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Yeah well I'm an astronaut king. Beat that.


I'm a pirate ninja instructor. In my spare time I do legal research for the Brazilian ladies' beach volleyball team, when I'm not test-driving Ferraris.



I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I see your Pirate Ninja....


and raise you a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirl!


The world needs S.P.A.N.C. :mellow:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I see your Pirate Ninja....


and raise you a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirl!


The world needs S.P.A.N.C. :mellow:


... pr0ntastic!

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I see your Pirate Ninja....


and raise you a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirl!


The world needs S.P.A.N.C. :mellow:

So... what are you doing later?

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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pwnge. Or would that be spancge?

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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The Witcher


I only am in Chapter 2. I don't think I'll be done in time. OH NOES

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Hm, I've got to get around to finishing the Witcher.


I was in the middle of chapter 3, something came up..and I just never got back into the flow of it.. :(

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I got my Baldur's Gate install all modded up last night. Tig inspired me with his Insane SCS run so I figured I'd give it a shot. Sounded like fun! Set myself up with a ranger main character for the awesome BG1 missile weapons. Candlekeep was the same as always so off we go out into the wilds!


Hey look! A wolf! Let's kill it!

*Wolf one shots main character*

And that's when I realized I forgot to save at any point between character creation and leaving Candlekeep.

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You don't get an autosave after Imoen talks to you? I always did... and these days I always make sure to install the skip candlekeep component (I think it's in SCS or BG2Tweaks or something).


Just finished my BG1 run, Improved Sarevok had to be LOS / Wand of Monster Summoning cheesed to all hell. The kicker is that not only are his 4 lieutenants more powerful now, they explode on death and turn into those powerful skeleton warriors - the explosion killed me a few times. Pulled out all the stops with scrolls of greater malison, Spell Thrust, potions of invulnerability, and of course all the late game cash spent on arrows of dispelling and piercing. If Kivan could use Wand of Monster Summoning he could probably take on anything in the game by himself.


Overall had Montaron, Xzar, Kagain, Shar-Teel chunked + Yeslick, Tiax dead at final battle, but lived to tell the tale with Edwin, Imoen and Kivan.


(Aec'Letec was bloody annoying, too, but Kivan > *)

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Kivan singlehandedly took down

the ogre-mage party that ambushes you in the place you least expect

in SCS.


I recently played BGtutu w/ SCS + other mods with a kensai. Armorless, missile weaponless in BG1 is the only way to go. :sorcerer: (I hid behind the tower shields of Khalid and Jaheira a lot)

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You don't get an autosave after Imoen talks to you? I always did... and these days I always make sure to install the skip candlekeep component (I think it's in SCS or BG2Tweaks or something).


There is an autosave after the initial Imoen conversation in BG2, but I don't think there is one in BG1. If there is, it didn't fire for me. I kept Candlekeep in because I actually kinda like Candlekeep, it gets me back into the game after a long break, but once is definitely enough for each run.


Insane SCS takes some getting used to. Insane alone takes some getting used to. I'm doing a lot of reloading right now because with the exception of exploiting AI by kiting enemies, there isn't much you can do to prevent character deaths due to one shots. The huge swarm of gibberlings right after Elminster killed me a couple times through sheer number of attacks resulting in eventual crits before I could kill them all. Hopefully it'll be a little better once I get another level in and those one shots from gibberlings and xvarts stop happening.


I'm also playing with Hard Times so I haven't been able to afford more than studded leather for any of my characters so far. I should go find Ajantis and steal his armour.


Tarnash is evil. Mage pre-buffs installed. Trying to burn through those mirror images and his armour spell when he disables 3/4 party members with sleep/horror is tough. Took me about 8 tries to get through that fight without massive casualties. Used Xzar to get off a quick spell before soaking up the sleep spell to protect my useful party members.

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Kensais actually get pretty damn powerful in BG1 Tutu. My Fighter/Avenger was pretty useless in the grand scheme of things throughout the whole game, sort of disappointed with that. At end game i had enough Xp to be level 7/8 or so and had good THAC0, but just didnt have enough meat on him to duke it out melee, whether in terms of damage or HP.


Losing Kagain actually made things really difficult for me, as I didn't want to take Khalid or Minsc - Shar-Teel eventually chunked due to her low HP and Yeslick's inability to use any magic items (including potions) also hurts. And Tiax is useless, even with a gauntlet of ogre strength & +2 Warhammer. In the end Kivan had something like 500 kills and the tankers were just shieldscreens for the sniper of doom - then Imoen, dualclassed to mage, and Edwin, would dish out malison, confusion, horror, etc. With SCS/Insane, it's actually mob fights that get really difficult in the endgame. Chapter 5 Iron Throne was incredible with the invisible thieves able to chunk people with one backstab, unholy blights taking out Kivan in one go, etc; also had to time the disabling spells just right for the 2 cultist battles before Aec'Letec. Had to reload the Ogre Mage ambush several times until the PC could get the dispel magic off right.


Deraldin, early-game this time I didn't actually die that often - finding that small boosts in saving throws make a big difference, and also not being afraid to use wands and potions (since you get bucketloads of them later). Bless, Sleep and Charm Person can get you past most places on Insane (and later, hell, I would Charm my own party members if they got dominated). The pre-buffs are powerful, but to compensate SCS now lets you cast breaching spells on semi-invisible enemies, and dispel magic is much more powerful.


Thinking whether to continue with BG2, but also want to play Arcanum again and of course there is TW2.

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Just did a quest I didn't find in my original Witcher playthrough. Or at least, I don't remember it. Drunken party, WHEEEEEE

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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With SCS/Insane, it's actually mob fights that get really difficult in the endgame. Chapter 5 Iron Throne was incredible with the invisible thieves able to chunk people with one backstab, unholy blights taking out Kivan in one go, etc; also had to time the disabling spells just right for the 2 cultist battles before Aec'Letec. Had to reload the Ogre Mage ambush several times until the PC could get the dispel magic off right.


Deraldin, early-game this time I didn't actually die that often - finding that small boosts in saving throws make a big difference, and also not being afraid to use wands and potions (since you get bucketloads of them later). Bless, Sleep and Charm Person can get you past most places on Insane (and later, hell, I would Charm my own party members if they got dominated). The pre-buffs are powerful, but to compensate SCS now lets you cast breaching spells on semi-invisible enemies, and dispel magic is much more powerful.


Yeah, there are several fights I'm not looking forward to. I had enough trouble with the Iron Throne without the extra invisble thieves and the bastard with the arrows of detonation in the undercity killed me over and over until I said SCREW YOU and fought back with 4 arrow of detonation archers of my own.


I learned last time through that consumables are key in BG1 because even small bonuses can make a huge difference at low levels. I haven't hesitated to use my healing potions mid fight so far and a couple charges from Imoen's wand of missles. Xzar doesn't have any disabling spells right now. Larloch's Minor Drain and Chill Touch suck.


On the other hand, with the huge number of wolves around, I'm getting some good use out of charm animal. Wolves, unstoppable killing machines and now once per day I can have one of them on my side. Ahahaha!


I thought about running away from Tarnesh, but I wanted the experience. After killing him and seeing he was only worth 130ish XP, I felt robbed. :)


I've never done Durlag's Tower before. I did once attempt to explore the outside area of that map, but I got my butt kicked a never bother to go back.

Edited by Deraldin
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I always feel sorry for the undercity party - it's like they were just put there so you can feel good using up all the precious resources you've hoarded till now. This time I opened with 2 wand of fireballs, 2 potions of explosions, 1 necklace of missiles and 1 detonation arrow. End of encounter.


Very early game, I liked the wand of missiles because they're a surefire way to interrupt enemy spellcasters; later the wand of paralysis can be great against some crazy tanks like the fastest dart thrower in the sword coast.


You should always do Durlag's Tower at the very end - unless your thief is high enough level it can be really frustrating, literally everything is trapped. I could only go there once Imoen levelled up enough after dualclassing to kick her thief levels back in, and I had saved up ~10 potions of perception. The death knight is also surprisingly easy if you break his mirror - him and his clone end up killing each other. Chess battle's amazingly hard on SCS/Insane though.

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Come on give them a fighting chance. :lol:


For that battle I always find it fun to lead them through the cramped ruins using Imoen w/ boots of speed and and potions of invisibility. Then I ambush them. Ok, maybe I'm not giving them a fighting chance, but its still fun.


My favorite encounter is the party outside the entrance to the cloakwood mines. I love having Imoen run in there stealthed and drop use the necklace of missiles and then run out...so I cam ambush them again.


Actually I just love ambushing. I fight dirty.

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Chapter IV of The Witcher. It's good to be out of Vizima.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Just can't seem to get into a gaming feel at the moment.


I've got a couple of unfinished games (Fear 2, The Witcher, GTAIV) that have been laying around for a few months if not more now, but I just can't seem to stir the enthusiasm to get back into them to wrap them up.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Just can't seem to get into a gaming feel at the moment.


We all go through this phase, I mostly recommend getting outside when this happends, after witnessing the world in motion for a few days, the idea of escaping to some "other" world will become very appealing.


Also the fact you won't have to deal with real life **** that you definately shouldn't kill, opposed to fake **** I can kill also helps.


Keep the faith!

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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