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New Mass Effect 2 Character


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am gonna admit we didn't read the thread. saw a couple posts and the title. resulted in Gromnir confusion.


me2 characters suck.


me2 characters is great.


me2 characters is... meh.




am missing something. has me2 been released and we not heard? you base good v. bad on what? how on earth you judge good v. bad w/o playing? 'course Gromnir is getting the feeling that many of you not need to play game to make up mind 'bout characters in Any game. appearnce and character concept is more important than how character is developed.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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lol lol lol


And to think all this time I thought Patrick was the one who wrote that. Sorry Patrick.


I guess now Maria really doesn't have a leg to stand on.


SZ is apparently the Ashley of ME2. They need to do more of those "sacrifice someone" scenes so I can get rid of all the annoying people.

Edited by Purkake
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I haven't seen anything that bad from Bethesda, of course I only played Oblivion so I don't know about other games.


Which should have been all you need to see the subpar writing.





As for Patrick Weekes comment, his "loathing" of the character isn't that he hates the character's design. He actually likes it. It'd hardly be the first time that a character was written that the person hated the character.

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am gonna admit we didn't read the thread. saw a couple posts and the title. resulted in Gromnir confusion.


me2 characters suck.


me2 characters is great.


me2 characters is... meh.




am missing something. has me2 been released and we not heard? you base good v. bad on what? how on earth you judge good v. bad w/o playing? 'course Gromnir is getting the feeling that many of you not need to play game to make up mind 'bout characters in Any game. appearnce and character concept is more important than how character is developed.


HA! Good Fun!


I'm also finding any character analysis based on the ~1 minute clip somewhat absurd. This forum has it's dose of FanDumb as well, mostly demonstrated via geek elitism propped by Bioware-bashing ("they are popular, they sold out, they make simplified plots for simple minds"). :facepalm:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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lol lol lol


And to think all this time I thought Patrick was the one who wrote that. Sorry Patrick.


I guess now Maria really doesn't have a leg to stand on.


SZ is apparently the Ashley of ME2. They need to do more of those "sacrifice someone" scenes so I can get rid of all the annoying people.


From Patrick Weekes on the BioBoard:


Quote: Posted 09/27/09 17:27 (GMT) by Mox Ruuga


Quote: Posted 09/27/09 17:17 (GMT) by armass


I read that blog and he called Ashley a space Hitler?





Yeah... A writer from Bioware calling Ash a "space Hitler"? And openly expressing loathing for the brand new character they've just revealed?


I call BS. A made up quote from some meaningless little turd burp web site.



Actually, no, they're quoting me. I said that elsewhere, and I said something close to it here.


I really dislike Subject Zero... and I think that that's a strong point of our game. We're not playing it safe with our characters. Subject Zero is a character some people will hate, and others will love. That's why we've got more than 6 of 'em this time -- we're taking more chances and writing characters that aren't as comfortable.


I don't dislike her because she's poorly written -- I dislike her because she's a well-written version of a character type that I hate.


And again, lest this be taken out of context, I think that that's a good sign for the game. Our goal is to provoke strong feelings with our characters. We want you to love some and hate others. Some folks will love Subject Zero and hate Thane. Others will hate Subject Zero and love Thane, and still others will be okay with both and will love and/or hate people who haven't even been announced yet.


As for the Space Hitler comment, I don't actually think of Ash that way -- there's a subset of players who never go into Ash's dialog, and they just go "Ew, she hates aliens, she's a racist, she's Space Hitler." I was referring to the meme of calling her that, not saying that I felt that way myself.


Make sense?

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Why would anyone add a character engineered to be super annoying to their team, I do not know. Maybe she's the special "masochist option"?



A character doesn't need to be annoying for someone to dislike that character. A character that you hate can still be a well written character.



I'd wager that Patrick Weekes actually likes writing of the character and how she's added and portrayed to the game, because of the reasons why he dislikes the character in the context of the game.

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...of course I only played Oblivion so I don't know about other games.


And you say you "haven't seen anything that bad..." :shifty:



Patrick said he loathes the character and will never take her into his party. Of course he can't very well say that a fellow writer sucks.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Why would anyone add a character engineered to be super annoying to their team, I do not know. Maybe she's the special "masochist option"?



A character doesn't need to be annoying for someone to dislike that character. A character that you hate can still be a well written character.



I'd wager that Patrick Weekes actually likes writing of the character and how she's added and portrayed to the game, because of the reasons why he dislikes the character in the context of the game.


I didn't say she was badly written. A well written annoying character is just as annoying as a badly written one, if not more. Why make characters deliberately annoying and then force you to at least keep her on your ship?


I can already imagine the dialogue options when meeting her:


-"I'm coming with you"

1. Sure, as you can tell from my companions, I love crazy people.

2. Whatever, the ship's over there.

3. Even though you are obviously sociopathic and will betray me at the first opportunity, why not?

Edited by Purkake
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I'm also finding any character analysis based on the ~1 minute clip somewhat absurd. This forum has it's dose of FanDumb as well, mostly demonstrated via geek elitism propped by Bioware-bashing ("they are popular, they sold out, they make simplified plots for simple minds"). :shifty:
Not really. The trailer is there to demonstrate the character( among other aspects it)'s personality. If the finalized character isn't saying bitch after every second sentence and acting all macho to prove what a hardcore bad-mad mofo she is, then they shouldn't stuff the trailer with it. And if they do and the char isn't like that, then mr marketing person has ****ed up royally.
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Wait a tick, I have misread Patrick's comments.



Why make characters deliberately annoying and then force you to at least keep her on your ship?


Are they forcing you to at least keep her on the ship? I'd assume so given his statement. The forced party member mechanics is a bit odd I agree.



Patrick said he loathes the character and will never take her into his party. Of course he can't very well say that a fellow writer sucks.


If you'd prefer, they could make the game so that all the NPCs are ones that Patrick likes.




This is why fans are stupid. Companies get bashed for towing the party line, yet they use their words against them when they're being honest.


Of course, why someone is interested in the sequel to a game he hates is even more entertaining.

Edited by alanschu
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Wait a tick, I have misread Patrick's comments.



Why make characters deliberately annoying and then force you to at least keep her on your ship?


Are they forcing you to at least keep her on the ship? I'd assume so given his statement. The forced party member mechanics is a bit odd I agree.



Patrick said he loathes the character and will never take her into his party. Of course he can't very well say that a fellow writer sucks.


If you'd prefer, they could make the game so that all the NPCs are ones that Patrick likes.




This is why fans are stupid. Companies get bashed for towing the party line, yet they use their words against them when they're being honest.


Of course, why someone is interested in the sequel to a game he hates is even more entertaining.

So you edit your post before someone can catch you and then you call people stupid?


Edit: Heh http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/09/27...powerful-bitch/

Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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I'm also finding any character analysis based on the ~1 minute clip somewhat absurd.


I don't. First impression is very important for most of us, both in real life and (apparantly) in games. I try to keep open mind but sometimes when you first meet someone, you form idea of person based on very limited data. Even more odd is that it's often correct.


Different characters are obivously better for paragon or renegade runs. Personally I liked Ashley the most, as her "I'm not a racist, even when everyone can see I'm racist" was interesting trait. I expect Zero to be good character too, but more in same way as Korgan, the berserking dwarf usually who murders his party members.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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Wait a tick, I have misread Patrick's comments.



Why make characters deliberately annoying and then force you to at least keep her on your ship?


Are they forcing you to at least keep her on the ship? I'd assume so given his statement. The forced party member mechanics is a bit odd I agree.



Patrick said he loathes the character and will never take her into his party. Of course he can't very well say that a fellow writer sucks.


If you'd prefer, they could make the game so that all the NPCs are ones that Patrick likes.




This is why fans are stupid. Companies get bashed for towing the party line, yet they use their words against them when they're being honest.


Of course, why someone is interested in the sequel to a game he hates is even more entertaining.

So you edit your post before someone can catch you and then you call people stupid?


Edit: Heh http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/09/27...powerful-bitch/



Fans are stupid. These are the same people that bitch about everything being stale and unoriginal, while at the same time then getting upset because things are different and don't follow an established archetype. BioWare's boards are filled with them.


I did edit my post, because I realized that I was misinterpreting what Peter was saying. I have nothing to hide. When I read Weekes' comment about leaving her on the ship, I took it from a standpoint of "He still recruited her." After looking at it again, and remembering the ME2 is different than DA, I realized (upon looking at Purkake's post) that leaving the person on the ship meant that he was NOT taking the character with him, not that he was still recruiting the person in spite of her character. Beside, the comment that I edited out was about how a character doesn't need to be annoying for you to not like the character, in response to Purkake's post. Did you even see that, or are you simply looking "OMG the post was edited!" Most of the time my edits are because I add something else to the post (like this line).


You seemed to have taken the stupid comment personally. Maybe there's some merit to you thinking I accused you of being stupid.


I do think your comment is stupid, because, well, it is :shifty: Clearly because Weekes' doesn't care for the character, he thinks his fellow writer is a ****ty writer. I know you don't like Mass Effect, and you're one of "those fans" that follows the game simply so you can take everything and make it look as evil as possible, but realllly. At least Monte Carlo's perspective is simply from a lot of pessimism and caution about BioWare's claims.

Edited by alanschu
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It's possible I misread your comment to start with as my bashing Patrick so I thought you edited that later when you actually edited something else.


If you'd prefer, they could make the game so that all the NPCs are ones that Patrick likes.



This is why fans are stupid. Companies get bashed for towing the party line, yet they use their words against them when they're being honest.

You did call me stupid, but whatever, it's always a mistake to get in the mud by responding to you in any way.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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SZ sucks. Period.


Okay. I got that one. :lol:






lol lol lol


And to think all this time I thought Patrick was the one who wrote that. Sorry Patrick.


I guess now Maria really doesn't have a leg to stand on.



Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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It's possible I misread your comment to start with as my bashing Patrick so I thought you edited that later when you actually edited something else.


My post originally made mention of some other things, when I realized I misread Weekes' comment. I then edited my post to say just the first line, since I was already planning to append the line. The post was actually edited 3 times if you're that curious.



If you'd prefer, they could make the game so that all the NPCs are ones that Patrick likes.



This is why fans are stupid. Companies get bashed for towing the party line, yet they use their words against them when they're being honest.

You did call me stupid, but whatever, it's always a mistake to get in the mud by responding to you in any way.



I called all fans stupid, so in a sense yeah, I called you stupid. Of course, I tend to think all people are stupid, including myself. So yay! I stand by my assessment.


It is true that it is usually a mistake to say stupid **** around me. It's a wonder why you keep doing it. But I'm hardly alone in that respect; there's plenty of other posters here that have also put you in your place, so I can't take all the credit. Enjoy Carth and Oblivion :lol:

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