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Watched the American last night. The director's photography background is kind of apparent throughout the movie, there's a lot of scenes with beautiful composition and little else going on. Movie didn't really grab me, to the point where the main thing I took away from it was "that Italian prostitute was kind of hawt". ;)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Gone baby gone.


Abducted child crime drama.


Actually bloody good. Directed by Ben Affleck. _Ben Affleck_ :p


Hearty recommend to anyone who enjoyed Silence of the Lambs, or any crime noir.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm hijacking for "DVDs you've seen recently."


Just finished up Babylon 5 season 3. The final two episodes really put the Soap Opera in Space Opera.


I kid you not, a snowglobe hit the floor.


And did you realise that actually was Boxleitner's real life wife? :p


But no matter what happens, or how space opera it gets.. there's so many good lines and snappy dialogue coming out of various characters..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Gone baby gone.


Abducted child crime drama.


Actually bloody good. Directed by Ben Affleck. _Ben Affleck_ :p


Hearty recommend to anyone who enjoyed Silence of the Lambs, or any crime noir.


This one was great and I recommend it to all of you. I was expecting it to be not so good. Boy, was I wrong.

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^ Agreed - but I couldn't really help but feel a pinch of respect for Zack Snyder, for actually pulling off so many clich?s in one movie.

One day if I meet Zack Snyder I'm going to have a color chart ready and finally introduce him to a color that is not blue or orange.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Sucker Punch


That movie embodies everything I hate about Hollywood mainstream. Stupid ugly girls scarcely clothed, beating **** out of giant Samurais, evil WW1 half-German/half-Robots, and of course real robots.


I was beat up for saying the same thing on this forum when it was released. Was accused of elitism. But I was right.


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^ Agreed - but I couldn't really help but feel a pinch of respect for Zack Snyder, for actually pulling off so many clich?s in one movie.

One day if I meet Zack Snyder I'm going to have a color chart ready and finally introduce him to a color that is not blue or orange.


I have no problem with that - I think it worked well in both 300 and Watchmen. Sucker Punch too for that matter - what I did like about SP however was the camera focus on action, I strongly dislike the camera shaking/flying all over the place in most modern films and it was actually pleasing to have the camera stay on target and follow the action.

Fortune favors the bald.

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^ Agreed - but I couldn't really help but feel a pinch of respect for Zack Snyder, for actually pulling off so many clich?s in one movie.

One day if I meet Zack Snyder I'm going to have a color chart ready and finally introduce him to a color that is not blue or orange.


You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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In Bruges.


My god what a lovely made film. I totally loved it. It is European cinema at it's best.


And quite encouraging after the :) that was Sucker Punch.

You're ruining it for me.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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This film is the most awesome compacted in a single 90 minutes.


Well, most exploitation over the top violence and **** awesome. There's another type of awesome embodied in Scott Pilgrim.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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This film is the most awesome compacted in a single 90 minutes.


Well, most exploitation over the top violence and **** awesome. There's another type of awesome embodied in Scott Pilgrim.


It is a brilliant film. Although somewhat spoiled by the amount of cgi manipulation that happened to have that shot of Jessica Alba in the shower. She was basically wearing lycra exercise pants and sports bra style clothing for it...


Is it me or is there something slightly weird about having a "i won't do even partial nudity, but I have no objection to them putting a cgi partial nude based on me in the film for everyone to stare at".

I have no problem on her stance of not being nude (well, not beyond any heterosexual guy who appreciates Jessica Alba..), but it seems a little twisted to reach the stage of still playing a character that ends up with a partial nude on film.. As long as its artificial..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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This film is the most awesome compacted in a single 90 minutes.


Well, most exploitation over the top violence and **** awesome. There's another type of awesome embodied in Scott Pilgrim.


It is a brilliant film. Although somewhat spoiled by the amount of cgi manipulation that happened to have that shot of Jessica Alba in the shower. She was basically wearing lycra exercise pants and sports bra style clothing for it...


Is it me or is there something slightly weird about having a "i won't do even partial nudity, but I have no objection to them putting a cgi partial nude based on me in the film for everyone to stare at".

I have no problem on her stance of not being nude (well, not beyond any heterosexual guy who appreciates Jessica Alba..), but it seems a little twisted to reach the stage of still playing a character that ends up with a partial nude on film.. As long as its artificial..

Well, both her and Lohan were like that. But the only difference is that Alba let them do her physical body, while Lohan had a 10 years older body double doing her job.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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In Bruges.


My god what a lovely made film. I totally loved it. It is European cinema at it's best.


And quite encouraging after the :thumbsup: that was Sucker Punch.


It's a British film set in a European city with two Irish actors.


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In Bruges.


My god what a lovely made film. I totally loved it. It is European cinema at it's best.


And quite encouraging after the :thumbsup: that was Sucker Punch.


It's a British film set in a European city with two Irish actors.


Brit = European, fighting words.

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In Bruges.


My god what a lovely made film. I totally loved it. It is European cinema at it's best.


And quite encouraging after the :thumbsup: that was Sucker Punch.


It's a British film set in a European city with two Irish actors.


Brit = European, fighting words.


I think it's fair enough to describe it as European cinema. It's sure as **** not Hollywood. You get Hollywood films shot in the UK by Uk teams.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Transformers - Dark of the Moon. - Not bad, entertaining in its way. They pushed it a bit overlong in my mind. It's not much of a surprise but its another Transformers film where the robots are the background and plot-movement device for the key humans to take center stage.


Actually, I was highly amused by Patrick Dempsey's role. I hadn't been paying attention that much to the trailers so didn't realise he was in it.

The way they shoehorned in a new girlfriend for the story felt a little flat, but eh, what can you do. The robot-on-robot action was fun and destructive.

Leonard Nimoy's voice..and the amount of spockisms they put in in slightly twisted format probably counts as geek nirvana.

And Alan Tudyk's "Dutch" was downright brilliant. Shame he didn't get more screen time. :thumbsup:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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This film is the most awesome compacted in a single 90 minutes.


Well, most exploitation over the top violence and **** awesome. There's another type of awesome embodied in Scott Pilgrim.


This movie was indeed awesome. If you just want some mindless action and fun, this is the movie to watch.

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MAD starring Billy Zane. Weird little horror zombie movie. Zane does a great job as I've never seen him in a role this. Humour is offbeat but hit or miss. 7/10


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MAD starring Billy Zane. Weird little horror zombie movie. Zane does a great job as I've never seen him in a role this. Humour is offbeat but hit or miss. 7/10


I'll never understand what happened to Billy Zane's career. He was making some great movies in the 90's, and then he just fell off the map and became a B-Movie star.

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