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Dragon Age Origins

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There has been all of one patch...


That's really just DLC... :thumbsup:

Talking about DLCs, weren't there more promised?


Sort of. They've said they might do some more... -_-

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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There has been all of one patch (or have they released the second patch?) so far and the first one apparently created nearly as many problems as it fixed, with the biggest issue being the black textures on certain planets that could cause you to drive into invisible lava and die.

I had that issue with the black textures.


I looked on the forums after I installed the patch, and the Biowarians told me how to fix it. Turns out their biggest issue was resolved by deleting a few files from a folder.


Bioware's post-release support is still pretty good, IMO. As good as it needs to be, at any rate. If there's another patch in the works, the need for it is evidently not all that pressing. I don't doubt that there are people screaming bloody murder, but... have checked out a couple of fora, and much of the gnashing-of-teeth seems to be regarding the DLC certain people seem to feel they're "owed". Typical internet wankery, in other words.


'course, I never had all that many issues with MEPC in the first place. Maybe I just got extremely lucky with it (though such a thing would be abnormally atypical; if a game's got a flaw in it somewhere, I'll usually end up having to scrape it off my shoe, somehow).


Same with me. That's really the only problem I recall having, and Bio posted the fix right away. I love ME, have played it several times. As for the DLC, I got the first one. If there's another, fine. If not, that's fine too. I paid for the game, and got my money's worth. I don't really understand where all the complaints are coming from.

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A mixture of sense of entitlement, as well as disappointment because BioWare had mentioned doing more DLC in the past.



At the same time, people complaining about a lack of DLC probably means they enjoyed their gaming experience.

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Personally, I don't expect anything for free once I've bought a game, except patches. Even then, I'm realistic about how long a game should be actively supported and on that level Bioware are pretty good by industry standards.


I think some people think that developers are charities, give them a break as if dealing with piracy wasn't bad enough (And I love the implied blackmail one occasionally hears - 'give us more DLC - or we will get stuff elsewhere...').


Even the new LFD controversy left me cold - personally I think the publisher is being greedy so I'll just avoid their games. That doesn't mean, however, that the whole thing should be free (as many have suggested).


Compared to many other forms of entertainment and media, gaming is good value for money. My only reservation is the delivery model - I don't like Steam (etc) and lots of content isn't available in stores (for example, I'd really like Mysteries of Westgate... but from where?).


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I'm not a big fan of DLC in singleplayer or multiplayer games. Of course it's great if you get something for free (or for very small fee) but in general developers should be working on some new project. Fallout 3 has several DLCs but I haven't played even one of 'em as I got enough of the game on my first run. Bioware's Bring Down the Sky was ok, but hardly worth the second run just for that.


Expansion packs are different as it usually mean that it continues the characters story or is totally new adventure.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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A mixture of sense of entitlement, as well as disappointment because BioWare had mentioned doing more DLC in the past.

Yup. Give people the world, and they'll come to expect the world... and cry foul when they don't get it (or don't get it fast enough, or it doesn't meet all of their expectations when they do get it, or... ). That's pretty much what I'm chalking it all up to.


Am not a particular proponent of DLC, though. I liked ME enough to find it a worthwhile venture to play it a again to go through BDtS, but I'd really prefer something a little more substantial, too. Also factoring into it is that I've yet to find a need other than games that would require a broadband connection, so between my deliberate lack of bandwidth and the smaller amounts of content that DLC usually offer... would rather have full expansions. Besides, I like having physical media.


I keep hoping that MoW will make it into stores for NWN2, but if it doesn't I suspect I'll just end up forgoing the experience. Is probably not going to happen, but am hoping that Dragon Age keeps the DLC to a minimum. Publishers and Devs really seem to be liking the online model.


Pity. :(

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Character Creation Video.



Warrior: Beserker, Templar, Champion, and Reaver


Mage: Spirit Healer (I think Shapeshifter was revealed from a different source)


Rogue: Ranger, Bard, Duelist, and Assassin


Normally, specializations aren't available at character creation.


Human Noble Origin article: Here

Intro Cinematic: Here

Human Noble Intro Cinematic: Here

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Women on the boards have been making images of potential romances.



This is Zevran, the spicy elf, that fan speculate isn't quite striaght.




This is Alister, who seems to be the standard BioWare Normal Dude romance, like Carth or Kaiden.






From David Gaider:



Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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One word: Awesome! ;)


MC, are you sure you are not on a commission scheme somewhere? :ermm:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I loved interacting with Zevran as a character. I thought he was really well written. It was just too bad he was literally the exact same spec as my main character, so I never really went running around with him in my group.

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I'm just waiting for the day Bioware declares its making a dating sim.


By the way, has anyone had the pleasure of seeing the ridiculous dialogue between the PC and Morrigan? Where she says something in the vein that she's cold in her tent?


God I wish I could tell her to get a hot water bottle.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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haha Now I would love that. In fact, I can very well see feeling that way about someone. Has a woman ever treated you nasty and then suddenly gone nice on you and you just want to slap her? I don't know if that's the situation, but it would be great. By the way, it's equal opportunity. I'm sure women want to slap men all of the time. I have no idea what all of the cartoons mean, MC, but I find them oddly unsettling.

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haha Now I would love that. In fact, I can very well see feeling that way about someone. Has a woman ever treated you nasty and then suddenly gone nice on you and you just want to slap her? I don't know if that's the situation, but it would be great. By the way, it's equal opportunity. I'm sure women want to slap men all of the time. I have no idea what all of the cartoons mean, MC, but I find them oddly unsettling.


This is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1VBRe3XTYk It seems someone is playing Geralt.


I wouldn't want to slap her, though that british accent is incredibly irritating. :thumbsup:


Edit: yaaay, there is an option to tell her to get a thicker blanket!

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Guest PoziomyPion

Wow, after watching those videos I felt for the first time that Dragon Age is indeed a successor to Baldur's Gate. I got this nice feeling just like when I played InfinityEngine games for the first time.

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Does this Alistair fellow have a swaggy, enchanting Oxford-dialect, or will it be another CarthTheWhine-template?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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