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Mass Effect 2


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I find it to be even worse than planet exploration in ME1.


Same. It does not go well with my OCD. At least I got to drive a moon buggy before.


Especially since it seems like XBox users can download from in-game?


There's no other way to do it. Live offers downloads for free or for a price, it can't determine who is/isn't a registered owner of ME/ME:CE. While you start the download from the menu, it just gets added to the 360 download queue and I believe you need to quit and restart for the game to see the file.


Anyway, I ran into a bug in a particular battle, where instead of taking cover I was teleported on top of the object and while I could move I couldn't get off of it. Thankfully once everyone in that wave was dead a cutscene placed me back on the ground, otherwise I would have cried like a little girl because I hadn't saved for ages.


Oh, and does the game keep track of how much you drink and does it lead to anything? I've run into a few bartenders and the only interaction with them is to drink or leave.

Edited by Hell Kitty
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Apparently, I didnt get any pre-order code thingie so no armour and stuff for me :-

Shall I taunt you with screenshots on what you're missing to cheer you up, Sir Kaft?



Please do, Sir Jags. I did get a Cerberus card so Im not missing anything vital, but its still annoying when the store (www.spelbutiken.se) fudges it up and robs you off stuff.





Need help guys.


I'm trying to romance Dr. Chakwas. I've bought her favorite brandy, we cracked it open, but...how do I escalate from here?!? :aiee:

So you managed to get the broad drunk... and you're asking for advice on what to do next?!


You're losing your touch, jags. Didn't think I'd see the day.

It's not my fault! She passed out right on the bed in medbay...so I thought I'd do the only honorable thing: Give her a medical examination!

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You should check her temperature, to make sure she doesnt have a fever. Rectal of course, you want an accurate reading :aiee:




and that armour is hideous... and a bit blasphemous since it mixes gay fantasy with sweet space.

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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"keep in mind that your party AI = Deekin from NWN. So you'll have to end up micromanaging their powers anyway..."


Huh? They use their powers all the time. In fact, they can pratically win most fights by themselves with me hiding in a corner. L0L


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Apparently, I didnt get any pre-order code thingie so no armour and stuff for me :-


My shiny CE edition just arrived in the post.. and yeah, the store fudged and didn't provide the pre-order code for the Inferno Armor..

Ah well. Just in the process of downloading the Zaeed , Normandy Crash Site, Collector's Armor, and Blood Dragon Armor.. so I guess I can't really complain :aiee:


But it's still that little annoyance factor that someone screwed up.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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You should check her temperature, to make sure she doesnt have a fever. Rectal of course, you want an accurate reading :-




and that armour is hideous... and a bit blasphemous since it mixes gay fantasy with sweet space.

Quite right. I better give her a breast examination as well. Wth all this element zero radiation a woman really ought to avoid unnecessary exposure to undergarments. What, with the chafing and all.


Oh, and that's not hideous.





Now THIS is hideous...but with sweet stats. I had to wear it Sir Kaft. It was a moment of weakness. :(


"keep in mind that your party AI = Deekin from NWN. So you'll have to end up micromanaging their powers anyway..."


Huh? They use their powers all the time. In fact, they can pratically win most fights by themselves with me hiding in a corner. L0L

You're right, they do use their powers judicially, and I admit they're practically carrying me at the moment (my char is very squishy). I just wish they would use the right powers for the right job. What's this? A giant mech right on top of my little hiding spot?! Can someone give me a little Overload here? :aiee:

Edited by jaguars4ever
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Those armors are truly hideous, it's a miracle Shepard doesn't get shot on sight in any of the civilized areas.

And to add insult to injury, I hear it's impossible to remove the helmets. :lol:

Yes...but drinking with the helmets on seems to be less problematic.

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I only got to play for a couple hours last night, after the first night's efforts got me up to the point where you get your ship. So I went off to

Omega, as recommended, recruited the DLC character (who seems like a fun guy), did Mordin's quest and got him onboard. I was about to embark on the hunt for "Archangel" when I went off to bed last night.



My imported character was 80/20 Paragon, but I've been doing pretty close to the reverse so far in the sequel. The Renegade responses just feel more credible and less "being an jerk for no reason" than they did in ME1. And, really, dying, being resurrected by one of your worst enemies, and being compelled to work for them would make anybody cranky.

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I take it back.


I started up a new solider game just to prove all you soldier-lovers wrong...but it turns out a level 2 solider kicks more ass than my level 8 vanguard. On paper the other classes LOOK better, but solider has surprisingly durable survivability and killability. It's probably got something to do with the fact that soldier's powers offer high buck for your buck at the get go (ammo powers available at start, bullet time doesn't need to be pumped to become usable), whereas biotics etc. only becomes uber at higher levels. I still reckon they'll overtake solider at higher levels, but if ammo isn't an issue, then soldier offers quality DPS and tanking.

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Alright, having blasted through the first hour or two I have to say the game looks like its everything I expected it to be, and my expectations were high. The story seems quite interesting, the combat is polished up and is much faster and smoother(it was quite clunky in ME1) and the general mood of the setting is fantastic. I just wandered around Omega for ages just looking at stuff and enjoying the scenery.





My Shep is hawter than yous. And for some reason BioWare has disabled the screenshot function in ME2 so you have to use Fraps. There is a screenshot folder and everything, they've just disabled it in the code.

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Well you see, Lord Owlbatten. Having travelled extensively throughout egypt and east africa,

I have come to amalgate some of their exotic estheticisms and thus I do find that a certain

extravagance pertaining to the extranasular orifices is quite acceptable.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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"Don't make that assumption about Jack before you find out more about her past..."


I know enough to know that she is one of the most emoist characters ever. She should just cut herself, and get it over with. I should have allowed her to die in that prison (if you are able to). Miranda may be a biatch but at least she iemo. Plus, she's super hot so that takes the sting off.


This has nothing to do with being emo. You said she had never been in a relationship

you are wrong


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Anyone else having issues with load times? :)

They are long. Especially when I'm just changing floors in the ship.


Apart from that, I am impressed by how well and smoothly the game runs on my 3-year-old PC. Everything looks good and runs solid at my monitor's native resolution (1440X900), despite the fact that I'm near/at the bottom of the recommended specs.

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How much RAM are you running with, slow load-timers?


Video and system RAM both.

Yeah, I know that's my issue (2 gigs system, video card is the 320MB version of the 8800GTS). I've been putting off an upgrade because I'm still on a 32-bit OS, so I want to pair it with a new OS install, which means that I'll want to do a HD wipe, too, which is just enough of a chore to make me continually put it on the "maybe next month" list.

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