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Just uninstalled Fallout 3 after a quick sweep of places I'd not been, it's hard to believe I've played it so much over the last three years and still not seen it all, Bethesda games are excellent value for money.


Anyway, I just got Fallout 2 installed, I never did see everything it had to offer so I'm fully patched up and ready to go, this should keep me busy till Skyrim :p

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Every time I try to play Dragon Age 2, something just bothers me and leaves me grumbling as I log off. Last night I went to the High Market district or whatever the nice one is at night, and I was attacked by about 20 guys labelled City Guard Imposters. What the heck? So your telling me a group of 20 hoodlums decide to buy full armor and masquerade as city guards, and then they decide to attack the heavily armored warriors making their way to the temple? For what reason exactly?


At least when I was fighting orcs or whatever, it was made clear that they were fairly mindless and driven forth by a dragon. This game just has way too much needless violence.

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I don't mind violence in games, but I do hate having to slog through endless and frequent respawns. It ruins the gaming experience for me. If nothing else, respawns should lessen over time as you kill off the enemy population.


I'm still slowly going through Planescap with the wife. We're at the Brothel. "That was your first wish."

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I just want the violence to make sense. Later on I ran into a mercenary crew of four. They attacked me with very little provocation. But then they had four waves of reinforcements show up. This merc outfit was competing with me for a rather small reward, so how were they going to split that with the 50+ people in their company? What the heck is going in here? How did the last wave even convince itself to attack when I already created a pile of bodies?


It all goes back to one of the first fights, where a bunch of deserters from Ferelden decided to attack me, who had done nothing to them, and the city guards. These guys turned tail and ran from their duty, but they are gung ho to go against and entire city guard? What the hell?


Anyways, I've played about 6 hours over the course of many months, and I think I need to just give it up. I keep hoping it will get better or capture my attention, like almost every other Bioware game has. But I guess this is just not meant for me.

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I'm still slowly going through Planescap with the wife. We're at the Brothel. "That was your first wish."

Took me 6 games before I realised the Brothel had a basement level :p


Not that there is anything down there, but still...


I really need to play that game again soon. This time with the fix pack and unfinished business mods.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'm still slowly going through Planescap with the wife. We're at the Brothel. "That was your first wish."


I'm saving my replay of PST for the future, I want to do my next run with high wisdom and intelligence so I can dig into TNO's past, which reminds me about Ignus, I recommend asking questions for a new angle on his personality :p

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Finished The Missing Link. Back to tooling around in Dark Souls and The Next Big Thing.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Playing some Fallen Earth, as it's Free2Pay now. So far it's all about collecting stuff for crafting and fetch-quest, fetch-quest, fetch-quest, kill-quest, fetch-quest,... I mean, it's like every other MMO when you go by that. I just don't get how people can play this for years. A week or two, okay. But years? I don't get it. Even if I would play it with other people now... fetch-quest, fetch-quest,...?

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Completed Arkham City. Everything in the campaign except advanced AR challenges.

I'm starting that today. Robin Edition. xD

Dark Souls, second boss


"Oh crap, I missed my attack. RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING"

"Oh crap, nearly dead, RUNNING RUNNNING RUN"



"Oh, he charged off the edge."

The Taurus demon?

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Completed Arkham City. Everything in the campaign except advanced AR challenges.

I'm starting that today. Robin Edition. xD

Dark Souls, second boss


"Oh crap, I missed my attack. RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING"

"Oh crap, nearly dead, RUNNING RUNNNING RUN"



"Oh, he charged off the edge."

The Taurus demon?

Yes. Read walkthroughs on how to beat him. Occasionally someone would mention him charging off the edge, so that lessened the surprise. But you never expect to be one of the lucky ones.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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You read walkthroughs ... why on earth would you do that before even trying? o.O

Never said it was my first attempt.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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DOW2, I'm definitely not Captain material, that's for sure. I do like the change of the priority target missions, some are destroy buildings then an elite. Although, that means I lug Cyrus around all the time.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.


Few questions, if you will:

Lots of snipers and camping? Lots of bunnyhopping? How's the pace on the MP maps?


I'm about to upgrade my rig sometime later this year and I can finally see what's all the fuss about directX10 and 11, and as a sideproduct I'll be able play BF3, so that's why I'm asking.

Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.


Hows the network performance in a fully packed game, many bugs? After being burned by every pre ordered PC game for 12 months in a row I'm severely jaded but I like to hope Battlefield 3 isn't going to suck for me on launch day.

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Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.


Few questions, if you will:

Lots of snipers and camping? Lots of bunnyhopping? How's the pace on the MP maps?


I'm about to upgrade my rig sometime later this year and I can finally see what's all the fuss about directX10 and 11, and as a sideproduct I'll be able play BF3, so that's why I'm asking.


Nope, doesn't feel anything like the beta. most maps are huge with good split between people going infantry, support and vehicle. Teamwork is a must.


Also, played a small paris map where action was really block by block - it took a lot of effort and coordination to be able to push towards objectives



Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.


Hows the network performance in a fully packed game, many bugs? After being burned by every pre ordered PC game for 12 months in a row I'm severely jaded but I like to hope Battlefield 3 isn't going to suck for me on launch day.


There are bugs, just like in every BF game to date, but judging from DICE's response they're pretty serious about supporting the platform. There was a already a huge day one patch


Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.

Do you play the PC retail version, and if yes, how is Origin implemented?


Yup, pc version. Origin is bit annoying, but you don't need to use it much at all, all of server searching and friend management is done through battle log which is awesome.



Check out reddit BF3 community. There are few people from dice there: http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield3

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