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BioWare/Lucas Arts game unveiled Oct 21

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"And while Bioware does indeed "do it for the money" it is a much more optimistic to think that they make games for the "greater good" and entertainment of all star wars and rpg gaming fans world wide.....the MMO effectively "wipes this pathetic illusion from the face of the galaxy..."


The greater good? L0L HAHA! That's a toolish comment. BIO makes games for THEMSELVES. They don't care about you, or I. Nor do we care about them. They only care about getting our money, and we only care about them making games we want to p0lay.. even if those games are not in their best interests.




So, this talk of BIO/LA/EA being selfish like it's a great sin when the reason the peons here ar eso upset over the MMORPG announcement is out of sheer selfishness as well.


Look in the mirror, I say.

Speaking of tools, we got Biotool here. :aiee:


BIO/LA/EA are not selfish they're stupid. Lets have another failure MMO instead of a winning RPG like K3.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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"BIO/LA/EA are not selfish they're stupid. Lets have another failure MMO instead of a winning RPG like K3."


Their stupidity must explain why these three compnaies have been so successful in their respective exsistences. L0LZ


And, oh, btw, MMORFPGS succeed quite a bit. It probably won't surpass WOW so it's a fialure in that regard; but it will likely be monetarily successful.


Winning? You mean like the evar awesome NWN1? Yup. And, L0L, K3 is winning? When did this occur? HAHAHAH! You thunk adding the number after KOTOR will make it a winner?


HA. facve it. KOTOR2 lost. It lost LA's support, and cost Obsidian a chance (at least for now) a chance to make KOTOR3 'cause it wasn't successful enough (even though it sold a million +) to convince LA a KOTOR3 was worthwhile - espicially an Obsidian developed one - despite Obsidian begging for them.


Anyways, Obsidian is best focused on NWN series 'cause that series will always be awesome unlike the overrated bland KOTOR series which will likely include the KOTOR MMORPG.


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Winning? You mean like the evar awesome NWN1? Yup. And, L0L, K3 is winning? When did this occur? HAHAHAH! You thunk adding the number after KOTOR will make it a winner?
I said winning not losing. That pathetic game, your uberly awesomeness favorite NWN, is a loser. Loser.


Kotor series is awesome, ****ing awesome! K3 would easily floor anything under its bootheals.


And, oh, btw, MMORFPGS succeed quite a bit. It probably won't surpass WOW so it's a fialure in that regard; but it will likely be monetarily successful.


What do we have? WoW and Guild Wars? Two games. WoWsers! That is a high percentage of sucessful MMO's out of how many that has been made?


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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"your uberly awesomeness favorite NWN, is a loser. Loser."


Most successful BIO game ever. What does that say about KOTOR? L0LZ




"hat do we have? WoW and Guild Wars? Two games. WoWsers! That is a high percentage of sucessful MMO's out of how many that has been made?"


L0L There are TONS of successful MMORPGs out there. Tons.



P.S. KOTOR series is still overrated.

Edited by Volourn


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"your uberly awesomeness favorite NWN, is a loser. Loser."


Most successful BIO game ever. What does that say about KOTOR? L0LZ




"hat do we have? WoW and Guild Wars? Two games. WoWsers! That is a high percentage of sucessful MMO's out of how many that has been made?"


L0L There are TONS of successful MMORPGs out there. Tons.



P.S. KOTOR series is still overrated.

TONS eh? Where?


P.S. NWN is still overrated.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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And, oh, btw, MMORFPGS succeed quite a bit. It probably won't surpass WOW so it's a fialure in that regard; but it will likely be monetarily successful.


What do we have? WoW and Guild Wars? Two games. WoWsers! That is a high percentage of sucessful MMO's out of how many that has been made?

Right! Only two successful MMORPGs -- because obviously all these other ones must be loosing money for the people producing/running them: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm

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"And while Bioware does indeed "do it for the money" it is a much more optimistic to think that they make games for the "greater good" and entertainment of all star wars and rpg gaming fans world wide.....the MMO effectively "wipes this pathetic illusion from the face of the galaxy..."


The greater good? L0L HAHA! That's a toolish comment. BIO makes games for THEMSELVES. They don't care about you, or I. Nor do we care about them. They only care about getting our money, and we only care about them making games we want to p0lay.. even if those games are not in their best interests.




So, this talk of BIO/LA/EA being selfish like it's a great sin when the reason the peons here ar eso upset over the MMORPG announcement is out of sheer selfishness as well.


Look in the mirror, I say.

Speaking of tools, we got Biotool here. :aiee:


BIO/LA/EA are not selfish they're stupid. Lets have another failure MMO instead of a winning RPG like K3.

You know, you argue like a 11 year old idiot. How can a Bio game be a failure? Explanation?

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Even if one were to rate NWN 200%; it would still be underrated.

200% of nothing is still nothing :aiee:


Have we run out of interesting things to say about the game for the time being?


*looking at retirement plans for thread...*

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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If it all possible I'd appreciate the thread not be closed, but I wouldn't mind if people stopped trying to derail the thread with stuff they've already commented on ad nauseum.


I have enjoyed the discussion about potential good/bad of the SWTOR MMO from gameplay, as well as financial success and whatnot. I don't want that to stop.

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We'll see if we can keep it open a bit longer then. The "scissors" might be a bit loose when it comes to pruning then :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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id be tempted to start hurling the slang WoWtards at everybody, but im already bored and that wouldnt help anything....


but, mind you the first SW mmorpg failed, star wars: theo ld republic might as well.



but then it might not.



either way, i wont buy it.




best of luck to you bioware, you wont get my money.



im giving it to Bioware for Dragonage

Edited by steelfiredragon

Strength through Mercy

Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome

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The thread has exploded, which is neat as I've never started a thread that's done that.


If a mod is able to, could you rename it 'Knight of the Old Republic MMO'? We now know what game it is.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I just wonder if Bio will embrace the Loot system and outfitting to the degree that WoW has or if they will go for a more simple system where in you don't look like the next person of the same class just with a different color to the showing skin. My guess would be that there would be a far more limited number of options for equipment and the like given that Jedi MUST have lightsabers and you can't exactly find superlightsabers that will cut through a normal lightsaber like butter (I wish)


Most likely the loot system will be on the level with Hellgate:London. less slots than WoW but still a few to make getting the loot worth it. Weapons probably will be dealt with by having a standard template that the user mods in order to get different effects (much like the systems we had for Kotor's 1 and 2).


My biggest question is will they have the same level of ... colonization added to the game like you saw in SWG initially (remebers running across tattoine and never getting out of sight of the various processors and farming toys that people put up to make a buck).





these are just conjectures made by a tired brain.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Watching Volourn and Dark Raven bicker is watching a rabid chihuahua growling and yapping at a mirror. :lol:

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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If it all possible I'd appreciate the thread not be closed, but I wouldn't mind if people stopped trying to derail the thread with stuff they've already commented on ad nauseum.


I have enjoyed the discussion about potential good/bad of the SWTOR MMO from gameplay, as well as financial success and whatnot. I don't want that to stop.



Yes, I must agree.

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The fact that everyone ends up looking exactly the same is one of my big beefs with WoW. As someone who said he played a lot of CoH, I'm sure Calax can attest to how cool it is to be able to obtain a signature look. Hell, by the time I stopped paying, the player had five costume slots. Look at WoW? Everyone ends up wearing the same gear. Especially folks trying to gear up on PvP. It's like a cookie cutter avatar factory over there.


I'd like to have more options to customize the looks. Maybe we could get gear with the same stats but have more options in how it looks. Good Lord, please! PLEASE let us differentiate our appearance!

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The fact that everyone ends up looking exactly the same is one of my big beefs with WoW. As someone who said he played a lot of CoH, I'm sure Calax can attest to how cool it is to be able to obtain a signature look. Hell, by the time I stopped paying, the player had five costume slots. Look at WoW? Everyone ends up wearing the same gear. Especially folks trying to gear up on PvP. It's like a cookie cutter avatar factory over there.


I'd like to have more options to customize the looks. Maybe we could get gear with the same stats but have more options in how it looks. Good Lord, please! PLEASE let us differentiate our appearance!

Yeah, a high degree of customization is pretty important - and I think having all players who have top gear look alike is plain bad design. Having random drops be good (okay, not endgame raid-good, but useable) can go a long way towards ensuring a healthy variety of avatar appearances. This also has the added benefit of encouraging trading... people will bid for items similar or even the same as they have, just because of how it looks.


I wonder how they will deal with this issue concerning Jedi/Sith characters, though. Jedi looks are pretty uniform, with very little as far as cosmetic variations go, and customization could very easily cross the line of goofiness...


I'm hoping they will add a good variety of races, which also helps in this regard.

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my hope is that the character creator for the body of your character is pretty in depth and allows you to make the character as unique as possible. Then when you actually get gear your face and body type would be different enough that you don't look like the next guy with the same armor. Or they could just do away with masks in the first place.


Jedi will probably be denoted by their lightsaber color and the style of lightsaber they use (duel wield, single, double blade...)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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How about just being able to decide the color of all your armor and weapons?

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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