Gfted1 Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 (edited) How does one get a dragon mount. I considered going for the netherdrake mount in BC, but I thought the amount of rep grinding was ridiculous and didn't do it. Yeah, I didnt have the patience to get a Netherdrake either. I know of three ways but I know there are more ways I dont know about. Of the three I know: 1) Get exaulted with the Wyrmrest Accord. This is what I did and they give the Red Dragon for 1600G. 2) Get exaulted with the Oracles. This one is tougher as all you get from them is an egg and it has a very low chance of maturing into the dragon. I dont know what color you get from them either. If it matures, its free. 3) Do a Culling of Stratholm "speed run". I tried it once but a wipe or two doomed us wrt the timer. You get a Yellow Proto-Drake if you do it in time (everyone in the party iirc). Edited January 22, 2009 by Gfted1,Gfted1,black,red.png
Hurlshort Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 Did you say 1600 gold? Crud, I remember how hard it was to save up 10 gold for a mount!
Gfted1 Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 Yep, 1600 gold. You must have never gotten your epic flyer before you quit as the "training" for that was 5000 gold alone. Im unbelievably wealthy now (have around 14.5k now after that purchase) due to Jewelcrafting. Its really insane, some gem cuts make me over 100g each (IE: +32 Attack Power) and the Epic rings and necklaces fly off the shelf even priced at 2.5k! Im rich biatch! /Chappel,Gfted1,black,red.png
Calax Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 WoW - Paladin is up to 24 now. Congrats. I have a level 28 Paladin. Engineer/jewelcrafter. Fun stuff. WoW. Just picked up a Red Dragon mount. Shes so beautiful...*wipes tear from eye* How does one get a dragon mount. I considered going for the netherdrake mount in BC, but I thought the amount of rep grinding was ridiculous and didn't do it. I had a level 58 Paladin. While they were fairly slow at killing stuff, I always found they were nigh unkillable. The tricks you could pull out were just fantastic. Engineering was a great profession choice too, throwing grenades around really helped ease the lack of DPS. With the changes to paladins recently for Paladins it's usually suggested that you go ret till 30-45 or so (I've heard like five different levels for the change) and then you go prot. The thing about prot over the other trees is that you still kill things rather slowly but if you herd a group of 10 together you kill them all at the same rate as if you killed one. and Aristes, just a suggestion but drop engineering and pick up mining. Mainly because Engineers don't really get much that's useful. Engineers do get interesting stuff (a "roflcopter", jumper cables, flares, and special goggles) but generally most of their equipment is designed for the fun factor. Also as a paladin you won't be able to use the best things in the Engineering profession (Guns and scopes and ammo). Mining will allow you to provide yourself the Ore/eternals/primals/gems you need to work on jewelcrafting, plus you can sell your Titansteel cooldown for a bundle. <is a miner blacksmith. Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition! Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.
Aristes Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 I have a couple of miners already. My hunter is a miner and I've stockpiled some titansteel and titanium. Until I can get the guild into shape for raiding, which might be never, those engineer goggles are probably the best head piece for any class I've played. I'm just hoping they keep crafting useful and don't make it obsolete by pushing arena gear out en masse by making it available season by season as honor purchases. I think kirottu said something about them upgrading crafting to keep pace with S gear. Altogether I have every profession represented, from fishing to flower picking. It's a lot of fun. It was genius to give gatherers special abilities. Now my dedicated gatherers don't have to feel like everybody's bitch. As far as what I've been playing recently, more L4D. Great game. I can't seem to get through No Mercy on expert. I can survive some of the maps, but a straight run could take freaking forever and I don't want to skip maps. I want to start the campaign and play it beginning to end. I think it would be easier with four players than the AI companions. That assumes that the players actually communicate and don't resort to backbiting and recrimination, but I think having more pipe bombs and being able to get everyone to a redoubt would make a huge difference. That and things like not letting the tank beat you down. After Calax shared that about spreading fire onto the tank, I've come up with clever ways to get him on fire. For example, I lure him over flaming debris, shoot a gas can, throw a molotov, or get him to run over a flaming trash bin. The problem is that my companions don't just run and let him burn. I'd say, just stay together and run back to the nearest door and close it. Just make sure he doesn't hit you when he throws something.
Calax Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 I have a couple of miners already. My hunter is a miner and I've stockpiled some titansteel and titanium. Until I can get the guild into shape for raiding, which might be never, those engineer goggles are probably the best head piece for any class I've played. I'm just hoping they keep crafting useful and don't make it obsolete by pushing arena gear out en masse by making it available season by season as honor purchases. I think kirottu said something about them upgrading crafting to keep pace with S gear. Altogether I have every profession represented, from fishing to flower picking. It's a lot of fun. It was genius to give gatherers special abilities. Now my dedicated gatherers don't have to feel like everybody's bitch. For raiding? the hardest thing in Naxx is primairly positioning of certain enemies and positioning of yourself. Heigan is particularly bad because his floor erupts in sequence (so only one zone is clear that people can stay in). This isn't a major problem for melee because we have to do it the entire fight, but there's a phase where everyone has to do it much faster, and usually the casters start dropping like flies. Other than that Grobbulus is hard for the tank because he has to keep moving against the wall or die from a poison cloud, and the DPS has to "drop" the poison clouds they get infected with where the raid isn't going to be. Other than that the fights are pretty easy, but not as easy as VOA which is pugged left and right on my server as well as the easiest thing I've ever raided. (I say that having done ALL the BC raids, excepting Sunwell), Obsidian Sanctum is similar but also offers the most challenge currently in game with his three optional adds to make the fight more difficult (harder than Mu'ru in Sunwell supposedly). If I had the strength to reroll my crafting job I'd probably get Jewelcrafting. You give yourself awesome trinkets and Gems, blacksmithing is rather lackluster other than the initial epics to get you rollin in naxx. Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition! Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.
Musopticon? Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Just got to Old Vizima in the Witcher EE and by Gog, it's a lagfest of epic proportions. Fire, constant group fights and long streets make hell with my cruddy 8600. Has been a blast so far though, and I love Gwalhir and Aerondight. Some of the writing is top notch as well. It's just mixed in with a ton of ugh-moments and some very forced grins. I guess it's back to Overlord though, had enough of costly decisions and grayness for a while there. And Krul Foltest completely bent me over in poker *bawww* kirottu said: I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden. It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai. So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds
Calax Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Just got to Old Vizima in the Witcher EE and by Gog, it's a lagfest of epic proportions. Fire, constant group fights and long streets make hell with my cruddy 8600. Has been a blast so far though, and I love Gwalhir and Aerondight. Some of the writing is top notch as well. It's just mixed in with a ton of ugh-moments and some very forced grins. I guess it's back to Overlord though, had enough of costly decisions and grayness for a while there. And Krul Foltest completely bent me over in poker *bawww* by 8600 you mean an nvidia Geforce 8600? Mine didn't have a problem with Witcher EE. Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition! Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.
Hell Kitty Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Just got to Old Vizima in the Witcher EE and by Gog, it's a lagfest of epic proportions. Fire, constant group fights and long streets make hell with my cruddy 8600. Has been a blast so far though, and I love Gwalhir and Aerondight. Some of the writing is top notch as well. It's just mixed in with a ton of ugh-moments and some very forced grins. I guess it's back to Overlord though, had enough of costly decisions and grayness for a while there. And Krul Foltest completely bent me over in poker *bawww* by 8600 you mean an nvidia Geforce 8600? Mine didn't have a problem with Witcher EE. My old 8600 had trouble with that spot he mentioned, but was fine everywhere else. This was the regular version.
Musopticon? Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Note, I'm playing on a laptop. And running Witcher on Vista(well, a vista with less peripherals and increased UserVa, but a Vista neverthless). It runs fine and looks pretty in all other locations expect Trade Quarter and Old Vizima. No complaints really. kirottu said: I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden. It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai. So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds
Maria Caliban Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Hit level 29 paladin. Even better, my BSis so high I'm creating things I can't even wear yet. "When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.
Calax Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Hit level 29 paladin. Even better, my BSis so high I'm creating things I can't even wear yet. Just a word of warning, Blacksmithing is quite possible the hardest profession to level up to 450. Mainly because around 300 you have to have ridiculous amounts of thorium to push you through to Outlands stuff. Also it requires ALOT of ore to put together the only plans that give you skill ups at a certain points (usually where the game used to end). Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition! Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.
Aristes Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 That is so true. Blacksmithing is, in my opinion, the most expensive and/or time consuming profession. ...And I've got many to 450 and I have characters with ever profession over 350 EXCEPT for Inscription. Blacksmithing can be aweful, especially, as Calax says, getting over the Azerothian hump. However, a lot of the professions don't require you to hit 375 (Burning Crusade max) to learn the new Northrend stuff and some of them are quite a bit easier and/or less expensive in Northrend. Basically, it's easier to level at the begining of a cycle than the end. That's why, even though it's normal level, the Azerothian haul from, say, 265 to 300 is far worse than the haul from 300-350. Since you can train a lot of Northrend stuff at 350, you're saving the last painful bit of ramping up on late xpac Burning Crusade stuff. My engineer/blacksmith is at 450 in both right now, and Blacksmithing up to the max is so much easier than maxing it out in classic and Burning Cursade that I thought there was some catch. So, once you push through the Azerothian stuff, you're pretty good. Engineering is harder to level in Northrend than blacksmithing and every single basic epic I can craft as a blacksmith is BoE, so I can trade or sell it. Hell, ALCHEMY is harder to level to the end. As far as gathering professions go, as long as you keep at it, and make sure you can mine stuff at level, you're good. The only thing that some folks find painful is the last bit with the rich thorium veins. Since you're a blacksmith, and you'll be going through a huge amount of ore, you probably won't have any problem maxing your mining super fast. As far as the rich thorium veins, there's a circle in the EPL that you can run. If you start at one point, the first vein will respawn before you're back from the last one. Hey, what do you guys think of the new one whack and you're done change to mining? It's like herbalism now!
Starwars Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 After finishing my replay of Monkey Island 3, which I greatly enjoyed, I decided to try out another adventure game, A Vampyre Story. I've been planning on getting for quite some time, so I decided to finally do just that. I haven't got very far yet but I like it so far. Love how it looks overall. The main characters take a bit of getting used to but I'm warming up to them already. Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not):
Morgoth Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I recently continued to play a bit Eternal Darkness (now with the 18th century guy), and boy, this game really messes around with me. When saving, suddenly it tells me "all savegames being deleted now", and I thought WTF???? Until I remember "oh, this is a feature" *facepalm* Rain makes everything better.
Deadly_Nightshade Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Mass Effect -in fact I'm in game and posting this via Steam's web browser- and it's a lot better than some people make it out to be. "Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum." -Hurlshot
Bokishi Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Mass Effect -in fact I'm in game and posting this via Steam's web browser- cool, so am i. is this a new feature/ Current 3DMark
Montgomery Markland Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Alternating between Mass Effect and Dead Space for single player and CoD5 and L4D for multiplayer. Thanks for the awesome avatar Jorian!
Maria Caliban Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 It couldn't be as bad as tailoring where there's a 3 day 20 hour cooldown for one piece of cloth. Level 35 palidan. 215 mining/205 blacksmithing. I can now create armor I won't be able to use until I hit level 40. That is if I can find someone to make me heavy leather. An epic task if ever there was one. "When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.
WILL THE ALMIGHTY Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Replaying through Dead Space a third time, on hard difficulty, with only the plasma cutter. This is surprisingly easy, but only because I really know how to play this game. Be quick enough with your cutter, use stasis when you need to and always check if there's another zombie coming up and you'll be fine. Not to mention that using only the plasma cutter means you only get plasma cutters rounds, and that upgraded, this gun kills anything. "Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"
Aristes Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 My reflexes are just terrible. I can't get through L4D on expert. At least the no Mercy. I've tried like 5 times and the second map is killer. I've gotten through it a couple of times, but then the next map after that is just as bad, although maybe not as long. I've only managed to get through there once. I figure if I can't get through the single player campaign on expert, I need not apply to a multiplayer group. On the bright side, I've gotten my headshot percentage up to 19%. That wasn't even trying to milk the headshot percentage. I think I'd get it higher if I used the sniper rifle, but it just doesn't seem to make sense for the really big battles and I can't switch in between.
Deraldin Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 My reflexes are just terrible. I can't get through L4D on expert. At least the no Mercy. I've tried like 5 times and the second map is killer. I've gotten through it a couple of times, but then the next map after that is just as bad, although maybe not as long. I've only managed to get through there once. I figure if I can't get through the single player campaign on expert, I need not apply to a multiplayer group. On the bright side, I've gotten my headshot percentage up to 19%. That wasn't even trying to milk the headshot percentage. I think I'd get it higher if I used the sniper rifle, but it just doesn't seem to make sense for the really big battles and I can't switch in between. Don't worry about not being able to get through expert in single player. It's a lot harder by yourself than it is with a couple competent friends.
Musopticon? Posted January 25, 2009 Posted January 25, 2009 Well, Red Forest sucks donkey balls even in the second iteration of the series. Surprise, surpsrise! Anyways, Clear Sky has been way better than SoC so far. Only the plot is kinda mehtacular. kirottu said: I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden. It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai. So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds
Starwars Posted January 25, 2009 Posted January 25, 2009 (edited) I just finished up A Vampyre Story. Most complaints I have within the game would be very minor nitpicks all in all, I really enjoyed it all in all. I will say though that I bought this game without having any idea at all that it would be an episodic release. Thus, it turned out to be a bit short and have a rather abrupt ending which was a bit disappointing. Having a label saying "Chapter 1" or something on the title would've done much to alter expectations. But, I had a blast and I actually can't wait until Chapter 2 gets released. Fun puzzles, generally fun writing (though it does go up and down a bit in quality) and gorgeous graphics. Not sure what I'll be playing next. EDIT: Actually, I think I'll be playing some Grim Fandango. Edited January 25, 2009 by Starwars Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not):
Slowtrain Posted January 25, 2009 Posted January 25, 2009 Well, Red Forest sucks donkey balls even in the second iteration of the series. Surprise, surpsrise! You mean, even worse than the in the first game. That's really not something I'm looking forward to then. mkreku said the same thing. Anyways, Clear Sky has been way better than SoC so far. Only the plot is kinda mehtacular. I agree. Its impressive how many of SoC failing's were fixed or adjusted. At least that is what I can say for now. I am just entering the Dark Valley. The swamp level was a lot of fun especially. Except for all that story-related expository babble at the start. Painful. But still, I've played that whole level through several times just for the heck of it. Quite fun. Have you joined a faction? I am holding off for the moment, though I am tempted to join the stalkers and wipe out the bandits. Those guys really piss me off. I'm trying to get everything I can out of them first though. They pay a lot for Vodka though. Even after quite a few hours of playing I'm not even sure what the plot is. SOmething about emissions killing the zone or something. :/ Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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