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Dragon Age Tactics

Monte Carlo

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Two questions:


1) How is Overwhelm resisted? Do I need 100% physical resistance or something?

Stun the bastard or healspam.


You messed up there bud. :(

I'd prefer to prevent that crap completely. I can understand Morrigan getting pwned by a spider (lulz), but not my sword&board in dragonbone armour. It hurts my feelings.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Doesn't work on Revenants; but even if you can't shatter them, some red and almost every yellow mobs can be petrified, which isn't a bad thing.


Also, Grandmaster/Master stun runes on dual swords = WIN. Even bosses feel it.

Edited by Oner
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Did 25% over his max hp as well (first time I tried it, I did like 1900something and that was around 90% to 95% of his hp)


2658 damage - He has around 2k - one shot him. Debuff - then Mana Clash. This is before he cast any spell, so I'm guessing that is how big his mana pool is, on normal, at level 18.


Casting Character - Nerhesi - Level 18, 128 spell power. I'm sure it'll be updated on my Character profile soon.

Edited by Oner
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Did 25% over his max hp as well (first time I tried it, I did like 1900something and that was around 90% to 95% of his hp)


2658 damage - He has around 2k - one shot him. Debuff - then Mana Clash. This is before he cast any spell, so I'm guessing that is how big his mana pool is, on normal, at level 18.


Casting Character - Nerhesi - Level 18, 128 spell power. I'm sure it'll be updated on my Character profile soon.

I have to laugh at the population over there that howls "OMG go back to WOW" at any poster who points out any of the game balance issues that DAO has.

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At the same time, I don't know if much work will be done to "rebalance" the classes because it is a single player game. People have made very powerful builds for all three classes, so with bigger fish to fry for post-release issues, I imagine it's pretty low on the priority list.

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"I'm still trying to get over the idea of being Overwhelmed by a frigging spider. What are they trying to do, weave a cocoon?"


He jumps on your face, and eats it.


The crying about mages being overpowered is ridiculous. Seriosuly, how can anyone claim that and then point out D&D mages as an example of 'non overpowered' mages. LMAO


I think it's funny that that people claim DA mages are overpowered yet there are people going through the game with an all rogue party. *shrug* Not to mention all the whining about rogues using scattershot and how 'overpwoered' that is.


The classes don't need to be rebalanced though as I said before, I wouldn't shed a tear if they just combined warriors and rogues into one class.


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I'm having a much better time on Hard with my second playthrough, the dwarf rogue. I've done Origins, Lothering, Shale stuff and now at Circle Tower, and I haven't had a single party wipe, just the occasional character drop. The mods letting me choose the companions' abilities is great, it lets me optimise things and also try new stuff. I gave Wynne some healing spells but also Mana Clash, and it's basically taking all the

blood mages

in the tower out of the fight. I also managed to take down a Revenant at level 7 with only half the party dropping dead. I'm getting used to it now, next playthrough should be Nightmare or perhaps Normal/Hard solo.


And screw whatever was said about rogues being gimped, with the dexterity hotfix they are grand as pie. Momentum is really a wonderful thing, and once I can get some of the duelist/assassin specialist skills..

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Though isn't the dexterity hotfix going to make them weaker by the end?


You'll get your .5 point of damage for every dex point now (for +18 damage at 36 dexterity), but you'll now only get .5 point per cunning as well (instead of 1).



In other words, if you're at 36 dexterity and 36 cunning with Lethality, you're going to get +36 damage with either solution.

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Has anyone had any bugginess with the respec potion mod? I used it on Morrigan (for the second time) while Shale was in the party, and all of his rock abilities became unusable. They were still on his hotbar and in his spellbook, but he was unable to use any of them. I had to reload a save to fix it. Pretty weird!

Matthew Rorie

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I haven't had an opportunity to try any of the mods. Perhaps it's something to do with Shale being a DLC character?


Mayhap. But I used it before and he seemed fine. I'll have to try it again.


I need to respec Morrigan again because the fire spells seem pretty pointless. They do good damage against clusters of archers, sure, but then they all blow right past Shale (tank) and kill her.


I think the Waking Nightmare spell, or whatever it's called, that causes everyone in an area to go berserk and attack each other, is probably the best.

Matthew Rorie

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I haven't had an opportunity to try any of the mods. Perhaps it's something to do with Shale being a DLC character?


Mayhap. But I used it before and he seemed fine. I'll have to try it again.


I need to respec Morrigan again because the fire spells seem pretty pointless. They do good damage against clusters of archers, sure, but then they all blow right past Shale (tank) and kill her.


I think the Waking Nightmare spell, or whatever it's called, that causes everyone in an area to go berserk and attack each other, is probably the best.

I'm getting some pretty good use out of the fire spells actually. Have Shale run into the middle of a group, use the defense mode that draws enemies then throw down a taunt. Everything will come after Shale. Toss a force field on Shale then drop an Inferno on the area and generally everything dies before the force field runs out.


The tank with force field works best on the higher level enemies. On lower level enemies you can use earthquake to keep them in the affected area instead.

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I've been experimenting with the summon undead spell quite a lot. It's useful as in the skeleton you summon has a few skills linked to what it was prior to it's death.


For me, the most useful have been archers - specifically crossbowmen, who make extremely useful 5th party members (they level up to only a couple of levels below your mage - at mid-high levels this is very useful) for a small mana tradeoff. My undead archer is a great mage disrupter and trigger-man for my virulent walking bomb trick (oh how I love it when that rank of pesky archers, already injured by other AoE spells, blow up in a shower of gore when I trigger one of those).


Then I wander over and trigger my healing / mana spells that work off of dead people and voila! back in the game for more fighting if it's one of those scenarios where your party can't go into 'rest' mode because there are enemies nearby.


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Letting Wynne cast Heroic Aura renders archers completely harmless. Then an Inferno and it's bye bye, archers. Why bother being subtle when the game tries to majorly screw you over in practically every random encounter, anyway.


Since archers stay put, the Force Explosion combo works well too.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Heroic Aura seemed useless to me.


On another note, is mouse control **** only on my computer? Click on a portrait and the game selects the one below it, or doesn't register the click at all.

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On another note, is mouse control **** only on my computer? Click on a portrait and the game selects the one below it, or doesn't register the click at all.

I had a similar issue for a little while on the party selection screen. To select a character, you needed to click about 3 screen-inches above it. But it hasn't recurred since.

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Did 25% over his max hp as well (first time I tried it, I did like 1900something and that was around 90% to 95% of his hp)


2658 damage - He has around 2k - one shot him. Debuff - then Mana Clash. This is before he cast any spell, so I'm guessing that is how big his mana pool is, on normal, at level 18.


Casting Character - Nerhesi - Level 18, 128 spell power. I'm sure it'll be updated on my Character profile soon.

I have to laugh at the population over there that howls "OMG go back to WOW" at any poster who points out any of the game balance issues that DAO has.


I agree, can't people admit an issue may exist when number and build of mages has more effect on challenge than the difficulty slider. Player options don't need balancing in a single player game? The sentiment is that the balance is not important without PVP and that sounds more like the wowers arguement than general players...


Rogue and warrior have some effective builds but the rogue/warrior distinction is kind of nonsensical, in DA it seems like the lionshare of the eggs are in one basket...


I wouldn't even call it a big deal, its just baffling to me they created their own IP with creative freedom and this is what they came up with for player options and class and skill balance. They stuck to D&D type mage overlords.

All deception is self deception all hypnosis is auto-hypnosis

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