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Deus Ex 3


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Most of the times ads are out-sourced. So even if Eidos Montreal was "smart about it" if the advertisers they sold their space too, aren't...

Well, you understand why it could become a major immersion breaker...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Why are we assuming that they are going to be idiots about it?


Always best to look at worst case for things?


Damn bandwidth caps, have to make sure I keep 8 or so unused by the 24-25th :lol:

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Don't you guys get tired of running around, waving your hands, screaming that the sky is falling on a daily basis? Or doing the Internet equivalent of it? :lol:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Err...who was doing that?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Hm... a Syrian prisoner ?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Seems kinda silly to me to incorporate present day ads into a game set several decades into the future.

Why are we assuming that they are going to be idiots about it?


Oh hang on, this is the Internet, we always leap to the conclusion that people are idiots, without giving them the benefit of the doubt or even spending a second to think about the possible causes.


And yes, I admit, that mini-rant is only partially related to this topic.


Now, if they incorporate stupid, clashing ads into their gameworld after spending an exceptional amount of energy on the visual style of their game, they are ****tards. I haven't seen any signs of them being ****tards, so for the moment, I'm going to assume that the ads stylistically match the game.


There, there, calm yourself. We're all just here talking about stuff weve seen/heard. I swear, you go out of your way to find slights to whine about.

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Seems kinda silly to me to incorporate present day ads into a game set several decades into the future.

Why are we assuming that they are going to be idiots about it?


Oh hang on, this is the Internet, we always leap to the conclusion that people are idiots, without giving them the benefit of the doubt or even spending a second to think about the possible causes.


And yes, I admit, that mini-rant is only partially related to this topic.


Now, if they incorporate stupid, clashing ads into their gameworld after spending an exceptional amount of energy on the visual style of their game, they are ****tards. I haven't seen any signs of them being ****tards, so for the moment, I'm going to assume that the ads stylistically match the game.


There, there, calm yourself. We're all just here talking about stuff weve seen/heard. I swear, you go out of your way to find slights to whine about.

Meh, either I have male PMS or it's the "let's collectively misunderstand all Nepenthe's points, he's a whiny little **** anyway" festival.


Don't say it, I know. :lol:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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PC gamer review is written, scans can be found on the internet and things are looking great.


final verdict: not QUITE as good as the original deus ex, but almost, and has nearly as much open ended freedom and exploration and choices. the most deus-ex like game since the original deus ex.


they gave it a 94, whatever that means (i dont know this publication that well)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Apparently a Danish magazine also reported Square Enix doing similar to them, at least for the early reviews or something.


And no, it's always..uh "lulz game press".

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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So when Call of Duty gets high scores all around and DA2 gets 94% from PC Gamer it's paid for reviews and "lulz game press" but when Human Revolution gets high scores it's obviously deserved and just?


No, PC Gamer is horrible garbage all round. Worst reviews and skewered, pre-arranged grades.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Apparently a Danish magazine also reported Square Enix doing similar to them, at least for the early reviews or something.


And no, it's always..uh "lulz game press".


One of the staffers at Pelit said companies do it all the time. And how it should just be ignored, since mostly it's just a trick/bluff. Though not quite sure how it would work if they weren't the biggest magazine in Finland. Then they might actually have to start listening to the demands of gaming companies...

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Another one of those questions and answers which might be of interest to the folks around here...


Did your opinion on DX:IW change through development? It seems most of the fan community hated it. Did you incorporate any ideas at least in part inspired by Invisible War? Or was it entirely ignored?



Frank says:


My personal opinion of it did not change, no.


Have I played it? Yes. Through the end.


I?m glad to finally have this question.


We?ve tiptoed quite a lot around the issue of Invisible War, but we?ve never fully answered people who wanted to know how much of it we actually used as inspiration.


I shall do this here and now.


My aim is not to start a flame war. But if we?re to peel back the curtain on how this game was designed, I want to be truthful.


And the truth about Invisible War is that I personally did not get as much enjoyment out of it as I did the original Deus Ex.


Looking at Invisible War was a cautionary tale. The game showed us how some apparently simple design decisions such as universal ammo could alter the essence of what Deus Ex is.


When you look at IW, all the staples are there: the future, augs, weapons, a conspiracy, dialogs, stealth, side quests, etc. Yet it doesn?t feel quiteright.


It made us realize that it would be very easy for us to screw up Human Revolution. We had a fine line to thread after all.


So in essence we used IW and compared it to DX1 in order to operate a ?course correction?; which means we reverted most decisions in IW in favor of what DX1 had done.


From my knowledge (and sometimes defective memory), there is nothing in Human Revolution that comes from invisible War alone.


Doesn?t mean Invisible War was a bad game.


But it?s not the game we were trying to live up to.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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So when Call of Duty gets high scores all around and DA2 gets 94% from PC Gamer it's paid for reviews and "lulz game press" but when Human Revolution gets high scores it's obviously deserved and just?

That's what we are brainwashing you to believe. :thumbsup:

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Another one of those questions and answers which might be of interest to the folks around here...


Did your opinion on DX:IW change through development? It seems most of the fan community hated it. Did you incorporate any ideas at least in part inspired by Invisible War? Or was it entirely ignored?



Frank says:


My personal opinion of it did not change, no.


Have I played it? Yes. Through the end.


I?m glad to finally have this question.


We?ve tiptoed quite a lot around the issue of Invisible War, but we?ve never fully answered people who wanted to know how much of it we actually used as inspiration.


I shall do this here and now.


My aim is not to start a flame war. But if we?re to peel back the curtain on how this game was designed, I want to be truthful.


And the truth about Invisible War is that I personally did not get as much enjoyment out of it as I did the original Deus Ex.


Looking at Invisible War was a cautionary tale. The game showed us how some apparently simple design decisions such as universal ammo could alter the essence of what Deus Ex is.


When you look at IW, all the staples are there: the future, augs, weapons, a conspiracy, dialogs, stealth, side quests, etc. Yet it doesn?t feel quiteright.


It made us realize that it would be very easy for us to screw up Human Revolution. We had a fine line to thread after all.


So in essence we used IW and compared it to DX1 in order to operate a ?course correction?; which means we reverted most decisions in IW in favor of what DX1 had done.


From my knowledge (and sometimes defective memory), there is nothing in Human Revolution that comes from invisible War alone.


Doesn?t mean Invisible War was a bad game.


But it?s not the game we were trying to live up to.



Given what the general opinion of IW is from various groups, that answer was a revelation.



I demand consistency within this community!


They consistently provide you with chances to point out their hypocrisy! or something.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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i for one have never said lulz game press or cried "bought reviews". i think there is pressure, and some magazines probably are outright bought, but i think the bigger pressure comes more from "me too" reviewers than publisher pressure.


regardless, i am stoked that deus ex HR appears to be more than just a mediocre shooter with the deus ex name on it. reading the review, bought or not, made it apparent that this game is at least trying to be "more", just like the original deus ex. so if it isn't perfect or even great, im happy enough to try it just to support more developers reaching for quality instead of settling for mediocrity.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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i for one have never said lulz game press or cried "bought reviews". i think there is pressure, and some magazines probably are outright bought, but i think the bigger pressure comes more from "me too" reviewers than publisher pressure.


regardless, i am stoked that deus ex HR appears to be more than just a mediocre shooter with the deus ex name on it. reading the review, bought or not, made it apparent that this game is at least trying to be "more", just like the original deus ex. so if it isn't perfect or even great, im happy enough to try it just to support more developers reaching for quality instead of settling for mediocrity.

Which is why its doomed to fail once the CoD crowd realize that it isn't a mediocre shooter.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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does anyone know if the original deus ex failed to make the moneys?? i remember it being kind of a big deal, but maybe that was just in my imagination?

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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