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Infants stabbed


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Goddamn really, how ****ed up does someone has to be to start aimlessly stab at infants??? It's really getting at me. My sister just brought a child a few months ago to world and man, what a cute little sweet thing. Thinking of psychic **** that just start stabbing cute little sweet things really pisses me off. That's the sort of thing why I think death penalty should be legitimated again.


This world is sick.

Edited by Morgoth
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Horrible. Latest I read is up to 12 injured and the suspect was "injured" by the police while being apprehended. Couldnt happen to a more deserving person.


In other news, another gruesome murder at VT. Geez, whats in the water there?


Police: VaTech grad student knew suspected killer


Jan 23, 1:48 AM (ET)




BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - Alone and in a new country, graduate student Xin Yang reached out to other Chinese students at Virginia Tech when she arrived two weeks ago, trying to establish her life on campus.


She went to social events with international students, got in touch with the campus center that works to help them adjust and appeared to be making friends as she settled into her accounting program, those who had met her said.


But one of the friendships may have led to her death: Police say she was decapitated with a kitchen knife while having coffee with a Chinese doctoral student in a campus cafe Wednesday night.


The killing stunned a campus that still has vivid memories of the mass slayings in April 2007, when a student gunman shot 32 people and then took his own life. The stabbing was the first slaying on campus since then.



"An act of violence like this brings back memories of April 16," university President Charles Steger said."I have no doubt that many of us feel especially distraught."


It appeared Yang, who was from Beijing, had met her accused attacker, 25-year-old Haiyang Zhu of Ningbo, China, only recently, said Kim Beisecker, the director of Cranwell International Center, which works with international students. Zhu, a doctoral student in agricultural and applied economics, had been assisting her in adjusting to life at Tech, something the 500 Chinese students often do for new members in their community, she said. They both attended functions for international students, she said.


"She was a very sweet young woman," she said. "He was known as a polite young man."


Though they apparently didn't know each other well, school records listed Zhu as one of her emergency contacts. Beisecker said that may have been because Yang knew few people on campus.


"As best we know, she had made a fair number of friends, but only in the last week," Beisecker said.


What led to the attack is also a mystery: About seven other people who were in the coffee shop told police that the two hadn't been arguing before the attack. Beisecker said there hadn't been previous signs of trouble between them.


However, a Chinese-language blog was written earlier this month under the name Haiyang Zhu, and displaying the same photo of Zhu by authorities in Virginia. The author expressed frustration over stock losses and other problems in the blog, dated Jan. 7.


"Big stock losses. Recently I've been so frustrated I think only of killing someone or committing suicide," the posting reads.


Police received two 911 calls shortly after 7 p.m. Wednesday, and were on the scene in a little more than a minute to take Zhu into custody, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said.


Zhu was charged with first-degree murder and was being held without bond at the Montgomery County Jail. His attorney, Stephanie Cox, did not return a call seeking comment Thursday.


Classes were held as usual Thursday and the sprawling 2,600-acre campus appeared normal, with students skateboarding, talking on cell phones and chatting with friends.


Tasha Lockhart, a sophomore from Ocean City, Md., went to her biology class in the Graduate Life Center's auditorium Thursday afternoon. Her instructor told students to be aware of exits that were away from the main entrance in case of trouble, she said.


After the arrest, a campus alert system put in place after the mass shootings by Seung-Hui Cho in 2007 sent out messages to 30,000 subscribers by e-mail, text messages and telephone voice mails Wednesday night, University spokesman Larry Hinckler said.


Because a suspect was in custody, the messages were sent out as notifications rather than as emergency alerts, he said. He said 60,000 messages were sent in about a half hour.


The school offered counseling to students, faculty and staff, and officials contacted students who were injured in the mass shootings as well as the families of victims.


"It was a very retraumatizing kind of experience," said Debbie Day, director of the Office of Recovery and Support.

Edited by Gfted1
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"Big stock losses. Recently I've been so frustrated I think only of killing someone or committing suicide," the posting reads.


What the hell is wrong with people? Just kill yourself in peace, no need to drag others into your crap.

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That punkbutt needs to be FRIED. What scumbag! He'll likely get put in an insane asylum, though, since nobody 'sane' could do this. Ticks me off, and makes me >_< .


Something else that makes annoyed is that the article lets a true bigot talk, and say the following: "(It's) something you hear about from America, not here," said bake shop owner Bie Hoornaert."


He deserves to be FRIED - but not as harshly-. What a disgusting thing to say during a tragic event. Pathetic.


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That's just way too bizarre....

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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You really like ruining my days with this sort of news, don't you?

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I like how people bash the guy for being inhuman yet they want to do inhuman things to him. L0LZ


Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. The basic need for justice often turns to vengence.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Sounds like a religious 'cult' even if it officially isn't so one of them probably stole it from the other. L0LZ


P.S. He's still quoting basically from the bible.

Edited by Volourn


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The Code of Hammurabi also says an eye for an eye.

And tell me, how many people have actually read the Codex Hammurabi?


It's presence on the Codex is undeniable, but I'd wager that's not where Killian Kalthorne first came across the phrase.


I like how people bash the guy for being inhuman yet they want to do inhuman things to him. L0LZ



This man ought to be tried by a court and sentenced. What he deserves is not for anyone here to decide.


Sounds like a religious 'cult' even if it officially isn't so one of them probably stole it from the other. L0LZ



The Codex Hammurabi is actually a seven-foot basalt stela, on which Babylonian law, as reformed by Hammurabi, is written in cuneiform. It was discovered in about 1900, IIRC.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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Why are you, an anti religion person, basically quoting the bible to justify yourself? Weird. :)



Sounds like a religious 'cult' even if it officially isn't so one of them probably stole it from the other. L0LZ


P.S. He's still quoting basically from the bible.


No, he basically quoted the Golden Rule (in its negative sense), which is much much older than the Bible, and of all cultures. You could say it's the first "law" ever. It has nothing to do with religion.

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The Golden Rule is nothing more than the Ethic of Reciprocity.


In its positive sense this would mean: do unto others what you wish they would do unto you.

In its negative sense: don't do unto others what you do not wish they would do unto you.


It would probably have been better had I simply stated that "eye for an eye" is purely another form of the Ethic of Reciprocity, rather than the Golden Rule. But my actual point was that it is much older than the Bible.

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What possible purpose would be served by torturing this guy? You think it was a choice between stabbing kids and going bowling, but bowling was too much effort?


As I've said on many boring occasions before, this is more proof of the systemic failureto tackle dangerously mentally ill people BEFORE they flip out. We need a pan cultural discussion of the issue, and some sort of consensus, then take some action on it. Not just crack our knuckles and say how much we'd like to hurt people.


I'm not saying our collective decision has to be sweetness and light, I just see no point in raging at the skies, and then going back to business as normal.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Rage one to many times at the sky and the next one to snap may be any one of us. The first step in treating these people and prevent other tragedies we need to find the root cause of the psychosis. Is it environmental, screwed up brain chemistry, or a combination of both?

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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