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To those more savvy then I, is there a way to check an addon for trojans / virus / loggers?


*Get a good anti-virus and run every file through it after downloading.

*Avoid .exe files if possible - these might make mods easier to install, but, then again, they might also install something in addition to the mod.

*Use your brain. If a site looks sketchy, ditch the addon or mod and find another one.

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Still playing Saint's Row 2, I can sit customizing my cars for hours on end. This game is a lot of fun. GTA4 moved away from the simple fun stuff for a more serious drama, and I really missed it until I started Saint's Row 2. I became champion of the Prison Fight club, and then bought a swank lighthouse to live in. I have a grand piano next to a stripper pole. It's classy.

This is probably what I'm gonna get next if I can't hold out until DoW2s release. I too was hoping for something else from GTA4 than what they've embraced now and SR2 will hopefully deliver that.


I tried so hard to make Nico look interesting in GTA4 and he always just looked like a git.

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You guys both suck. Mirror's Edge is awesome. Too short though. I swear I'm the only one that actually liked the cutscenes. :thumbsup:


If you feel that continuing to play is just punishing yourself then why bother asking if you should keep playing? If you haven't enjoyed the game up until now, you aren't likely going to magically start enjoying it later. Go return the game now.


I played some more of it. It's kinda fun as an arcade game that I play while listening to podcasts and stuff. The story and the characters leave me cold, I like the style of the cutscenes, but the characters all look ugly. It is really cool to disarm someone and then use the gun to shoot all the other enemies, too bad the gimped the gunplay in the game. I really liked the fighting stuff in Enter the Matrix where you could do a disarm and shoot the guy with his own gun and do all kinds of acrobatics with guns.(a cartwheel with two SMGs is just awesome)


Maybe I'll play it some more later.


EDIT: While the one-color thing is better than the gray-brown in Fallout 3 and it's kin, I don't think it's all that great. The colors are a bit too vibrant and there is enough bloom to blind a cave-full of drow. Also, it really takes me out of the game when every frickin thing is blue for some arcane reason. I like stylised games(Team Fortress 2, Prince of Persia), but this feels like Mario's ice levels and laval levels.


Pope said it decently:
Just finished MotB for the first time.

The last few areas on the Fugue Plane were kind of a letdown. Just a bunch of tiny battles that were won in a matter of seconds. Could've used some more content there. Also, having picked None as my deity, I really wanted to bring down that stupid wall! Why didn't I get to bring down that wall?!

Anyway, great game.

The problem was probably less with not destroying the wall and more on the incessant egging on instead of focusing on something that could be resolved better. I'm not arguing that there weren't good parts, just that it let down as a whole. Still stands as Obsidians finest work.


I was also kinda miffed that I couldn't even try to take the wall down, but the endings are still awesome. (The ultimate evil one is really cool.) I can underestand that they couldn't really destroy something so important to the FR setting, but it would have been nice to a) give you the option to try and fail b) elaborate on why you can't take it down.

Edited by Purkake
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To those more savvy then I, is there a way to check an addon for trojans / virus / loggers?


*Get a good anti-virus and run every file through it after downloading.

*Avoid .exe files if possible - these might make mods easier to install, but, then again, they might also install something in addition to the mod.

*Use your brain. If a site looks sketchy, ditch the addon or mod and find another one.

You don't have to use the client, usually you just download the .xml files (I think they're .xml) and place it in your interface/addons folder and run the game. Anything with an EXE is IMHO suspect.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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You don't have to use the client, usually you just download the .xml files (I think they're .xml) and place it in your interface/addons folder and run the game. Anything with an EXE is IMHO suspect.


Exactly. Unless you know it's a good site and a trustworthy author don't use an .exe - it's too risky. :)

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Still playing Saint's Row 2, I can sit customizing my cars for hours on end. This game is a lot of fun. GTA4 moved away from the simple fun stuff for a more serious drama, and I really missed it until I started Saint's Row 2. I became champion of the Prison Fight club, and then bought a swank lighthouse to live in. I have a grand piano next to a stripper pole. It's classy.


The lighthouse crib seems kinda pointless, being so out of the way. I had completely forgotten about it until your post.


Also, I just recently completed all levels of all activities. Yay me.

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Still playing Saint's Row 2, I can sit customizing my cars for hours on end. This game is a lot of fun. GTA4 moved away from the simple fun stuff for a more serious drama, and I really missed it until I started Saint's Row 2. I became champion of the Prison Fight club, and then bought a swank lighthouse to live in. I have a grand piano next to a stripper pole. It's classy.


The lighthouse crib seems kinda pointless, being so out of the way. I had completely forgotten about it until your post.


Also, I just recently completed all levels of all activities. Yay me.


There's a few cool things to do on the prison island, but yeah, it puts you a bit out of the way from the rest of the game. It's only a problem if the helicopter doesn't spawn, I've found.

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Still playing Saint's Row 2, I can sit customizing my cars for hours on end. This game is a lot of fun. GTA4 moved away from the simple fun stuff for a more serious drama, and I really missed it until I started Saint's Row 2. I became champion of the Prison Fight club, and then bought a swank lighthouse to live in. I have a grand piano next to a stripper pole. It's classy.


The lighthouse crib seems kinda pointless, being so out of the way. I had completely forgotten about it until your post.


Also, I just recently completed all levels of all activities. Yay me.


There's a few cool things to do on the prison island


I completed the prison fight club wearing only a fedora and a pair of boots.

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I haven't had a huge amount of time to play, but I've managed to complete the first couple of maps of Mercy Hospital on Expert. Sadly, I get beat a couple of times and then I don't have time to keep trying. ...But I also want to get the achievement for finishing the campaign on Expert, and so I have to restart. At least I think I do. Anyhow, I've found that the only things that are tough now are boomers and tanks. I've managed to figure out clever ways to make sure folks live through Witch fights, and smokers really only cause a problem if they get the drop on you. If your companions are handy, or you can shoot the smoker/tongue, not so bad. Hunters are only a threat when they attack you in concert with other zombies. In fact, I've shot the hunter out of the sky on expert.


My stats continue to suck. I think my highest headshot count is 14%. My accuracy hovers around high 30s low 40s also. That might be because I'll pick an area to face during a horde surge, almost always one my companions ignore, and then wait until the surge gets close and let lead fly. A straight up horde surge isn't that bad, but the boomers on top of a horde surge is horrible. Hell, even the tank isn't so bad until the hordes of regular infected zombies rough up the party.


That's where the AI is terrible. For example, in the room with the electronic door switch, I could run and hit the switch and we could lay all sorts of gascan, pipe bomb, molotov ****tail, compressed air, propane tanks... well, virtually anything that can explode or put down a carpet of fire. The problem is, I can't tell my companions, "You cover that hole in the back. You man the mounted machine gun. You throw a pipe-bomb/molotov over there. I'll shoot all the gas cans and then provide cover fire for the machine gunner." If I do lay down traps, they have to be way the hell out so my idiot companions, who won't run back to cover with me, won't get caught in the explosion. Yes, they don't hit you with friendly fire, but I'd trade friendly fire for better planning. I did get out and start a campaign with other players. It was going well, but one of us had to go and it was actually getting late so I bailed also. Next time I'll start early so I don't end up leaving.


So far, it's great. I even managed to get a couple of achievements on Expert. haha, Ground Cover. Figures you'd get that on expert, you get beat down often enough.

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I finally went back and finished off the final few missions of Red Alert 3. The two EotRS missions were pretty easy, especially the one with the Shogun Executioner. The final mission was a pain because I used my shield before the enemy used his super weapon. He waited until it drained and then fired, blowing up all my power plants. I wouldn't cluster them all like that against a human, but the AI rarely ever comes close to them. The final Allied mission had me dropping the difficulty down to medium to give me some extra time. And extra 3 minutes or so is all that I really needed so the full 10 allowed me to screw around and waste time. Ended up with 6 airbases and 24 Vindicator bombers flying around the map that bombed the crap out of the soviet bases. Split up into two groups of twelve planes gives you two groups capable to knocking out an iron curtain in a single run even with casualties. I chrono shifted a bunch of mirage tanks over to the island to deal the final blow.


I'll probably head back to Universe at War and finish that up next. Dunno what's on the schedule after that.


So far, it's great. I even managed to get a couple of achievements on Expert. haha, Ground Cover. Figures you'd get that on expert, you get beat down often enough.

Heh. I got Ground Cover in the Subway level of No Mercy on expert. A tank had been waiting inside the second train and it charge out and took out two of the group before we killed it. The director took that moment to spawn a swarm on the two remaining survivors, of which I was one. We managed to get through that, but the other guy was hurt bad and I had been knocked down. This was on the second train platform. A smoker appeared in the hole in the wall and constricted the other guy who was trying to revive me. Thankfully I managed to take out the smoker before it incapped the other guy. We still didn't end up beating the level in the end.

Edited by Deraldin
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Diablo 2, about 3/4ths of the way through in Nightmare.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition beta tester

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Still playing STALKER: Clear Sky at my traditonal glacial pace. I've made it through the swamps, cordon, and am now in the garbage.


I love STALKER: SoC, but Clear Sky is much better. Its incredible how many of the gameplay mechanics and systems have been fixed. If I sat down and made a list of all the game design problems in SoC, I think ALL of them have been addressed in Clear Sky. Which is amazing. How often is a developer that on top of their game that they are able to do that?


Also, with the 1.7 patch, no major bugs. Not even ctd's.


My only tiny complaint at this point would be that, unlike Far Cry 2 where everbody shoots at you all the time and not at anyone else ever, Clear Sky is almost a little too peaceful to be an FPS. Its fun hanging around and watching the factions battle each other though. Having spent a good deal of time playing Far Cry 2, it is refreshing to not have every rifle in the gameworld pointed at my player character.


The story as usual is a bunch of underwhelming babble that I've pretty much ignored.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I love STALKER: SoC, but Clear Sky is much better.

You speak too soon. Wait until you've passed Red Forest before forming an opinion.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Played a couple of vs. comp games of the Dawn of War II beta. I don't know what's grating me the most. That the two maps I've tried so far feel cramped. Or that shift+1 doesn't combine that unit with the #1 hotgroup! Maybe it's that when my hero is down, my #1 hotgroup stops working altogether!

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Played a couple of vs. comp games of the Dawn of War II beta. I don't know what's grating me the most. That the two maps I've tried so far feel cramped. Or that shift+1 doesn't combine that unit with the #1 hotgroup! Maybe it's that when my hero is down, my #1 hotgroup stops working altogether!

isn't it usually Ctrl-1 is to group things into group 1?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Played a couple of vs. comp games of the Dawn of War II beta. I don't know what's grating me the most. That the two maps I've tried so far feel cramped. Or that shift+1 doesn't combine that unit with the #1 hotgroup! Maybe it's that when my hero is down, my #1 hotgroup stops working altogether!

isn't it usually Ctrl-1 is to group things into group 1?


Ctrl+# defines a hotgroup.

Shift+# makes a combined selection of the currently selected units and # hotgroup.


Not in DoW II. Ctrl+# works fine. However, to add a unit to the hotgroup, you have to select hotgroup first, then Shift+manually select unit to add.


I'm getting the hang of it, though. Each unit you build is automatically assigned to the next increment hotkey. It seems to favor micromanaging units like that instead of just hotgrouping them altogether and wafflestomping the enemy.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Awww, this is going to be a single player experiance for me but I'm saddened by the lack of macro management RTS's

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I love STALKER: SoC, but Clear Sky is much better.

You speak too soon. Wait until you've passed Red Forest before forming an opinion.



Well, to be fair, I felt Red Forest was where the original STALKER sort of fell apart as well. All the exploration and non-linearity went out of the game at that point and it became almost, but not quite, a generic shooter. I was hoping for better from this one. It appears I hoped wrong. :lol:

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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X3: Terran Conflict


Oh, this brings back such fond fond memories of X3: Reunion.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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WoW - Paladin is up to 24 now.


Congrats. I have a level 28 Paladin. Engineer/jewelcrafter. Fun stuff.


WoW. Just picked up a Red Dragon mount. Shes so beautiful...*wipes tear from eye*


How does one get a dragon mount. I considered going for the netherdrake mount in BC, but I thought the amount of rep grinding was ridiculous and didn't do it.

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WoW - Paladin is up to 24 now.


Congrats. I have a level 28 Paladin. Engineer/jewelcrafter. Fun stuff.


WoW. Just picked up a Red Dragon mount. Shes so beautiful...*wipes tear from eye*


How does one get a dragon mount. I considered going for the netherdrake mount in BC, but I thought the amount of rep grinding was ridiculous and didn't do it.


I had a level 58 Paladin. While they were fairly slow at killing stuff, I always found they were nigh unkillable. The tricks you could pull out were just fantastic. Engineering was a great profession choice too, throwing grenades around really helped ease the lack of DPS.

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