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Mass Effect 3


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Here's to Wrex being back again.

*puts hand on Virumor's shoulder*

I have bad news for you.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Miranda was highly useful in combat, but her character fell apart completely when her ice queen fa

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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How else would a woman appeal to male sensitivities if she isn't vulnerable? That's why neither Samara nor Aria are romanceable.

In the case of Samara, it's not for lack of trying :wub:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Miranda was highly useful in combat, but her character fell apart completely when her ice queen fa

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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How else would a woman appeal to male sensitivities if she isn't vulnerable? That's why neither Samara nor Aria are romanceable.

In the case of Samara, it's not for lack of trying :wub:

Unfortunately being Renegade is a bit of a heartbreaker.

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Thus far in the Demo, I've only gotten like two choices to pick from when speaking. The obvious paragon and renegade. Is that true no matter which style you choose, whether it's story, roleplaying, or that other one? I kind of like having more than two choices in the dialogue wheel. I'm wondering if this is just because of the way I tried to play it or not. If it's like that through the entire Demo, is it going to be like that in full game?

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The demo only has two choices period. And several of them are the same line regardless of what you pick.


There may be more options, including exposition dump options, in the full game.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I am not sure if Renegade and Paragorn still exists for the game, because then.. erm.. Choosing the Action mode would sort of require a bit of branching out I guess into Renegade, Paragorn or sort of neutral..

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After playing the demo I'm underwhelmed. I'm fairly sure that the whole "action" choice has reduced the number of choices in the game to keep things flowing as non interactive cutscenes.

The gameplay is still there, but it's pretty much the same as in ME2 branching powers are probably just there to make it look like they did something new. Anyone manage to get the 30% ammo increase power to work? Because nothing changes when I choose it.

Found it quite hard as an infiltrator , probably because cloak is pretty useless without a sniper rifle. Engineer breezed it, between a turret and bot he could have just sat there and watched.


Unlike after playing the ME2 demo (which I played to death despite the non skippable intro) after this one I'm left with a feeling of not caring. If not for wanting to see how things end, I could just as easily get the same game just by replaying ME2. I think once the hype wears off this will be

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I am not sure if Renegade and Paragorn still exists for the game, because then.. erm.. Choosing the Action mode would sort of require a bit of branching out I guess into Renegade, Paragorn or sort of neutral..

Well they're still giving you points for your choices, so something must exist.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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How else would a woman appeal to male sensitivities if she isn't vulnerable? That's why neither Samara nor Aria are romanceable.

In the case of Samara, it's not for lack of trying :wub:

Unfortunately being Renegade is a bit of a heartbreaker.

"You are a good friend Shepard and I like you, but I will kill you."


Damn space paladins.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I am not sure if Renegade and Paragorn still exists for the game, because then.. erm.. Choosing the Action mode would sort of require a bit of branching out I guess into Renegade, Paragorn or sort of neutral..

Well they're still giving you points for your choices, so something must exist.


Since they seem to have set it all up to the Renegade choices if you weren't importing saves in ME2, I'll guess that the "Action mode" will automatically select Renegade options when that's possible to decide how the story semi-branches...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Surprised to see Morinth on the cast list, I did not imagine she would make it to ME3. Wonder if it's going to be a bad consequence. Hope it is as well as choosing Samara for a renegade shep, not enough no win situation in bio choices.


As to who will be companions, I will be surprised to see any ME2 companion that isn't Garrus and Tali. Stuck with them, Virmire survivor, Liara and Prince jr.


I liked having Mordin and Zaeed along


They aren't even bringing back Mordin's VA. :(

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I am not sure if Renegade and Paragorn still exists for the game, because then.. erm.. Choosing the Action mode would sort of require a bit of branching out I guess into Renegade, Paragorn or sort of neutral..

Well they're still giving you points for your choices, so something must exist.


Since they seem to have set it all up to the Renegade choices if you weren't importing saves in ME2, I'll guess that the "Action mode" will automatically select Renegade options when that's possible to decide how the story semi-branches...

I was getting both in Action mode. But even in Action mode you have choice if you set it so in the Narrative settings. So i guess Action mode means default soldier Shepard doing "soldiery" actions :D And since there's not much choice in the demo there's not point in playing RPG or Story mode, Action is the fastest way through if you want to try everything.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Well, actually the fastest way through the 'game' is to set Gameplay to Narrative and Narrative to No Decisions. On closer inspection it seems to me that the Action mode constantly switch between Paragorn and Renegade.. 1-2-1-2.. But I just don't see the reputation bar change, but then again none of the options matter much anyway.

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I don't really get why Bioware makes a ME3 demo if they cut out most of the stuff from it? Like, only two dialog options and stuff like that. Doesn't this tell me, as an uniformed guy who might not know that the demo is heavily cut, that the game will be true ****? I mean, it doesn't show how the game really is, huh?

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Something funny for a change:




What a sexy walk. Shepard is truly competing with Catwoman here.

Strange how they can't just copy animations from ME1, rather than somehow making them worse in folluw-up games. Not to mention, apparently holstering weapons is impossible too in ME3. I don't get it.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Something funny for a change:




What a sexy walk. Shepard is truly competing with Catwoman here.

Strange how they can't just copy animations from ME1, rather than somehow making them worse in folluw-up games. Not to mention, apparently holstering weapons is impossible too in ME3. I don't get it.

No more holstering is to save memory, I believe. Bit of a bummer.


And what's this about Mordin's VA not returning?

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I bet the real reason is that pressing a button to holster / draw weapon was way too complicated for players. #conspiracytheory

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Changing the animation sets for the worse in a sequel... ugh. Also, what if this means your ME2 head won't fit on there, you will forced to use the new pummeled violently with the ugly stick femshep faces. Not buying this before I have more answers.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Well here are a few observations from the demo.


1. The intro lacks any sort of drama even after they added "token kid". Maybe it's because its so heavily scripted but compared to something like R3 it feels like a totally static set piece with no urgency at all.

2. Why is Shepard being treated like a Rookie ? In ME2 it made it sense, but here it's just insulting and non sensical. Yes I understand you need a tutorial, but there had to have been a better way.

3. The demo gives you 4 weapons, this puts your cool downs through the roof because of weight. This on seems demo specific, so if thats what is bothering you, then it won't be a problem in the full game.

4. No holstering... The result of which means crawling along at a speed similiar to "weapon zoom" in ME. Or sprinting in that oh so convincing manner posted above.

5. I think there are 4 choices in the demo, and there is quite a lot of dialogue there...I think the FFXIII-2 demo has more interactive conversation choice than ME3.

None of these choices made a whit of difference to what happened either.


I think the reaction is going to come down to this question. "Should Bioware and developers like them be held to higher standards" ? Judged as a game in itself it's got lots of bells and whistles and high production values. But judged against what has come before (with the exception of DA2) it feels unfinished and lacking in those professional touches that seperates great from just good enough.

Edited by BobSmith101
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