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Dragon Age 2


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Ahh, maybe I see the mistake. You hear "dark" and think it's the end of the world. It's not really dark and it's definitely not that kind of dark. Lothering (where the game starts) is not the world.


He's a merchant prince in a fairly rich city.


Not exactly "the end of world"-dark, but bleak, gloomy, sense of hopelessness if you know what i mean. But anyhoo, the game fooled me at least.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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" full inventory control back "


I just don't why people keep spouting this. The only thing you can't equip for npcs is one or two things like Varric's crossbow. You can give them rings and the lie amongst other stuff... unless I'm missing something...


btw, I like Varric. He's way better than the stupid DA1 dwarf. I think he's the only dwarven non warrior/cleric BIO has ever used in any of their games as well. The thing is he's alos smarter than meets the eye hence why I could see the reason for BIo picking him as the comapnion to tell the narrative as well.



I don't think BIo really sued the word 'dark' to describe DA2 - at least not as much as they did for DA1. Which makes sense since DA1 was about a potential world ending event while DA2 is basically all about Hawke's rise as champion and one city's politics and future.


I've been spoiled about one event that is very dark, and twsited though if accurate.



Normal vs Hard Dififuclty. No doubt about it, there's a huge difference between the two. On normal you don't really have to worry about positioning. Just attack and use speciial abilities when able. With difficulty you have to be aware of the entire battle and not just your character. On normal, I could absically ignore my companions. Not to mention I need to use healing politices and other items on hard to stay alive at times.


Still, the waver after wave things is oevr used and friendly fire should have been an option though they would have had to balance the game for that.


Also, I'm surprised nobody's talked about the day/night cycle/maps for avrious areas. very nice touch. Not as awesome a full fledge night/day time passage cycle but still better than having none at all.


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You can give them rings and the lie amongst other stuff... unless I'm missing something..

as far as I know, there's a lot of stuff you can only give to the main character, which doesn't make any sense in my opinion. why would they restrict loot to Hawke?


also, is it true that you can switch between night and day whenever you want?

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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as far as I know, there's a lot of stuff you can only give to the main character, which doesn't make any sense in my opinion. why would they restrict loot to Hawke?

Only Hawke can change armor. The others stick with what they have, though they can be upgraded. Varric is an exception, he also won't change his weapon. The others will. Accessories, which include amulets, belts, and two ring slots, can be changed for everyone.


As to why they did it, maybe they wanted companions to keep their unique looks?



also, is it true that you can switch between night and day whenever you want?

Yes. They basically work like two different areas, rather than a cycle or anything.

Edited by MrBrown
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"as far as I know, there's a lot of stuff you can only give to the main character, which doesn't make any sense in my opinion. why would they restrict loot to Hawke?"


I'm sure there's Hawke only loot just like there's class only loot. But, you *can* equip your companions. I gave my sister a couple of rings and I think a staff or robe as well. As ane xmaple I've been sharing companions have favoriote equipment they won't let you repalce - ie. varric has his favored crossbow which he has named. It kinda makes sense that he won't surredner.


And, yes, when go on the world map to go to a new area you can pick night or day. It's not as seamless as a 'real' day/night cycle with time passing but it works. Certain quests/chaarcters only show up depending on time of day. ie. Lowtown 9where your uncles lives) are rather dangerous at night but reasonably quiet during the day.


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I thought warriors can't equip ranged weapons now. :sorcerer:


edit: also, anybody up for giving any examples of decent/good writing or quests? So far I've only seen okish or silly.

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"I thought warriors can't equip ranged weapons now. "


Huh? Where this come from? If it's about Varric, he's not a warrior.



Nom spoilers allowed here and I don't use spoiler tags.


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I thought warriors can't equip ranged weapons now. :(


That's a class-based restriction. Warriors: Two-handers, sword&shield. Rogues: Dual daggers, archery. Mages: fancy sticks.


Interestingly enough, Hawke's armor is not class-restricted. But it has differing stat requirements by class, so it might as well be. Weird.


EDIT: There are story-related instances where a companion will change their armor's appearance, but I'm not sure if this changes the stats.




PS. Companions (warrior and rogue ones) are restricted to one weapon type. So while you can change Aveline's sword and shield, she'll never equip two-handers. They obviously also lack the tree that gives abilities for the other weapon type. Mage companions, on the other hand, lack one spell tree.


All companions have one specialization tree, that's unique for them (but all somewhat similar to other specializations in DA:O or DA2), and which cannot be picked by Hawke. Hawke has 3 specialization trees, of which s/he can access one at level 7 and a second at level 14.


In short: Hawke, 6 base trees, 3 specialization trees per class. Companions: 6 trees, 5 from base class trees, one unique.


Oh, and you don't have to find specializations in the world, just get to the required level.


(well, that was a long addendum.)

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Most of the sidequests I've encountered are the go there, kill this variety, though the motives and setup are different.


I guess the most interesting one I've run into so far is when you're party gets sent into the Fade and

various party members are tempted by demons to betray Hawke. I don't know if the friendship rivalry meter plays a huge part in this as most of my party was neutral, but I was betrayed by two party members. I was forced to fight them and later on outside the fade you are given the opportunity to talk to them.

I thought this was a interesting little quest and something you can skip over entirely (I think) if you're so inclined.


There is also a serial murder mystery that has started to unravel. I think I know who the culprit might be, but I don't think the game will tell me until later acts.

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Dragon Age 2 is what happends when you have to cut all the corners to make sure you ship.


It shouldn't really be called Dragon Age 2, it's not even cut from the same cloth, its merely cut from a cloth that looks a bit like it.


From what I've played so far I wouldn't say its a bad game, I would say that Mike Laidlaw and co. Should get a win/fail stamp, they win because they shipped a product in a crazy short timeframe, but they fail because they agree'd to it in some manner... It's really sad.


Well the new age of console lead Action/RPG has truly dawned, its been coming for a while, but DA:O was without a doubt, an end of a bioware era. I don't think we'll see such a game from bioware again, as they move along a more... Interactive, opposed to, strategic future.

Edited by Nightshape

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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edit: also, anybody up for giving any examples of decent/good writing or quests? So far I've only seen okish or silly.


Isn't that kinda contradictory? If you know about the good stuff before hand, then you won't enjoy finding them out in the game. Plus they're not nearly as good written down.


In any case, a few examples.


1: Qunari philosophy. I rather like the stuff. If you hated everything Sten said in DA:O, you probably won't like them this time around either, though. :(


2: A more specific example, the one I've liked the most so far. I'd advise against reading, but you asked for it. :p



One of your companions, Fenris, is a former slave, escaped from his mage master. Fenris' skin is burned with magical tattoos, that make him better at fighting against mages, so he was a prized possession of his master. The process that did it wiped his memory though. He got freed by accident, and after coming to terms with his freedom after several months, he became to hate slavery, the Tevinter mages that practice it, and what they did to him. After that, he has been on the run from his former master, who has been trying to get him back.


During one of the quests with him, he finds out he had a sister, from the time before he lost his memory. Fearing it might be a trap, he still contacts her, and she comes to meet her. It turns out to be a trap after all, and his former master is there with her. After killing the mage, Fenris confronts his sister about the apparent betrayal, and she tells him he actually wanted to become what he is, competed for it, won it and brought her and their mother's freedom with it. But that she still thinks he got the better deal than they did.



Obviously, this might play a bit differently depending on what you choose.

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"Dragon Age 2 is what happends when you have to cut all the corners to make sure you ship.


It shouldn't really be called Dragon Age 2, it's not even cut from the same cloth, its merely cut from a cloth that looks a bit like it."


Totally disagree. like it or not, good or bad, DA2 is very much the sequel to DA1. It smells, it craps, it sounds, it sings, it plays just like DA1.


Some things are better, some things are worse, some things are different, some things are the same, but it is DA2 in all the ways that matter.


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That's a class-based restriction. Warriors: Two-handers, sword&shield. Rogues: Dual daggers, archery. Mages: fancy sticks.


Interestingly enough, Hawke's armor is not class-restricted. But it has differing stat requirements by class, so it might as well be. Weird.


Exactly. For me DAO had pretty boring writing, it was all about the party combat, loot, level up, etc. I enjoyed 'powergaming' on Nightmare. If loot / customisation is so restricted that most companions have their own gear and weapon types are restricted except for amulets/rings, that takes down that kind of gameplay a notch. I have no idea what was wrong with being able to make Leliana different kind of thieves - why restrict that?


On the 'good bits' you've got a point, though Azure's example sounds interesting. I guess I'm pretty sure now I won't waste my money on DA2, not while it's at full price anyway... but I think I still want to convince myself it'll be fun. :(

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You guys write too much stuff. Dragon Age 2 continued here



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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