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Dragon Age Origins


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The others are probably something like:


1) "The blood on your face really brings out your eyes. Join us"

2) "Awesome, come with us."

3) "I don't really like killing people in cold blood, but sure you can join us."

Is there low intelligence dialogue?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I'd say he's already round enough but that would be rude and out of place.


Btw, Maria-o, why Caliba? He's not exactly the most loveable of Shakespeare's characters.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Is there low intelligence dialogue?
That's BIS, not Bio. Besides, this would be better:

-The maker tells me to kill.

-[iNTELLIGENCE]So the Maker tells you to kill?

I was actually thinking about posting something like that myself...


Surely that [intelligence] thingie has already become a tvtrope?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Is there low intelligence dialogue?
That's BIS, not Bio. Besides, this would be better:

-The maker tells me to kill.

-[iNTELLIGENCE]So the Maker tells you to kill?


That was actually included in Fallout 3.

I fight the good fight with my voice!

[intelligence] Ah, so you fight the good fight with your voice, eh?

I can see that you are very smart.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Surely that [intelligence] thingie has already become a tvtrope?
I don't think so, but who knows?


Purkake, Great Trope-y One, tell us, has [intelligence] become a trope?



That was actually included in Fallout 3.
You underestimate me, space rat, I am aware. Edited by Oner
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Surely that [intelligence] thingie has already become a tvtrope?
I don't think so, but who knows?


Purkake, Great Trope-y One, tell us, has [intelligence] become a trope?



That was actually included in Fallout 3.
You underestimate me, space rat, I am aware.


The [intelligence] joke is a bit one-note for Tvtropes. There's one for the low intelligence thing and one for having a single stat pretty much make or break the game.


I know all the tropes, for I AM the tropes.


Hallowed be the Tropes.

Edited by Purkake
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I am also disappointed with the character's passiveness when they got covered in blood in the trailer...

Even past Bio games were better than that...

I think Bio's problem is that they try to be too cinematic. It's a game for God's sake, not a movie...

That is why I think the introduction of 3d in rpgs was a bad thing. The isometric view in the infinity engine games was sooooo cool and easy to play with. They could have improved the models but otherwise it was pretty fine.

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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That was actually included in Fallout 3.
I fight the good fight with my voice!

[intelligence] Ah, so you fight the good fight with your voice, eh?

I can see that you are very smart.


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I am also disappointed with the character's passiveness when they got covered in blood in the trailer...

Even past Bio games were better than that...

I think Bio's problem is that they try to be too cinematic. It's a game for God's sake, not a movie...

That is why I think the introduction of 3d in rpgs was a bad thing. The isometric view in the infinity engine games was sooooo cool and easy to play with. They could have improved the models but otherwise it was pretty fine.


I don't think that having a screenshot with the character you're talking to somewhere in it was the best way to do things. It was somewhat functional at best, but half the time I couldn't even pick out which one of the tiny models I was talking to.


Talking heads FTW!

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New book by David, Dragon Age: The Calling.
In Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, Maric set out on a mission of vengeance against the faithless lords who were responsible for his mother’s death. Now, having reclaimed the throne, King Maric finally allows the legendary Grey Wardens to return to Ferelden after two hundred years of exile. When they come, however, they bring dire news: one of their own has escaped into the Deep Roads and aligned himself with their ancient enemy, the monstrous darkspawn. The Grey Wardens need Maric’s help to find him. He reluctantly agrees to lead them into the passages he traveled through years before, chasing after a deadly secret that will threaten to destroy not only the Grey Wardens, but also the Kingdom above.


I skipped the first one, and I think I'll skip this too.

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As long as the game is not designed around the player having to know past events in the books, then it does not matter much to me.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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The [intelligence] joke is a bit one-note for Tvtropes. There's one for the low intelligence thing and one for having a single stat pretty much make or break the game.


I know all the tropes, for I AM the tropes.


Hallowed be the Tropes.

Praise be to the Tropy One! :(
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"I tried to be merciful!!!" *hack* *slash*


It really doesn't make any sense. At least Imoen would've both kicked them in the nuts or out-smarted them by tying their shoe-laces together or something. I bet if you turn down her over to join in the game she'll immediately jump at your throat too. ;)

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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