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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced


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I seem to recall at some point that they did say Radiant AI was too crazy and pretty much creating scrapheaps of entire towns. I'm not sure whether it was never going to work the way they hyped it, whether it did but then they toned it down too much, or whatever, but "Radiant AI" as we saw it was, well, normal AI you see in most open world games.

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Nothing like good mudcrab talk!


Or NPCS coughing up wads of phlegm.


That's cutting edge AI, all right.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Good looking human faces?



"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Good looking human faces?




:lol: :lol:


The simple fact is that Oblivion had bugger all story, goblins which secretly leveled up along side the player in some mad training montage system (which I'd have liked to at least see), and an ending so banal I can't even remember what it was. I think I killed a dragon, or perhaps a man with a dragon on his head. The reasons for doing this had something to do with the hellgates in Buffy. I am also completely unable to remember anything AT ALL about a single character besides there was a king who was voiced by Patrick Stuart ...very briefly.


So I'm not looking forward to it, and I'm not buying the ****ing thing until it is either on a 50% sale or I get a written apology from Bethesda.

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I remember being excited about Oblivion, and even buying a new video card to make sure I could run it ok. Then I played Oblivion for a short while (several hours?) and .... never picked it up again. I think I did try it once more several months ago, but had the same result.


It's funny since I do like sandboxy games and did like Morrowind ok but I guess MW was enough of that...I've learned that individual chr. stories are what motivates me to act, not the 'save the world' A to B main plot, and Beth typically doesn't give me that.


I hope the new engine and the FO experiences will have Beth making a game that I'll enjoy more/fits my current tastes...would enjoy more RPG's that I'd love playing. I'll be keeping an eye on Skyrim....but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I saw a very good Let's Play Oblivion and if before watching it I had some doubts, after having seen the last clip I knew I'd never play Oblivion myself. I have no idea why people loved this game. I can understand why modders have been buying it. but the xbox version... why? the only redeeming point is the Shivering Isles.

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I'd like to point out that it's only because of Bethesda letting Obs make New Vegas that I'm even considering buying anything from this franchise.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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it's kinda funny, though, how the dialogue system which everyone hated made it's way into almost every new game over time. ME, AP, now DA2 and every other game after that, all use it. makes me want to cry :p

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Some might consider it shameful but Oblivion was my first RPG, outside LoTR I was pretty adverse to the whole wizards and warriors shtick but I'd always loved games that allowed you some freedom to roam, for what ever reason the Elder Scrolls world sucked me in and I was sold, fair enough I quickly found out the game was broken but Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul managed to remove most of the derp factor from the mechanics and gave me a game I played for years.


Since then I've chewed through most of the classic RPGs and become a bit more worldly, I'll be holding Bethesda to a higher standard with Skyrim but I'm fairly confident the world will be solid, it's the writing I'm more concerned about.


On a side note I thought Shivering Isles was bloody brilliant, every dungeon was worth seeing. :p

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it's kinda funny, though, how the dialogue system which everyone hated made it's way into almost every new game over time. ME, AP, now DA2 and every other game after that, all use it. makes me want to cry :p



What? Oblivion just had these simple lines for the PC where you just said "sword!!!" or "John Smith!!!" like some kind of vocabularily handicapped retard. Nothing like the dialogue wheel of BioWare. or do you mean a dialogue system that doesnt give away your exact reply word-by-word, instead giving shortened options like "havent seen it."

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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it's kinda funny, though, how the dialogue system which everyone hated made it's way into almost every new game over time. ME, AP, now DA2 and every other game after that, all use it. makes me want to cry :p



What? Oblivion just had these simple lines for the PC where you just said "sword!!!" or "John Smith!!!" like some kind of vocabularily handicapped retard. Nothing like the dialogue wheel of BioWare. or do you mean a dialogue system that doesnt give away your exact reply word-by-word, instead giving shortened options like "havent seen it."


I'd guess the latter option, though Bioware haven't quite stripped it down to single words yet.


*edit* I hadn't actually thought about whether Bethesda are going the "Wikipedia" route with Skyrim's dialog, I can't decide what I'd prefer after becoming used to it.

Edited by WDeranged
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The Oblivion way is terrible because its strips your PC completely of his/her personality. You're basicly playing a mute potato with a sword. The morrowikipedia dialogue way is even more horrible because it ruins the NPC's aswell.



The BioWare way lets you roleplay and get a feel for your PC's identity, while not forcing you to sit through your own dialogue twice; when you read it in the options and when your character says it. It's much more fun when you can chose a reply knowing what your PC is going to say but not exactly how its phrased and worded.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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do you mean a dialogue system that doesnt give away your exact reply word-by-word, instead giving shortened options like "havent seen it."

yeah, it operates on the same principle. you pick a key word(s) and get an elaborate answer. only in The Elder Scrolls series your character doesn't talk. but that's going to change I'm sure


in what way does the bioware way let me roleplay? ME2 can hardly be called a role-playing game.

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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in what way does the bioware way let me roleplay? ME2 can hardly be called a role-playing game.



Same way as every other CRPG, by providing multiple options in dialogues and multiple ways to solve missions. Granted, it's usually just two alternatives that at times give the exact same result. But compared to Oblivion, your PC is a real person that talks and acts instead of just being a blank slate that never talks and isnt even shown during dialogues.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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your PC is a real person that talks and acts instead of just being a blank slate that never talks and isnt even shown during dialogues.

that's because Bethesda expects you to speak for him :p


only the imaginative amputees can find mass effect 2 and oblivion completely different in this regard. I don't know whether you get to make any choices in Oblivion or not, but that's irrelevant, I don't think Oblivion is an RPG anyway, it's more of a fantasy simulator. ME2 is definitely a better game. but that's not saying much

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I'm not sure if FO3 is much of an RPG, but I can't remember any of it.

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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it's kinda funny, though, how the dialogue system which everyone hated made it's way into almost every new game over time. ME, AP, now DA2 and every other game after that, all use it. makes me want to cry :(



Eh, I didn't mind the dialogue of Mass Effect, and I loved Alpha Protocol's dialogue.

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I just find it weird that Western RPGs tend to be turning into 90s era Japanese RPGs. Defined characters, minimal choice, lots of cutscenes. But hey, at least the hair isn't spikey!


I can't really complain, I liked 90s Japanese RPGs.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I can't really complain, I liked 90s Japanese RPGs.


*Quietly notes his name and IP for later processing*

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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