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SW: The Old Republic Part 2


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Anyone willing to comment on this:



A) Can't wait to check out her undercarriage

B) She gets all my pistons firing

C) Time to lube up the old hypospanner

D) I'd smuggle some cargo to that local

E) I can do the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs and the electric bogaloo all night long.


The game is pretty liberal with flirt options. I'm not speaking of their political spectrum, it's simply everywhere.


But that one is pretty hilarious.

I'd be happier if they were a bit more liberal about the flirt options.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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And if you don't like the idea of dark side corruption aesthetics, it's possible to choose a preference button so that it isn't shown on your character.


As to the datacrons, they're supposedly in-game to encourage exploration beyond the wandering you do on quests, so you poke around in the cubbyholes of the universe...


Individually they're not really much of a boost (around +2 or +3) to individual stats, and you need to collect multiple shard datacrons before you can assemble a relic..

The darkside/lightside thing does actually do something. It provides titles. (yes, stupid I know but screw it).


As to datacrons, if they're there to make you poke around, why does it seem like you're expected to die trying to get to half of them by falling to your end?


Bought the game yesterday. Been playing a sith warrior, just got to level 10. And apparently pretty dark side, my eyes just turned yellow from blue.


The first MMORPG I have played, which had to be rather apparent to others when I tried to kill my first enemy. I thought there was a auto-attack for basic attack.. there wasn't >_<


I've liked it so far, though the constantly respawning enemies are getting on my nerves. But I'm not alone there so I suck it up.

The constantly respawning enemies is actually fairly common on various games. Basically the idea is that a respawn timer for most mobs is modified by the number of players in the area. During the cata(world of warcraft) leveling curve, if you were with "the pack" you'd usually end up having to kill 3 mobs in a row just to have a moment to rest. Figure that by the time you start in on a second character, or even just as time goes by, it'll calm down as the population spreads out in terms of levels.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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If you like, choose the Correlian Run server. Theres a few of us running around there.


Hurlshot, whats your toons name?


My Republic characters are Brashen and Taranto. I started a Sith named Tralgen, but I haven't played him much yet.

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As to datacrons, if they're there to make you poke around, why does it seem like you're expected to die trying to get to half of them by falling to your end?

I hate how they've set up datacrons. I'm not sure how it encourages exploration to put a datacron in the middle of an important area and then make you spend 30 minutes attempting to get to it via jumping, falling, and dying.


I complained about this, but apparently people don't want getting datacrons to be 'easy.'

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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As to datacrons, if they're there to make you poke around, why does it seem like you're expected to die trying to get to half of them by falling to your end?

I hate how they've set up datacrons. I'm not sure how it encourages exploration to put a datacron in the middle of an important area and then make you spend 30 minutes attempting to get to it via jumping, falling, and dying.


I complained about this, but apparently people don't want getting datacrons to be 'easy.'


The one on top of the bank in Mos Ila is a pain in the.. The thing is, they are just simple jumps you need to make, but at the same time they're bloody easy to just misaim by a little bit...


Hm, so far any datacron hunting I've been involved in where I ended up falling, was only enough to take me down to about 1/5th to 1/8th total health. Never enough to kill me totally.


Although thinking about that, the one on Tattooine sticking out of a cliffside could probably do that if you totally misaimed your drop..but damn, that would take effort to do.


So far missing 3 from Nar Shadda, and 2 from Tattooine. I would have got those two, but you have to ride a hot air balloon for like 40 minutes as it passes over the Dune Sea.. and about 30 minutes into the trip it glitched, the balloon disapeared and I reappeared on the desert floor. It was late, I wasn't going to go back to waiting at the time.


Woof. hit the 30 level, and now I've hit Alderaan. Pretty world, mountains, forests, snow and greenery...

Still managing to keep walking the "grey" path without being schizophrenic. It actually works as a roleplaying character, treating your troops fine, being ruthless with your enemies but not being wantonly destructive/cruel for the sake of it. Just precisely violent and manipulative when it's aimed.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I hit level 20 today. I also had my first real tough dark/light choice. I had a war criminal in custody, but I had to choose between killing him or letting him go. Both my companion and my commanding officer were saying pull the trigger, the guy has killed thousands of innocents. It was a tough choice.

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I hit level 20 today. I also had my first real tough dark/light choice. I had a war criminal in custody, but I had to choose between killing him or letting him go. Both my companion and my commanding officer were saying pull the trigger, the guy has killed thousands of innocents. It was a tough choice.
Stop teasing, how have you decided?
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BioWare and EA showing how it's done. No matter if you have 27 days of free play time left you need to enter subscription info to play the game. Grace period has ended and millions of players are trying to enter subscription info -> servers overload. Who could have guessed this would happen... Oh yeah, pretty much everyone with the IQ over 50.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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I hit level 20 today. I also had my first real tough dark/light choice. I had a war criminal in custody, but I had to choose between killing him or letting him go. Both my companion and my commanding officer were saying pull the trigger, the guy has killed thousands of innocents. It was a tough choice.


That's a tough choice ? Seems offing him would be sensible, with or without the show trial, naturally. ;)


So far rather enjoying my Agent, was a head scratcher how I got Light side points for being vague rather than threatening an assassin. But still, made up for that by killing a runaway dad and offing some smuggler.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I hit level 20 today. I also had my first real tough dark/light choice. I had a war criminal in custody, but I had to choose between killing him or letting him go. Both my companion and my commanding officer were saying pull the trigger, the guy has killed thousands of innocents. It was a tough choice.


That's a tough choice ? Seems offing him would be sensible, with or without the show trial, naturally. o:)


So far rather enjoying my Agent, was a head scratcher how I got Light side points for being vague rather than threatening an assassin. But still, made up for that by killing a runaway dad and offing some smuggler.

Because Vague and threatening generally means no dead bodies, which are FOR SURE darkside points.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Well, i think the original idea for Nar Shadda was that it was a giant city planet that had no rules. Although it was a Moon

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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BioWare and EA showing how it's done. No matter if you have 27 days of free play time left you need to enter subscription info to play the game. Grace period has ended and millions of players are trying to enter subscription info -> servers overload. Who could have guessed this would happen... Oh yeah, pretty much everyone with the IQ over 50.

Yeah, can't imagine wth they were thinking. I managed to get it done pretty smoothly, even if I got hit by the absurd website queue in the beginning. Still seems like a totally unnecessary annoyance in general, I'm probably getting a new credit card first thing next year, so I'll just have to go through it again before it actually kicks off. :ermm:


Apart from that, actually having a lot more fun than I had in the beta (either they've rebalanced things or the jedi knight is just a ton more fun to play than the consular was), but still so exhausted from work only manage 1-2 hours before need to hit the hay o:)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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BioWare and EA showing how it's done. No matter if you have 27 days of free play time left you need to enter subscription info to play the game. Grace period has ended and millions of players are trying to enter subscription info -> servers overload. Who could have guessed this would happen... Oh yeah, pretty much everyone with the IQ over 50.

Yeah, can't imagine wth they were thinking. I managed to get it done pretty smoothly, even if I got hit by the absurd website queue in the beginning. Still seems like a totally unnecessary annoyance in general, I'm probably getting a new credit card first thing next year, so I'll just have to go through it again before it actually kicks off. :ermm:


Apart from that, actually having a lot more fun than I had in the beta (either they've rebalanced things or the jedi knight is just a ton more fun to play than the consular was), but still so exhausted from work only manage 1-2 hours before need to hit the hay o:)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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You also seem to have a whole bunch of the early access folks, who even though they had their registration codes, waited until today at the last minute to do the "oh crap, if I don't put it in right now I'm going to lose the character i've spent hte last x days working on."


Even though bioware have been flashing the warning that the pre-order / early access code was not product registration and you had to have it put in for the last couple of days...


I even saw someone come on, complain that bioware hadn't been clear that the pre-order code wasn't a product registration, that their stupid website had taken two hours to successfully register and subscribe, and that now he had vented he was going to quit and go back to WoW...




I'm trying to understand what is not clear about a "Your pre-order early access code is not product registration code". And a lot of these folks had their CE's and such for several days.


I'm betting Bioware was expecting all these folk to have actually registered before hand.. as part of the whole concept of rolling access.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hey, I think it was brilliant that they set up a queue for the website. The alternative is you put in all your information and end up with an error because of the overload. Then you have to worry whether it actually went through or not.


I entered my information on the day I got the games, last Friday.

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Hey, I think it was brilliant that they set up a queue for the website. The alternative is you put in all your information and end up with an error because of the overload. Then you have to worry whether it actually went through or not.


I entered my information on the day I got the games, last Friday.

True, true, but still (in the holiday spirit), it makes baby Jesus cry.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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And Raahr!


I made it through to the end of Chapter 1. Good gawd that takes time and effort. Every time I thought the story was getting there.. they'd suddenly hit me with more missions and mini-story-arc and send me off somewhere else.


Still, hit 35, became a Sith Lord. Have my own cult on Nar Shaddaa, what looks like the beginning of a personal following on Dromund Kaas.


And my companion, Khem Vor has

become the host body for my old Master. It's a schizo split between the two.



I got caught up in the "I just want to get chapter 1 finished damn it, this looks like finally the final mission" and plugged away at it and achieved it at abou 0240.... yeesh, that was not planned. Put in my "Legacy" name and then shut down and went to bed. So I have yet to explore how things shift for the Chapter 2 arc of things...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Awesome Raithe. I'm only up to level 21 and barely got my 2nd (3rd if you count my ship protocol droid) companion. But I'm enjoying the heck out of the Trooper story.


My wife and I are also slowly working our way up the levels together, she as a Jedi Knight and me as a consular. We are on the last quests on the starter planet. It's been pretty awesome playing together, the fact that I answer everything like a total douche while she tries to be nice has been hilarious.

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I'm bit lost with the crafting system. How do you get schematics? I picked synthweaving and the trainer had only one for sale. Do they get more for sale when I level the skill higher? Or do I need to reverse engineer everything and hope to get new schematics?


Edit: grammar, stupid keyboard

Edited by Slinky
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When you pick sythweaving, you automatically get a few schematics. As your skill goes up, more the trainer will have more available.


Its your crew-member who does the actual crafting. To get see the schematics, click 'n' to bring up crew skills and then click the synthweaving icon. You have to have the appropriate materials in your inventory or in your cargo hold. Your crew member will disappear while they're crafting an item. This can take from two minutes to thirty minutes. You can queue up to five items at once per crew member.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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