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SW: The Old Republic Part 3

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Well I haven't encountered any serious story-killing moments that have turned me off yet. Of course, apart from the SI and getting the Smuggler into Act 2, I've only dabbled with the prologue of the Jedi Knight and Bounty Hunter.


I'm just trying to pace myself out rather then spend extended periods playing in rapid order. I can still see myself cheerfully playing TOR for another half a year working through the class stories at a steady pace.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Well, they've all liked the story, although the IA one does go into silly NWO type territory it was motivating to see the endings. Main problem for them and myself is just fatigue at the idea of hopping on the treadmill.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I'm thinking I'm gonna cut my sub for a bit. I like the game but it just... it's to samey and I don't like the Guardian I made. And I ended up going back to Rift v.v

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Yeah, Im already gravitating back to WoW myself. While there are still quest left to do in Illum, lately my SW gaming has consisted of: Hang out in space station spamming looking for a flashpoint, after ten minutes I fly to Voss where I still have a few Heroic 4's and spam the 25 people there, when that fails I fly to Belsaris to try to wrap one up, when that fails I fly to...I think you get the point. Im tired of there being nothing to do. Maybe I need to join a guild.

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I bought game time for a month and a geforce 550ti that should get here sometime this week. It should be quite large improvement over my old geforce 9600. If it doesn't fix my warzone fps issues then that's it for me.


I rerolled new character on the most populated eu pvp server. I previously had a jedi sage, but there's just something little bit wrong with a jedi whose weakest attack is to hit something with a lightsabre. So I first tried focus specced guardian, but he was too melee oriented. Balance specced shadow feels just right to me.

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I'm glad you're amused. It is better than my current card. It's cheap. I don't have to upgrade my power source, which would not had been the case with either 460 or 560. And since every other game than swtor runs just fine I didn't see any reason to put too much money in to upgrading my graphics card.

Edited by kirottu

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Yeah, Im already gravitating back to WoW myself. While there are still quest left to do in Illum, lately my SW gaming has consisted of: Hang out in space station spamming looking for a flashpoint, after ten minutes I fly to Voss where I still have a few Heroic 4's and spam the 25 people there, when that fails I fly to Belsaris to try to wrap one up, when that fails I fly to...I think you get the point. Im tired of there being nothing to do. Maybe I need to join a guild.


before quitting, we played on 2 different servers. the high population server were initially frustrating. it were difficult to get a group together for flashpoints and heroics. we were invited to join a guild and we accepted... figured, "why not?" being in a guild made it Much easier to find groups. on the negative side, 1/3 o' the people in the guild were... difficult. every time they level, they announce and are expecting a "congrats." every kewl piece o' loot? announce. some players were all 'bout the pvp and they had their own baggage. some folks were predictably immature. why invite a player who names his toon "moneyshot"? couldn't predict that he would be a schnook? etc.


on the low pop server, we had no guild. doing flashpoints and heroics became increasingly difficult as we leveled. one thing that helped (a little) were that we made a point of aiding other players do flashpoints and heroics. help a bunch o' folks complete athis, and then when you later need help with mandalorean raiders, eventually the folks you helped earlier will level enough to be able to help you. others players will have the same problem getting groups for flashpoints, so spam random acts o' generosity gets more mileage than spam "lfg ____________ " a dozen times. and w/o the guild baggage, we not have to announce "grats" every time a guild member levels... or feign interest when pvp players announce the contents o' their champion bag.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Almost finished my BH playthrough, found away past the same side missions, to spam PvP. Levels you up quicker and you don't have to do the same>Kill 50/destroy 5 barrels. Once I've seen the Commando/Jedi story, I think I'll unsub. I just don't see a point in continuing after seeing the story. PvP or raiding continuously for phat loot has never been apealing to me.

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Yeah, joining guilds is a bit like opening a box of chocolates. There are going to be some weird ones in there.


I used to join guilds rather quickly in MMO's, but now I take a wait and see approach. It took me a full year to find a group in Lord of the Rings Online that I really liked, but it worked out well and extended my playing time considerably. I prefer a small guild where I can get to know everyone somewhat, and one where folks are comfortable talking about real life stuff rather than just the game all the time.

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I like smaller guilds where everyone's known some subset before the game. Our WoW guild was like that, was small, but we raided by joining up with another small guild. Which was nice as any annoying people they had, I just had to deal with during raids and am not watching chat in that case anyway.


Today's my last day, managed to give away a couple of epic barrels for free at least.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Finally got around to my first batch of PvP yesterday. Went in with my Smuggler on the Republic side, and it wasn't too bad. Although, I will say the amount of Sith Sorcerer's and the rather large number of assorted Lightning stuns/interrupts is a serious pain on some of the warzones.


If you've got a group of people willing to coordinate to some extent you can have a fair bit of fun. It's those couple of times no-one wants to try any strategy and just rush around killing folks that it really falls apart.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It's those couple of times no-one wants to try any strategy and just rush around killing folks that it really falls apart.


You mean all the time ? Welcome to MMORPG PVP :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It's those couple of times no-one wants to try any strategy and just rush around killing folks that it really falls apart.


You mean all the time ? Welcome to MMORPG PVP :p


Surprisingly, I've joined a few where people talked about it right at the start and figured out rough stategy and organised. People volunteering to stay on one turret in Alderaan once it was taken to guard it and call out if the enemy tried to take it..


Everyone sorting out who was guarding the healer, the main focus of attacks and generally being coordinated. Those times are actually quite fun.

Heh, and now I've even seen similar approaches used during Hutball matches.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Surprisingly, I've joined a few where people talked about it right at the start and figured out rough stategy and organised. People volunteering to stay on one turret in Alderaan once it was taken to guard it and call out if the enemy tried to take it..


Everyone sorting out who was guarding the healer, the main focus of attacks and generally being coordinated. Those times are actually quite fun.

Heh, and now I've even seen similar approaches used during Hutball matches.


Interesting, sure you didn't end up in a partial premade ? Then again, you're Republic, they generally seemed better in PVP matches. Imperial side usually are rather scatterbrained - Huttball this can still lead to a win though, as it's a contest of who is more disorganized :lol:

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Interesting, sure you didn't end up in a partial premade ? Then again, you're Republic, they generally seemed better in PVP matches. Imperial side usually are rather scatterbrained - Huttball this can still lead to a win though, as it's a contest of who is more disorganized :lol:


Yup, it's happened a few times like that without partial premade. Although have run into a premade on the other side and they totally kicked our asses.


I did some PvP with my Sith Inquisitor today, and as long as someone points out some general coordination like that, folks seem happy to make the attempt.

I've had one bad experience, and that's when on the Alderaan warzone, about 30 seconds after the Republic side had grabbed two of the turrets, about half of the Imperial side stomped off to the left Turret and basically did a "we can't win now, so we'll get points for defending here, but there's no point in going for the middle and dying, which will lower our point total."


Just.. yeah, that was kind of annoying.


And I'll say this, attempting Voidstar when the opposing team is pretty much ONLY Troopers and Sages.. is freaking impossible. Between the amount of stuns / area attacks / healing that they can do....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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And I'll say this, attempting Voidstar when the opposing team is pretty much ONLY Troopers and Sages.. is freaking impossible. Between the amount of stuns / area attacks / healing that they can do....


I rarely see anything else when facing republic, perhaps the occasional scoundrel but never any knights.

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I rarely see anything else when facing republic, perhaps the occasional scoundrel but never any knights.


I've seen a fair few Knights and Scoundrels when I've played today.


I also heard a few complaints from people in full pvp gear complaining about the upsurge of "newcomers".. so maybe things are starting to balance out now.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Eventually the PVP crowd will migrate to Republic, so it'll be the Alliance-Horde type thing in the warzones, I'm guessing.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I rarely see anything else when facing republic, perhaps the occasional scoundrel but never any knights.


I've seen a fair few Knights and Scoundrels when I've played today.


I also heard a few complaints from people in full pvp gear complaining about the upsurge of "newcomers".. so maybe things are starting to balance out now.

I think most of the "causals" are finally starting to make it to 50 after a variety of characters have made it to the 20's

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm with you Hurl. I've still got some time left too, but I'm reaching saturation with the end game stuff. I'm leveling a republic alt just to see the other side, but my progress is really slowing down.

Everything was beautiful. Nothing hurt.

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