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Oblivion is ****.


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Well, it's understandable considering the mages guild plotline centered around the war with the King of Worms. Only problem was that the legendary King of Worms turned to be a big pansy once you faced him, to say the least. Very disappointing.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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oh and another thing that was kinda dumb


the lack of requirements for rank

you could be a level 1 archmage of the mages guild with the lowest possible willpower/intelligence and magic skills



when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Every quest for the fighters guild was some long string of "Go to anvil, no wait now go to Bruma, okay now go back to anvil, okay hold on now go to a cave somewhere, now go back to anvil, now go to chorrol, now go back to the guild in chedynnhal"

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Oddly enough I started playing oblivion as well becuase I was bored but all this hating is kind of unfair imo. Sure it has some glaring flaws but it had some cool stuff in it. Like the Who dun it quest was pretty neat and oryen of the fighters guild drawing was pretty awesome. There was also the archmage traven dissing himself in the third person, that was a nice little glitch.


Okay maybe it did kind of suck pretty hard but I kind of enjoyed it. :'(

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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I did enjoy Oblivion on its own terms but compared to Daggerfall & Morrowind it is indeed completely ****. Maybe Bethesda will redeem themselves with TES V... FO3 was a step in the good direction for me.


Biggest problem is they completely messed up the lore... like the 'bad guy' misnaming all Daedric realms near the end of the main quest - which wasn't intentional but due to mistakes made by writers... would this had happened with Ted Peterson or Michael Kirkbride still around?


EDIT: Also what they did in Shivering Isles was greatly over-the-top... they turned lore topsy-turvy because they thought it would be fun (and indeed it was, becoming Mad God and what not), but I highly doubt they thought about the consequences of this on future Elder Scrolls games. In all Elder Scrolls games the previous hero 'disappeared', but when a hero becomes a 'god'... well.... :w00t:


Another example is the upcoming Elder Scrolls novels, where suddenly a flying city of undead & a new Prince appears out of nowhere... fun indeed.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I'm really bored so I got around to playing this game. And I'm trying to like it; I really am.


But the game is a steaming pile of rubbish. It's even worse than Morrowind.


The graphics are adequate... if you stand completely still. The voice-overs are mismatched for the NPCs and often poor quality. The quests are mundane, predictable, linear and simply unmotivating. The Leveling system is identical to Morrowind's (which is already a bad thing) yet somehow seems even worse inside Oblivion. The open spaces barren and lifeless and the engine doesn't even render grass for half the screen because it's too far in the distance, producing atrocious looking long shots. Did I mention the dialogue system? Yeah, it's basically unchanged from Morrowind's, except now its stupidity is conspicuously obvious inside reply list instead of embedded inside monologues from NPCs.


You must have areally crappy PC. Oblivion looks great on my PC.

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The whole game has this weird automaton feel to it, like they just threw some terms into the Automatic RPG Machine and out it came. It was crafted not by blood, sweat, and tears but by precision metal claws, titanium alloy, and one of those text-to-speech programs that sound like talking farts.

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LOL@talking farts.. Oh hell yeah.. good thread to vent.


I played Oblivion once. It was pretty to look at for the first little while, but eventually just ran through the Oblivion gates and beat the game to hurry up and uninstall the boring ass adventure.


I played Morrowind till very close to the end - some main character had to follow me and due to dodgy pathfinding and even dodgier terrain I had to redo this mission a few times and then finally got fed up and uninstalled it. Those "quests" are ridiculous.


One thing I really don't get about these open world games - why do they make it so damn annoying to explore? Throwing random enemies at you when the combat system is horrible doesn't make me want to explore one bit. And why do game reviewers go so crazy with their scores just because a game is "open ended". Most of them suck and are beyond tedious. Who has time for these games??


Even a potential cool game like STALKER is killed because the exploring aspect is way too annoying. All the designers know is to just throw enemies in your path as a means to push gameplay.


I watched my bro play Fallout 3 a bit and yep, same damn thing, tedious empty gameplay of walking around on foot and as you try to explore random ass enemies attack you through a crappy combat system.


It's as if all the dinosaur game designers and the current philosophy behind gaming needs to die out for some fresh ideas to come in.

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and some people think that the legend of zelda series has too much talking go on in it.

might I suggest some of you dig up a copy of Zork.


some people like walking around like that, personally I like the hot pants deal....

Strength through Mercy

Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome

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Explorer-type gamers are morons. What the hell is there to explore in a game?! "OOooh, there's SmallTree_03a again.. and there's MediumRock_09c, sweet! I hope I find another randomly generated dungeon with treasure chest containing nothing important whatsoever!"

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Explorer-type gamers are morons. What the hell is there to explore in a game?! "OOooh, there's SmallTree_03a again.. and there's MediumRock_09c, sweet! I hope I find another randomly generated dungeon with treasure chest containing nothing important whatsoever!"

The dungeons usually contained a decent item, it was just all scaled to the PC's level. In Morrowind one could enter a ruin at level 1 and come out in full ebony armor IF one managed to somehow overcome insurmountable odds.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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The whole game has this weird automaton feel to it, like they just threw some terms into the Automatic RPG Machine and out it came. It was crafted not by blood, sweat, and tears but by precision metal claws, titanium alloy, and one of those text-to-speech programs that sound like talking farts.
That's true of most modern main stream games, you just don't see many games crafted with love, or made because someone really wanted to make them, instead of just trying to cash in.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Explorer-type gamers are morons. What the hell is there to explore in a game?! "OOooh, there's SmallTree_03a again.. and there's MediumRock_09c, sweet! I hope I find another randomly generated dungeon with treasure chest containing nothing important whatsoever!"

The dungeons usually contained a decent item, it was just all scaled to the PC's level. In Morrowind one could enter a ruin at level 1 and come out in full ebony armor IF one managed to somehow overcome insurmountable odds.


But thats not exploring, thats phat loot.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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oh wow, man. yeah...Bethie's ALLLLLL about the phat l00t. or...well...no. just l00t. and TONS OF IT! hey, it's a good effin' thing there are 5 fission batteries on every shelf in every building, shack, subway, whatever. don't know what i would have done without all that scrap metal. make sure to always check every crate and toolbox because we need 500 pieces of rubber tubing. see...Bethie knows what's up. you create 10-20 items, litter them EVERYWHERE and the game appears full.


most kids are too busy LARPing it up to even notice.



(sorry, never played Oblvion but i'm guessing it's even worse. i played Morrowind for about 5 minutes but couldn't stop laughing at the wrap-around faces, herky-jerky animation and horrible wiki-style dialogue to continue)

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Oblivion "is" the **** game, same as RuneScape, because,


A. Servers are only available in a very limited amount of countries

B. Graphics are ****, even on high quality

C. Fishing should be done manually, not by a skill

D. And again, combat is ****


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Explorer-type gamers are morons. What the hell is there to explore in a game?! "OOooh, there's SmallTree_03a again.. and there's MediumRock_09c, sweet! I hope I find another randomly generated dungeon with treasure chest containing nothing important whatsoever!"

Chalk me up as a Class 1 Moron, then. ;)

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Oblivion "is" the **** game, same as RuneScape, because,


A. Servers are only available in a very limited amount of countries

B. Graphics are ****, even on high quality

C. Fishing should be done manually, not by a skill

D. And again, combat is ****


what the hell are you on about? ;)

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Explorer-type gamers are morons. What the hell is there to explore in a game?! "OOooh, there's SmallTree_03a again.. and there's MediumRock_09c, sweet! I hope I find another randomly generated dungeon with treasure chest containing nothing important whatsoever!"




Because clearly explorers enjoy randomly generated content. As much as archivers love Progressquest

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Explorer-type gamers are morons. What the hell is there to explore in a game?! "OOooh, there's SmallTree_03a again.. and there's MediumRock_09c, sweet! I hope I find another randomly generated dungeon with treasure chest containing nothing important whatsoever!"

Think about Fallout games. You weren't exploring random dungeons and caves, but the setting. Sierra Army Depot, BoS bunker, Oasis (which, by the way, DOES ****ING NOT CONTAIN ANY HAROLDS), some cities- like Modoc or the Republic of Dave- and all had background to share.


And for some reason, exploring in Gothic games was actually fun (unlike a certain game that starts with F and end in 3), even though I must have sold like 200 rusty axes by the end.

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what the hell are you on about?


I would rather have it done manually, not by a god damn skill. Hell, I'd rather be the one fishing, than watching some dumb**** throw a fly into the water and try to pull a fish out and have to watch.

Have you been playing Fable too much? :p


Largest fish I caught in that game was around 200 kgs. No kidding.

Edited by Gorth
Quote edited

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Nihilus5078 (HK-47) : Interjection: Master, I must disagree, merely the threat of mass sl-


Oner (Mira) to Exile: Will you please shut him. He's been like that since he came aboard. Heres how to correct this, heres how to correct that...


Nihilus5078 (HK-47) : Correction: Assassination and execution are my primary function. I also posses excellent hearing.


Oner (Mira) : Great.


The irritated conversation. :p=]:p


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Nihilus5078 (HK-47) : Interjection: Master, I must disagree, merely the threat of mass sl-


Oner (Mira) to Exile: Will you please shut him. He's been like that since he came aboard. Heres how to correct this, heres how to correct that...


Nihilus5078 (HK-47) : Correction: Assassination and execution are my primary function. I also posses excellent hearing.


Oner (Mira) : Great.


The irritated conversation. =]:p :p

I'm Oner. I'm the best corrector in this forum—and that's not me bragging, that's fact.


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(sorry, never played Oblvion but i'm guessing it's even worse. i played Morrowind for about 5 minutes but couldn't stop laughing at the wrap-around faces, herky-jerky animation and horrible wiki-style dialogue to continue)


All these things are actually worse in Oblivion, which is one of the reason I'm so disenchanted with the game.

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