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What I want to see in KOTOR II

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Well I just saw somethin that said its for sure that Obsidian will be makin KOTOR II, and not to mention I get both Electronic Gaming Monthly and Computer Gaming World and they said there next issues will have the latest info and screens!


Anyway I posted what i wanted to see on the Official KOTOR forums, here is the topic someone started: Click Here.


Anyway just wanted to say what i said there and to give that topic post the attention it deserves.


Here is what i want to see in the next game, with the most important stuff being saber combat and realism.


1. Make combat(lightsaber or otherwise) look exactly like the combat seen in the movies(Ep1, Ep2, and most definitly Ep3)!


To accomplish this, you need Nick Gillard(He did and is doing the combat coreography and stunts for Episode 1, episode 2, and currently Episode 3) he wrote the book on lightsaber combat and most definitely created Jedi lightsaber fighting style(s). And what would help out the most is the use of (/b)motion capture technology(/b) to make it look the best it can!



2. (expanded from wish 1) Make it so that u can fight many people at once and it would still look realistic! Think of Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon


3. Realism!!!!! Make people die it one stroke of a lightsaber or a laser blast to the head!!(Not as important as wishes 1 and 2)


4. i think the game needs more classes(or a more realistic class system) not to mention special classes like (Sith Lord or Jedi Defender/Guardian/Master) I believe in Neverwinter nights they were called "prestige classes"


5. (add on from #4) The ability to gain all the levels u can in a class. So basically you dont have to worry about saving up ur level ups for your Jedi class as you had to do in KOTOR.


6. A better skill/feat/force power system is needed. Make it more configurable and most importantly make it so that if you buy a feat or power u didn't want or if you had a feat u used along time ago but is no longer necessary u can just click a button and get the feat point u used so u can use it on something else, similar to how it is done in Star Wars Galaxies


7. And perhaps make universal points that can be used on feats or Powers or skills so you aren't limited to a certain amount of points in any specific areas!


8. I want some hand to hand combat! U know some Teras Kasi! And dont slack off on hand to hand combat either it should look just as realistic as the lightsaber combat should.


9. Last but not least, make force powers more realistic as well!


Think of it this way, I want to be yoda, have his powers, and fight just like him.

So make KOTOR 2 the game that lets me do just that!


Thank You

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

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I want the game to ditch this "D&Dization" style of combat (i.e people standing around like lightposts exchanging blows/shots until someone drops). This will never happen, so I'll settle for black/pink lightsabers. And Space Ninjas jumping around and swinging their "Force Katanas" like crazy.

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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I would like to see more difficult combat, more dialogue choices, more useful blasters, and real sabacc.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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^I had spaghetti for lunch. You Canadians must be damn poor.


For my part, I think that Juhani's lesbian romance was a good step towards equal rights for gamers of all creeds and sexualities. But it's not enough.


The next advancement should be a romance option for furries. I would like to sex0r a wookie.

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^Exactly that. Forcing you to pick a Jedi Class was "teh suX" and greatly restrained the way you want to play the game. That and the so few dialogue options.


I'd also like to be able to choose the race of my main character (as long as the game's scenario permits it, which was not the case in KotOR).


*goes to find out more about the afore-mentioned romance :ph34r: *

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1. Make combat(lightsaber or otherwise) look exactly like the combat seen in the movies(Ep1, Ep2, and most definitly Ep3)!


To accomplish this, you need Nick Gillard(He did and is doing the combat coreography and stunts for Episode 1, episode 2, and currently Episode 3) he wrote the book on lightsaber combat and most definitely created Jedi lightsaber fighting style(s). And what would help out the most is the use of (/b)motion capture technology(/b) to make it look the best it can!

Compared to other issues raised so far in this thread, crying for kewl animationz seems a bit dumb.


3. Realism!!!!! Make people die it one stroke of a lightsaber or a laser blast to the head!!(Not as important as wishes 1 and 2)


While you can't get more realistic than spaceships, laser guns, and lightsabers to begin with, stuff like this can have serious ramifications in gameplay. With one-shot kills in an RPG, all you'll do is force the player to reload much more often.


4. i think the game needs more classes(or a more realistic class system) not to mention special classes like (Sith Lord or Jedi Defender/Guardian/Master) I believe in Neverwinter nights they were called "prestige classes"


a. Sith Lord/Jedi Lord wouldn't be a special class; they're titles that, in the context of a game, are attained from reaching a high enough level to kick everybody else's ass.


b. Prestige classes suck.


6. A better skill/feat/force power system is needed. Make it more configurable and most importantly make it so that if you buy a feat or power u didn't want or if you had a feat u used along time ago but is no longer necessary u can just click a button and get the feat point u used so u can use it on something else, similar to how it is done in Star Wars Galaxies


Considering that you were desperate for realism, this is extremely odd, to say the least. "Buying a feat point" is representative of your character practicing and learning that particular feat. You can't just make your character "un-know" something and subsequently instantly know something else.


9. Last but not least, make force powers more realistic as well!


Think of it this way, I want to be yoda, have his powers, and fight just like him.

So make KOTOR 2 the game that lets me do just that!


If you want to hop around like a mexican jumping bean, take some PCP and take a flying leap off a tall building. This is utterly ridiculous.

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That Yoda fight scene in Ep 2 was pretty stupid, but it goes along with the lameness that are the prequels.

That was the best part of EPII, which really isnt saying much. Did you think Yoda carried the lightsaber just for show ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Let me guess.. I am the only one here who haven't actually seen any of the new Star Wars movies?

I saw Ep2 in MPEG format that a "friend" gave me. Watched it. Saw how lame it was. Deleted it.


I am glad I didn't spend money on that crap. I use movies like the Star Wars prequels, the DnD movie, and those of similar quality as examples of not how to write a screenplay and use Blade Runner, Gladiator, and The Matrix (the first one) as examples how to write good screenplays.

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Of course not, but jumping around like that as if he was hyped up on some sort of drug was just stupid.

When your that height how else do you fight man sized opponents ? Yoda's fighting style removed both Dooku's height and reach advantage so regardless of how silly you think it looked it was very effective.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Why does Yoda walk around as though he's a cripple, but then fight like Sonic the Hedgehog on steroids? Is this to lull his opponents into a false sense of security? Nah, George thought it would look "cool", that's all.

He took a risk with the Yoda scene and did better than I expected but the entire concept is stupid. This is where Lucas should have exercised restraint. Just because CGI makes it possible doesn't mean you throw common sense out the window.

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Why does Yoda walk around as though he's a cripple, but then fight like Sonic the Hedgehog on steroids? Is this to lull his opponents into a false sense of security? Nah, George thought it would look "cool", that's all.

Exactly. Why else would the advertisements for the DVD feature some wigger saying "WHO DA MAN??? YODA MAN!!11" over and over and goddamn over again?

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KotOR2 would definitly need more options for the PC creation. The possibility to be any of the classes and stay that class through the game. Depending on your choice of character the story should be different from start.


The look and race of character should be given wider range....

Not all soldiers are big and muscular, no matter if default stats are with high strenght. We need more faces to choose from as well, and allow easy importing of skins for characters so fanbase can allow us even more choices.


In this same area we need a lot customization of weapon and armor. The upgrade idea of KotOR was great, but did not go far enough. Allow us to keep ugrading the weapon with different parts to give different effect, just like light sabres was upgradable with different crystals. Allow us to upgrade the ship and any swooper we have in the game as well. When it come to clothing........PLEASE allow us good looking clothing no matter what side we should choose (hated that any lightside clothing made the character look like a geek nefherder or something).


Then there is the need of more uses of skills and more options in finishing the game, so depending on what profession you have there will be ways to finish the main quest (I would not like to try to finish KotOR with a pure Scout :lol: ). The story definitly need more unrelated longer mini quest to entertain those that dislike those card/swooper minigames. In short we need a bigger RP/fighting/stealth part of the game. And I mean a lot bigger.

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geez if KOTOR II even comes out half of everyones expectations the new programming, the new systems, story lines, graphics and fight scenes, gonna need to rob a computer store for all the harddrives no to mention finding space for the 50 disks itll be sold on , lol

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Of course not, but jumping around like that as if he was hyped up on some sort of drug was just stupid.

When your that height how else do you fight man sized opponents ? Yoda's fighting style removed both Dooku's height and reach advantage so regardless of how silly you think it looked it was very effective.

I didn't really mind the Yoda fight of EpII, myself. But I thought a better approach would have been to have Yoda manipulating lightsabers in the air via the Force, instead of actually having to phyiscally spaz around the screen himself.



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I didn't really mind the Yoda fight of EpII, myself. But I thought a better approach would have been to have Yoda manipulating lightsabers in the air via the Force, instead of actually having to phyiscally spaz around the screen himself.



That would have looked incredibly cheesey. I dont know why people have such a hard time accepting that Yoda can actually fight ;)

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I didn't really mind the Yoda fight of EpII, myself. But I thought a better approach would have been to have Yoda manipulating lightsabers in the air via the Force, instead of actually having to phyiscally spaz around the screen himself.



That would have looked incredibly cheesey. I dont know why people have such a hard time accepting that Yoda can actually fight :)

And how they did it DIDN'T look cheesy? ;) Just depends on who you ask.


I can accept the fact that Yoda can fight. I just don't see why being able to 'fight' mandates that you be a pinball muppet. :) As I said, I didn't find the method they used to be all THAT bad. Just think a more Force-centric technique would make sense for him. Though I guess the Force could ping him around the room as well as it can anything else.



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