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Obsidian is working on project for leading animation franchise


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I'd love an Avatar (TLA/TLoA) cRPG. It alreddy has a unique (actually fantastic) world with a unique magic system.


This would be great.


I have to wonder, though, Obsidian games are not often all that kid-friendly. Lots of talking and deep mechanics, not a lot of twitchy, colourful stuff. I don't think Nickelodeon would trust Obsidian with a franchise like Avatar, that despite being awesome and having a large fanbase among adults is still very much targeted towards kids.


In fact, I'd be surprised if any franchise geared towards kids would be given to Obsidian. So that begs the question, are there any large animation franchises that aren't squarely aimed at kids? I think you'll end up with just comedy shows like South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc., but that doesn't seem like a great fit either. Though they might allow MCA to finally make that High School RPG he was always asking for.


Man, I think I butchered my punctuation in this post. It just doesn't feel right.

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This would be great.


I have to wonder, though, Obsidian games are not often all that kid-friendly. Lots of talking and deep mechanics, not a lot of twitchy, colourful stuff. I don't think Nickelodeon would trust Obsidian with a franchise like Avatar, that despite being awesome and having a large fanbase among adults is still very much targeted towards kids.

Dungeon Siege 3 would probably disagree with you. The storyline and the characters are 'mature', but the game is still very colorful and you can play a real optimistic and idealist (the best example probably being the cyclops situation).

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I don't know if this is true, but I heard it some time ago: Obsidian is working on a South Park RPG.


No, why should this be a big possibility?


It's not about it being a possibility. It's just something I heard some time back, when I was asking around about what Obsidian was working on. I didn't think much about it back then, but I'm just throwing this out there now with the new information we have. Could be bull****, but it's what I heard.

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^ And?


I don't think South Park is something a dev would think you HAD to do.


Obsidian did KotOR 2, and that only got a T because of of limited blood and the animated combat, and would likely qualify for E10 if it existed at the time. They also did Mask of the Betrayer, which was T because of... OK everything you can get in a T game before it becomes M. Obsidian is very good at making things "Mature" and "dark" over "gory", which is something Avatar did.

Edited by deuxhero
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How is that an animation franchise?


Fair enough. I have to admit I haven't played Dungeon Siege 3, lack of funds and time.


I'm not sure I would classify Avatar as Dark and Mature. There were moments that were dark and mature for it being a kid show (your mileage may vary, some people still claim Koh the Face Stealer is too kiddy) but it was still, by and large, a children's show.


Not that that means I wouldn't love to see Obsidian do one, mind you. Avatar is just the kind of universe Obsidian could run with. I'm sure there's plenty of things MCA would be able to turn on its head in it, ala The Force in KotOR II. I just don't think Nickelodeon would take a risk like that.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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I'm trying to imagine MCA's take on something like "Finding Nemo". We would probably see wannabe good shark turning into a fish killing machine, nemo being sacrificed in the front of his dad and turned into sushi while the ocean floor gets covered in a life extinguishing blanket of toxic pollution and Dory being processed by a taxidermist for a longer lasting experience for the dentists little monster kid :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I could come up with something like Pychonauts (It has a mac version now, which is a good news, by the way) except that it's not based on any pop IP, which often means some restrictions. At the end of the day, though, it depends on how they develop around possible themes...I think KotoRII did a relatively decent job. Also, after watching spoiler alert!

(As the top comment says, my silver-tongued non-lethal Thornton couldn't see this scene.), I convinced me that they did a decent job, again, considering Star Wars/pop spy action movie settings are not my cup of tea at all. Thinking about that, D&D-ish fantasy settings are not my cup of tea...simply, I'm accustomed to CRPGs based on them.


Another possible point is that humor can hit and miss depending on the players. Even a scene like that won't change it from a spy action move which doesn't take it too seriously since characters tend to be comic...some are outrageously so. I know it's a design decision and, indeed, some people seem to be very happy with them. Also, I couldn't but notice that not all people are happy with humor in some FONV DLCs. Personally, I like subtle humor and occasional comic relieves but taste differs.

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That's great news!


Though yeah... if this stuff doesn't release on PC, I will commit terrorist acts against JE Sawyer's formspring account, asking him questions on DLC releases, bugs and demanding answers on games he didn't work on.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Hopefully their own IPs as well.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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By the way, Chris Avellone on Twitter on Obsidian's future:


Obsidian's future = more RPGs with our own engine... finally.

That's great.

I just hope 'more' doesn't mean DS3 was considered the first one.

That's one RPG definition I wouldn't agree with.


DSIII did actually a lot of things you would expect in a Obsidian RPG. Only a little of everything though, granted.

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I'm trying to imagine MCA's take on something like "Finding Nemo". We would probably see wannabe good shark turning into a fish killing machine, nemo being sacrificed in the front of his dad and turned into sushi while the ocean floor gets covered in a life extinguishing blanket of toxic pollution and Dory being processed by a taxidermist for a longer lasting experience for the dentists little monster kid >_<


we can easily imagine a chrisA finding nemo. the ellen degeneres character would be mad 'stead o' funny/loopy... lots o' similarities to ravel. always needs a ravel. william defoe's character would be the essential broken/brooding warrior o' the game unnecessarily spouting 5 cent existentialist philosophy. there would probable be an angel fish character, but the angel fish would be twisted or crippled in some way. etc. there would be some quasi-attempt to introduce tenuous metaphor suggesting that as one goes deeper into the crushing depths o' the ocean, one gets closer to enlightenment/light... parallel to reflection o' self/soul... very edgy. would need lots o' exposition from characters to clarify the metaphor. gameplay would be kinda whacked, but obsidian fans would marvel at the "depth" o' the characters and story.


heck, an chrisA finding nemo pretty much writes itself, no?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

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gameplay would be kinda whacked, but obsidian fans would marvel at the "depth" o' the characters and story.

Oh, then pun! :lol:


As for the filling of the gaps of this never to be story, I suspect you are not far off the mark.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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