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Dragon Age 2


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From 1up review:

the way that dungeons get copied-and-pasted a la ME1 in this game seems downright lazy. What's odder is how a bunch of different quests somehow take place in the same dungeon layout, but each quest opens or closes different doors within that same layout. So in one big dungeon, you can run into mysteriously closed doors that limit your exploration -- those same doors will be open for another quest (that itself would close a different set of doors). Parceling up big dungeons for multiple quests, or reusing small ones again and again (for example, every quest involving a gang hideout invariably ends up in the same fountain -- why do thieves guilds like this one fountain so much?) lead into a lot of eye-rolling. As much as I like the actual quests and combat, I roll my eyes when I do vastly different quests across the same generic "big mansion" dungeon.
It's amazing a game that claims to be AAA can get away with this.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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^ Wrath, this type of heretical thinking is clouding your judgement. Asset re-cycling is a key part of the dark, mature, edgy and innovative next-gen RPG experience. It's the game we wanted to make. For you. Saying otherwise is just negative and plain-headed.


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"What are you talking about? He did give his honest opinion, he didn't shy away from it."


the claim is that the score is too high and he wnated to go lower but didn't. That's an act of cowardice.




"Or maybe you just realize that despite your personal enjoyment of the game (or lack of it) there are various other criteria you can judge the game by."


Or maybe he's a piece of crap who can't stand by his own opinion and lets other do his deciding. If I feel a game is worth a 1 (or a 10) that's the score I'm gonna give it, I'm not gonna tow the line for other punkbutts who can't handle differing opinions.




"It's amazing a game that claims to be AAA can get away with this."


How is it amazing? It makes perfect sense. They did nothing wrong there. there are certainly issues to complain about this issue isn't one of 'em.



"And yeah, it also feels like it didn't meet the reception a Bioware game usually meets. I really just skimmed through the reviews, so I'm not certain as to why."


Don't mistake the random low score reviews being linked as being presentative. They aren't.


P.S. As for the user reviews, no doubt there's a lot of Codexers posting there for the L0LZ. ERspicially since 99% of those rating the game 9including the high ones) haven't even real;ly plaeyd the game yet. L0LZ


Ratings mean crap. Only your personal opinion should matter. Why are people such cowards they base their likes and dislikes on what others' think?


P.S.S. DA1 meta critica was 87.. 3 points higher... ooooooooooo.. HUIGE difference.. L0LZ


P.S.S.S. Ap was a 64.


P.S.S.S.S. ME2 was a 94 despite being 'dumbed down' even more. L0LZ

Edited by Volourn


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I guess the COD audience still doesn't get it.


Our data-mining is showing us that a significant number of gamers are quitting after 70 minutes, this is a 10% improvement on DA:O. For DA3 we hope to get console FPS fans up to the two-hour mark.


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Infinite exp glitch found. Maximum defence glitch found. Some people got no codes with their new copies. Had this not been developed by BioWare and published by EA, this game would have crucified.


DA:O still has unfixed infinite exp and infinite money glitches. So, nothing new there...

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"Had this not been developed by BioWare and published by EA, this game would have crucified."


Unless it was made by Obsiudian then it would be labeled as a 'flawed gem' and any problems would be blamed on the publisher. L0LZ


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"Had this not been developed by BioWare and published by EA, this game would have crucified."


Unless it was made by Obsiudian then it would be labeled as a 'flawed gem' and any problems would be blamed on the publisher. L0LZ


Reply to the point.


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"Had this not been developed by BioWare and published by EA, this game would have crucified."


Unless it was made by Obsiudian then it would be labeled as a 'flawed gem' and any problems would be blamed on the publisher. L0LZ


Except Obsidian DOES get called out of it and crucified. Later it becomes a flawed gem for a much smaller audience.

Edited by C2B
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"Except Obsidian DOES get called out of it and crucified."


Did you miss the point I was making? There will always be people who maxke excuses. It should be pointed out that BIO is being 'crucified' for certain errors.


Then again, i think it's disgusting to crucify anyone over video games. Why do support murder?


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Enough people, discuss the game instead of stropping about trying to be the ballsiest four year old. And no, 'he did it first / that isn't technically trolling' doesn't count.

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i'm still looking forward to starting this when I get home. I am NOT looking forward to constant crashes. Particularly because the loading screens are apparently very long. At least FNV loaded up really fast after crashing.


Maybe I'll be lucky though, I never had crashing problems with oblivion or fallout 3 (and only about a dozen crashes during FNV), had very very few crashes with DAO and zero crashes with ME2, so fingers crossed for a crashfreexperience

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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for me at least, the loading times in DAO were completely insane, often as long as 4-5 minutes. After a patch they were much much improved, but in the first week or so the load times were stupid. If I have to deal with that again I shall be unhappy

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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"But maybe you can't handle the truth?"


I cannot not handle the truth... I *am* the truth. Trust me on that.


The whining about DA2 is irrelevant for so many reason it's not even funny. The loudest (that includes me at times) think they speak for the majority when they so clearly do not.


P.S. Anyone who thinks DA2 graphics are wrose than DA1's graphics are simply wrong. They are equal. Period.


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for me at least, the loading times in DAO were completely insane, often as long as 4-5 minutes. After a patch they were much much improved, but in the first week or so the load times were stupid. If I have to deal with that again I shall be unhappy


I've haven't had any long loading times, but I'm only a few hours in.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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"Or maybe you just realize that despite your personal enjoyment of the game (or lack of it) there are various other criteria you can judge the game by."


Or maybe he's a piece of crap who can't stand by his own opinion and lets other do his deciding. If I feel a game is worth a 1 (or a 10) that's the score I'm gonna give it, I'm not gonna tow the line for other punkbutts who can't handle differing opinions.

Then you are not doing your job as a reviewer.

Opinion on overall experience should be an important tilt to the final score but if you cannot see (and thus judge) anything beyond what is of interest to you then your opinion has meaning only for a small group of similarly inclined people.

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Then you are not doing your job as a reviewer. Opinion on overall experience should be an important tilt to the final score but if you cannot see (and thus judge) anything beyond what is of interest to you then your opinion has meaning only for a small group of similarly inclined people.


Not going too O/T but, seriously, does anybody here actually take any notice of reviews?


As long as the review is well-written, cogent and amusing I don't really care if it's fanboi central or a complete hatchet job. I'll play the demo and make my own mind up.


Edit: The only exception to this rule is, ironically, peer-generated reviews on forums like this - I've got a good idea of what the author likes and dislikes, it's like a recommendation from a friend.

Edited by Monte Carlo


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"Opinion on overall experience should be an important tilt to the final score but if you cannot see (and thus judge) anything beyond what is of interest to you then your opinion has meaning only for a small group of similarly inclined people."


That doesn't even make sense. 'opinion on overall experience'? What? No reviewer in the world shoudl base their opinion / reveiw absed on what others may think b/c no way can they possibly be sure what others are thinking. It's a logic miststep. It's cowardly and arrogant at the same time.


Play the game, form your own opinion then review the game based on your experience. Period.


What you are saying is that you pmp should play a game then review it based on what i volourn would think. That's ludicrous!


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I like reviews. A well written review can tell me a lot about whether or not I will like a game. This doesnt mean I blindly take the review as fact, but can consider the things the reviewer liked or disliked and balance that against my own tastes.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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No reviewer in the world shoudl base their opinion / reveiw absed on what others may think b/c no way can they possibly be sure what others are thinking.

Of course they can.

Graphic for instance are very easy to judge.

What importance I place on it's quality is irrelevant, I can still judge it on the resolution of textures, polygon count, amount of dynamic lighting etc.

If you communicate with other gamers at all you'll know what differences there are between your taste and general baseline.

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