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Dragon Age Tactics

Monte Carlo

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The only time I tried to be 'clever' with my rogue by setting traps in an area, I got hit by an ambush trigger... several dragonlings suddenly surrounded my party.


That was also the last time I used Zevran in the game. :lol:


I can see the appeal of rogues, though. Zapping in & out of stealth during combat, then backstabbing mooks into oblivion. Pretty hilarious.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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^ Because they are so fragile, you have to plan which appeals to me. I like wading in as a DPS tank, but I also like sneaking about.


I'm looking forward to tier 4 stealth, I think it might be fun. Where rogues struggle is in proper mob combat, but I'm already at the point (level 4) where two or three hurlocks are no problem at all. And, because I understand the game a bit better now, I entered the tower with 20+ health poultices.


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^With so much combat and so much dungeon crawling in the game, I simply wouldn't have the patience for playing a rogue.


Already as a warrior I got tired of the endless combat halfway through the Deep Roads... the (mostly trivial) battles near the end of the game were one long chore for me.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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"If you play them wrong, of course they're useless."


I agree. If you play rogues wrong, of course, they are useless.




"Your rogues are fine defense boils down to saying L2rogue over and over, now your mages are fine defense is starting to revolve around playing like a spaz. Just admit the class balance is borked and leave it at that."


What does your quote have to do with rogues? Why don't you admit that the balance isn't broken? If it was broken everyone would be forced to play with the same exact party. The balance is fine.


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Er, re-specced Morrigan just before she hit the modest level 8, pumped magic to 35 and took the full fire magic route.




It's sick. No wonder people are finishing the game with 1 x mage & 1 x rogue! And it's not as if I've made the game 'easier' as I only ever have one spellcaster in my party (it would be too easy with two) and that could have been a built-from-scratch PC mage.





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OK, how do we feel about the following?


*** DW Warrior (builds used / what worked / progression)


*** 2H Warrior builds (ditto) - I found them so sloooow


*** Archer Warrior build - possibly the most contentious given the melee heavy nature of this game - is there any point, at all, in having a warrior go down the archer route and what party would best support him?


*** Jack-of-all-trades warrior build - has anyone experimented with a warrior who has taken melee and ranged skill trees? What worked, and was the character slightly gimped?





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I'm finding Wynne's Paralyze to be the handiest spell so far, especially on big-ticket mobs. Those wild sylvans were kicking my butt until I pulled out Paralyze. Then it was a simple "cast spell, beat with sword, watch shatter". Two second mop up on sylvans! The only beast to resist so far was an Ogre, who took umbrage at the attempt, ran over to Wynne and killed her with a single blow. :)


I love Paralyze and Crushing Prison.

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I'm finding Wynne's Paralyze to be the handiest spell so far, especially on big-ticket mobs. Those wild sylvans were kicking my butt until I pulled out Paralyze. Then it was a simple "cast spell, beat with sword, watch shatter". Two second mop up on sylvans! The only beast to resist so far was an Ogre, who took umbrage at the attempt, ran over to Wynne and killed her with a single blow. :)


I love Paralyze and Crushing Prison.

Paralyzed enemies don't shatter. Are you sure you're not thinking of Petrify rather than Paralyze?

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I'm finding Wynne's Paralyze to be the handiest spell so far, especially on big-ticket mobs. Those wild sylvans were kicking my butt until I pulled out Paralyze. Then it was a simple "cast spell, beat with sword, watch shatter". Two second mop up on sylvans! The only beast to resist so far was an Ogre, who took umbrage at the attempt, ran over to Wynne and killed her with a single blow. :lol:


I love Paralyze and Crushing Prison.

Paralyzed enemies don't shatter. Are you sure you're not thinking of Petrify rather than Paralyze?


You're right! It's Petrify, not Paralyze. I am an idiot. :)

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Hmmm, I think the final shapeshifting power turns you into a swarm of crazy insects doesn't it?


Am unhappy that you have to have a point in shields as human noble.



Ah yes you're right! I was confusing it with the 4th level Ranger ability.

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i was using cone of cold plus stonefist and prison on the sylvans. big trees go shatter shatter.


good stuff.


my new game will be:


me as an evilish arcane warrior/bloodmage with high magic will and con

morrigan as spirit healer blood mage

shale as tank

and leliana as dual wield assassin/something (even after seeing how stupid locked chests are, I cannot play a game where i leave them unopened...)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Isn't blood mage unlocked by

sexing up a Desire demon in Redcliffe?



*** DW Warrior (builds used / what worked / progression)

I recently made a City Elf DW warrior... I guess maxing out all three DW lines, buffing dexterity as high as possible and strength/constitution to reasonable levels is the way to go.


Wearing light/medium armour should be enough since Shale is so good at tanking anyway.


I'm finding Wynne's Paralyze to be the handiest spell so far, especially on big-ticket mobs. Those wild sylvans were kicking my butt until I pulled out Paralyze. Then it was a simple "cast spell, beat with sword, watch shatter". Two second mop up on sylvans! The only beast to resist so far was an Ogre, who took umbrage at the attempt, ran over to Wynne and killed her with a single blow. :unsure:

Cone of Cold should still own Ogres. I've only seen Ogre Alphas resist it on occasion.


Heh, Cone of Cold just owns everything after a Vulnerability Hex, even dragons. I recently neutralized that insidious pack of 20 wolves outside Lothering that jumps at the party with one well-aimed Cone... on my first playthrough as a warrior things weren't so comfortable.

Edited by Tigranes

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I am weak :lol:


I had to find some tactics hints to beat that multi boobied, tentacled monstrosity. Ranged combat for the win :)


Maybe I should have given Wynne some offensive aoe spells...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Funnily enough, I found Ms. Mass Boobie one of the easiest if not easier major boss battle in the game. Others, on the other hand, give me shudders - like the one right after that. <>


I just meleed her and ignored the underlings. I think she's the only boss battle that i beat on the first try with nobody falling at all.


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Force Field worked well against the Tleilaxu female... gave the party plenty of time to destroy the tentacles with Cone of Cold, etc.


It was just the most disgusting boss ever... the animation when she picked up one of my tanks still gives me nightmares.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Hmmm, I think the final shapeshifting power turns you into a swarm of crazy insects doesn't it?


Am unhappy that you have to have a point in shields as human noble.



Ah yes you're right! I was confusing it with the 4th level Ranger ability.


No you were right, the final ability changes your previous forms into stronger variants, (spider becomes corrupted spider)and both gain the overwhelm ability. The insect form is the third power.

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