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Bioware/Bethesda appreciation thread

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When you bring up Fahrenheit as an example of anything, please specify the first half, because the second half is so horrible, it's not even funny.

Yeah, the last third was complete rubbish. Guess Dave Cage didn't know what to throw out of the game to make it more cohesive. That AI stuff, intertwined with the temperature drop was completely artificial and rushed. He should have sticked with the Maya dude and make the conclusion there.


Still, overall nice effort. I liked the characters with the exception of Lukas, who was a bit too whiney.


Tyler "bail out" Miles wasn't all that great either, who the hell just leaves when the world is ending!? I'd say the idea was good, but it failed in execution. The quick time events were pretty horrible and the real "story" was straight out of loonyville. I could have taken some supernatural stuff, but that was way too much.

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Tyler "bail out" Miles wasn't all that great either, who the hell just leaves when the world is ending!? I'd say the idea was good, but it failed in execution. The quick time events were pretty horrible and the real "story" was straight out of loonyville. I could have taken some supernatural stuff, but that was way too much.

And why do people think that Heavy Rain will be any different? Cage basically takes a psychological thriller, introduces some quick-time events during tense moments of said movie, and dares calling it a 'game'.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Tyler "bail out" Miles wasn't all that great either, who the hell just leaves when the world is ending!? I'd say the idea was good, but it failed in execution. The quick time events were pretty horrible and the real "story" was straight out of loonyville. I could have taken some supernatural stuff, but that was way too much.

And why do people think that Heavy Rain will be any different? Cage basically takes a psychological thriller, introduces some quick-time events during tense moments of said movie, and dares calling it a 'game'.

You're wrong. Watch the latest gameplay videos (starring Scott Shelby), where there are 3 possibilies to deal with a single scene. Get shot and you have to live with the wound for the rest of the game. I though that was pretty impressive. If you think Heavy Rain is about running around and shoot people in the face, then you're wrong. Besides, the controls look very tight. For a Sixaxis Controller, that is.

Edited by Morgoth
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Tyler "bail out" Miles wasn't all that great either, who the hell just leaves when the world is ending!? I'd say the idea was good, but it failed in execution. The quick time events were pretty horrible and the real "story" was straight out of loonyville. I could have taken some supernatural stuff, but that was way too much.

And why do people think that Heavy Rain will be any different? Cage basically takes a psychological thriller, introduces some quick-time events during tense moments of said movie, and dares calling it a 'game'.


I don't have a clue, it's just another PS3 exclusive that is supposed to "save" the PS3, but will probably fail miserably.


Just put it somewhere between Obama and GT5:



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Yeah whats up with that? There are so few games released for the PS3 and even less worth noting? A pity, considering how good the PS2 was.

The PS3 has better exclusives than the 360, that's for sure. Uncharted 2, heavy Rain, Last Guardian, Agent etc. I take that over some Halo or Fable bull**** anytime, anywhere.


I was actually skimming through Metacritic yesterday looking at what we (PC gamers) have missed out with the consoles and found myself surprised that:


a) everything worthwhile from the XBOX360 was already ported

b) the PS3 has almost nothing worth porting in the first place


Very few top notch exclusive titles are available for either console, and funnily enough I dont see myself crying over any of them. The consoles are as deep in **** as we are.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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That hasn't helped with the sales much, which was the point.


Also, exclusives suck for both the customers(less chance that they can play it) and the developers(less money on sales).


Yeah whats up with that? There are so few games released for the PS3 and even less worth noting? A pity, considering how good the PS2 was.


The PS2 was pretty much a monopoly in the last generation, now Microsoft is pretty much eating their lunch with a console that breaks every so often, doesn't have a Blu-Ray player or even wifi built in.

Edited by Purkake
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It will be fun to see what happens when it comes out, but the whole thing screams of an awesome idea, a good sales pitch(ala Molyneux) and a totally horrible final product.


I'm really interested if the devs managed to restrain themselves and keep the supernatural BS out this time, it would be so hilarious if they couldn't.

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"I didn't troll you, and if anyone's crying, it's you with your reactionary denunciation of my "trolling". I was simply pointing out that since you attempt to infallibly define everything and brook no contradiction, there's no point. As the rest of your post shows. "


Sure you did. I'm far from the only one who 'attempts to infallably define everything and brook no contradiction'. Justa dmit, myou posted what you did in an attempt to get a reaction. You got one so stop crying over it.

No, I asked a question in the hope of getting an answer. You can tell by the question mark. As for 'crying', you've made two posts so far whinging about my question, so I'll advises you to stop projecting.

Edited by Darth InSidious

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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You guys are still terrible at appreciation threads.



Anyhow, I wish I could work the controler to save my backside, but I can't. So, no 360 or PS3 for me. I already have a blu ray disk. I don't have time to play the games I already own for the PC. I refuse to have another piece of equipment in my house that I don't use regularly. I remember five years ago one of my friends telling me that we'd only have one system within five years that would be like all the available consoles, the PC, and a home theater system put together and that our conventional PCs would be gone. I figure that's going to happen within the next five years. :wub:


Looks like this thread has officially morphed, huh?

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"Trying to discuss with Volourn the merits of Bioware's writing compared to, well, any company, is like trying to have serious discussion about abortion with diehard pro-lifer. Nothing will come out of it."


The samed can be said about those who hate BIO. Hard to have a seriously legit discussion with them.




"Mind you, that's a man that considers NWN series "the best ever". "


K. Must explain why I rated NWN OC 75%, called SOU overrated, and HOTU as good but far from 'best ever'. Why do people feel the need to lie, and make up fairy tales? :(


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Which doesn't proof anything since last i checked the discussion was about *writing* not the entire package. Afterall, NWN 'series' includes NWN2 right? Which is *not* a BIO game last I checked...


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The ignore list exists for a reason, and that reason is Volourn.



PS: And sometimes me.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Which doesn't proof anything since last i checked the discussion was about *writing* not the entire package. Afterall, NWN 'series' includes NWN2 right? Which is *not* a BIO game last I checked...


So the entire package, up to SoZ its the best ever? :(

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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OT: Anyone looking forward to InXile's next RPG (rumored to be Wastelands)? Jason Anderson of Troika fame is working there.
:thumbsup: I am.


The samed can be said about those who hate BIO. Hard to have a seriously legit discussion with them.
I have nothing against them personally, but I've not liked a single game of theirs since they retired the infinity engine. shrug-1.gif
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"Trying to discuss with Volourn the merits of Bioware's writing compared to, well, any company, is like trying to have serious discussion about abortion with diehard pro-lifer. Nothing will come out of it."


The samed can be said about those who hate BIO. Hard to have a seriously legit discussion with them.




"Mind you, that's a man that considers NWN series "the best ever". "


K. Must explain why I rated NWN OC 75%, called SOU overrated, and HOTU as good but far from 'best ever'. Why do people feel the need to lie, and make up fairy tales? :ermm:


So, you give NWN 1 OC a grade of C. Same here. However, I do think that SoU was better than the NWN1's OC.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Obz, Bio and Beth are all dead meat to me... I do not enjoy any of their newer games...

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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