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New SW game ideas?

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I wouldn;t mind seeing a TB tactical combat game like XCOM set in the Star Wars Universe.


Of course, I'd rather see a game like XCOM set somewhere besides SWU even more so. But if was SWU I'd probably play it, if the game as good.


Other than that, no interest at all in SWU.


Or Star Trek either for that matter.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Naw, Obsidian would never stoop that low, story wise.


Yes. They would.


In Obsidian games, love interests exist to die, betray you, or be forever apart from you via the cruel machinations of fate.


So it like Joss Whedon's stuff? :thumbsup:


All I want is more Jedi Knight, the lightsaber combat was awesome.

Edited by Purkake
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All right, so no more Star Wars games except for KotOR III, Battlefront 3, Empire at War II, Republic Commando II and Dark Forces V? :thumbsup:

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Oh, I don't mind more Star Wars games. I mean, they've plumbed the depths of the license, but that doesn't mean the games can't be good. I'm like Crashgirl in that I won't buy the game specifically for the license, but a good game is a good game. :thumbsup:

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All right, so no more Star Wars games except for KotOR III, Battlefront 3, Empire at War II, Republic Commando II and Dark Forces V? o:)


And maybe another Galactic Battlegrounds (it rocks) and Force Commander 2 (new would rock). Other than that, you hit the mark perfectly.

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New X-W/TF game. Or JK. Or grand strategy a la Rebellion.


But those can hardly go on consoles, so fat chance.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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How about Lucasarts giving Star Wars a rest and doing something else, for a change? I mean, how many Star Wars games have been released so far, a Quajiguillion? Haven't you people had enough?







Hey, when George Lucas came out with a new IP it was Willow. Just sayin', maybe you should be careful what you wish for. :(

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To D_N: What about Age of Empires? Not following you. Speaking of which, I own the first 2 of em and Rise of Rome and The Conquerors Expansions.


The joke is that Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds was just Age of Empires reskinned to look like Star Wars:



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To D_N: What about Age of Empires? Not following you. Speaking of which, I own the first 2 of em and Rise of Rome and The Conquerors Expansions.


The joke is that Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds was just Age of Empires reskinned to look like Star Wars:




I actually found the game kinda fun really. Perhaps it is because of the fact that i enjoyed Age of Empires 2 so much as well heh heh.

Though it did seem a bit odd collecting resources with Star Wars characters.




I would love a new X Wing game that added in a lot more ships fighters and larger vessels i am tired of escorting the same few types of cargo ships and having each faction have so few capitol ships. X Wing alliance made did that a little better and i also really liked the fact that war ships could shoot down torpedoes and missiles.

I would also like the promotions they give you to matter, give the player more responsibilities more options etc when they gain rank. Make them in charge of the squadron, or if they are a very high rank give them options to influence the actual missions. It felt odd in TIE Fighter when i was a General and I couldn't order anyone to do anything except my wing mates.

Perhaps giving me a choice who i fly for and perhaps one or two times in the game give me the option of defecting to the other side. Might help mix things up and make them more interesting.

I wouldn't mind starting off as a mercenary faction and then be given the choice if i want to join the Rebellion or the Empire or stay neutral.

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LA is awesome for all posterity just for developing those. >_<


No, it's not the same LA, the LA we knew and loved is dead and buried. The thing that calls itself Lucas Arts and even wears its rotting flesh over it's true form is an abomination summoned by Lucas himself to feed on the the disappointment and despair created by the various Lego titles and now The Force Unleashed. There is nothing left of the original Lucas Arts, it is but a twisted mockery of all the good that the LA of old has done.


It's a bit like the zombie Goofy from Warren Spector's Epic Mickey:



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LA is awesome for all posterity just for developing those. >_<


No, it's not the same LA, the LA we knew and loved is dead and buried. The thing that calls itself Lucas Arts and even wears its rotting flesh over it's true form is an abomination summoned by Lucas himself to feed on the the disappointment and despair created by the various Lego titles and now The Force Unleashed. There is nothing left of the original Lucas Arts, it is but a twisted mockery of all the good that the LA of old has done.


It's a bit like the zombie Goofy from Warren Spector's Epic Mickey:

AND the brains behind half those games have left LA long ago.


Hmm... I wonder if Epic Mickey is supposed to be that super impressive game Spector talked about, or if it's another one.

Edited by Oner
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The thing is, LA used to have an internal dev team that made awesome games like Grim, Dark Forces etc. Now everything has to accommodate to the "new" Star Wars, blessed by Lucas personally before some project gets made. And if it gets made, they just hire a ton of people and then let them go once they're finished. See Force Unleashed. We all know how lame that turned out.


Internal development yes, but then done right like in the old days. And LA should also partner up with other developers to make games. And why the hell are they so protective about the Kotor franchise? Can't they have Kotor 3 Singleplayer alongside with TOR peacefully? What's wrong with that?

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The thing is, LA used to have an internal dev team that made awesome games like Grim, Dark Forces etc. Now everything has to accommodate to the "new" Star Wars, blessed by Lucas personally before some project gets made. And if it gets made, they just hire a ton of people and then let them go once they're finished. See Force Unleashed. We all know how lame that turned out.


Internal development yes, but then done right like in the old days. And LA should also partner up with other developers to make games. And why the hell are they so protective about the Kotor franchise? Can't they have Kotor 3 Singleplayer alongside with TOR peacefully? What's wrong with that?


I think the fired last of the internal developers after TFU went gold. LA has lost all the credibility they had.

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Dark Forces 3 from Raven

Has Jedi Knight II not come out in Austria, Morg? :sorcerer: Think you mean Dark Forces V. And yes, the series really is that old now...


the disappointment and despair created by the various Lego titles

Bull, that's just snobbery on the part of some people who think themselves above Lego.


Having played them, they're fun, witty, and, dare I mention it again, fun. I don't care about your views on Lego; I will proudly attest to still playing with it, and I see nothing wrong with that.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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the disappointment and despair created by the various Lego titles

Bull, that's just snobbery on the part of some people who think themselves above Lego.


Having played them, they're fun, witty, and, dare I mention it again, fun. I don't care about your views on Lego; I will proudly attest to still playing with it, and I see nothing wrong with that.


Oh sure they're fun, but just retelling the Star Wars story with Legos isn't really on bar with Jedi Knight or Kotor. It's pretty much just mindless fun.

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