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Mass Effect!


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It lacks subtlety, it's like every time you start the game Warren Spector jumps out and goes "yeah bitch you like this game?" "Well then you have to listen to this tune every time you want to play it. Boom!"
Theme songs do that, but does it take you 3 minutes to hit load game?
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It always get to the annoying part when the menu screen comes up.


There are much better (and more subtle theme songs) like the one from Planescape or MotB.


EDIT: And the BG&E one, it's



Don't get me wrong, most of DX's soundtrack is awesome, but the theme irks me(and BG2 one makes me want to find that sound and delete it)

Edited by Purkake
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Lol checked this topic to get info on the game since I just picked it up. I hope the game is better than this thread was.
Bad news. The only thing that allowed its bland, cliche-ridden storyline even the slightest staying power was punching people in the face and the fact that there's a non-zero chance that you might latch on to the personality of one of the stereotypical characters who fill out your crew (I liked Liara for a little while, and even looking back, Garrus was pretty all right). Whoever designed your companions was working pretty hard to prevent that, though; your crew is comprised of a space Republican, a bland character who as far as I'm aware has no outstanding features, an aspergers girl, a space gypsy whose only verbal contribution is her long-ass exposition about the her species, yet another I-love-killing mercenary/soldier character and a "doesn't play by the rules" ex-cop.


To the original poster: every class plays the same because the pistol is absurdly powerful at high levels and using Shephard's abilities feels and works the exact same as using your companions' abilities.

Edited by lord of flies
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It lacks subtlety, it's like every time you start the game Warren Spector jumps out and goes "yeah bitch you like this game?" "Well then you have to listen to this tune every time you want to play it. Boom!"



i swear its the same song as the xmen cartoon

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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"To the original poster: every class plays the same"


Simply not true.



"using Shephard's abilities feels and works the exact same as using your companions' abilities."


And? How is this really any different from every RPG ever created?





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"To the original poster: every class plays the same"


Simply not true.

It is true. Max out pistols, ignore AR, no point in getting into the "prestige" weapons. The only thing you need to do is shoot at bad guys and occasionally open up the ability wheel to cast Marksman or Lift (whether with Shephard or Liara).
"using Shephard's abilities feels and works the exact same as using your companions' abilities."


And? How is this really any different from every RPG ever created?

Hmm... terrible game design where everyone plays the same... how is this different from every RPG ever created? It doesn't matter, it's ****ty design. It's a third person shooter in combat (even if it's a really ****ing bad one), not some turn based RPG.
All right, the ones in there I've played are pretty bland crap, but I've heard good things about Planescape Torment. Don't know what your point is; HL2>Daikatana, doesn't make it good.
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"It is true. Max out pistols, ignore AR, no point in getting into the "prestige" weapons. The only thing you need to do is shoot at bad guys and occasionally open up the ability wheel to cast Marksman or Lift (whether with Shephard or Liara)."


No, it isn't. The classes play differently. So what if pistols and guns are useful.




"It's a third person shooter in combat (even if it's a really ****ing bad one), not some turn based RPG."


It's not a shooter. It's a RT RPG. It's an Action RPG. And, it's a damn '****ing' good one.




"All right, the ones in there I've played are pretty bland crap, but I've heard good things about Planescape Torment. Don't know what your point is; HL2>Daikatana, doesn't make it good."


ME is awesome. Plain, and simple.


I just hope you don't plan to play/buy ME2 'cause there's no need to hear you crying about that game too.


P.S. ME 4 THA W!!!

Edited by Volourn


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No, it isn't. The classes play differently. So what if pistols and guns are useful.
Wrong again. Tell me, what's the difference between playing an Adept with Tali in the party and playing an Engineer with Liara in the party? Could it be that the bland and copy-paste game design means there is none?


It's not a shooter. It's a RT RPG. It's an Action RPG. And, it's a damn '****ing' good one.
You shoot people from the third person perspective. With a gun. In general - and I don't know if you're aware of this - video games where you shoot people with a gun from a third person perspective are called "third person shooters" and there is an expectation that there will be some difference between doing something yourself and having one of your teammates do it.


This is of course in opposition to what Mass Effect does, which is turn the "shooting" aspect into a farce because as long as you aim in the general direction of your target, your hit % is completely mechanical. It's a terrible combat system that is fundamentally deficient, and the only way one could think it was good is if you didn't notice that this was happening - which is certainly possible, since the enemies never react to being shot.


ME is awesome. Plain, and simple.
Well, it is a plain and simple game, so I suppose you're correct there. It's hardly "awesome," though.
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Wrong again. Tell me, what's the difference between playing an Adept with Tali in the party and playing an Engineer with Liara in the party? Could it be that the bland and copy-paste game design means there is none?


Isn't this similar to asking: "What's the difference between playing as a Mage with a Cleric in the party and playing a Cleric with a Mage in the party?"

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"You shoot people from the third person perspective. With a gun. In general - and I don't know if you're aware of this - video games where you shoot people with a gun from a third person perspective are called "third person shooters" and there is an expectation that there will be some difference between doing something yourself and having one of your teammates do it."


I understand what you are saying now. Hey, everyone, did you know that FO1 and FO2 are 3rd person shooters? Holy crap!?! I played those games multiple times and I didn't know they were shooters!!!


Seriously, this is just more evidence that you cna't be taken seriously at all.


FO is a 3rd person shooter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


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