MP. So obviously non-online players aren't important. I'm not saying the Indoctrination theory is correct, just that non-online people have little value to EA, since they can't milk them with DLC.

I'm a bit curious, what is considered the "best" ending?


In my game, I picked the green ending.



That was the "Synthesis" ending. I was also offered Control and Destroy



I've never touched the multiplayer.



destroy and have enough EMS 4000+, (max without MP is 7600 but 50% readiness halves the total) at the end you see Shep take a breath in what appears to be rubble in London.

I suspect it's more of a bone throw by bio to not commit to

Sheps death

. But conspiracy theorist believe it's evidence of indoctrination.

Shep never got to the beam.


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I see. Thanks guys :thumbsup:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'll have to fiddle with Gibbed and make Allers worth 6k assets or something.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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In ME3 it was going to be the personal ship of Admiral Anderson, and indications seem to have that it would have been a flagship.


AS I said before, flagships are NOT your weakest ships of the fleet, in fact typically they are the strongest.


Have you read the codex? It's a frigate. Frigates are not built for pitched combat. In large battles they never directly engage a larger ship alone. The Normandy is not a particularly powerful warship - it's stealthy and quick, yes, but nothing special in a battle (especially un-upgraded). It certainly shouldn't be able to fight a heavy cruiser head-on, (unless you've upgraded the weapons, but that's irrelevant as it's not needed to win the fight) and it's absolutely negligible compared to a dreadnaught. This indicates that the only Collector ship was fairly weak in direct combat, and would not make any sort of meaningful impact on the outcome of a large battle.


Have you PLAYED MASS EFFECT 3 (Thought I'd bold it so that you could have the obviousness for yourself). They define that Anderson wanted it for his flagship there. It's not because it's a frigate, but because of all the upgrades. It indicates that it could be one of the most powerful ships around...and on top of that it has instant communcation abilities making it the prime ship for Anderson's Admirality ship. It's also implied the Normandy is the most advanced ship in the fleet (at least at the beginning of ME3).


Admirals do NOT go on the weakest ships simply because they are easy pickings. It doesn't do to have your admiral on a ship that can be destroyed rapidly and easily.


It's like in a carrier group...the carrier and important ships are the biggest, and are protected by all the other ships. Admirals don't simply sit in a gunboat to get blown up by a small canon on the enemies battleships.


PS: Anyways, this is not something I think you and me will ever agree upon...we've been over this before and neither convinced the other. I can agree that we won't see eye to eye on this, so cheers and we'll think what we want.

Edited by greylord
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That would be really stupid because of the % of people who they sold the game to who are not online.Knowingly shipping a game with a false ending with no ability to redress that, it's not going to go down well.


Their number would be insignificant to Bio/EA. I mean they made it so you couldn't get the best ending without playing MP. So obviously non-online players aren't important. I'm not saying the Indoctrination theory is correct, just that non-online people have little value to EA, since they can't milk them with DLC.

I'm a bit curious, what is considered the "best" ending?


In my game, I picked the green ending.



That was the "Synthesis" ending. I was also offered Control and Destroy



I've never touched the multiplayer.



destroy and have enough EMS 4000+, (max without MP is 7600 but 50% readiness halves the total) at the end you see Shep take a breath in what appears to be rubble in London.

I suspect it's more of a bone throw by bio to not commit to

Sheps death

. But conspiracy theorist believe it's evidence of indoctrination.

Shep never got to the beam.



I suspect that Bio is indicating that the Green light is the best ending though, hence even with the other ending with high enough EMS...it's not considered the best ending (unless you buy into the indoc ideas).

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Also for the whole Collectors vs Dreadnoughts argument.. Think about the number of dreadnoughts in the galaxy. The human alliance has..7? in total. The Asari have around 12, and the Turians have about 27? Rough numbers are like that.. Since they're divided up between the various fleets that are dealing with Reapers directly.. I don't think the Collectors would have that much issue in avoiding them to take swipes at the various colony worlds...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Also for the whole Collectors vs Dreadnoughts argument.. Think about the number of dreadnoughts in the galaxy. The human alliance has..7? in total. The Asari have around 12, and the Turians have about 27? Rough numbers are like that.. Since they're divided up between the various fleets that are dealing with Reapers directly.. I don't think the Collectors would have that much issue in avoiding them to take swipes at the various colony worlds...


Doesn't need to be vs Dreadnoughts. Thanix cannons and Javelin Missiles both have the stopping power required to take down the only example of a collector cruiser that we have seen. Both are typically frigate sized weapons so you don't need to send a dreadnought after the collector cruiser. A pack of frigates would likely be able to take on the collector cruiser and win, though not without losses thanks to not having the upgraded armour of the Normandy.

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I don't think the fleet commands are clever enough to realize that. See their carpet formation in the battle at Earth, for example :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Have you PLAYED MASS EFFECT 3 (Thought I'd bold it so that you could have the obviousness for yourself). They define that Anderson wanted it for his flagship there. It's not because it's a frigate, but because of all the upgrades. It indicates that it could be one of the most powerful ships around...and on top of that it has instant communcation abilities making it the prime ship for Anderson's Admirality ship. It's also implied the Normandy is the most advanced ship in the fleet (at least at the beginning of ME3).


The upgrades are entirely irrelevant - you win the fight against the Collector ship without them. It is not "one of the most powerful ships" in the alliance navy - certainly not in terms of combat, at any rate. It's chicken**** compared to a dreadnaught. The ship was not designed for pitched combat. That is not what frigates are for. And yes, it is a frigate (even upgraded).

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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I don't think the fleet commands are clever enough to realize that. See their carpet formation in the battle at Earth, for example :p




You're probably right. Also remember, Quarians who have perhaps the biggest fleet in the galaxy, and probably some of the biggest ships...I believe the NORMANDY was the ship that actually took down the Reaper overall...with the rest of the fleet finally jumping in after the Normandy had whittled it down to almost nothing.


In fact, it was the OLD Normandy that took point in the Sovereign fight (but I'd say the Normandy made a BIGGER impact against the Rannoch Reaper and was basically the ship that was taking it down). You'd think with the success that those Cannons have on the Normandy the Human fleet would have at least taken note and whilst building the crucible use every extra resource not needed for that to upgrade their cannons to the Normandy quality. Heck, with Normandy cannons on the entire fleet perhaps they could have defeated the Reapers around Earth (with losses). Add that to every ship in the galaxy...I'd say the fleets could actually be quite a match for the Reapers.







In response to Oblarg: AS I said no way are we going to agree on the points. I'd say forget the collectors...Normandy is the ONLY ship in the galaxy to basically take down a Reaper on it's own that we've seen. How powerful do you consider a Reaper? Is that good enough for you yet? Going back to my post above though, even if we can't agree, we can still agree to be chums and not let a trivial disagreement on the strength of the Normandy be the divisor. You're not going to convince me, I'm not going to convince you...so let's say cheers all and agree upon that.

Edited by greylord
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Normandy breaks Sovereign's back with some torpedo or something after the fleet pounded on it and it's shields failed. Plot weapon I guess, heh.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Sovereign's shields were down after Shepard beat Kermit. Even a Reaper is fair game without shields. Otherwise conventional weaponry can't even scratch Reaper shields.


In ME3 it's mentioned 3 dreadnoughts with thanix cannon (based on reverse engineered Reaper tech) can destroy a Reaper dreadnought.


Reaper destroyers land on planets, which weakens their shields, making it possible to take them down with two shots from the Cain or orbital strikes.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Normandy breaks Sovereign's back with some torpedo or something after the fleet pounded on it and it's shields failed. Plot weapon I guess, heh.


Yeah, I always thought of that as a cinematic touch more than anything - I thought it was made pretty clear that the fleet destroyed Sovereign, not the Normandy.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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If they were smart, they'd use nukes. The Normandy is big enough to easily carry over 100 modern day megaton yield warheads. With the tech level of the ME universe, they can probably make gigaton yield nukes small enough to be carried by ships.


Somehow, that would've been awesome if the first two games would've been, atleast partly, about manufacturing a ****load of nukes for battlereadiness against the Reapers. A couple of teratons of nuclear fission and there wouldn't have been a single reaper left. It would fit the renegade option as well: "Screw those protheans and their flimsy high-tech. We're going to blow **** UP!"


In the end of ME3, Shepard should've had the option of collargrabbing the god child, throw him into the device(s), plant a nuke on the station (with a grafitti painting of a middle finger) and blow the whole thing up (with convienent timer that makes for a great escape-scene). The reapers are the disabled and it's partytime at Omega.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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By the same token, if the Reapers were smart, they'd use nukes too.


A Reaper invasion would be much more effective if they started by detonating nukes high in earth's atmosphere, creating EMP's to knock out all civilian technology and communications. Followed by nuclear strikes to obliterate earth's military bases. Then they come down to tear apart the bunkers that were hardened against nukes. Earth would then be left defenseless with most of its population alive and ready to be harvested.


It would have also been smart for the Reapers to place nuclear mines next to the Mass Relay so that any ship coming through without Reaper access codes gets a healthy dose of radiation.

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If we would try to explain this with "logic", there would be no ME series at all.


Any civilization that can travel the stars probably also has the power to obliterate whole planets in a matter of hours. But that's not what BioWare wanted, 'cause ya know, it would be a pretty short and pointless game.


Sci-Fi is dead, especially the Science part in it.

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But they would also establish certain conventions of war to prevent mututally assured destruction.


Unless you are the only spacefaring civilization, you can't just go around nuking your enemies to oblivion or other spacefaring civilizations would do the same to you.

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But they would also establish certain conventions of war to prevent mututally assured destruction.


Unless you are the only spacefaring civilization, you can't just go around nuking your enemies to oblivion or other spacefaring civilizations would do the same to you.

And that its why the world of Fallout it's lush green since people can respect convections and....Oh.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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But they would also establish certain conventions of war to prevent mututally assured destruction.


Unless you are the only spacefaring civilization, you can't just go around nuking your enemies to oblivion or other spacefaring civilizations would do the same to you.

And that its why the world of Fallout it's lush green since people can respect convections and....Oh.


Except in Fallout, the world was already dying before the Great War. If they didn't nuke themselves, they would have all died from famine, disease, overpopulation, and resource shortages.


Also, the kind of weapons civilizations with FTL travel can develop would be powerful enough to wipe out worlds leaving no technology or survivors. Which means that if they had a massive interstellar war using those kinds of weapons, there would be no way to actually set a TV show/movie/book/game in that universe since everyone would be dead.

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