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The Perfect Setting of Fallout 4


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Nope didn't know thatl, learn something new each day. Would the revolution have to not occur though ? Supposed to be divergent not completely the reverse. Tale does make a good point about needing to continue the story, though, so it should be someplace outside the sphere of the previous game to build on that (I'd prefer more stuff about NCR than any of the FO3 factions).

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Nope didn't know thatl, learn something new each day. Would the revolution have to not occur though ? Supposed to be divergent not completely the reverse. Tale does make a good point about needing to continue the story, though, so it should be someplace outside the sphere of the previous game to build on that (I'd prefer more stuff about NCR than any of the FO3 factions).

The setting is the 50's the revolution happened in 59, so it would be in the era Gorth described. It's a good starting point for the events to diverge, corrupt regime, revolutionaries in the mountains, and gangsters on vacation. All with tech from the Fallout universe.


About Tale's point, I not so sure. Every Fallout so far has been monothematic, each with its own plot with no relation to the others.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I think one place that would be interesting to take the franchise as a whole is start pushing more viewpoints and larger viewpoints into the game.


By this I mean that they should maybe have a foreigner locked into the game, so everyone reacts in awe to your more repaired gear or your accent or whatever. And in terms of "larger" viewpoints, make the story a wee bit less personal. Maybe you're really a cog in a greater scheme to figure out wtf is going on in the former US, as europe has been unable to get any info. Thus part of your mission is figuring out the major players, and then figuring out their relative strengths if pitted against one another. Basically constructing a portrait of the post-apoc world for the player and their bosses as a major part of gameplay.


If you really wanted, you could expand the scope of the game in comparison to others by setting up the overworld map once again but having you move across the entire continent, rather than through one smallish area.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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About Tale's point, I not so sure. Every Fallout so far has been monothematic, each with its own plot with no relation to the others.
It's not about the plot, it's about the advancement of the setting The events of Fallout 1 did effect Fallout 2's setting. And New Vegas showed us much of what followed from that, the NCR expansion, the Enclave becoming a small group of retirees. Even Black Mountain and that old ski lodge are showing a facet of the aftermath of the Master's army.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Canadian post nuclear winter where snow and ash fall down from the sky simultanously. The player is a scientist/engineer who comes from a vault that was used as a blueprint for the ones built in masses on US soil. It's vastly different, more focused on testing what engineering solutions works for vault and less about social experiment, but with inferior equipment since it's the first one ever built. The player can use his superior scientific resources to form a group similar to BoS or Enclave, and it's up the the player to decide wether he uses that power to enslave the other survivors or to empower them.

Edited by trulez
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About Tale's point, I not so sure. Every Fallout so far has been monothematic, each with its own plot with no relation to the others.
It's not about the plot, it's about the advancement of the setting The events of Fallout 1 did effect Fallout 2's setting. And New Vegas showed us much of what followed from that, the NCR expansion, the Enclave becoming a small group of retirees. Even Black Mountain and that old ski lodge are showing a facet of the aftermath of the Master's army.

Oh, sorry I misunderstood. Still you could have all those elements on Cuba, since the Platt amendment gave the US the right to set military bases on the island. It makes a lot of sense that the US government would outsource their morally questionable research to the third world, oh wait..they did.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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All those locations are good, it would be interesting to see NYC without Jay-Z and Seattle is going to be in FOOL. I personally like the idea of Cuba, Miami was going to be in Tactics 2 and seeing the concept art, don't get too exited about the alligators. Cuba sounds damn interesting though.


Why did I chose Philly? I like bread.


All jokes aside, this August, on my way from NYC to Toronto, I stopped there to visit relatives and unless your in the right area, Philadelphia is almost already a virtual Junktown, I mean we were passing 7 Eleven and we saw a guy get shot, all these guys and one Chinese person come out the cops come and traffic is halted for a half-hour and my cousins house is a street corner away. Now take away the 7 Eleven and add a Nuka Cola Store; take away the Chinese person and add an Enclave Soldier; take away the dead guy and add a dead Brotherhood Paladin; take away the people and add ghouls; take away the cars and add Super Mutants. Now, I'm getting the idea that Philadelphia will be the last stronghold of the Enclave that the Brotherhood are trying to penetrate but its being protected by the Institution who favor the idea of a super mutant concentration camp. The Enclave on the other hand are trying to hack onto the Liberty Bell, an Old World item that may contian massive power (look at the Platinum Chip and how much power it had, think about how much the Liberty Bell can have).


For Cuba, I see a whole Brotherhood Outpost, raider station, Mexican ghoul, emigrating Super Mutants and small NCR-Outpost plot going on.

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All those locations are good, it would be interesting to see NYC without Jay-Z and Seattle is going to be in FOOL. I personally like the idea of Cuba, Miami was going to be in Tactics 2 and seeing the concept art, don't get too exited about the alligators. Cuba sounds damn interesting though.


Why did I chose Philly? I like bread.


All jokes aside, this August, on my way from NYC to Toronto, I stopped there to visit relatives and unless your in the right area, Philadelphia is almost already a virtual Junktown, I mean we were passing 7 Eleven and we saw a guy get shot, all these guys and one Chinese person come out the cops come and traffic is halted for a half-hour and my cousins house is a street corner away. Now take away the 7 Eleven and add a Nuka Cola Store; take away the Chinese person and add an Enclave Soldier; take away the dead guy and add a dead Brotherhood Paladin; take away the people and add ghouls; take away the cars and add Super Mutants. Now, I'm getting the idea that Philadelphia will be the last stronghold of the Enclave that the Brotherhood are trying to penetrate but its being protected by the Institution who favor the idea of a super mutant concentration camp. The Enclave on the other hand are trying to hack onto the Liberty Bell, an Old World item that may contian massive power (look at the Platinum Chip and how much power it had, think about how much the Liberty Bell can have).


For Cuba, I see a whole Brotherhood Outpost, raider station, Mexican ghoul, emigrating Super Mutants and small NCR-Outpost plot going on.

Doesn't that describe every city that was ones a hub for activity but has since had it's dominant industry removed? Like Detroit?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Detroit is already a wasteland.


But something interesting in the Mid-West would be good.

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I'd like to see something in the Tacoma/Seattle/Vancouver (BC, not WA) area. You could see the conflict between the conquered Canadians and the American oppressors extended into the future, see the ruins of Bremerton with shattered husks of battleships and aircraft carriers. Maybe have a faction based out of a submarine in the area.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I'd like to see something in the Tacoma/Seattle/Vancouver (BC, not WA) area. You could see the conflict between the conquered Canadians and the American oppressors extended into the future, see the ruins of Bremerton with shattered husks of battleships and aircraft carriers. Maybe have a faction based out of a submarine in the area.

Now that you mention it, Montreal would a good option.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Why ? It'd be full of dead Quebecers..actually, now that you mention it, good idea.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I think it would be a mistake to move Fallout too far away from the USA, it might possibly work in another English speaking nation, the 50's "can do" attitude that Bethesda overplayed wasn't necessarily exclusive to America, 1950's Britain seems just as outlandishly chirpy.


China would be an interesting setting but accuracy is so essential to satire, there's no point trying to be witty about a culture that neither you or your potential customers really understand.

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I'd like to see something in the Tacoma/Seattle/Vancouver (BC, not WA) area. You could see the conflict between the conquered Canadians and the American oppressors extended into the future, see the ruins of Bremerton with shattered husks of battleships and aircraft carriers. Maybe have a faction based out of a submarine in the area.

Now that you mention it, Montreal would a good option.


Detroit is a wasteland; Vancouver became a wasteland post-Stanley Cup; Montreal? Dude, the only faction your going to get in Montreal is a bunch of seperatists fighting the guys from Ottawa. Now that you think of it, no Nuke hit Vancouver, they just lost the Finals the day the Nuke's hit... what a co-incidence.


Why ? It'd be full of dead Quebecers..actually, now that you mention it, good idea.






Yeah, I'm sorry to tell you this....




(Why did it have to be me?)


Quebecers don't really die, you kill one, you get two more.



I'm sorry.


The Canada Wasteland, seeing as I'm Canadian, would be a perfect location in North BC, the Yukon region there is perfect, the Ice Wasteland, replace Deathclaws with mutated Plar Bears, those things are creepy enough as it is.

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Cutlock's got a point. New rad animals would be nice.


What about Asia? No-one's going to have nuked anywhere like Borneo.


Dead rainforests would be pretty goddamn creepy. Think about skeletal triple canopy. Huge centipedes. Rad-apes. Maybe a tech-savvy New Hong Kong with a British Imperial Faction. Card playing in a member's club while a mutie that only has a leg works punkah-wallah. Head hunters in canoes. Communist guerrillas in volcano bases.


Yeah, baby!

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Yeah, except Borneo's not the largest place in the world.


If not Canada or Philly, Amritsar.


If you don't know, its where the Golden Temple, Sri Harmandir Sahib rests.


Imagine that, a whole bust city with mutated elephants, lions, tigers, cheetahs, crocodiles, gavials, indian ghouls, monkeys all surrounding a still gold temple.

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Cutlock's got a point. New rad animals would be nice.


What about Asia? No-one's going to have nuked anywhere like Borneo.


Dead rainforests would be pretty goddamn creepy. Think about skeletal triple canopy. Huge centipedes. Rad-apes. Maybe a tech-savvy New Hong Kong with a British Imperial Faction. Card playing in a member's club while a mutie that only has a leg works punkah-wallah. Head hunters in canoes. Communist guerrillas in volcano bases.


Yeah, baby!

Add wetlands and swamps and you've got a deal :)


Also, needs mutated piranhas... the size of tunas... wrestling with the 5 meter centipedes and humongous venus fly traps for position as alfa predator


That is, whatever the giant antlions and the quicksand doesn't swallow first.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Imagine that, a whole bust city with mutated elephants, lions, tigers, cheetahs, crocodiles, gavials, indian ghouls, monkeys all surrounding a still gold temple.


I have no idea what a gavial is, but it sounds cool.


How about... an attempt to survive genetic degradation was executed by splicing in animal genes. It's B-Movie science, but why not? Not furry-tastic, but more Wild Cards style deformities. Outsized elephantine noses, extra long red-furred arms, snake eyes. Twists of rancid lemon peel in the genetic martini.


I like the temple setting idea. A lot. But frankly you could bung something like that in anywhere, and not have any danger of inciting religious fundamentalists to riot for transgressing some simulated sacred taboo. No need to use a real world specific temple.


Commmercially speaking, surely the Far East and Oz are a good market. Give the poor bastards a break and throw them a bone.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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there is no god.


Yes there is, God is time and space, God is all matter, God is the truth, if you lie, your being ungodly, because God is in all of us, God is all matter.


Yes, Gavials are scary, especially in person with it snapping its jaws at you (experience), now imagine it in 3d...er....um mutated.

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there is no god.


Yes there is, God is time and space, God is all matter, God is the truth, if you lie, your being ungodly, because God is in all of us, God is all matter.


Yes, Gavials are scary, especially in person with it snapping its jaws at you (experience), now imagine it in 3d...er....um mutated.



This post...

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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there is no god.


Yes there is, God is time and space, God is all matter, God is the truth, if you lie, your being ungodly, because God is in all of us, God is all matter.


Yes, Gavials are scary, especially in person with it snapping its jaws at you (experience), now imagine it in 3d...er....um mutated.



This post...

*examines axe... looks at grindstone... looks back at axe*



Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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